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Why Einstein's relativity theory is plain wrong

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  • #31
    Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
    That is why the EM theory is pushed so hard. With this false idea of how things work, people are not able to really understand Tesla and what his ideas were on the ether. How can you understand Tesla's patents or words when you don't even know what his understanding about the fundamentals were?

    When guys like Meyl and other degreed gentlemen try to explain Tesla using Maxwell's equations, they are showing how little they understand.

    If Tesla held that Hertz was wrong and his waves does not exist, he is also saying Maxwell is wrong. How many people do you see trying to talk about Tesla and in the same breath try to tie Maxwell and Hertz into that "understanding"? How can that be when Tesla said EM waves don't exist and that they are just longitudinal waves in the ether?

    And Scalar waves? Come one guys, scalar is not a wave. Scalars are a constant in an equation and they do not change in time.
    Err, maybe you didn't notice, but I totally agree with Tesla on:
    1. Maxwell is wrong in it's current form (as Meyl clearly shows),
    2. exactly because their current form does not support longitudinal electric waves and because they are the basis for what Dollard calls "the Einsteinian Lie".
    3. Classic Herzian, or transversal waves, do not exist in the ether, because it has fluid-like properties and transversal waves can only exist in a solid or at the border of two media with different densities, AFAIK.

    What does exist in the ether, are particles, which are one and the same thing as what is called EM waves. However, these are not "simple" transversal waves, but some kind of standing wave in the shape of a vortex or swirl in the ether.

    And indeed, calling longitudinal waves "scalar waves" is what Eric Dollard, THE Tesla expert still alive, calls "an oxymoron":
    I had a young student from Korea visit me a few years back. He had no problem understanding the basic concept of producing an energy synthesizing apparatus, because his mind was uncontaminated by all of the Bedini/Bearden falsehoods. The term Scalar Wave is an oxymoron, as scalar is part of the propagation constant that is NOT A WAVE! (Idiots!)
    And more from Dollard on this:

    Originally posted by Dollard, E. P. (N6KPH) View Post
    ...for those who’s minds have been polluted by the prevalent quantum goddess reality:

    Let us turn to the Heaviside Equation which is the most fundamental equations in all of Electrical Engineering:

    (RG + XB) + j (XG – RB) = propagation constant squared


    R resistance in Ohms
    G conductance in Siemens
    X reactance in Henrys per second
    B susceptance in Farads per second


    RG is the scalar or DC component that is NOT A WAVE,
    XB is the longitudinal or AC component and is an alternating electric wave

    XG is the transverse or OC component and is a forward moving oscillating electric wave. RB is the transverse or OC component and is a reverse moving oscillating electric wave

    This equation allows for all electrical conditions in time and or space and combinations thereof. The example equation is the dimensions of time (see: Steinmetz Theory of Transient Electric Waves and Phenomenon and also my paper: Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave.)


    The air in the room; the room is filled with air and has atmospheric pressure of 2998 mB, your stereo is blasting away, the speakers are creating longitudinal waves having length and frequency and exert a oscillating force centered on 2998 mB (+ or – 10 mB)

    RG is the air pressure, a scalar
    XB is the sound of the stereo, a longitudinal wave

    XG = RB, thus no transverse waves exist (XG – RB) = ZERO

    Hence (RG + XB) is what is going on in the room, the disinformers have convinced you that this whole quantity (RB + XB) is scalar, RG is the only scalar component. It is DC and has NO FREQUENCY, no WAVELENGTH and thus NO WAVE! SCALER = NO WAVE - GET IT???

    If people don’t get this fundamental concept – my time is better spent talking to my pet Coyote… I have nothing further to say…
    Last edited by lamare; 07-07-2011, 08:14 PM.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      If i may venture a little on this:

      First of i would like to say that I am a proponent of the Unifying Fractal Theory (or as i call it the Super-Hologram Theory). Based on this theory, and as some of you are well aware in all of my post i try to point that out, I consider that everything that surrounds us is a Fractal/Coil/Capacitor Adaptive Antenna, and all resonate following the Phi or Law of Octave. now read this:
      I also believe the Universe is actually a fractal or hologram and that everything is connected and communicating by means of standing longitudinal electric waves. I also believe Walter Russel's idea that the physical Universe is an expression of the mind, as I posted here:

      THE supreme service which man can render to evolving man is to answer for him, dynamically, the great heretofore unanswerable question concerning the One universal force which man calls God, or Mind, or by other names. For long ages man has impatiently awaited the knowledge which would tear away the veil from the invisible universe which lies beyond his perception and bring it within the range of both his perception and his exact comprehension. Mathematical and measurable proof of the existence of but One Mind, One force and One substance would give to man absolute control over matter, the power to create, even as God creates, and within the same limitations.

      Man is omnipotent when he but knows his omnipotence. Until that day he is but man. Voltaire said that man could never comprehend God for man must be God to comprehend Him. Man is God and therefore God is within the comprehension of man. Man is Mind. Man is matter. Mind and matter are One. God is Mind. This is a universe of Mind, a finite universe, limited as to cause, and to the effect of cause. A universe of limitations cannot be infinite. There is no infinite universe. A finite universe, in which the effects of cause are limited, must also be limited as to cause; so when that measureable cause is known then can man comprehend and measure all effects.

      The effects of cause are complex and mystify man but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: "I alone am I."

      There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance.
      I also posted some things on fractals / holographic Universe here:


      The transmitters I believe are crystals much smaller then we could ever imagine which were created when our space (Universe) was formed.
      You know, there's an old programmers joke:

      In order to understand recursion, we must first understand recursion.
      So, the point is: there is no elementary particle. It's a fractal!

      And that is mind blowing. Because that means the fractal goes on both ways up to infinity. Up to infinitely big, and down to infinitely small. And *that* is quite something. It means that in theory you can have billions and billions of complete galaxies and everything else you can find out there withing every single piece of matter.

      Go look for the lectures by Nassim Haramein ( The Resonance Project ). Very interesting stuff. You are going to love his "string theory".

      And finally, that suggests the Universe may be a hologram:
      The Holographic Universe - Crystalinks

      Update: If you read this, you have a second reason why General Relativity should go to the trash can.

      Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.

      Somehow each particle always seems to know what the other is doing. The problem with this feat is that it violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light.
      The first reason is given by Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill : - The whole idea of a fixed speed of light basically originates in a mathematical error. Because they got the Maxwell equations wrong, they used some freak coordinate transform known as the Lorentz transform, which can only work if the speed of light is constant. Now, we *know* the speed of light is not constant in the vicinity of matter. So, really, this is a piece of junk. Sorry, Einstein, you were wrong on this one.

      But, you were quite something too:

      Albert Einstein quotes
      “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

      So, I'm sure you'll forgive me for what I said just here.

      Update 2: And of course, Tesla got it right all along:

      PowerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity - PESWiki

      "... Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curving of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies, and producing the opposite effects, straightening out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible - But even if it existed it would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena."
      "My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment."

      Update 3:

      The Holographic Universe - Crystalinks

      "A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made, we will only get smaller wholes.

      This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.
      So, there we got our fractal again.


      However, while I believe the structure of the Universe is holographic/fractal, I cannot say why nor can I "engineer" "it", even though I'm still waiting for this "law of actraction" stuff to manifest some result I intended to attrack:

      So anyway, I can explain and defend why Einstein's general relativity is wrong, because the Maxwell equations in their current form are wrong and based on a flawed assumption. Based on that, I can only say that Tesla was right and that there is no speed limit. And that does have some consequences, like that you can no longer rule out the possibilities that extra-terrestrial UFO's are visiting us, and that´s about it from my Engineering point of view.
      Last edited by lamare; 07-07-2011, 08:51 PM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by lamare View Post
        I also believe the Universe is actually a fractal or hologram and that everything is connected and communicating by means of standing longitudinal electric waves. I also believe Walter Russel's idea that the physical Universe is an expression of the mind, as I posted here:

        I also posted some things on fractals / holographic Universe here:


        You know, there's an old programmers joke:

        So, the point is: there is no elementary particle. It's a fractal!

        And that is mind blowing. Because that means the fractal goes on both ways up to infinity. Up to infinitely big, and down to infinitely small. And *that* is quite something. It means that in theory you can have billions and billions of complete galaxies and everything else you can find out there withing every single piece of matter.

        Go look for the lectures by Nassim Haramein ( The Resonance Project ). Very interesting stuff. You are going to love his "string theory".

        And finally, that suggests the Universe may be a hologram:
        The Holographic Universe - Crystalinks

        Update: If you read this, you have a second reason why General Relativity should go to the trash can.

        The first reason is given by Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill : - The whole idea of a fixed speed of light basically originates in a mathematical error. Because they got the Maxwell equations wrong, they used some freak coordinate transform known as the Lorentz transform, which can only work if the speed of light is constant. Now, we *know* the speed of light is not constant in the vicinity of matter. So, really, this is a piece of junk. Sorry, Einstein, you were wrong on this one.

        But, you were quite something too:

        Albert Einstein quotes

        So, I'm sure you'll forgive me for what I said just here.

        Update 2: And of course, Tesla got it right all along:

        PowerPedia:Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity - PESWiki

        Update 3:

        The Holographic Universe - Crystalinks

        So, there we got our fractal again.


        However, while I believe the structure of the Universe is holographic/fractal, I cannot say why nor can I "engineer" "it", even though I'm still waiting for this "law of actraction" stuff to manifest some result I intended to attrack:

        So anyway, I can explain and defend why Einstein's general relativity is wrong, because the Maxwell equations in their current form are wrong and based on a flawed assumption. Based on that, I can only say that Tesla was right and that there is no speed limit. And that does have some consequences, like that you can no longer rule out the possibilities that extra-terrestrial UFO's are visiting us, and that´s about it from my Engineering point of view.
        Thanks Lamare, I really agree with many of the ideas being thrown about this thread, good reading.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
          In my opinion A Scalar wave is like a wave of people it does not go up and down just forward. But it is still a wave, in my opinion the term Scalar wave is valid. Don't ask me to explain my reasoning in any more detail than that though. I just see it as a longways push. I don't get hung up on the term wave. But I use it.

          Hi lamare, I stand corrected, obviously a scalar potential cannot be a wave.

          I was confused of course. with all the different terms and how different people use them it is difficult.

          Maybe there should be a thread of "Terms".

          No such thing as Scalar wave's, got it.

          That's not too hard to accept, didn't hurt a bit.



          • #35
            Originally posted by lamare View Post
            I also believe the Universe is actually a fractal or hologram and that everything is connected and communicating by means of standing longitudinal electric waves. I also believe Walter Russel's idea that the physical Universe is an expression of the mind, as I posted here:
            thank you for all the great info and links

            a picture is worth a thousand words

            Originally posted by lamare View Post
            And that is mind blowing. Because that means the fractal goes on both ways up to infinity. Up to infinitely big, and down to infinitely small. And *that* is quite something. It means that in theory you can have billions and billions of complete galaxies and everything else you can find out there withing every single piece of matter. .

            As Above so Below

            or if you remember the ending of one of the MIB movie:

            In the final scene of the film, the camera pulls back into the sky through space past our solar system, past millions of stars, ultimately revealing that our galaxy is contained within a spherical container resembling a marble. The container is then picked up by an alien hand that throws it, hitting another 'marble' also containing a galaxy, in what resembles a game of marbles. Both marbles are then picked up by the hand and placed into a bag full of galaxy-containing marbles.

            So anyway, I can explain and defend why Einstein's general relativity is wrong, because the Maxwell equations in their current form are wrong and based on a flawed assumption. Based on that, I can only say that Tesla was right and that there is no speed limit. And that does have some consequences, like that you can no longer rule out the possibilities that extra-terrestrial UFO's are visiting us, and that´s about it from my Engineering point of view.
            Check this out:

            Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession |Latest UFO News| UFO 2011 Sightings|Alien Pictures|2011 Solar Flares|Disclosure Project|Web Bot

            David Sereda with Boyd Bushman - Anti-Gravity / UFO Disclosure

            David Sereda with Boyd Bushman - Anti-Gravity / UFO Disclosure

            it would be good to note the forces he talks about and add to it


            It is called Kleiber's Law. (it define fractal structures)

            It states that the energy needed by an organism at rest (not doing any specific exercise), is not proportional to its mass, but sub-linear.

            It can be attributed to many factors and one of them is that the more massive an organism is, the less surface per volume it present. If the organism is represented par a sphere of diameter D, volume scale with D^3, but surface scales with D^2. But energy produced by the body is proportional to volume, while energy lost is proportional to external surface.

            To sum up, a little body loose a lot of heat and its little body can not sustain it. Therefore there is a lower limit to the size of hot blooded animals, which is bigger than the one for cold blooded ones.
            YouTube - ‪Fractals: frequency, the heart, and cancer‬‏
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-07-2011, 09:50 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • #36
              This lecture was a great inspiration to me:

              In the Nature of Things - A talk by - Gordon Plummer

              In the Nature of Things - A talk by - Gordon Plummer

              the first half of this vid is just as good:

              YouTube - ‪The Universe is a super hologram‬‏

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • #37
                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                a picture is worth a thousand words

                "And that is mind blowing. Because that means the fractal goes on both ways up to infinity. Up to infinitely big, and down to infinitely small. And *that* is quite something. It means that in theory you can have billions and billions of complete galaxies and everything else you can find out there withing every single piece of matter. ."

                As Above so Below
                Amen, brother!

                But it goes even further than that, cause if the Universe is a fractal and you are in it, you are part of the fractal. And since in a fractal, every part contains the whole, YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE!

                In other words: whatever is OUT THERE, is also IN HERE.

                And since it's World Disclosure Day today ( World Disclosure Day - July 8 ) let me refer you to Bashar, an awesome "channel" that has fascinating things to say. He calls YOU your


                YouTube - ‪Bashar - You are the universe‬‏


                • #38
                  Speaking of law of attraction and bashar, consider what bashar says about belief. You get what you give, and how you interpret what you "get" from reality in the form of events and objects determines your perception of reality.

                  What i think is each belief has a specific frequency, and every time a belief is activated that pulse is put out into reality where it activates other energy systems (emotional, physical) which are a harmonic of that vibration.

                  So if you believe you are still waiting for evidence of law of attraction, the universe will provide what you are asking for: waiting for evidence of law of attraction.

                  One thing that has helped me is looking for evidence of law of attraction in smaller events in my life to change my belief from blind faith to first hand experiential knowledge from my own life experience.

                  Synchronicity is key. The more control we exert over external reality, the more ordered our experience feels to us. However, the way that newness (that which is not yet manifest) comes into our life must inherently be surprising simply because it is newness. The more randomness we allow to pass through our lives without being reactive or passing judgement, the more opportunity we have to allow in evidence of law of attraction through observation and appreciation of synchronicities.

                  An example. I was reading the post by lamare mentioning law of attraction and had an impulse to reply summarizing what I have learned from how Bashar describes it. Before starting my new post however, I got down to lamare's later message where he coincidentally mentions bashar.

                  May all beings know their innate worthiness and have the courage to use the creative energy of free will to follow their excitement to the highest of their abilities. I honor the free will choice of every sentient being Thank you to all.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by lamare View Post
                    Amen, brother!

                    But it goes even further than that, cause if the Universe is a fractal and you are in it, you are part of the fractal. And since in a fractal, every part contains the whole, YOU ARE THE UNIVERSE!

                    In other words: whatever is OUT THERE, is also IN HERE.

                    And since it's World Disclosure Day today ( World Disclosure Day - July 8 ) let me refer you to Bashar, an awesome "channel" that has fascinating things to say. He calls YOU your


                    YouTube - ‪Bashar - You are the universe‬‏
                    Quoting a famous poet: (just to show you this is old knowledge we have forgotten )

                    "Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself."
                    — Rumi

                    Mysteries of the universe and Rumi's Discoveries

                    Lamare, i know you have your hands full but i think you may want to look at this video, it is an old russian doc, (russian translated )

                    Heck, I once again carried the whole brain!
                    I get it! All this was! People flew in flying saucers, who worked at cross-resonators, mogendovidobraznyh, svastikoobraznyh and even involute snails, in a format which is a mathematical progression, which is used for calculating universal relation golden ratio: 1.618
                    Äæèíñîâûé ôîðóì Êîñòðîìû / Ñèëà ðåçîíàíñà

                    YouTube - ‪Resonance energy. Part 1 / Сила резонанÑ�а. ЧаÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ 1‬‏

                    in part 4 of the doc (at 2:32 min) you'll see a similar looking device to Schauberger's Repulsine

                    also you'll see many fractal shapes

                    please watch part 4 at 5.00 min, let me know what you make of it

                    note: this doc has some religious connotation to it but look beyond that, because of what it is showing us...

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-09-2011, 03:13 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                      Hi lamare, I stand corrected, obviously a scalar potential cannot be a wave.

                      I was confused of course. with all the different terms and how different people use them it is difficult.

                      Maybe there should be a thread of "Terms".

                      No such thing as Scalar wave's, got it.

                      That's not too hard to accept, didn't hurt a bit.

                      How about ELOPTIC ENERGY

                      The name ELOPTIC has been coined and assigned to the energy. The word is taken from the first two letters of electricity and the word optic, because the energy has some, but not all, of the characteristics of both those forms of energy.....
                      ...Eloptic energy radiates from or is in some manner given off from, or forms a force field around, everything in our material world under normal conditions at ordinary room temperature and without any treatment of any kind. Each element and combination of elements that make up our material world gives off this energy; however, the energy from each element differs in frequency from the radiation coming from every other element. Thus, we have a means of determining the contents of an unknown material by analyzing the radiations from it without in any way destroying or disturbing the object or material in question, or having to excite it in any manner
                      Thomas G. Hieronymous: Eloptic Energy... US Patent # 2,482,773, &c...
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • #41
                        Universe is a fractal

                        Universe is a fractal, world population, BMW: Universe is a fractal


                        • #42
                          I have been talking about Fractal structure and fractal frequencies but there was one concept i haven't talked about:

                          FRACTAL RESONANCE: i found this::

                          Richard Weaver, New Directions in Linear Acoustics and Vibration: Quantum Chaos, Random Matrix Theory and Complexity

                          Linear acoustics was thought to be fully encapsulated in physics texts of the 1950s, but this view has been changed by developments in physics during the last four decades. There is a significant new amount of theory that can be used to address problemsi n linear acoustics and vibration, but only a small amount of reported work does so. This book is an attempt to bridge the gap between theoreticians and practitioners, as well as the gap between quantum and acoustic. Tutorial chapters provide introductions to each of the major aspects of the physical theory and are written using the appropriate terminology of the acoustical community. The book will act as a quick-start guide to the new methods while providing a wide-ranging introduction to the physical concepts
                          ...We give an overview of wave scattering in complex geometries, where the corresponding
                          rays are typically chaotic. In the high-frequency regime, a number of
                          universal (geometry-independent) properties that are described by random matrix
                          theory emerge.
                          Asymptotic methods based on the underlaying rays explain this universality
                          and are able to go beyond it to account for geometry-specific effects. We
                          discuss in this context statistics of the scattering matrix, scattering states, the fractal
                          Weyl law for resonances, and fractal resonance wavefunctions.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-11-2011, 10:27 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • #43
                            real world application of fractal resonance

                            Eichmann Express power
                            I also tried the eXpress 2122 Series 2 Power AC Enhancing cable. This power cord incorporates newly-discovered fractal resonance control technology that provides a cleaner AC load to the power supplies of components. The cord incorporates a bulbous attachment that contains an aluminum body covered in plastic. It looks strange, but how does it sound? In one word INCREDIBLE! Plugging this cable into my CD transport caused a haze or film to be removed from the sound. As good as the Eichmann interconnects were, the AC cable was even better! The difference the eXpress power cable made was amazing, especially since it replaced a top-of-the-line Onix Statement power cord costing over two times as much. The Eichmann AC cord doesnt restrain or restrict the sound, as do some of the heavily-shielded power cords that I have tried. Vocals were full and natural. Rim shots, high hats, and triangles had a natural shimmer, with unbelievable sense of air, transparency, focus, and detail. Bass had great weight and authority, with superior clarity and definition. John Mayers Room For Squares had me tapping my toes from start to finish, as the dynamics were better than I had ever heard in my system. The Eichmann Series 2AC cord did a better job of engaging me in the music than any power cable I have tried to date. Unfortunately, I only had one! I imagine that similar improvements in my system could be realized by running another to the preamp and two more to my monoblock amplifiers
                            Eichmann Technologies International ETI eXpress AC-power cable

                            Power AC Enhancing Cable

                            An extruded length of aluminium, hard wired into the AC
                            mains power path, mechanically dissipates resonances
                            and high frequency ‘noise’ found typically on AC mains.
                            Fractal math, used to determine the shape and length of
                            the extrusion, very cleverly causes HF resonances and
                            electrical ‘noise’ to play themselves out passively–as
                            opposed to being filtered electrically.

                            And because there are no capacitors, inductors, or other
                            electronic components in AC power path there are no
                            added reactances to negatively affect the power supplies
                            of the connected components. The eXpress AC Cable has
                            high current capability which makes it suitable for the most
                            demanding amplifiers or systems.

                            When a component’s power supply works more efficiently
                            sound quality is improved.
                            if it can mechanically dissipates resonances
                            and high frequency ‘noise’ found typically on AC mains.
                            Fractal math, used to determine the shape and length of
                            the extrusion, very cleverly causes HF resonances and
                            electrical ‘noise’ to play themselves out passively–as
                            opposed to being filtered electrically

                            it can do the opposite...logic, no?

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-11-2011, 12:20 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • #44
                              Based on what i just posted, and more research that i have not posted, i would go even further as to say:

                              Fractal resonance is the cause and Spacial resonance is the effect

                              Nikola Tesla's earthquake machine (btw: earthquakes are fractal too...see Fractals, fractures and faults - seismology Fractals, fractures and faults - seismology | Science News | Find Articles at BNET )

                              "I was experimenting with vibrations. I had one of my machines going and I wanted to see if I could get it in tune with the vibration of the building. I put it up notch after notch. There was a peculiar cracking sound.
                              Tesla's Earthquake Machine

                              An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

                              It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[

                              An electrostatic spatial resonance model for coaxial helical structures with applications to the filamentous bacteriophages.

                              Fractal in Human Body

                              Applications of Fractals - Human Body

                              If you are still not convinced that that fractals, being a math topic, are very important in real life, your opinion might change after finding out that you yourself are made of fractals!
                              Fractal resonance is the cause and Spacial resonance is the effect



                              Originally posted by gravityblock View Post
                              MonsieurM and Gene, Thanks for the information on the ormus and the fractals. Tesla did a lot research and experiments into sound and vibrations. Below are just a few quotes by him. I think we have over-looked the main operating principals in some of his devices, which is sound and vibrations.

                              ]Tesla Sees Evidence Radio and Light Are Sound[/URL] (Page 2)
                              thank you gravityblock for this info:

                              this is exactly what i've been trying to point out and i truly believe that he understood that sound is just a "first dimension fractal " of the other electromagnetic waves(remember the universe is fractal )...meaning that all electromagnetic waves are fractally connected to each other. and the link connecting them is vibration frequency

                              Originally Posted by Tesla
                              "I consider this extremely important," said Mr. Tesla. "Light cannot be anything else but a longitudinal disturbance in the ether, involving alternate compressions and rarefactions. In other words, light can be nothing else than a sound wave in the ether."

                              "a first degree fractal" design" (vertical figure) (this is just an illustration of what i just said )

                              as above so below...again

                              a better way of saying it is "everything is fractal", considering this simple statement, you would imagine that [B]behind every apparent law that controls the universe is a fractal/constructal Engine

                              Fractal resonance is the cause and Spacial resonance is the effect
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2011, 09:09 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • #45
                                Just found a great resource on ether theory, the site of Dr. Harold Aspden:


                                So we are told that Einstein's theory stands supreme, but where, I ask, is the physics theory that tells us what determines the basic quantum of action in quantum theory and connects this with an account of the physics determining the value of G, the constant of gravitation, and governs also the mass of the basic matter form, the proton? As my book Creation: The Physical Truth explains, that can only come from physics that probes the structure of the aether, the quantum underworld of space, and brushes aside Einstein's doctrinaire principles. Hopefully, there will be those who will now read my new book Creation: The Physical Truth with these thoughts in mind.
                                If you ignore the aether then, by your belief in standard physics teaching, you have forces exerted without there being something to account for that action and that is nonsense.
                                He has a tutorial page here:
                                TUTORIAL LESSONS

                                TUTORIAL 14
                                There was a time when people worshipped the Sun. Their reasons must have had some scientific foundation, just as today's astronomers and cosmologists seek a deeper wisdom by gazing into the heavens. However, in their wisdom, the modern priesthood of science is dedicated to the worship of what has come to be called four-space, in the version according to the Gospel of Einstein. About Time is the name of a book authored by Paul Davies, an ardent believer in the Einstein myth. Paul Davies was a critic who in the 1972 period reviewed my book Modern Aether Science (1972) by saying it was "Physics of Fairyland". He may perhaps have been less scathing had he been called upon to review the book The Einstein Myth and the Ives Papers - subtitle: 'A Counter-Revolution in Physics', (Editors: Dean Turner and Richard Hazelett), published in 1979 by the Devin-Adair Company, Old Greenwich, Connecticut. I quote from page 33 of that work:

                                "To make complete sense out of the existence and behavior of matter and energy in space, we need to be able to understand not only how the ethereal laws work, but why they work."

                                I can only suppose that the very mention of the word 'aether' has, on Paul Davies, much the same effect as waving a red flag at a bull. He has, in his 1995 book About Time, captioned 'Einstein's Unfinished Revolution', at least mentioned the aether by waving it "Goodbye" on page 49 of that work. He relies on the popular belief that the Michelson-Morley experiment proved the non-existence of an aether, even though Einstein's picture of 'space-time' is a picture of an aether seen through spectacles having distorted lenses.

                                Having got that introduction off my mind I will now focus on my task of teaching you why it is that certain particles have longer lifetimes, the faster they travel. I have chosen this topic for two reasons. The theme of 'time dilation' is the science fiction idea that Paul Davies exploits in applying Einstein's theory to build an imaginary picture of past and future cosmic events. It is also intimately related to the primary point which I see mentioned as support for Einstein's theory in a book Imagination and the Growth of Science, which its author, Professor A M. Taylor, presented to me many years ago.
                                I find it hard to belief that anyone could still believe in Einstein's theory after working through this argument, bearing in mind that it relies on quantum electrodynamic principles and quantum electrodynamics has an indisputable claim to much of the territory concerning the physics of the vacuum state.

                                And a nice one for all Tesla fans: TESLA VERSUS EINSTEIN :

