Originally posted by SilverToGold
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1. Maxwell is wrong in it's current form (as Meyl clearly shows),
2. exactly because their current form does not support longitudinal electric waves and because they are the basis for what Dollard calls "the Einsteinian Lie".
3. Classic Herzian, or transversal waves, do not exist in the ether, because it has fluid-like properties and transversal waves can only exist in a solid or at the border of two media with different densities, AFAIK.
What does exist in the ether, are particles, which are one and the same thing as what is called EM waves. However, these are not "simple" transversal waves, but some kind of standing wave in the shape of a vortex or swirl in the ether.
And indeed, calling longitudinal waves "scalar waves" is what Eric Dollard, THE Tesla expert still alive, calls "an oxymoron":
I had a young student from Korea visit me a few years back. He had no problem understanding the basic concept of producing an energy synthesizing apparatus, because his mind was uncontaminated by all of the Bedini/Bearden falsehoods. The term Scalar Wave is an oxymoron, as scalar is part of the propagation constant that is NOT A WAVE! (Idiots!)
Originally posted by Dollard, E. P. (N6KPH)
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