Posted this here:
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20111024: Private "trading platforms" have been shut down in preparation for new financial system
Comment by darylluke on October 25, 2011 @ 7:48 am
My conclusions are not derived from the idea that space is emptiness and therefore can't have properties. However that is very simple to understand and it is also what Nikola Tesla said, so it is a very good illustration of how simple it really is to see that relativity cannot be correct.
What I did was go back to the fundamental theories of Electrical Engineering which are based on observations. Then I disvovered that a mix-up of cause and effect has been made in the formulation of the Maxwell equations, the fundamental mathematical descriptions of the electro-magnetic fields, which forms the basis for most of current Electrical Engineering theory. When you correct for that fundamental thinking error, really the floor drops from underneath the whole relativity theory. If you are interested to understand this fully, you will have to check out Meyl and Thornhill, referred to in my article.
Now to black matter and gravity. I posted this elsewhere:
<snip> Just take a look up in this thead...
All right. Now because some fundamental cause-and-effect error has been made, which lead to the disposal of the ether theory BUT introduced a "chicken and egg" problem, AND we still regard gravity as something completely different from the electro-magnetic domain, you basically have created a Swiss cheese with all kinds of holes in it you cannot explain, because your basic assumptions are incorrect. Matter is caused by the fields and not the other way around!
Take for example the difference between "near field" and "far field" regarding antenna's:
And as a matter of fact, when you return to the old ether model, you don't need all this literally made-up stuff to straigten things out. See for example Paul Stowe:
So far, so good.
Now I don't know McTaggert, but what Wilcock calls the source field, clearly connects to what Walter Russel (also referred to by Wilcock) was writing about:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
Now back to my free energy article:
What this shows is that you can create a situation, whereby you have multiple more or less independent phenomena taking place, each within their own specific frequency band. This is the same thing as we do with radio engineering. Each radio channel does it's magic in a specific frequency band and you can select one out of several channels on your reciever, without noticing what is going on on the other channels. So, in a way, you can consider frequency as an extra dimension in our understanding of space and time. If you're into Wilcock and such, that should ring a bell.....
Another very interesting document is this one:
This connects the mixing of frequencies to the golden ratio, Phi. That means that for all the diffent frequency bands that exist ("radio channels"), some kind of connection exists, that interlocks specific frequency bands with one another, those that are a factor of Phi away from one another.
It seems that any information contained in these "radio channels" is "copied"/"shared" by all these interlocked frequency band "radio channels". So, you basically have the same radio program on lots and lots of different channels.
So, it appears that the source field basically is "the radio program" continuously transmitted over an infinite number of (Phi heterodyning) interconnected "radio channels" that all transmit the same program...
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis20111024: Private "trading platforms" have been shut down in preparation for new financial system
Comment by darylluke on October 25, 2011 @ 7:48 am
"Lamare and Winiwin, regarding space being emptiness and therefore can’t have properties, what about dark energy and dark matter and what Lynn McTaggert calls The Field and David Wilcock calls The Source Field? I think that based on our limited knowledge about “space,” it is premature to conclude that Einstein was wrong."
What I did was go back to the fundamental theories of Electrical Engineering which are based on observations. Then I disvovered that a mix-up of cause and effect has been made in the formulation of the Maxwell equations, the fundamental mathematical descriptions of the electro-magnetic fields, which forms the basis for most of current Electrical Engineering theory. When you correct for that fundamental thinking error, really the floor drops from underneath the whole relativity theory. If you are interested to understand this fully, you will have to check out Meyl and Thornhill, referred to in my article.
Now to black matter and gravity. I posted this elsewhere:
<snip> Just take a look up in this thead...
All right. Now because some fundamental cause-and-effect error has been made, which lead to the disposal of the ether theory BUT introduced a "chicken and egg" problem, AND we still regard gravity as something completely different from the electro-magnetic domain, you basically have created a Swiss cheese with all kinds of holes in it you cannot explain, because your basic assumptions are incorrect. Matter is caused by the fields and not the other way around!
Take for example the difference between "near field" and "far field" regarding antenna's:
So, in essence, Tesla did not realise that there was such a thing as a near field and a far field. And actually, modern science literally makes "things" known as "virtual photons" up in order to hide the fact that they don't have the slightest idea what they are really talking about:
"In the quantum view of electromagnetic interactions, far field effects are manifestations of real photons, while near field effects are due to a mixture of real and virtual photons. Virtual photons composing near-field fluctuations and signals, have effects which are far shorter range than do real photons"
Yes, that's what it says. Near field effects are due to a mixture of something real and something completely made up aka "virtual", which is literally another word for "imaginary" or "not real".
"In the quantum view of electromagnetic interactions, far field effects are manifestations of real photons, while near field effects are due to a mixture of real and virtual photons. Virtual photons composing near-field fluctuations and signals, have effects which are far shorter range than do real photons"
Yes, that's what it says. Near field effects are due to a mixture of something real and something completely made up aka "virtual", which is literally another word for "imaginary" or "not real".
And as a matter of fact, when you return to the old ether model, you don't need all this literally made-up stuff to straigten things out. See for example Paul Stowe:
The aether model has a lot going for it including:
- derivations of Planck's constant, elemental charge, Boltzman's constant, Rydberg's term, Permeability, Permitivitty from standard fluid properties
- Derivation of Newtonian Gravitation and a definition of the physical properties that create the gravitational constant G
- A foundation for Quantum Mechanics and a simple link to gravitation
- An explanation for the pure transverse nature of light
- Derivation of the 2.8 degree K background radiation
- A consistent framework for all physical phenomena
- An explanation for the distorted rotation profile of galaxies without invoking "dark matter"
- Explanation of Galvantic potential
And does so from a simply, single common basis. These are not pie in the sky descriptions but full mathematical derivations and definitions. So its kind of hard to argue with math since these a not arbitrary. Two "isolated" (that is to say no attempt is made in this post as to explain their origin) examples are illustrated below.
- derivations of Planck's constant, elemental charge, Boltzman's constant, Rydberg's term, Permeability, Permitivitty from standard fluid properties
- Derivation of Newtonian Gravitation and a definition of the physical properties that create the gravitational constant G
- A foundation for Quantum Mechanics and a simple link to gravitation
- An explanation for the pure transverse nature of light
- Derivation of the 2.8 degree K background radiation
- A consistent framework for all physical phenomena
- An explanation for the distorted rotation profile of galaxies without invoking "dark matter"
- Explanation of Galvantic potential
And does so from a simply, single common basis. These are not pie in the sky descriptions but full mathematical derivations and definitions. So its kind of hard to argue with math since these a not arbitrary. Two "isolated" (that is to say no attempt is made in this post as to explain their origin) examples are illustrated below.
Now I don't know McTaggert, but what Wilcock calls the source field, clearly connects to what Walter Russel (also referred to by Wilcock) was writing about:
Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki
Man is omnipotent when he but knows his omnipotence. Until that day he is but man. Voltaire said that man could never comprehend God for man must be God to comprehend Him. Man is God and therefore God is within the comprehension of man. Man is Mind. Man is matter. Mind and matter are One. God is Mind. This is a universe of Mind, a finite universe, limited as to cause, and to the effect of cause. A universe of limitations cannot be infinite. There is no infinite universe. A finite universe, in which the effects of cause are limited, must also be limited as to cause; so when that measureable cause is known then can man comprehend and measure all effects.
The effects of cause are complex and mystify man but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: "I alone am I."
There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance.
There is no power in this universe other than the energy of thinking Mind. Thinking is the cause of motion and the periodicities, or states of motion, caused by thinking Mind are registered in light which man calls "matter." Matter is light. Nothing is which is not light.
The effects of cause are complex and mystify man but cause itself is simple. The universe is a multiplicity of changing effects of but One unchanging cause. All things are universal. Nothing is which is not universal. Nothing is of itself alone. Man and Mind and all creating things are universal. No man can say: "I alone am I."
There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance.
There is no power in this universe other than the energy of thinking Mind. Thinking is the cause of motion and the periodicities, or states of motion, caused by thinking Mind are registered in light which man calls "matter." Matter is light. Nothing is which is not light.
Now back to my free energy article:
Based on my analysis of the systems built and demonstrated by Gray, Meyer and Puharich, I came to the conclusion that the basic principle is that you decouple load circuitry from driving circuitry in an unusual way, using a rectified carrier wave. By making sure that any frequencies the load circuitry may create are much lower than the carrier frequency, you separate the frequency bands wherein driving circuit and load circuitry are operating. Once you have done that, you can use a simple high pass filter to completely decouple load circuitry from driving circuitry in that sense that virtually no current goes back and forth between driving circuitry and load circuitry. So it's in essence a separation in the frequency domain combined with a high-pass filter trough which only the HF electric field from the carrier wave can pass. No charge carriers are actually exchanged between driving circuitry and load circuitry.
Another very interesting document is this one:
Phi possesses the strange property of being able to automatically generate its power series when heterodyned successively with its own next-higher or lower powers! I believe this fact is a key to many fascinating areas yet to be discovered. As far as I can tell, this trait is not shared by any other number.
It seems that any information contained in these "radio channels" is "copied"/"shared" by all these interlocked frequency band "radio channels". So, you basically have the same radio program on lots and lots of different channels.
So, it appears that the source field basically is "the radio program" continuously transmitted over an infinite number of (Phi heterodyning) interconnected "radio channels" that all transmit the same program...