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Degenerate Semiconductor Material

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  • Degenerate Semiconductor Material

    Hi all,

    In T. E. Bearden's "Final Secret of Free Energy" he says we need a Degenerate Semiconductor Material (DSM) as our collector. (I am aware there is a whole bunch of terms which mean basically the same thing as DSM)

    However, I have not yet figured out how to easily create or find such a thing. He mentions 98% aluminum with the rest iron (but they are hard to join due to melting temps). Could one not just use 100% aluminum? Would this increase the relaxation time?

    How does one calculate the dielectric relaxation time of a material anyway? wikipedia says: "The dielectric relaxation time is closely related to the electrical conductivity"
    (yes I take wiki with a handful of salt)

    Also, what are your views on this method?
    Has anybody done this before, and what timings did you use?

    I have already setup a basic circuit with microchip to do my timed switching.
    Almost all is in place, I basically need this DSM stuff, and then need to calculate my final timings, then voila, hopefully some sparks will fly

    All help is appreciated. Thanks
    ‎"It's all in the MIND"

  • #2
    Hi Stweeny, THis wiki shows a list of aluminium alloys simple and complex

    The main series of alloys show the main metal or substance used to add to aluminium to get the alloy but they also contain varying amounts of some of the other things shown in the series breakdowns.

    This is usefull info also for construction of aluminium structures and machines/parts excetera.

    Aluminium alloy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Metal suppliers may use trade names which should refer to a series number.



    • #3
      Hi StweenyA,
      Yes, in that book you can read that exploiting the concept of the "relaxation time" you can get almost unlimited amounts of energy from a single battery. The key concept is that the vacuum recharges all the voltage you extract from a dipole, but it won't recharge any amperage. The idea is to extract only pure voltage from any battery, without current.

      You can think... pure voltage without current? It's like reactive current. When you close the circuit, there is a limited time where only wattless energy is flowing (I say wattless because there is no amperage so V x 0 = 0 watts). That time is known as the transient phase. This phase is specific for each material and/or composition of the wire/capacitor. This technique can be used with any material, but if you try to replicate this with pure copper, the time you can get pure potential energy is veeeeery short, so you cannot switch it with a 555 timer for example. The idea is to make an alloy which has a transient phase you can control electronically (for example, 500 millisecs).

      I found a possible interesting alloy that is used in the heating resistance elements. It's called Nichrome and it's usually made of 2 or 3 metals. You can buy Nichrome foil online and made your homemade capacitor.
      You need to have in mind the concept of 2-cycle:
      1) Connect the cap to the power source for a specific time. Disconnect
      2) Connect the charged cap to the load. Disconnect and go to step 1.
      Never connect at the same time the load to the power source.

      I don't know about the exact formula to calculate the time. I saw in a website a formula that it wasn't complex to calculate. But it was only valid for 1 metal, not for alloys. In the other hand, to make the alloy at home is difficult since you have to heat the metals at high temperature while preventing oxidation. For that reason it's recommended to perform the operation in absolut vacuum.

      It seems that the dielectric relaxation time is dependent to the polarization time of the material(s). So, I think the current appears after all the atoms have been polarized. While the atoms are not polarized, there is only voltage.. The polarization creates a magnetic field that opposes to the electric field that created it and kills the power source. Without magnetic field there is not a reversal of current and there is not a "dipole killing".

      In a semiconductor is a measure how long it takes to become neutralized by conduction process. This relaxation time is small in metals and can be large in semiconductors and insulators.
      So, voltage energy is "capacitive current" and electromagnetic energy is "conductive current". The conduction process is called permanent phase, while the capacitive current is called the "transient phase". Also, the transient phase is unidirectional and the permanent is bidirectional since energy goes from the battery to the load and from load again to the battery (the back emf), killing it.
      Last edited by AetherScientist; 07-07-2011, 09:35 PM.


      • #4
        Thanks both!

        Farmhand, admittedly I never thought of looking there before. Good idea

        AetherScientist, gosh, well described.

        Yes I have the cycles setup exactly like that. Right now however, I am using 1ms switching time, for both primary and secondary load. In his paper, he mentions that all switching times aren't the same. There are four switching times, 2 for each disconnect, and 2 for each of primary and secondary. So primary and secondary times could quite possibly not be the same, ie, not 1ms in my case each.

        My current switching circuit is currently running with 1ms timing for primary and secondary, and 0ms (in theory) for both disconnects.
        I am just using a electrolytic capacitor at the moment to prove that the circuit runs fine, which it does.
        (No strange results noticed yet, except that when there is a motor connected, and I put the timing up so that it oscillates at 2KHz, and if I put a lot of load on the dc motor connected, there is a 2KHz whining sound, from the motor itself I think.)

        In a page on JL Naudins site, Naudin setup a basic animated circuit, and T.E. Bearden replied and said a diode should be used for the back emf in the secondary. After reading your post, I am understanding that a bit better, but I am still not quite sure about it.
        ‎"It's all in the MIND"


        • #5
          I don't exactly remember all the whole book, since I read it some years ago. But you're right about that every switching time is different.

          The cycle 1 (power source to collector) must be calculated exactly using the relaxation time theory.

          Then, when the phase 1 is complete, you need to wait a few time (I think this time is not a specific value), because always you need to prevent to connect the load to the power source at the same time.

          In the cycle 2 (killing the dipole, in this case the collector) is not neccesary to use the same switching time as in the cycle 1, since every load consume more or less electric energy. More energy consumed = faster switching since the collector gets depleted quickly. Then you need to wait a little bit before the disconnection from the collector-load to source-collector. To prevent, to connect the 3 things at the same time.

          about the animation, I don't remember very well but when you're using electromagnetics almost at any time a back-emf is created.
          The theory is not too complex. Electromagnetic energy is generated by 2 scalar energies. You can create electromagnetic power from pure voltage. What that means? Amperage is not electron flow. Amperage is a way to measure how fast a circuit is loosing energy in form of light and heat.
          Each wire has like a specific dielectric capacitance. It can store an electric field for a very short time (the transient phase). If you overcome the dielectric capacity of the wire then the electric field generates a magnetic field and then you can start measuring "electron flow".
          In the AV plug you can demonstrate that you can light almost anything using only pure voltage. Also, there is a test where you can get electromagnetic energy using only static energy as the power source. People think that you cannot perform work using only voltage. And that you need electron flow (amperage) to perform work. That is TOTALLY wrong. You can run devices using only voltage (a electron-defficient form of energy, also called SUB-Electronic). That kind of potential energy flows only in specific conditions. After the circuit has been saturated with sub-electronic energy it need to release the excess of power to the ambient in form of heat. In that moment, you have resistance. With potential energy a wire is superconductor at room temperature.

          This thing is very easy to prove, but I don't know why almost all the people believes only in the electromagnetic theory.


          • #6
            Hi AetherScientist,

            Thanks again, very interesting!

            Where was the website you saw that had the formula to calculate the relaxation time for a given material? Even though it doesn't work for alloys, I'm still interested to see it!

            I am very excited to get this device working.

            In another paper, Bearden mentions a charged capacitor on a magnet to create a permanent dipole. Do you think this switching device would work with that too, as primary source? Or even just a plain charged capacitor?
            How about with a solar panel?
            ‎"It's all in the MIND"


            • #7
              Work from the Academics

              Please forgive my intrusion here to your very interesting discussions concerning degenerative semiconductors and charged capacitors interacting with magnets. Here is an abstract from a research paper from the academics concerning magnetically insulated and charged capacitor. Just some food for thought:
              'A magnetically insulated coaxial capacitor of toroidal geometry is proposed which promises the attainment of gigavolt potentials. In contrast to earlier ideas employing the concept of magnetic insulation the proposed device does not depend on superconductors. Furthermore, also in contrast to earlier proposals, the charging does not require a high-energy electron accelerator but can simply be, performed inductively within a fraction of a second. The short charging time is of importance because magnetic insulation may prevent break-down only on a comparatively, small time scale. The energy of the device is discharged in the form of an intense relativistic electron beam with beam voltages and energy outputs many orders of magnitude larger than what is presently possible with Marx generators. The two most important applications of this machine seem to be in the field of thermonuclear fusion and the collective acceleration of ions up to energies of 103 GeV. Other applications are the generation of intense meson beams, gamma-ray flash tubes, the pumping of high-power lasers and ultrastrong microwave pulse generators. " by F. Winterberg 1974 University of Nevada.
              So an magnetically insulated capacitor can be charged to gigavolts level and discharged . What if the capacitor interacts with a rotating magnetic field? Will it be charged still to some high voltages?
              What will be the out come of a contraption say, a rotating disk with magnets embedded and charged capacitors deployed in the stator ?
              Please forgive me for the rantings, I am no expert in this topic, just a lurker here.


              • #8
                Just jumping in here after the first post. Doesn't an HHO flame bond two different materials based on the individual melting points? Might solve your problem.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                  Hi AetherScientist,

                  Thanks again, very interesting!

                  Where was the website you saw that had the formula to calculate the relaxation time for a given material? Even though it doesn't work for alloys, I'm still interested to see it!

                  I am very excited to get this device working.

                  In another paper, Bearden mentions a charged capacitor on a magnet to create a permanent dipole. Do you think this switching device would work with that too, as primary source? Or even just a plain charged capacitor?
                  How about with a solar panel?
                  I saw the formula in a Spanish-language website. I tried to find it but it seems that the website is down. I have the email of the guy and I have emailed him. But I say you that the formula is not complex. 3 or 4 simple ecuations. I will post here when I get it. But it's sure that in a lot of books the equations are written, maybe we're not looking in the correct way to find them.

                  Google Displacement Current Generator.
                  Here you've more information about the relaxation time theory:
                  Switching Circuits with Extended Electron Gas Relaxation Time Energy from Vacuum

                  About the other paper of Bearden, I remember to read it some time ago, but I don't remember very well. The only thing I can say you is that a capacitor can be charged using a magnetic field without doing physically contact with the poles of the cap. Put an axial cap inside a toroid. In that toroid is conected the primary of the DC square wave generator.
                  There is a more simple way to charge a cap with Scalar Current, without the needing to use special alloys, etc...

                  Use a tesla coil or a car ignition coil, and use the secondary as the single-line energy transmitter, and use that single wire as the primary in the toroid, then use an axial cap as described above. The only thing is that to create the longitudinal wave (1 wire) is necessary to "extract" current to energy the primary of the tesla coil. Using the bearden's Theory you need a small amount from other battery to switch the main battery. But you don't deplete the main power source since you don't extract amperes. The way I explain to you is more easy and can be COP>1 if yo know how to amplify the longitudinal energy. Maybe building a bigger secondary coil??


                  • #10
                    thanks all!

                    AetherScientist, I will definitely try doing that. I remember seeing your post about the toroid coil on the other thread, I am going to try doing the single wire transmission soon I hope.

                    ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
                      thanks all!

                      AetherScientist, I will definitely try doing that. I remember seeing your post about the toroid coil on the other thread, I am going to try doing the single wire transmission soon I hope.

                      Of, so I'm going to explain something more detailed.
                      Use a 12V power source (transformer or battery) that is connected to a DC square wave generator. There you would be able to perform:
                      · Adjust the frequency of the DC pulses
                      · Adjust the Duty Cycle (optional)
                      · Adjust the Volts and Amperes (optional)

                      The modulated DC output need to be connected to the primary of a tesla coil. In the secondary you automatically get a single-line energy transmission. Of course, if you connect that single wire to a light bulb (for example) you won't see anything. So, connect that single-wire as the primary in the toroid core. And instead of getting 2-wire in the output, you don't use any wire as the secondary. A capacitor acts like the secondary. Simply put an axial cap inside the hole of the toroid and then connect a small light bulb to the capacitor, like the classic configuration.


                      • #12
                        Source for relaxation time of copper, 1.5 x 10^-19 ?

                        Thanks! Will try that.

                        I was searching again for where one gets the relaxation time of a material. For copper, apparently it is "about" 1.5 x 10^-19 sec. However, nowhere in Bearden's paper can I see the source for this?

                        I searched for that number, and found this document, which gives the relaxation time for a few materials (copper, water, oil, mica) and the value was the same there. (Link below is for chapter 7, see page 35, or sec 7.7)

                        What do you think?
                        ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                        • #13
                          Different names of the Relaxation Time Constant:
                          Electronic gas relaxation time
                          Dielectric relaxation time
                          Static Relaxation time
                          Charge relaxation time

                          Of course, in wiki I have found:
                          An important concept for insulating fluids is the static relaxation time. This is similar to the time constant (tau) within an RC circuit. For insulating materials, it is the ratio of the static dielectric constant divided by the electrical conductivity of the material. For hydrocarbon fluids, this is sometimes approximated by dividing the number 18 by the electrical conductivity of the fluid. Thus a fluid that has an electrical conductivity of 1 pS/cm (100 pS/m) will have an estimated relaxation time of about 18 seconds. The excess charge within a fluid will be almost completely dissipated after 4 to 5 times the relaxation time, or 90 seconds for the fluid in the above example
                          The excess charge will be almost completely dissipated after the relaxation time....
                          Do you remember that... "Amperage is a way to measure how fast a circuit dissipates energy in the form of light and heat"???

                          I'm still reading your doc. Good one!


                          • #14

                            "Permittivity is determined by the ability of a material to polarize in response to the electric field" wiki

                            I think I have found the answer, to where Bearden gets his source of the "dielectric relaxation time" of copper.

                            Please note that I will always only use wikipedia to reference things that I believe aren't biased. If you have reason to believe they are, please let me know why.

                            To calculate the relaxation time, you use the formula (Tm = Em / Om)
                            Where Em is the material's permittivity, and Om is it's electrical conductivity. [3]

                            Wikipedia states "The dielectric relaxation time is closely related to the electrical conductivity" [1]

                            The electrical conductivity of copper is approximately 5.7 x 10^7 S/m [3][2][5][6]

                            For the permittivity, we shall use 8.85 x 10^-12 F/m [3][4]

                            So, Tm = Em / Om = 8.85 x 10^-12 F/m / 5.7 x 10^7 S/m = 1.55 x 10^-19 sec

                            This result seems to be spot on. Bearden did say his value was approximate after all, and it does vary according to temperature.

                            What do you think?
                            If not here, then where else could he have pulled that result from?

                            [1] Relaxation (physics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            [2] Electrical resistivity and conductivity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                            [3] (pg 3)
                            [4] Electric field
                            [5] (Electromagnetic Fields and Energy, chapter 7, pg 6, table 7.1.1 - also pg 35, sec 7.7)
                            [6] Fundamentals of electromagnetics with MATLAB (on google books, pg 293: example 5.8; in pdf, pg 371: example 4.8)
                            ‎"It's all in the MIND"


                            • #15

                              Excellent my friend

                              You've shut in the correct point. That equation is easier than I've thought.
                              I have no words to describe the effective and fast conclusion you've done.

                              I'm totally agree with your deduction. We can deduce that:
                              (using part of the text you posted)
                              · "Permittivity is determined by the ability of a material to polarize in response to the electric field" wiki
                              · "Conductivity is the reciprocal quantity, and measures a material's ability to conduct an electric current."

                              So, relaxation time is the time that a material, that has ability to conduct an electric current, needs to polarize in response of that electric field.
                              We can deduce also that the polarization creates a magnetic field, that is the way of the material to loss energy in form of light and heat.
                              No magnetic field = No energy losses.
                              I have an idea... we can try to make an electromagnet using longitudinal energy and see what happens.

                              I'm going to make a table with all the relaxation time of the materials and the next step is to see how is calculated in alloys.

                              98% Aluminum 2% Iron is about 1msec.

