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Intersting facts about Free energy (Video)

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  • Intersting facts about Free energy (Video)

    Hi ALL

    Maybe a a little long, but is well put together production with some good info in here worth watching.

    The Fraud of Free Energy
    The Fraud of Free energy (sun solar and wind themed)

    There are a few "environmentalist who consider putting a solar panel in the desert or wind farm in the ocean will save the world, yet must also understand technically what they are supporting and what problems environmentally and financially they are creating by supporting such projects.

    "environmentalist" must not fail to understand only one logic point solar doesn't work of a night or wind when the wind is not blowing and therefore using usually gas generators or "gensets" are essential to provide power whenever sun or wind not available. Is this a environmental solution? As for nuclear power ask the people of Japan if they think it is worth the risk?

    Then consider you may know of another energy generation solution which will make a little space for a better place.. like Hidro or many others we have researched that are commercially available (Summary of commercial devices) , like Black light power, Rossi etc etc. I think we should make an educational video on this subject , in fact I think it will help this scenario


  • #2
    The figures quoted by the protagonist are inaccurate and exaggerated, most people do not require 3kw but only peak at that. Her population growth figures are a myth as it is well known that as people get higher standards of living the population growth declines and even reverses, take a look at the figures for indigenous UK residents for that.

    Her statement on governmental policy regarding green energy supply is correct to some degree and is correct about the failings of wind turbines particularly when they are sited in inappropriate areas. Note that tidal turbines have 20x the energy density and the tidal conditions are predictable and reliable.

    Her argument about solar is also true to some extent although her figures, again seem weighted. Her argument about the size of plant required may or may not be loaded but the point is missed, power plants are generally sited away from cities as they are generally noisy, dirty and ugly to look at.

    Next she uses the standard cointelpro techniques of ridicule and abuse to cement her argument. Then she introduces the energy density argument, this is only really important on vehicles ie power to weight ratio.

    After that, it is the biological solution and while this is valid, introduces a problem. If we grow our fuels on the farmland we use, there is insufficient farmland left for the size of population the planet has, a precursor to introducing population reduction.

    As she did in the earlier parts of the video, she introduces nuclear energy as the solution, even going so far as to allow greater use of plastics and their toxic byproducts and effects. Reintroducing the energy density argument she talks about mastery of our environment and theoretical benefits, these benefits would not occur as a result of using nuclear power by any means and so this is clearly a distraction.

    Now comes the hit piece, suggesting that the use of renewable resources solar and any other form of energy will result in mass population reduction. She then links these solutions with the very people that created the problem and the fake green movement she is a part of as well as population reduction. Anyone notice the Orwellian double speak and the introduction of the Hegelian dialectic (problem reaction solution)?

    This is, as I said before, part of the counter intelligence program. It introduces as the only solution a system that we are not able to control and that is inherently dangerous. It ties some of the real solutions to known eugenicists when it is her own speech that is in reality that is part of the eugenics program.

    Obviously we should not allow this to happen and not be fooled by her rhetoric. I do not think any single source of energy is able to supply all our needs but a combination of these systems certainly could.

    The solutions are many but I will give one example.

    I think a country like japan could replace much of its nuclear power with tidal power. Yes tides stop and change direction but this happens at different times all around the coast. The devices are 1/20th the size of wind turbines or less, for the same output, they would connect to the existing power grid, have no effect on humans and other land or air animals and have only a relatively small impact on the sea environment.

    Most sea creatures have no problem avoiding them and some even use the structure as a reef. Jellyfish seem to be vulnerable to them but from what I have seen fish like to congregate close to them and do not get cut up by the blades.

    tidal turbine - Google Search

    The venturi type are easily avoided by whales etc although I would like to know if the noises created by these devices have a detrimental effect on wildlife.

    Environmental pollution is low risk due to the low amount of oil used in them and with further development biodegradable oils could be used.

    Obviously they could not be a complete solution especially for landlocked nations but would make a significant step in the right direction.

    Wind power and solar panels also would be able to contribute if sited in the appropriate areas, Bio fuels can also play their part.

    This video is a part of the problem and is not the solution, It is biased inaccurate and misleading at best, I think it is much worse than that. The true nature of this video is clear when you dissect what she is saying.


    • #3
      I like how she talks about how hydrogen can be easily made from water with electrolysis. The whole movie was spill about getting better quality of energy by not using things that require more energy than what you put into it, but yet she seems to forget the electrolysis process takes more energy than what you can put into it. She also doesn't mention you can't store enough hydrogen on board to even come close to the distance of a fossil fuel car can reach.

      She also forgets that uranium is a limited source just like fossil fuel and others fuels.We have less uranium than we do fossil fuel in comparison.

      yes wind and solar is very inefficient than nuclear power but the energy they need to run them is not limited. Instead of placing solar and wind farms everywhere how about we put the solar panels on peoples house so that they cut back their energy uses from the goddess of nuclear power.

      As for a free energy movie I was expecting some mention of cosmic rays, zero point energy, or something but none of this was shown. If you ask me every thing she mention power wise was not the direction we should be going. Solar, wind, nuclear are all inefficient process and there has got to be something better.
      All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. - Arthur Schopenhauer


      • #4
        I watched the video again this morning just to see if I was being too harsh on her and no I wasn't.

        What struck me this time is how she tried to associate the workings of nature with nuclear fission reactors, the truth is there is no connection at all, Radiation by its nature is destructive to life.

        Lets look at the nuclear industry

        There is enough information in these threads alone to justify the banning of any exploitation of nuclear power never mind the real reasons the nuclear industry was started.

        Manhattan Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        I wont say that they don't know what to do with the other byproducts as they clearly do.

        Depleted uranium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        The benefit of a transient boost in our energy supply has to be weighed against the death, destruction and pollution that will go on as a result of it for Milena.

        Now lets look at Bio fuel. On the face of it it is a very good idea, it is a renewable resource and beneficial to the environment. The problem lies with how it has been applied, cutting food production, resulting in a huge jump in food prices and the beginning of mass starvation in many areas of the planet. If bio fuels were introduced progressively and encouraged to be produced in brownfield sites as well as areas of desertification there would be a net benefit of new jobs, greening of the environment and net gain in energy.

        This would be costly but very easily affordable by the developed world. First we need to stop wars of aggression, this alone would free up more money than would be needed to put this plan into action. Second, lower taxes for those who produce foods and bio fuels, This would reduce the suffering of the starving and increase their standard of living as well as increase productivity by giving people an incentive of keeping more of what they earn. Third, prosecute and fine the the people who have advanced this war of aggression against mankind, taking their wealth and placing it in the new, real, green economy.

        America is not bankrupt, it is still the richest country on earth, its just that the criminals that run it are steeling that wealth to pay for wars that advance their own agenda and line their own pockets. The same is happening in the whole developed world.

        The truth is that the energy crisis along with global warming and war is all manufactured by the few that control the many. I agree with ashtweth, we should make an educational video and wake up the masses to the global agenda, teach them how to overcome the energy problems and develop a free and open society. We should ALL do it. RANT RANT RANT Sorry I have strong opinions on this

        Getting back on topic, the biomass produced by the bio fuel industry that is not used directly as fuel can be used in two ways. First to create natural fertilizers, reducing the need for chemical ones produced from oil and second, it can be gasified to produce gaseous fuels and charcoal. this will reintroduce the carbon dioxide into the atmosphere that will be needed by these extra plants and provide us with even more energy.


        • #5
          I urge people to watch this video.

          ï¼*essï½ï½‡ï½… frï½ï½ã€€ï¼¦ï½•ï½‹ï½ •ï½“hiï½ï½ with フランス語 subtitles | Universal Subtitles

          youtube no subtitles
          ‪Message from Fukushima (engl. subtitles via CC-Menu)‬‏ - YouTube

          Yes we should somehow produce a video to tell the story a different way, concentrating on facts, morals and responsibilities.


          P.S. Seems we should take Einsteins saying and throw it at them, how does it go ? "A problem cannot be fixed by the same thinking that created it".

          Something like that.
          Last edited by Farmhand; 07-17-2011, 06:19 AM.


          • #6
            I agree with mbrownn. The astronomical multi billions that have been spent on nuclear research in both weapons and energy over the years has basically been a waste. The cost of disposal and a place for it comes into play also. How many nuclear accidents can the world endure before these greed mongers give up. Greed runs this world and we need to rise up and slay this dragon in the dens he stays. Stock market,Corporations and the political arena.

            To show you the stupidity of government. I live in Florida. Back in the 70's hypodermic needles along with other waste washed up on shore. This was dumped from a Navy ship. They have been doing this for years.


            • #7
              I was wondering how the energy monopolists / criminals would attempt to denigrate clean and cheap alternative energy, since it is such a no-brainer and self evident. Now i can see one gambit they will try, using the so-called Independent Media and truth movements.

              The above video is full, and i mean chock full, of half-truths and lies. It also uses the standard push-buttons and straw men (large scale wind farms, and "Al Gore".

              The END MESSAGE meme is to forget alternative energy... INCLUDING home solar and wind, where homeowners and small businesses create their own energy.

              The hell with that and with the fission nuclear energy shills who created it. If they want to use the Free Energy community to piss on conventional alternative energy... they are pissing up a rope.

              Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and imo, this video is total crap.

              There are NO green fascists... that is an oxymoron. And i will not let anyone who wants to negatively label people who are concerned about the environment get way with it without comment. **** them, and i AM their huckleberry. I will call them lying *******s to their face in RL, too... and have.


              • #8
                Hi ALL

                Yes nuclear is Bunk, i wonder why the dont include the other alternatives to wind , solar and geothermal, alternative energy to the average Joe is that, not the E-cat, black light power , Hidro or others, black light have been around for how many years?

                Hidro was at the 2009 climate change UN conference.

                2011 now

                Black light power have already licensed out their technology, whats my point?
                Do they really know how to research? Still not my point, its really up to us!
                @mbrownn, try doing the figures on industrial hemp for gasification.

                Last edited by ashtweth; 07-19-2011, 11:39 PM.


                • #9
                  The nuclear industry will not go down without a fight, they make huge profits from tax payers and cannot cleanup after themselve's, of course this does not bother a company as a "company" has no conscience, pity or regret only people have those qualities and abilities.

                  They keep making the mistake of assuming it is thier responsiblity to provide electrical power for everybody to buy. It is not. And they do not take into account what would happen if everybody that possibly could was to provide all of thier own electrical power needs.

                  I don't condone all of us going off the grid altogether because that would make the cost of power for those who cannot disconnect from the grid to go up dramatically as the companies would try to maintain profits.

                  Solar and wind are very good options for home power harvesting. We must remember we only need to supply ourselve's with power we do not need to supply everybody else with power. It would be much easier to power a whole country if "everybody" contributed.

                  Of course there are hospitals and other things that need reliable power always, and supplied by a grid system of some kind with bulk power generated somehow. Just not with nuclear reactors. No way. Nuclear reactors are moronic. I would rather sit in the dark and cold than have a nuclear reactor for power production in my country. And as far as I am concerned they can de-commission the medical one too. It's benifits are dubious from what I can tell.



                  • #10
                    Hi All

                    Do you know that solar means gensets , down times and rare earth materials + a BP patent earning money and the average Joe cannot afford it? ? for a boig power station it means a strain on resources compared to Hidro, black light, or others..

                    Mean while, there are cities using its crap to generate electricity.
                    US cities reducing their fossil fuel usage by 50% by using sewage sludge as a fuel. US cities reducing their fossil fuel usage by 50% by using sewage sludge as a fuel. | PRESS Core – Evidentiary News, World News, Special Reports, Technology, Health, Videos, Polls, Free energy, Cures, War Crimes, Crime Against Humanity, Corrupt

                    Yes , poo power, there are spirillina farms closed looped with methane digests and aquaponics.ZPE is not needed there , BTW these are open source systems, but why am i only mentioning them .The bottom line HEMP for gasification still rivals most, but methane digests could power you city and or most of your house.

                    Wonder why no body does a methane to grid connect inverter system?
                    I am gonna start a thread on that..

                    Tell me that is not possible. can we make 3Kw from a home methane digest? Fiber is in my diet



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ashtweth View Post
                      Hi ALL

                      Yes nuclear is Bunk, i wonder why the dont include the other alternatives to wind , solar and geothermal, alternative energy to the average Joe is that, not the E-cat, black light power , Hidro or others, black light have been around for how many years?

                      Hidro was at the 2009 climate change UN conference.

                      2011 now

                      Black light power have already licensed out their technology, whats my point?
                      Do they really know how to research? Still not my point, its really up to us!
                      @mbrownn, try doing the figures on industrial hemp for gasification.

                      I put the benefit of Hemp at 90%+, most hemp is THC free so the drug argument is invalid. so what are the benefits?

                      Growing and processing provides needed jobs
                      Yes fuel

                      Its a no brainer really


                      • #12
                        ‪MARIJUANA CURES CANCER‬‏ - YouTube


                        • #13
                          The solution to this is a free market economy, but we have one don't we?

                          Energy generation is regulated so to become an energy generator you have to jump through many hoops and to do it on a large scale you have to get governmental approval. Who controls the government, the corporations do so you will never get a look in.

                          I think the grid system is good for us until better technology is developed and that wont happen until we have a true free market. Small generators can add power to the grid as they do now but the system by which people are allowed to do it needs to be changed.

                          Growing fuel requires large amounts of good land so there are disadvantages whereas sh*t happens, so producing energy from it could turn a cost into a benefit.

                          We have relied upon fossil fuels and nuclear in the past but only because it is not very practical to generate your own. For example if you have a diesel generator to generate power you have to pay taxes on that fuel but not at the same rate as the big power corporations. Its not a level playing field and when you include subsidies and government funding that these people get you find it's a mountain to climb.

                          No individual alternative energy supply can be a solution by itself but if we level the playing field and create a free market in energy you will find more and more people will start to generate and contribute to the grid. Some ultimately decide to do this for a living, the process is a natural one, an equilibrium will be reached based upon supply and demand.

                          Lets face it the technology we use for power generation is 100 years old, its time we had a change.


                          • #14
                            It seems the video is made to lead people to believe that you still have to rely on centralized power generation while people can choose to make electricity on their own.


                            • #15
                              The Video leaves out the facts about the alternative superior technology to solar/wind/tidal . in other words the other commercial real FREE energy devices .Wind and solar cannot be the answer neither is gas fracking.


