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Reusing cellphone output power ?

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  • Reusing cellphone output power ?

    Rather an oddball thought, but prompted from the following YouTube video:
    ‪Cell phone RF radiation detector‬‏ - YouTube

    The output is illuminating a couple of LED's.
    Thoughts turned to reusing old cellphones/mobile phones for their output power, to feed back in to the battery and recharge it. Or, at least, use the 3.7V battery output within what might be an efficient route - the signal gaining attempts of the unit.
    How much energy are we talking about that could be collected ? I don't have the facts and figures, but have been reading the cancer fear thread that relates.

    Do you think it might be an idea, to reuse obsolete phones as power generators, based on that very same output strength that they are infamous for ? Perhaps aided on many fronts by throwing them into Faraday cages as they run.

    An extension of the thought, would be that because (presumably) RF energies are drawn into the load, the stray RF would be limited by the load. A phone could connect as usual and yet cut the battery needs down while doing so, by feeding excess back in to the battery. As you talk, your phone is charging.
    If phones are truly not very efficient with what they knock out to what they need to knock out, then we get a charger effect by using the excess. The worst offenders on the market could turn become efficient, by a charge collecting retro fitted device.
    Well, perhaps something to think about

  • #2
    An extension of the thought, would be that because (presumably) RF energies are drawn into the load, the stray RF would be limited by the load. A phone could connect as usual and yet cut the battery needs down while doing so, by feeding excess back in to the battery. As you talk, your phone is charging.
    If phones are truly not very efficient with what they knock out to what they need to knock out, then we get a charger effect by using the excess. The worst offenders on the market could turn become efficient, by a charge collecting retro fitted device.
    Well, perhaps something to think about [/QUOTE]
    Hi Slider
    Older version of cell phones have accessories like an stick on led circuit at the back of battery pack .. lights the led when the phone rings ..this does not use internal batteries
    Last edited by totoalas; 07-16-2011, 10:02 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks totoalas
      I didn't know that, mind you I haven't had a phone on a network since arriving in the USA in 2007. My wife hasn't since 2008, so we're not exactly clued up on much of it, new as well as old.
      I have several phones gained through Freecycle and they have been where experiments have been focused.

      I'm basing the following on say a Nokia 1NX of a few years old vintage -
      Because the phones get stripped out for parts, like the battery, backlight LED's, vibrate motor, mic, speaker and more, it lead me to wonder about the phone itself, once the power using items were removed.
      If the phone can't operate the vibrate motor then the power isn't used by that motor. They seem to never have a problem with inoperable LED's or the speaker being disconnected.
      So, internally they can be made to run without any of the bells and whistles and to not complain with any errors.
      Keeping a phone in a mode where it constantly hunts for a signal is software based inside and i'm guessing that nearly all will quit at some point.

      But how much energy the phone emits, based on how much battery power it uses to do so is what fascinates. Then, the return of that energy to the battery for a non closed loop looper.....well, how large is the difference ?


      • #4
        The phone you can charge with your voice - The Week

        Scientists have come up with a way to harness the energy in sound waves to power electronic gadgets
        if you can charge you phone with sound, you are not far off being able to charge a phone with excess RF as well

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          The phone you can charge with your voice - The Week
          if you can charge you phone with sound, you are not far off being able to charge a phone with excess RF as well
          I thought cell phones were for texting and you tube movies???



          • #6

            For doing WHAT ? lol
            My PC doesn't even do full screen YouTube movies. Though, because of those limitations I have THE perfect gear here for emulating any UFO video that appears on YouTube.

            I have a funny picture for ya, it follows those thoughts, being out of focus, badly composed and with nothing of size reference...i've decided to use this old Nokia in the picture as my test phone. Now, can anyone see why I might use this particular one ?


            • #7
              Hi Slider
              Your Nokia is somewhat a vintage tpe lol frm the standards of Hk ad China where the latest gadget s a must........
              Av plug in4148 or better a one AA cellphone charger circit then connect to your pone and see what happens.. the circuit itself the size of a dime
              Maybe your wireless motor ckt will d the job




              • #8
                Yeah, got 3 of these. All of the batteries seem fine, 3.6V Ni-MH.
                This one already has no speaker or mic and the LED's are coming off it at the moment (nice SMD green ones).

                People always talk about a contamination of stray RF energy for many of our experiments, but, i'd rather incorporate the energy as a freebie within experiments. A result is a result at the end of the day and if people who live in cities especially can derive free power from all the powerful waves flying around where they live, then all the better
                The frequencies can, I presume, be best thought of like a radio tuner and we can resonate devices with particular bands.

                Another way of looking at it is, if your cellphone is always switched on and just sits on a table when in the house watching TV etc, then why not have the output of the phone doing a job of work ?
                It could be running a pulse motor that runs a small cooling fan in summer, or charges a remote controls batteries, or an LED laptop keyboard light, book reading light or simply used to run a night light on a bedside table.

                Another potential use of this sort of thing is for an automatic security system for the house. Your phone will emit a specific frequency. The phone will have a much stronger signal than any external same RF when in the house. A detector senses when the phone signal is there and switches off your house alarm. It automatically switches on the alarm when you leave the house and the signal isn't present

