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Time Machine switch

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  • Time Machine switch

    My time machine switch is a way to power an inductive load by using the potential difference between two negatives. Amps without voltage - real cold electricity. Nilrehob had one diagram that is the closest that I saw anyone get but his was for a different purpose. I may show the switch concept but not the load - so everyone can focus on what's important.

    I may give this circuit to everyone on the webinar - go here for details or click the banner at the top of the page and register for free.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2
    Originally posted by Aaron View Post
    My time machine switch is a way to power an inductive load by using the potential difference between two negatives. Amps without voltage

    I must say I am absolutely confused by the apparent contradiction between the two statements highlighted!


    • #3

      Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
      I must say I am absolutely confused by the apparent contradiction between the two statements highlighted!
      Why? There is no contradiction.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #4
        same polarity potential difference


        Why does this work? Not pointing out long running time, but why does the bulb light (the low resistance load)?

        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #5
          It looks to me like this would "work" because you have two 1.5v's in series against 1, so there is a potential difference, so one is always charging, and there is amp flow.



          • #6
            potential difference between negatives

            Yes, absolutely. Although both are positives facing each other, there is 3 volts and 1.5 volts (if all batts are 1.5) so there is a 1.5 volt potential difference and therefore, current will flow and will power the bulb.

            That diagram has been on Bedini's old site for over 10 years. There are some discussions of it in this forum and in my opinion, most relevant to the Gray Tube experiments.

            Anyway, I only bring that up to show there are 2 positives, doesn't matter that one is not negative, it is a potential difference you are working with and polarity is irrelevant.

            When I said potential difference between two negatives, perhaps you assumed both negatives were at the same level. That is understandable because I didn't spell it out.

            However, what I'm alluding to is the inverse so to speak, of that diagram from Bedini's old page.

            There can be one point in a circuit where there is 0.00 volts and another point where there is -10.0 volts (for the sake of simple example) and therefore, there is a potential difference, a negative one, but still a difference. There is no positive voltage pressure, yet current can flow in that situation and power a load.

            Or perhaps -5.0 volts and -7.0 volts, then there is a potential difference of -2.0 volts. That would be a potential difference between two negatives.
            Aaron Murakami

            Books & Videos
            RPX & MWO


            • #7
              I have looked at that 3 battery diagram many times and couldn't figure out why the batteries changed positions but I think I have a better understanding now. I still have so much to learn but with what I know at the moment this is how I see the diagram wroking.

              Figure 1.
              Batteries 1&2 act as gas pressure pumps.
              Ion/Gas flows out of battery 2 into battery 1.
              Ion/Gas Flow leaves battery 1 at 2x pressure.
              Gas flow leaving batteries 1&2 creates a vacuum on the negative plate of battery 2.
              Pressure at 2x flows into a pressure regulator (load).
              Load is powered by the pressure wasted while regulating the gas flow.
              Ion/Gas flows at a regulated pressure thru battery 3 causing compression.
              Dipole/Potential is created between the higher pressure at the negative of battery 3 and the vacuum at the negative of battery 2.
              Condition is created to allow nature to put in energy.
              If load is placed between the negatives it will be powered from this dipole potential.
              Current catches up and kills the dipole/potential between battery 3&2.

              Figure 2.
              Battery 3 is moved so that the compression of Battery 3 works with battery 2 instead of working against the regulated pressure.
              Battery 3 decompresses its excess power into battery 2 forcing the flow the leave battery 2.
              Backwards ion movement in battery 3 is stopped.
              Excess pressure from batteries 3&2 is placed on the load. The pressure in excess of what we need to keep the system in resonance is used to power the load.
              Battery 1 is now in the charging position.
              Pressure from regulator slams into the Ions/gas flow that was leaving battery 1.
              Ion flow leaving battery 1 is stopped.
              Compression takes place at positive of battery 1 forcing ions to move backward thru battery 1 forcing it to charge.
              Dipole/potential is created between battery 1 and 3.

              Figure 3.
              Battery 1 decompresses its excess power into battery 3 forcing the flow the leave battery 3. This creates a pumping action.

              Figure 4.
              Cycle Repeats

              The load needs to be tuned to regulate the gas pressure to the pressure needed te keep the system in resonance. To power its self, the load can only consume the pressure that is in excess of the pressure needed to keep the system in resonance.

              Switching is responsible for maintaing the proper pulse rate to keep the system in resonance. When in resonance the dipole between the negatives appears allowing nature to put energy into the system. This is where the current flows without the positive potential.

              The switching is also responsible for equal compression, ion movement and pumping of each battery.

              Am I on the right track?


              • #8
                This is essentially a 3 battery switch with 4 batteries though that drive a transformer on the negative potential.
                Simple Switch

                This is a cap dumper that drives from the negative potential. Also works for more than cap dumping.

                So my question is whats the big unknown?
                I can assure you just because you drive an inductive load from the potential difference on 2 negatives your not always going to produce "Cold Current".
                Your not even going to produce a good negative energy that grows through resistance. Unless your talking spikes. But Cold Current....
                That takes an entirely different configuration. One that will pump the core of the coil or transformer well beyond saturation. So the negative energy has no room to convert and and condenses and releases on the wire, where we can grab it.
                I would like to be their hope I am in town.



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  My time machine switch is a way to power an inductive load by using the potential difference between two negatives. Amps without voltage - real cold electricity. Nilrehob had one diagram that is the closest that I saw anyone get but his was for a different purpose. I may show the switch concept but not the load - so everyone can focus on what's important.

                  I may give this circuit to everyone on the webinar - go here for details or click the banner at the top of the page and register for free.
                  Is the call going to be recorded and available for download later, as 7pm Pacific is 8 hours behind my time zone (it will be 3 am in the morning for me).

                  . . .
                  Regular service Signature:
                  Follow along on my Algae growing adventure, where I'm currently growing Spirulina and two mystery strains (one of which can also produce Biofuel). All is revealed in the Growing Algae thread...


                  • #10
                    splitting the negative

                    Originally posted by Madnate View Post
                    I have looked at that 3 battery diagram many times and couldn't figure out why the batteries changed positions but I think I have a better understanding now.
                    Hi Nate,

                    When switching the batts, the single on is simply being put in charge mode. I only posted that just to segue into showing that there can be a potential difference between two negatives as well - even if it is a negative.

                    That diagram by the way is the simplest version of "splitting the positive"
                    there is in my opinion. That is why a hv + can jump to a lv + as long as
                    they have a common ground.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      cold current

                      Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                      This is essentially a 3 battery switch with 4 batteries though that drive a transformer on the negative potential.
                      Simple Switch

                      This is a cap dumper that drives from the negative potential. Also works for more than cap dumping.

                      So my question is whats the big unknown?
                      I can assure you just because you drive an inductive load from the potential difference on 2 negatives your not always going to produce "Cold Current".
                      Your not even going to produce a good negative energy that grows through resistance. Unless your talking spikes. But Cold Current....
                      That takes an entirely different configuration. One that will pump the core of the coil or transformer well beyond saturation. So the negative energy has no room to convert and and condenses and releases on the wire, where we can grab it.
                      I would like to be their hope I am in town.

                      The simple switch is actually similar in concept. Are all 4 of those caps? Do you know what the origin of this concept is?

                      The cap dumper is not related through, that is along the lines of Bedini's
                      cap dumper on the big wheel.

                      You say for cold current it takes a different configuration - what do you think that configuration would look like?

                      I've experimented on what I'm talking about off and on for about 8 years. After Peter's book came out and Bedini released his diagrams on the Gray tube, I started to think about splitting the negative and the possibilities. Anyway, went down an interesting path.


                      That is similar - I believe that is where Hob got his ideas for some circuits he posted in relation to the Tesla Switch.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Savvypro View Post
                        Is the call going to be recorded and available for download later, as 7pm Pacific is 8 hours behind my time zone (it will be 3 am in the morning for me).
                        It will be a webinar, but it looks like it may be too incompatible with too many people's setups so it may be a conference call - not sure yet. I have to wait until I hear back. I don't think it is going to be recorded.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #13
                          Hi Aaron,

                          After knowing about the 2 positive battery setup, I started experimenting and came up with 2 negative setup. However, all it did is drain batteries on both sides of the setup. I had this video up for a while demonstrating the 2 negative terminals lighting a bulb: ‪Tesla Switch negative potential 1-1‬‏ - YouTube

                          Should I go back and look more deeply into this 2 negative setup?

                          peace and love


                          • #14

                            Hi uusedman,

                            It is quite a bit different. I'd have to see the whole schematic to know for sure.

                            For sure, everyone will get the battery secret (not as fun), but is something I think everyone should know about - after the webinar or call - it will be in a document everyone can download. Not sure if I'll share this switching method yet, not too related except for the relationship to time.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Hi uusedman,

                              It is quite a bit different. I'd have to see the whole schematic to know for sure.

                              For sure, everyone will get the battery secret (not as fun), but is something I think everyone should know about - after the webinar or call - it will be in a document everyone can download. Not sure if I'll share this switching method yet, not too related except for the relationship to time.
                              Hi Aaron,

                              I have attached a schematic of what I talking about.

                              Peace and Love.
                              Attached Files

