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Time Machine switch

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  • #31
    Well you gotta admit Aaron there was a little "Bait and Switch" there. You never once mentioned the seminar on the ****. You did mention you weren't going to give the switch out.

    I can see why people would be upset, I was. I was sincerely hoping for an discussion on energy and some new things to look at.

    Complete honesty is the best policy. All you have to do is tell the whole story.

    Last edited by Matthew Jones; 08-06-2011, 09:36 PM.


    • #32

      Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
      Well you gotta admit Aaron there was a little "Bait and Switch" there. You never once mentioned the seminar on the . You did mention you weren't going to give the switch out.

      I can see why people would be upset, I was. I was sincerely hoping for an discussion on energy and some new things to look at.

      Complete honesty is the best policy. All you have to do is tell the whole story.

      Matthew, there was no "bait and switch". I never once mentioned it was about energy technology. You also said you weren't even going to make it to the call.

      You have plenty of new things to look at because of that call including that battery secret. And, I can't help it that nobody else is even willing to research patents, etc... to see what is there - there is MORE THAN a few new things to look at in regards to the health technology. Why every has tunnel vision on this fact is beyond me. That isn't my responsibility to lay it out for everyone. I did my research - everyone else has to do their own.
      Last edited by Aaron; 08-06-2011, 10:24 PM.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #33
        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
        Matthew, there was no "bait and switch". I never once mentioned it was about energy technology. You also said you weren't even going to make it to the call.
        You have plenty of new things to look at because of that call including that battery secret. And, I can't help it that nobody else is even willing to research patents, etc... to see what is there - there is MORE THAN a few new things to look at in regards to the health technology. Why every has tunnel vision on this fact is beyond me. That isn't my responsibility to lay it out for everyone. I did my research - everyone else has to do their own.
        I asked not to discuss the company name, you can't even respect that.
        I wasn't disappointed in the Battery thing, but you never even mentioned the fact that we were going to sit through the health seminar. You never mentioned health in anyway. In neither this post or the the "Announcement post". Thats all I am pointing out. It your business though I won't tell you how to run it.

        I didn't realize we weren't supposed to discuss that specifically I fixed it.

        I'll leave well enough alone.

        Good luck


        • #34
          Thanks Matthew.

          But I didn't mention it was about energy, agriculture or anything else either.

          If I said what it was, everyone would be discussing it in the forum and everyone would research it on their own without actually hearing a real presentation and people would come to their own conclusions and would not get on the call. This for a fact is what always happens and would have been lucky to have 20 people on the call.

          I was 100% honest about this - I asked a question - What were free energy
          researchers dancing around the edges of? The answer is the greatest
          health science breakthrough in the last 100 years. Electrolysis experiments
          are one of the most popular projects attempted by free energy researchers.
          But any of them that can't even read the patents I allude to, I'm not
          even interested in discussing this with them.

          There is nothing dishonest or misleading about that. Everything is what it
          is then there is the story that people make up about it on their own and
          has nothing to do with anything I said. There are those that were
          convinced that the call was about battery charging, about a new
          free energy technology, and plenty of others things. All 100% of those
          they made up in their mind all by themselves. But I'm the one that
          "mislead" them. They mislead themselves! Yes or No is the truth - all
          else is the "devil", which is the reasoning mind of course.

          Most people's minds are an autopilot and the idiomotor effect runs them.
          They see something and their reasoning mind goes to work trying to make
          it make sense to them. All the reasoning is an illusion and they get
          attached to it as if it is real and then blame others when they are

          There are ZERO qualifiers posted to give anyone the idea it was about
          an energy technology. My question mentioning free energy researchers
          is not a qualifier at all.

          And you know what - I think you will know to be true - it could have been
          about a self running motor that I'm selling for $1000 and I would be
          attacked by plenty for trying to make money.

          Matthew, it never ends - if it isn't
          one thing it is another and with some people there is no winning, ever. In
          reality, it doesn't matter if it was an energy technology or not - it could
          be a promo for an ebook with an energy technology and suddenly the
          story would be - "oh, now I have to pay money for something!"
          They were deceived because there wasn't a price tag on the banner for
          an energy book, etc... that is just how ridiculous some people are no
          matter what.

          You've seen this countless times in the energy forums - everyone
          wants a hand out - we'll not everyone, but unfortunately the word free
          in free energy attracts those kind of people. You put a lot of time,
          money and effort into your projects to have someone come along and
          try to sell something based on your design and they don't even get it

          The phrase free energy is cursed because it is anything but free.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #35
            The amount of energy that is used in powering the
            entire digital realm is at odds with the possibility that
            it will not continue to be at the support of planetary

            Thanks to you Aaron, for helping us all into this path
            of learning about the works of Benitez and nilrehob,
            incredible building!

            Lamare, the figure you have hosted redrawn by Perreault
            looks greatly simplified - the entire clockwheel has been


            • #36


              Did you find your diagram?
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #37
                With the voltage level of Benitez' system 121561, it appears that his
                storage medium of choice is much more durable than the normal automotive
                batteries in use today.

                The motor attached to alternator 42 driving the electromagnetic spark
                gap would be replaced with either a flyback, ignition, or MOT transformer?

                Utilizing this portion of the device all by itself, could it not be the
                basis for a motor-generator system?


                • #38
                  But I didn't mention it was about energy, agriculture or anything else either.
                  What were free energy researchers dancing around the edges of?
                  -You made this statement in the header. Most would not leap to agree that "free energy" and health science are necessarily in the same domain. And the truth is, you already knew that. You already sensed and used the specific words to get a specific response.

                  If I said what it was, everyone would be discussing it in the forum and everyone would research it on their own without actually hearing a real presentation and people would come to their own conclusions and would not get on the call. This for a fact is what always happens and would have been lucky to have 20 people on the call.
                  -Its nice at least you admit that this was a manipulation. Now if at no point you could financially gain, then we might agree it was freely offered. You did this for your own financial gain. Something freely given with a contingent sales offer is not freely given. As you know, time is not free. If you choose not to see what is obvious to most, you are buying into your own illusion.

                  -If you shared what benefits may be produced by adoption of the technology, it would have been a more honest approach. Instead, you treated us like we were not intelligent or patient enough to grasp this way of looking at a new health science technology. Admitting the manipulation, but then demanding that we accept you did it in an honorable way - is laughable.

                  I was 100% honest about this - I asked a question - What were free energy
                  researchers dancing around the edges of? The answer is the greatest
                  health science breakthrough in the last 100 years. Electrolysis experiments
                  are one of the most popular projects attempted by free energy researchers.
                  But any of them that can't even read the patents I allude to, I'm not
                  even interested in discussing this with them.
                  -If you really are that superior to the rest... why not just close the forum and covet your secrets for perpetuity. Otherwise you make many feel like you keep us in the basement until you are feeling charitable - then you toss us a scrap of meat.

                  There is nothing dishonest or misleading about that. Everything is what it
                  is then there is the story that people make up about it on their own and
                  has nothing to do with anything I said. There are those that were
                  convinced that the call was about battery charging, about a new
                  free energy technology, and plenty of others things. All 100% of those
                  they made up in their mind all by themselves. But I'm the one that
                  "mislead" them. They mislead themselves! Yes or No is the truth - all
                  else is the "devil", which is the reasoning mind of course.
                  -Either you like jerking people around for financial gain or maybe you are so removed from it - what you do is what you believe people deserve. I think the latter has more proof of late.

                  Most people's minds are an autopilot and the idiomotor effect runs them.
                  They see something and their reasoning mind goes to work trying to make
                  it make sense to them. All the reasoning is an illusion and they get
                  attached to it as if it is real and then blame others when they are
                  -Uh Aaron I don't think most come for your physchological profile of humanity. Why not just stay to the work and enjoy the fellowship. You and I both know, what is said and done here helps you further frame your own FE work. Your association with Peter and John do the same. Please just be real about where you are on earth - it is more about all of the associations, and the culmination of all of the experiential knowledge, versus your own superior intellect.

                  There are ZERO qualifiers posted to give anyone the idea it was about
                  an energy technology. My question mentioning free energy researchers
                  is not a qualifier at all.
                  -This never passed the sniff test and you know it. You already as much as admitted you manipulated others and then admitted it was mostly for your own gain - because it is your right to profit from your immense insights to most everything you think that you know.

                  And you know what - I think you will know to be true - it could have been
                  about a self running motor that I'm selling for $1000 and I would be
                  attacked by plenty for trying to make money.
                  -Try it, you may be surprised. So far its just talk.

                  Matthew, it never ends - if it isn't
                  one thing it is another and with some people there is no winning, ever. In
                  reality, it doesn't matter if it was an energy technology or not - it could
                  be a promo for an ebook with an energy technology and suddenly the
                  story would be - "oh, now I have to pay money for something!"
                  They were deceived because there wasn't a price tag on the banner for
                  an energy book, etc... that is just how ridiculous some people are no
                  matter what.
                  -Please turn your disdain into passion for honest discussions in the field you care about. If you have a profit motive, just say so.

                  You've seen this countless times in the energy forums - everyone
                  wants a hand out - we'll not everyone, but unfortunately the word free
                  in free energy attracts those kind of people. You put a lot of time,
                  money and effort into your projects to have someone come along and
                  try to sell something based on your design and they don't even get it
                  -I am so absolutely blown away for the disdain you have for most of your energetic forum members.
                  -What is wrong with allowing this place to be a free exchange of ideas, theories, technologies that demonstrate certain beneficial potential to benefit mankind?
                  -This place is and can be primary to creating a new working knowledge of practices and principles that are free from keeping the largest benefits "hidden." When you start to appear and admit that you are withholding what you know, you choose to become an enemy of those deep in discovery. What makes you different than those that have kept Tesla knowledge buried from use and application?

                  Let me tell you what most confuses me in this whole affair. I do believe that you are relatively intelligent, but along with that you are deeply bitter about something (or many things). Once this bitter nerve is struck, you will defend at all cost. And most often jumping right over the intellect that you supposedly possess. To the point of proving abject stupidity. It shows up as a lack of maturity, which has nothing to do with age.

                  An immutable truth is that all perspectives have some inherent value. Each brought to existence allows us to experientially select for contrast and meaning. On the board why not adopt that philosophy? Then if you want to be black and white in a sales offer or book or some other profit motive - trust that others will be clear about your change of motive. Otherwise mixing selfish and selfless intentions will most always have unpredictable results when looking at you as a whole.

                  Otherwise it all begins to appear like a Trojan horse. At first it looks like a gift, then once unleashed the substance of that becomes the prevailing more menacing larger truth.

                  Because this is your place, what you do and say will be held up for all to see. Please don't treat us like the enemy, or retarded intellects, or matter waiting for conversion to soylent green.

                  I don't know where the bitterness or bite comes from in your words, but truthfully it does not enhance your credibility. Please just accept that if you act... some will agree... some will disagree... some will not be sure and ask questions about everything. All of that should be considered beautiful.

                  It is how the human species will likely survive... because history has shown us countless times... when the talking stops, everybody dies.

                  For the record, this is my last comment about this subject. I trust that nature will order and reorder as it should be.


                  • #39

                    Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                    What were free energy researchers dancing around the edges of?
                    Thanks for the sermon but not interested.

                    You can't take responsibility for coming to your own conclusions of what it was. If you haven't read the patent to see why I labeled the banner like I did, don't bother me with your ill informed opinions of why I did or didn't do something.

                    I did quite a few people a favor by NOT mentioning it was the health breakthrough - because it was already mentioned in Peter's newsletter. Manipulation? You should get a grip David.

                    Why? Because if I said it was a health breakthrough, suddenly everyone would be posting is it this or is it that - the same thing Peter was talking about? Posting links, etc... BOTTOM LINE... hardly anyone is can to do their due diligence by going to some website because a website cannot replace a live presentation, period - they NEED to hear a presentation in the CORRECT order BEFORE researching something on their own or all the endless babble BEFORE the call would have sabotaged it for too many people that DID want to join where otherwise they would NOT have if everyone started posted about it ahead of time. If you can't accept this - too bad David - I have no interest in personally pleasing you or your worldview.

                    If you can't comprehend that this and that kind of endless babble sprouting up in one or more threads is detrimental to someone's opportunity - then you need to wake up.
                    Last edited by Aaron; 08-09-2011, 07:24 AM.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #40
                      Agreeable, Aaron!

                      Rather than this pucky fluff being thrown around, polluting an
                      otherwise substantial discovery brought forth herein, wouldn't
                      the matters at hand be to analyze it and begin replication?

                      Fast food for thought is right over
                      at D-Queen; everyone sharing their
                      complaints and continuing the discourse
                      ought to have a nice


                      • #41


                        Don't put words in my mouth - if anyone is manipulating anyone it is you with your words.

                        It is an ANALYSIS in retrospect of why people are coming to their own conclusions without enough info, that = uninformed decision, period.

                        But don't think for a second that I am going to use something like that as a reason to get people on the call - that is pathetic and if you think that was my motive, leave. If I believe that ahead of time, then I would have to have believed that most people getting on the call would object to it - that is mentally insane but if it makes sense to you, then perhaps you should be typing to yourself taking your own advice because it certainly doesn't apply to me.

                        I know what my intentions are and if you think otherwise, that is your problem. I'm not going to jerk people around like that. And to claim that I think everyone here is an idiot is your own delusion but perhaps you are fulfilling that idea on your own. If you heard the call, I did nothing but give high praise to the members at Energetic Forum as being a group of people that would really get what was being shared. Quite the contrary to your slanderous and accusatory mouth.

                        Furthermore, I apparently made the mistake of assuming that everyone here was too smart to jump to conclusions and would see the obvious intent to the call when they got on it and what was in the banner and would have actually appreciated it. I was actually right in assuming that for most because I'm getting a lot of interest from it but it was a big mistake
                        in assuming "everyone" would see it for what it was. Thank God it was only a very small percentage that has zero respect or appreciation for what they did get. For some people getting a valuable secret is not enough - it has to be 100% their way or the highway. Too bad this applies to you and some others.

                        Doing it for pure profit? You have a few screws lose if you think that is who I am. If I wanted pure profit, why would I spend my time in the 'free energy' or 'alternative health' field, I'd get a nice cushy job as a recruiter for some
                        corporation that doesn't care about people and make money doing
                        something that turns my stomach. Bottom line is you have no idea what you are talking about and accusing me of that while pontificating on what is beautiful or not simply points to the fact that you are inconsistent with your train of thought amongst other things.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by geotron View Post
                          Agreeable, Aaron!

                          Rather than this pucky fluff being thrown around, polluting an
                          otherwise substantial discovery brought forth herein, wouldn't
                          the matters at hand be to analyze it and begin replication?
                          Battery secret - easy.

                          Subject of special event call - more challenging than "overunity"

                          Time Machine Switch - could be but I'm not sharing it, especially not after the ungrateful responses i'm getting from a few people that I gave a lot of credit too. They gripe about what they don't like but have zero to say about what they do appreciate, if anything, so forget it. I'll re-look at Hob's diagram again and may make some comments - but at this point, DavidE and others have reinforced my feeling that I should not share it.

                          There is a saying - "Would you rather be right or would you rather be rich?"

                          Rich doesn't only mean rich with money - it just means getting something of value that you appreciate - money, home, information, relationships, etc... and some people value their egotistical perceptions above and beyond swallowing their pride long enough so they can give thanks to what IS shared with them instead of griping about things based on ignorant assumptions and focusing on the parts they don't like.

                          Griping like little school children about thinking someone wants to only give them table scraps when in fact they HAVE ALREADY BEEN GIVEN
                          golden nuggets but are to blind to see it - and making up intentions and motives for other people based on a delusional point of view based on a small piece of information.

                          Some people that appear to be the biggest proponents of change are actually the biggest hindrance.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #43
                            Whatever you've discovered, I don't see how it could be more
                            awesome than the Benitez systems - enough to keep someone busy
                            for a long while. Profoundly interesting.

                            Energy surrounds and permeates the biological organism, furthered
                            by stabilized redox molecule solution... researchers around the
                            world, behold.

                            With an alternator on a motor supplying the input to a transformer,
                            this transformer powering the electromagnetic spark gap oscillator
                            for the purpose of charging a battery storage bank with the use of
                            electrolytic rectifiers, the output might instead be collected
                            into a capacitive medium suitable for immediate use by the motor,
                            while for purposes of recharging the battery bank, this could utilize
                            the lower-voltage output from the alternator.

                            With a variable electrolytic capacitor serving as the condensor 48
                            in Benitez' 121561, couldn't this be another way of varying the arc?


                            • #44
                              Benitez - Nilrehob

                              Originally posted by geotron View Post
                              Whatever you've discovered, I don't see how it could be more
                              awesome than the Benitez systems - enough to keep someone busy
                              for a long while. Profoundly interesting.

                              Energy surrounds and permeates the biological organism, furthered
                              by stabilized redox molecule solution... researchers around the
                              world, behold.

                              With an alternator on a motor supplying the input to a transformer,
                              this transformer powering the electromagnetic spark gap oscillator
                              for the purpose of charging a battery storage bank with the use of
                              electrolytic rectifiers, the output might instead be collected
                              into a capacitive medium suitable for immediate use by the motor,
                              while for purposes of recharging the battery bank, this could utilize
                              the lower-voltage output from the alternator.

                              With a variable electrolytic capacitor serving as the condensor 48
                              in Benitez' 121561, couldn't this be another way of varying the arc?
                              lol, clever

                              I don't claim it is more awesome than Benitez - but I do think most people don't understand it fully, I don't and I've never seen a real true to life replica. However, there are some interesting concepts there that I think many people have applied in other ways.

                              My method has no gap - all low voltage batteries.

                              I want to see Nilrehob's diagram he posted with the Swastika crossed wires. I didn't study it in detail but seemed the closest to what I was doing from anything I've seen. It was in one of these threads.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #45
                                With the diodes directly below the coil as shown, does this have
                                the effect of pulling energy through lower righthand cell from
                                the upper lefthand one?

                                Another perspective

