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Time Machine switch

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  • #61
    open source

    Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
    If you invented it, how about making it open source already? Open source does pay, more than just talking about it anyway. Clock is ticking!

    Is it at all related to my my thread on energy shuttling? If so, you can post it there.
    Please show me 3 open source energy technologies that made it into the hands of the masses and were not just kept in a VERY VERY VERY small percentage of people's hands that build things. The masses actually want to just buy something from a store.

    HHO booster don't count - that was patented by Rhoads, etc... and patents expired, etc... many things that are from expired patents don't count. I'm talking about things that were developed within the open source community.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #62
      Ya you consumer!!!!


      • #63
        just 3 examples

        Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
        If you invented it, how about making it open source already? Open source does pay, more than just talking about it anyway. Clock is ticking!

        Is it at all related to my my thread on energy shuttling? If so, you can post it there.
        I'm still waiting - show me three things that were open sourced without ever getting a patent that made it into the hands of the masses, which is necessary to actually "change the world".

        Energy technology I'm talking about Linux operating systems do not count. Energy technologies only please.

        I want to see how they have "paid" off by saving the world or otherwise.
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • #64
          One set of three you speak of - [ Math, School Playgound Equipment, Electronics ]

          Without any one of these, herein to be considered open source due to
          their nature to allow anyone to replicate and learn from each in their
          own right, our timeline for advancement would be much greater. Asimov
          purports that the difference a great number of variables has, as it
          pertains to the course of history has value depending on the scale at
          which the calculation encovers.

          The possibility exists of our Universe being a liquid medium so vast and
          roiling with energy that to behold its containing structure would
          require a proportion of intellect far greater than is possible...

          Naturally our instincts guide us as humans, in the midst of eternity.


          • #65
            The Filamentary Enclosed Plasmatic Universe, an electrodynamic
            existance allowing energy to flow. The neato thing you've got
            waiting Aaron is enough to save a few bucks here and there for
            a possible release date.


            • #66
              time machine switch

              Originally posted by geotron View Post
              One set of three you speak of - [ Math, School Playgound Equipment, Electronics ]
              I'm really talking about energy technologies. I can't find one that was
              developed through open source and has "paid off" by being put into the
              hands of the masses or any significant part of the population in a way that
              has decreased the amount of petroleum used by any significant amount.

              Nor has any of it "changed the world" at any level that it has changed the
              books or any other media that is taught to school children, etc...

              Open source works for a very small niche of the population that wants to
              build things but most of the population could care less about knowing how
              and why things work or how to build them. They just want to know that
              it does work, period, and that they can buy it. All the rest is irrelevant to
              the general population.

              I am all for open sourcing concepts and learning tools to put people in
              the right direction but I have since learned that there are too many people
              willing to steal intellectual property and claim it as their own. It has
              happened to me several times right now this forum.

              How can they steal it if I put it in the public domain? They can claim they
              are the inventor and apply for a patent application. It has already
              happened. I have found that most people don't even know what it means
              for something to be considered public domain.

              I can post something for the world to see and I can still go get a patent
              on it and what I revealed will not be considered public domain. If anyone
              debates this, they can easily be proven wrong. Posting something out in
              the open before applying for a patent does NOT make it public domain and
              does NOT make it impossible to patent - it is all right there in the
              patent regulations spelled out in no uncertain terms. It was a big eye
              opener to me by the way.


              Anyway, in regards to my circuit - how do you have common positives
              and flip flop the circuit so you have two alternating negative potentials?

              Between those alternating negative potentials, there are obviously
              gradients in the negative range where current is moving but without
              real positive voltage pressures.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #67
                After revisiting this forum after many many months in hope to see some progress, I only find the same old Aaron trying to con everyone into another amazing discovery (only to suppress the last one). Let me guess, is there a book containing the circuit coming out?

                The only name you'll ever earn is Aaron "The Great" moderator. Stop wasting everyone's time.


                • #68

                  With all of the information posted here on the Benitez technology that's a shameful position to make final.


                  • #69
                    goodbye ecoman

                    Originally posted by Ecoman11 View Post
                    After revisiting this forum after many many months in hope to see some progress, I only find the same old Aaron trying to con everyone into another amazing discovery (only to suppress the last one). Let me guess, is there a book containing the circuit coming out?

                    The only name you'll ever earn is Aaron "The Great" moderator. Stop wasting everyone's time.
                    You obviously cannot appreciate or apply anything that is already posted throughout this forum so you get nothing more. You're gone - obviously this place isn't for you.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                      My time machine switch is a way to power an inductive load by using the potential difference between two negatives. Amps without voltage - real cold electricity. Nilrehob had one diagram that is the closest that I saw anyone get but his was for a different purpose. I may show the switch concept but not the load - so everyone can focus on what's important.
                      I've heard some concepts that are a little bit strange to me. I know about cold electricity, that I thought that it was pure voltage without amperage.
                      Now (and I have heard that for you other times) there is also pure amperage without voltage.

                      To get cold electricity, peter says that you need to fractionate the electricity. Capacitive or inductive fractionation. I've also heard a very exotic technique called Distillative Fractionation of electricity.

                      I've a friend that have built some different free energy devices and he told me that there are different kinds of electrical manifestations. We know the famous Radiant Energy, and he told me that there is other one (at least) called Vibrant Current.

                      What can you say me about all those kind of things Aaron?

                      Some tests could be interesting like replicating the AV Plug but instead of pulsing the 12 VDC + and -, pulsing -12 VDC positive OR negative. In what could affect (in the output) to use uni-positive, uni-negative or bipolar (classic) energy?
                      Last edited by AetherScientist; 09-10-2011, 04:02 PM.


                      • #71
                        In going with the way standardized electronics are built,

                        When our tranformers pick up energy from the inductive transfer of energy
                        from a primary coil into a secondary, the use of energy from the output coil
                        naturally goes into generating an increase of current use from the source...
                        perhaps draining a 12v battery.

                        Without using output energy, the system will sit at idle while a capacitor
                        on the output will then collect an amount of voltage dependant on its
                        storage value and the current going through the primary coil.

                        If a third coil is then added alongside the primary, either as a top layer
                        or wound next to it for each turn, this second output will then supply
                        another passive stream of energy with a charge supply dependant on the
                        amount of wattage being drawn through to the output.

                        In providing a mechanism allowing this new inductive element in partner with
                        the primary coil whose purpose would be to switch the streams of energy from
                        a recovery state into one of charging, this enables the system to be
                        operated in a more efficient state?

                        When the recovery capacitor is shorted onto the 12v battery at an adjustable
                        rate depending on its storage value with a switch designed to do so at the
                        same moment as when the recovery coil is disconnected by a second switch
                        normally 'on' for purposes of recovery into the capacitor being switched,
                        the system will be collecting energy back at a rate dependant on the wattage
                        of the output.

                        During passive collection of energy from the third coil with the primary, a
                        variable resistive element will allow detection of a proper charging voltage
                        and then shut off the recovery coil to prevent feedback loading of the 12v
                        battery while the energy is sent into it.


                        • #72
                          cold electricity

                          Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
                          I know about cold electricity, that I thought that it was pure voltage without amperage.
                          Now (and I have heard that for you other times) there is also pure amperage without voltage.
                          Pure potential can be considered "cold electricity" but so is magnetic current.

                          A permanent magnet is current without voltage and is "cold electricity".
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            Pure potential can be considered "cold electricity" but so is magnetic current.

                            A permanent magnet is current without voltage and is "cold electricity".

                            Does "Cold Electricity" have a dielectric field?




                            • #74
                              Cold electricity has no measurable current. But it does have a current.

                              I am not sure about a dielectric field though.

                              I can tell ya beyond a doubt it does have a current, it runs motors, bulbs and everything in between.


