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Free Energy Available for everyone in the near future !

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  • Free Energy Available for everyone in the near future !

    We will soon be able to buy the most revolutionary invention of all times!

    The last 6 years Lutec 1000 free energy machine retrieved patents in more than 60 countries over the globe. After these 6 years we thought the project was dead, suddenly they appeared again on the surface with a plan to commercialize this concept within 2 years from now! The main problem with this product is that it is super controversial, mainstream media doesn’t believes in the concept of a perpetual energy machine. The inventors of this machine claim it is not a perpetual energy machine but rather a natural magnetic force energy generator. The founders of this magnificent invention have been faced with different threats, if you consider that this product will be good for our wallets it wont be good for the Multinationals who have enormous benefits in the trade of energy products that mainly are fossil fuels. Those Multinationals are only interested in making more benefits, the principle of making a greater barrier between the poor and the rich. Like I said they faced threads from unknown, for me this is clear. Also the founder was alleged to be dead? Some weeks later he read the article on the internet..

    How this machine works:

    Two magnetic poles are attracting each other so you can have an infinite rotation, this rotation produces energy with the principle of dynamo energy production. This energy production is amazing, it produces 10 times the energy it needs that is retrieved by a bank of batteries! All this has been confirmed by a independent engineer organisation, they also claim that the output of energy is much higher than the input needed to start the generator.

    If everything goes well and by plan the Lutec 1000 Free Energy generator will be on the Australian markets within 2 years from now. Great idea to save +/- 5000,00 $ to buy this revolutionary product!

    Source: Free Energy Blog | Be a investor of a cleaner future
    Last edited by Mase; 07-23-2011, 10:31 AM. Reason: Correction

  • #2
    Welcome to the forums Mase.

    Hi Mase.

    Welcome to the energeticforum Mase.
    I've been following Lutec, their investors, their chines partners, their concept over the last couple years. There have been several threads on these forums about the concept. Their apparently independent validation and the serious interest from China did make for a compelling energetic future. And then when they literally said, "We expect to hit North American markets within 2 years." They plain fell off the face of the earth. I haven't heard from them since. Do you have new info on them

    Your explanation of why is perfectly sound. Globalist, elitist, money grubbing <5% pigs who can't share. Even if it is with their own children and generations to come. They are truly evil and will suffer terribly for their malformed convictions, in this life or the next.

    The New World currency is poised to be backed by the mother of all Oil rigs in Alaska called the Liberty Well. It goes 8 miles deep, deepest well ever drilled if i'm not correct. Theres a reason why we are not supposed to know too much about it.

    Its the richest <5%, crown corporation owned Rothchild and American ran Rockefeller Oil business that is literally strangling us as they prepare us for huge food and energy catastrophe, while collapsing our economy, and then come to the surface with a new oil source (bigger than being told) with which to back the New World dollar.

    These wars in the Middle east will hit the wall with Saudi Arabia. When that happens, our oil buying power will be completely embargoed. Believe it or not. This is kind of what they want, while revealing a whole new untapped source. Thanks Sara Pailin, you evil "drill baby drill" *****!

    For a product that could completely screw up these plans to actually make it to a free market will take undoing the Builderbergers, the Bohemians and the power control mechanism which levers our available merchandise. That actually means Google too. They control the indexes and what we actually get to see.

    I'm surprised i'm still able to write this message. :P I'm soooo sick of it. It is time to make up our minds to put it to an end. Either that, or the future for our youth is going to be more restrictive than ever.

    Sorry for my rant. Its saturday and i'm a little pissy i guess. :P

    Love and light to you Mase. And thanks for the encouragement. - Where technology goes Live! - Your Portal Here on Earth


    • #3
      Hi the dude,

      Thx. to welcome me !

      Im pleased to hear there are people who have the same point of view on this subject. This is a well known problem in our civilization, where the rich get richer and to poor can be stable and controlled by the little mass. I assume this is logic, it should not concern us but it does! I don't see what we can do as a mass, maybe the rebel spirit in me isn't that cultivated. This is why I am waiting on this revelation. When such invention is commercialized, there wont be the barrier between poor and rich. Everyone would have the same opportunities, if it is a African or a Chinese it will not matter.

      Here you can find all the granted patents: Lutec Australia Pty Ltd - Patents Granted

      Love and light the dude


      • #4
        In two years time everyone will be using Rossi's e-cat and this - #1 Breakthrough: Solid State Generator


        • #5
          New revelation in the pursuit of free energy supply unveiled

          I made a article about your reply, very interesting technology !

          A new rapidly evolving technology has emerged and is very promising. This machine can produce energy without any mechanic or rotational movements, it is claimed that the energy is retrieved from materials and could supply energy for 20 years in a solid state! No chemical or nuclear reactions are needed to start the process. After testing this material in a period of three years the process did not show any changes at all and was very stable. The output of energy is greater than the input and the machine has been tested, certified by independent engineers, like always there are many sceptical who claim this is impossible... Maybe they are hired by the government or multinationals to ridicule this great concept of perpetual energy supply. The fantastic thing about this new invention is that it has no limits, you can call it a "limitless" machine. It could be used in the beginning to provide energy to title appliances like cell phones, GPS or even a laptop but if it evolves it would even could be used for bigger electronic devices that demand more energy. At this moment the inventors are looking for investors to commercialize their machine, I hope it would be available for everyone around the globe due to its magnificent applications. Some of these new inventions have found investors but like you read in my previous articles they are suppressed by the little mass for the greater mass! If such technology would emerge on the markets it would be a boom for all economics around the globe and a bash against the multinationals In my opinion it will not be easy and a struggle to bring it on the markets, the inventors claimed they would commercialise it in a delay of 12 or 24 months counted from now.

          This all looks very promising hope to see some results soon!

