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HF HV Phenomena Observations

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  • #61
    Its almost like a reverse Telsa Magnifier with an extra primary hooked to ground.

    Its sparking because the coupling is tight.


    • #62
      Yes the coupling is tight, but disregarding the sparking from the secondary to the primary, then why does the unpowered coil have a higher terminal voltage.

      The sparks break out from the unpowered coil to the grounded sphere from a greater distance than from the powered coil to the grounded sphere, the voltage of the left coils terminal (in the video) seems higher than the right coils terminal.

      I would have thought the left coils voltage would be lower than the right.



      • #63
        Hey Farmhand,

        I think the second coil is acting as a slow wave magnifier.

        This paper explains it well.

        I'm learning everyday and enjoy the experiments folks like you do. Keep up the good work.


        • #64
          Thanks for that jiffy, on closer inspection I see that some sparks are going from
          the top secondary turn to the primary and some sparks are going from a higher
          turn on the secondary to a lower turn on the secondary just below, some go
          almost 2 inches around the secondary but only jump a few turns, crazy stuff.

          If I disconnect the primary from ground nothing changes but if I disconnect the
          secondary from ground as well the sparking stops.

          I actually drew the sketch a bit wrong four posts back, the powered primary cap
          negative is grounded and the spark gap was on the positive leg of the primary
          for the video, none of that changes the effect much though.

          I took some insulated 10 amp auto wire and connected one end to ground then
          suspended the wire (insulated section) near the terminals so the insulation
          was attacked from both sides, after about 5 seconds the insulation was
          pierced and two very fine jet streams of purple stuff sprayed out.
          The holes are practically invisible.

          Thanks for the PDF. I'll try to understand some of it.


          • #65
            I'm searching the way to convert loudly fat white spark from my car ignition coil into silent almost invisible one. This is the key for Kapanadze device and if you saw that (I saw one day but that was few years ago) please save all data.


            • #66
              Does Kapanadze device use a diode to rectify the HV? If I drive my ignition coil
              with 24 volts AC I can get a plasma flame which is kinda orange around purple I
              think it's fairly quiet, I'll set it up and get a short video, I can't recall exactly the
              sound but I did note the flame-like arc.

              I'll be as quick as I can. I hope it works the same as before.

              Here's the clip but it noisy, it's not a white spark though, if it was a cap
              discharge it probably would be.

              ignition coil.wmv - YouTube
              Last edited by Farmhand; 01-05-2012, 12:48 PM.


              • #67
                Hi Boguslaw,
                Are you talking about the spark at the Kapagen's spark gap?


                • #68
                  Yes,I'm talking about Kapanadze silent spark at his green box device. It has to do with some modification or maybe resonant action because I've got the same spark gap fluctuating silent kind once from my car coil many years ago (when Kapanadze was unknown person) yet when I connect the same old device I've already found again (exactly the same coil and driver but different cables , and in different place) all I have is this white noisy spark and heating of spark gap electrode (done from metal paper clip). If you find how to convert this white flaming heavy noisy spark gap immediately into silend fluctuating one with the same power consumption from battery (2-3 amps) then you would have a key to Kapanadze device in my humble opinion.


                  • #69
                    Will you share your layout for your Kapanadze? We should probably move discussion of it over to the Kapanadze - Kapagen area of this forum or you can private message me directly. The spark gap is a key part of the Kapanadze setup. Most replications I have seen are way off on the gap.
                    Last edited by Jiffycoil; 01-05-2012, 09:54 PM.


                    • #70
                      Hi guys, I picked up some more MOT's, two are very close to being the same
                      primary inductance, so I'm using one from each output of the supply transformer
                      with the secondary negatives grounded to double the HV cap charging
                      To keep the input about the same I reduced the series cap size driving the
                      MOT's from 2.2 uF to 700nF each. So input power is still about 60 watts.

                      The sparking I was seeing on the secondary coils is quite bad, when I turn the
                      light off the complete secondary coil is sometimes enveloped by carona, it's
                      difficult to see without turning off the light, with the light on I only see the
                      sparks not the envelope. Some new primaries and better insulation should fix that.

                      Here's a pic of a aluminium disc and a screw on the top of the coil

                      Uploaded with

                      Once I fix the leaks at the top of the secondary coil I'll increase the input power some more.

                      Last edited by Farmhand; 01-08-2012, 10:34 PM.


                      • #71
                        I made some changes to the insulation, I wrapped the secondary with 3mm
                        rubber sheet and carefully insulated the ground lead from the secondary.
                        I also moved everything from near the base of the coil, the arcing from
                        secondary to primary has stopped as far as I can tell. But the primary is
                        issuing a ring of purple fire from the top turn.

                        It looks the streamers are trying to crawl up the insulation to get to the
                        secondary. Lots more happening at the top now though despite the
                        primary streamer thing.

                        Uploaded with

                        I insulated it like this. This is by no means a permanent fix, i'm just checking
                        some stuff out.

                        Uploaded with


                        P.S. The picture of the primary was taken with a disc on top which was
                        leaking, not a toroid so when I add the toroid terminal to the top the more
                        energy will be contained for longer, the primary may leak more streamers then
                        if so I'll try to get some better pics.

                        I think I need a bit more mass in the primary or a bit less in the secondary.

                        Last edited by Farmhand; 01-09-2012, 12:26 AM.


                        • #72
                          It seems the voltage difference over the distance is too great no matter the
                          insulation. Eventually it either burned through a weak point or found a hole.

                          Uploaded with

                          Uploaded with

                          Uploaded with

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                          If I setup a couple of metal plates I can make a bit of sweet ozone.

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                          Since the wire in these bottom coils is already ruined, I'm going to play around
                          and ruin it some more before I make new ones.


                          Uploaded with

                          Last edited by Farmhand; 01-09-2012, 05:12 PM.


                          • #73
                            Very nice plasma beams.


                            • #74
                              Thanks jiffy, I'm going to try a single primary (same weight as the secondary)
                              turn below the secondary, same diameter, I'll also seal the secondary coil with
                              some lacquer to improve it's insulation and see what happens, just for testing.

                              A single turn will increase the voltage step up more still, but the primary will be
                              as far away from the top of the secondary as possible, I think if I insulate the
                              coil turns well enough and clean the fluff of it the sparking between the
                              secondary turns will stop, I hope.

                              So far I see no sparking from the secondary to the extra coil. The sparking
                              between the secondary and primary and between the secondary turns is
                              helped a lot by the plasma envelope which covers parts of the secondary,
                              sometimes all of it depending on the input power.

                              I need to buy 4x 2uF 600v non polarized caps to drive the two MOT's.

                              I primary turn will mean I can use more primary capacitance.

                              I think I can get sufficient power from the setup I have. So now I can
                              concentrate on building some better Tesla coils, but first I will experiment for
                              a while.

                              It's amazing when we use HV like this we can actually see some of the things we can
                              only imagine with low voltage.

                              The plasma light envelope around the primary and sometimes the secondary is
                              quite faint, like pink mist, and won't show up on video, I need low ambient light to see it with
                              the naked eye, but it sure is pretty, kinda spoiled by the sound though.

                              If I can learn how to drive the camera properly I might be able to get some better pictures.



                              I want to try the writing the name thing in this book below page 215 Fig.138.

                              The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
                              Last edited by Farmhand; 01-11-2012, 05:57 AM.


                              • #75
                                Nice pics everyone Sounds like you're having interesting experiences there Farmhand hehe. I'm working on the 60cm spiral coils as we speak. 2x 1.5mm parallel wires used for the primary for a total of 116.8 grams including the lead-in and lead-out bits, which probably come to about 2 grams. The secondary will consist of approx 53 metres of 24 SWG which I just finished measuring and weighing. I'll have to wind this to make sure everything fits on the base, unwind it, then rewind it with glue. It should be good I reckon Can't wait to find out, and then I'll make an extra coil for it as well Hopefully the 53 metres of wire will fit good. There's a chance according to circle circumference calculations that 80 metres of 26 SWG might fit on there but I think I'll go with the 24 SWG [edit] Not really sure how I'm using 4 times the length of secondary wire than there is in the small coils with only double the size base but I guess I'll soon find out
                                Last edited by dR-Green; 01-11-2012, 06:09 AM.

                                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall

