Considering our are also made of Light

The reason crystals are so potent for vibrational healing is that they contain “Codes of Light” and the “Rays of Divine Consciousness”. The Unified Energy Field (UEF) of the whole cosmos is reflected in the gemstones, jewels, and the various “rocks” of our Earth‘s crust. Think of crystals and gemstones as containing the “frozen light” of the Divine. Pure in their crystalline structures and the type of Light they refract, they imbue pure qualities into our own auric energy fields.
A Caduceus Coil is Helical like an Alpha Quartz...Obeying the Principle of Correspondence / Harmonic Math, I can therefore consirder A Caduceus Coil as a Crystal this would make more sense when i say this
Fractal is 6 and Crystal is 9
a Crystal will emit a Fractal and a Fractal will create a Crystal

Fractal is 6 and Crystal is 9
a Crystal will emit a Fractal and a Fractal will create a Crystal
