"The Word was Reason, and by the Reason of the Word, invisible things were made manifest."
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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
From Page 54: http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...netism-54.html
Originally posted by MonsieurM View PostDo you guys know of Voynich manuscript - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This book kept popping up in my line of sight for the past few days...just had a look at a few pages...do you recognize this
Note the shape of the crystals (Vogel Cut ) in the following pic
A stained-glass window in León Cathedral, Northern Spain
from: León Cathedral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Its almost 1,800 square meters of stained glass windows are one the main touristic attractions of the cathedral. The great majority of them are original, which is a rarity, and date from the thirteenth to the fifteenth century. They are among the world's finest stained glass works.Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-10-2012, 09:54 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Having found the 7 Cathedrals, I turned my eyes back to Morocco...Did you know that in the region of Essaouira, there is a legend about the 7 Saints
so i searched some more Zawiyah, and found a peculiar photo...the least you could say...I'll keep you hanging a bit...
The Region it was found in , is known for a long historical presence of a Jewish population and Jewish Saints, which to this day is visited
7 Saints Regraga
The spring Regraga
Annually in Morocco, is held in late March by the brotherhood popular Regraga Daour a year. This pilgrimage, which takes place on the territory of Chiadma in the province of Essaouira, lasts 44 days and involves 40 steps. A singular event popular, religious, economic ...
The fabulous tour of the Seven men Regraga According to an immutable tradition, was launched, as every spring for forty-four successive days, the pilgrimage circular Regraga around the tombs of the Seven Saints.
The fascinating history of Regraga is maintained by a living tradition which makes Haouariyoun (the apostles), followers of Sidna Aissa (Jesus) through Saint-Jean (Sidi Yahya).
Rites and observed in their songs Moussem by Abdelkader Mana, recorded in his famous book on Regraga also strangely remind the biblical story of the Table Spread. Arrived in Andalusia according to this legend, the ancestors of these four Regraga fled by sea the persecution they endured in their monotheistic faith, to land on the banks of Oued Tensift to Kouz they have established a place of prayer, called Berber Timzkden n'houren (Mosque of the Apostles).
Disciples of Jesus, professing a belief similar to Arianism, the Regraga particularly proud of their second top-fact: their encounter with the Prophet Mohamed and Islam Sidna in Arabia, which makes them companions, first introducers of Islam in Morocco. However, a thesis put into question by the ulama of Fez of the seventeenth century, but still strongly defended by Regraga.
According to this belief: seven men reportedly went to Saudi to meet the chosen of God, which they expected Sidna Mohamed prophecy. Converted to Islam, they receive the blessing of the Prophet to spread the new religion among their countrymen. Mission accomplished if one believes the legend that the jumper would have found Oqba Ibn Nafii Haha Islamized the country on entry into Morocco.
As warrior monks, followers of orthodoxy, the Regraga also illustrated by their struggle against heretics Berghouata, introduction of legal chadilite rite in Morocco and later, their battles against the Portuguese occupiers, while up to the present, their baraka fertilization is earnestly invoked by the tribes and Chiadma Haha.
Source leconomiste.com
This pilgrimage is performed by thirteen circular zaouias, down or affiliates of seven saints. It takes place in forty-four steps and thirty-eight days. Reference to the forty days of flood and saints hidden apotropéens who took turns to carry the burden of the mystical world. From the outset, we are in the mystical symbolism of numbers. The 40 days of the flood, the 40 hidden saints apotropéens who take turns to carry the burden of the mystical world.
There are only thirteen zaouias (sanctuaries of direct or indirect descendants of the seven holy founders). But the other steps are either Seyyed (sanctuaries without descendants), or a simple cenotaph (where lords hoarding their money in troubled times, they say). Or without domes catafalques, tombs disproportionately located near a major Argan Tree, a cave or atop a sacred mountain.
Legend of the Seven Saints is quite answered in the Mediterranean. One of the best known versions is that the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in Turkey mentioned in Sura of the Cave:On the heels of their trajectory, the Regraga draw on the geographical area of Chiadma two huge wheels that seem to reproduce a cosmic constellation on earth. It is perhaps no coincidence that one of the tribes called Njoum precisely: the stars.Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 02:33 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
compare the previous post with the following:
The story of Nicolas Flamel seemed to have died until it was revived in the seventeenth century by King Louis VIV who sent an archaeologist by the name of Paul Lucas on a mission to the East. In his book about his journey “Voyage dans la Turquie”, Lucas recounts a meeting with a Turkish philosopher who told him a story: “This philosopher was a member of a group of seven philosophers, who belonged to no particular country and traveled all over the world, having no other aim than the search for wisdom and their own development. Every twenty years they met at a pre-determined place, which happened that year to be Broussa. According to him, human life ought to have an infinitely longer duration than we admit; the average length should be a thousand years. A man could live a thousand years if he had knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone, which, besides being the knowledge of the transmutation of metals, was also the knowledge of the Elixir of life. The sages possessed it and kept it for themselves. In the West, there were only a few such sages. Nicolas Flamel had been one of them.” Paul Lucas was astonished that a Turk, whom he had met by chance at Broussa, should be familiar with the story of Flamel. He was still more astonished when the Turk told him how the book of Abraham the Jew had come into Flamel's possession, for thus far no one had known this. “Abraham the Jew was a member of our group," the man told him. "He had determined not to lose sight of the descendants of his brothers who had taken refuge in France. He had a desire to see them, and in spite of all we could do to dissuade him he went to Paris.
from the previous post:
Legend of the Seven Saints is quite answered in the Mediterranean. One of the best known versions is that the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in Turkey mentioned in Sura of the CaveLast edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 02:19 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
I don't know what this is but I found it next to a Zawyah (spiritual place ), it could also have been recently made :
Zaouia Sidi Smail Nouasser - Region de Doukkala-Abda, Morocco
so here are the pics
Got 9 circle bi color and one mono color....6 pointing in one direction....and 3 in another
link to map Satellite Views from Area around Zaouia Sidi Smail Nouasser - Region de Doukkala-Abda, Morocco
if you look at the map, you'll see there is a mountain not too far by (if you were flying)
Btw there is a sacred Mount too:
The tribes that formed and still form the backbone of "federation Regraga" live down both sides of Jbal lahdid to Akermoud, north of Essaouira. Toward the eastern side of the "Holy Mountain" is a rural town called Oulad M'Rabet (the son of Almoravid).
Jbal lahdid = Iron Mountain
ps: these philosophers like Comte St Germain spoke Fluently multiple Languages
I wonder if one of them will stumble on this thread
Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 02:25 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Here is a nice synchronicity for you:
Shannon Dorey - Hour 1 - The Nummo & The Dogon
January 8, 2012
Dorey is a graduate of Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario where she studied English, History and mythology. Her interests were expanded into religious studies after studying the New Testament at the University of Windsor in 1991. She began her writing career as a journalist and still continues writing articles for various online publications. She joins us to discuss her second book, The Nummo. The Dogon talked about alien beings known as Nummo who came to Earth from another star system. These fish and serpent like beings were hermaphrodites who spent more time in water than on land. Shannon presents examples of how these amphibious aliens appeared all over the ancient world and makes connection with mitochondrial Eve, Mary Magdalene, Masonic symbolism and more. She reveals how the Dogon religion is the core religion from which other religions including Judaism and Christianity have evolved. We'll discuss the Nummo's voyage to Earth, their knowledge of genetic engineering, Dogon mythology and their intention with humanity.
Red Ice Radio - Shannon Dorey - Hour 1 - The Nummo & The Dogon“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
purelyconstructive, I am grateful to count you as one of our Seeker of Wisdom
As I read your text , It is exactly how I felt how the "Creation As The Crystallized Light of Consciousness" Process was taking place....Thank you for your Crystal Clear (pun intended ) Description of the process.
One Remark that should be mentioned...as you stand before the Rose Window...You have become the Pineal Gland of the Cathedral
The below picture shows you a person using its two eyes; but replace the two eyes with the third eye
the same as:
from another post
Considering our Discussion...you are also made of Light
The reason crystals are so potent for vibrational healing is that they contain “Codes of Light” and the “Rays of Divine Consciousness”. The Unified Energy Field (UEF) of the whole cosmos is reflected in the gemstones, jewels, and the various “rocks” of our Earth‘s crust. Think of crystals and gemstones as containing the “frozen light” of the Divine. Pure in their crystalline structures and the type of Light they refract, they imbue pure qualities into our own auric energy fields.A Caduceus Coil is Helical like an Alpha Quartz...Obeying the Principle of Correspondence / Harmonic Math, I can therefore consirder A Caduceus Coil as a Crystal....now this would make more sense when i say this
Fractal is 6 and Crystal is 9
a Crystal will emit a Fractal and a Fractal will create a Crystal
a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
Originally posted by purelyconstructive.
Each Archangel is an androgynous, Male-Female pair. In the layer around them are pictures of intertwined plants (helical twists). These are wave motions. [Notice the Archangels play the trumpets, "The Music of The Spheres"]. As you move away from center you are increasing in wavelength and decreasing in frequency. This is how the outer layers are made in the hierarchy ("from subtle to gross") until finally you have matter, the "fallen" Light Aether. Matter exists purely to manifest potential.
It is important to note that if you were in the cathedral facing this window, you would be "on the cross", so to speak. The overhead view of the building is a cross, and the Southern end (of a cross in the ground) is in the direction of the feet towards the Center of the Earth. The planets are produced by the singing of Sol, the Sun. Therefore, there is Infinity and Zero in both directions, inside and outside, with matter being cyclically regenerated in between these two extremes.
Thank you All for sharing your radiance.Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 12:02 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
A while back this was posted:
Lecture 6: Renaissance Magic
the answer lies here
Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."
from: Averroes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad bin ʾAḥmad bin Rušd (Arabic: أبو الوليد محمد بن احمد بن رشد), better known just as Ibn Rushd (Arabic: ابن رشد), and in European literature as Averroes ( /əˈvɛroʊ.iːz/; April 14, 1126 – December 10, 1198), was a Muslim polymath; a master of Aristotelian philosophy, Islamic philosophy, Islamic theology, Maliki law and jurisprudence, logic, psychology, politics, Arabic music theory, and the sciences of medicine, astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics and celestial mechanics. He was born in Córdoba, Al Andalus, modern-day Spain, and died in Marrakesh, modern-day Morocco. His school of philosophy is known as Averroism.
His most important original philosophical work was The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut al-tahafut), in which he defended Aristotelian philosophy against al-Ghazali's claims in The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahafut al-falasifa). Al-Ghazali argued that Aristotelianism, especially as presented in the writings of Avicenna, was self-contradictory and an affront to the teachings of Islam. Averroes' rebuttal was two-pronged: he contended both that al-Ghazali's arguments were mistaken and that, in any case, the system of Avicenna was a distortion of genuine Aristotelianism so that al-Ghazali was aiming at the wrong target. Other works were the Fasl al-Maqal, which argued for the legality of philosophical investigation under Islamic law, and the Kitab al-Kashf, which argued against the proofs of Islam advanced by the Ash'arite school and discussed what proofs, on the popular level, should be used instead.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
It is also called the Heart Intelligence
Heart Intelligence is a higher level of intelligence that supports physical, mental and emotional well being.
Heart Intelligence can be accessed using simple practices and intentions that create a state called "heart coherence" - connecting the Heart and Mind.
"Heart coherence" is a term created by the Institute of HeartMath; a scientific research organization that studies qualities of the heart that have a powerful impact upon personal happiness, health, and performance.
HeartMath scientists discovered that the heart does much more than just pump blood throughout the body (although that function is important enough all by itself!).
The human heart emits an electromagnetic field that surrounds the entire body and extends at least fifteen feet in every direction. This field sends signals to every cell in the body, affecting physical, mental, and emotional health and well being.
The human heart field also interacts with and is affected by the electromagnetic field of the Earth, as well as other people, plants, animals - anything that has electromagnetic qualities - which includes pretty much everything, including space, planets and even stars.
Exactly how and to what degree our individual heart fields are affected by the environment is still under investigation. However, it is clear beyond a doubt that this field connects all of us to each other, the Earth, and space in ways we don't yet fully understand.
We do know that humans that intentionally create heart coherence in their own field have an impact upon their own health and well being. Creating heart coherence also has a positive impact upon those around us. The extent to which creating individual coherence can have an impact on global coherence is being tested now by the Institute of Heartmath. To volunteer and participate in this study, go to de-stress, stress survey, well-being, stress solutions, lower stress, stress management tools, Institute of HeartMath .
The electromagnetic human heart field is a powerful source of energy and information that literally tells all the cells in our body what to do. It exists within and is a part of a Universal ocean of energy and information, which can be accessed by the human mind under the right circumstances.
The information that can be accessed by the mind via the heart is what we call "heart intelligence". It includes and transcends the information we gain through the five physical senses, adding a new dimension to human intelligence that expands human consciousness and empowers the mind.
Now imagine such a person inside the Leon Cathedral
Principle of Correspondence
think of the Infinity Mirror effect - Camera shooting into TV
Fractal Video Feedback Effects - YouTube
Btw: In case you are confused...You are a Crystal and a Fractal...Principle of Polarity: Everything is Dual and so is the Cathedral
Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 01:51 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
[Concepts of the heart in Ancient Egypt]. [Med Sci (Paris). 2004] - PubMed - NCBI
Concepts of the heart in Ancient Egypt
The heart was regarded in Ancient Egypt as the organic motor of the body and also the seat of intelligence, an important religious and spiritual symbol. It was considered as one of the eight parts of human body. Counter to other organs it had to be kept carefully intact in the mummy to ensure its eternal life. In Ancient Egypt, the concept of heart included three constituents: heart-haty, heart-ib, and the spiritual seat of intelligence, emotion and memory. The hieroglyphs representing the heart early in the first dynasty were drawn with eight vessels attached to it. Egyptian doctors have elaborated an original conception of cardiovascular physiology which endured 30 centuries.
I love this Quote:
"The Word was Reason, and by the Reason of the Word, invisible things were made manifest."
Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 02:08 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
This is pure speculation:
Based on recent posts about Atlantis found in Spain and Morocco, and the following Principle:
a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
here is the result
a Map to Atlantis
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Flag of Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Prince of Asturias's Standard
Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."
But, returning to our discussion: After Canseliet's visit to the Enclave of the Alchemists, apparently somewhere in the Pyrenees, Gerard Heym said that he only had vague recollections of his experiences in Spain, as though some form of hypnosis had been used on him to make him forget the details of what he had seen and been told.One friend of Canseliet, who wished to remain anonymous, said that this meeting was "in another dimension... a point where such meetings are possible." The story was that Canseliet "received a summons," of some sort; perhaps telepathic, and traveled to Seville where he was met and taken by a long, roundabout route, to a large mountain chateau which proved to be an enclave of alchemists - a colony! He said that Fulcanelli appeared to have undergone a curious form of transformation so that he had characteristics of both male and female - he was androgynous. At one point, Canseliet said, Fulcanelli actually had the complete characteristics of a woman. Some of the more obscure alchemical literature does point to this androgyny. The adept going through the transformation supposedly loses all hair, teeth and nails and grows new ones. The skin becomes younger, smoother and the face takes on asexual characteristics.
This reminds me of what the Cassiopaeans had once said about transitioning to 4th density:
This important point, where the elements and the principles of the highest knowledge are
concentrated, could not be search nor encountered in life, as life is within is, as it radiates
around us, as it is familiar to us and as it suffices to know how to observe it in order to
grasp its different manifestations. It is in death that we can recognize it, in this invisible
domain of pure spirituality, where the soul, liberated from its bonds, takes refuge at the
end of its earthy stay; it is in nothingness, this mysterious nothing which contains
everything, the absence where all presence reigns, that it is proper to search for the
causes, the multiple effects which life is showing us.Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 03:59 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Guess who is right in the Middle between Spain and Morocco ....the Kingdom of England:
Flag of England - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Arms of the Gibraltarian Government, which was granted by the College of Arms in 1836 to commemorate the Great Siege of Gibraltar, features the Royal Arms of England
Saint George seen in the act of slaying the dragon. He is depicted wearing a surcoat displaying the St George's Cross
3 KingdomsLast edited by MonsieurM; 01-11-2012, 04:21 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.