a repost for inspirational purpose: 
from http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...netism-10.html
the following information is relevant to this thread:
the original set up is two RESONANT SPIRAL COIL PARALLEL (and vertically positioned to the ground )
the effect

for the primary coil in the Tesla coil, the egg should be your inspiration for the ratios, if you prefer the golden egg ratios
important note:
the Tesla copper egg and the emf egg (created by the tesla coil) have to be identical (one being the small scale version of the other) principle of correspondence
ps: i understand transmutation between two rods
Adept Alchemy (Robert A. Nelson): Transmutations of Carbon
Yin - Yang - Chinese Customs

Dave, the following is the induction video you posted a while back:
induction heater levitation melting aluminum - YouTube
do you see it now...

from http://www.energeticforum.com/renewa...netism-10.html
the following information is relevant to this thread:
the original set up is two RESONANT SPIRAL COIL PARALLEL (and vertically positioned to the ground )
the effect
Spiral coils generate very powerful electromagnetic fields by operating with two different but simultaneous resonant behaviors. Quarter-wave resonance is established by adjusting the frequency (and wavelength) of a radiofrequency (RF) voltage source until the length of the spiral conductor is equal to 1/4 of the wavelength of the alternating voltage. This generates an electromagnetic standing wave with at least one peak node and at least one null node. Inductive-capacitive (L/C) resonance is established by optimizing the thickness and width of the wire ribbon used to make the spiral coil. When inductance and capacitance are balanced, the current response will synchronize with the voltage input, creating in-phase behavior, minimal total impedance, and maximal power output. If two such coils are placed near each other, they will create an extremely powerful electromagnetic field between them, which can promote chemical and plasma reactions involving charged particles such as ions or plasma particles, possibly including nuclear fusion reactions (Leon Sprink got the Same results

for the primary coil in the Tesla coil, the egg should be your inspiration for the ratios, if you prefer the golden egg ratios

important note:
the Tesla copper egg and the emf egg (created by the tesla coil) have to be identical (one being the small scale version of the other) principle of correspondence
ps: i understand transmutation between two rods

Adept Alchemy (Robert A. Nelson): Transmutations of Carbon
Inspired by the pioneering work of Dr. Kervran, Dr. George Ohsawa sought to transmute sodium into potassium in vitro. The method revealed itself to him in a symbolic dream. Thus inspired, Dr. Ohsawa and Michio Kushi, et al., constructed an experimental electric discharge tube with copper (Yin) and iron (Yang) electrodes (and the egg is created )
Yin and Yang in Chinese Mythology
The Pangu* legend
In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. The chaos began to coalesce into a cosmic egg for eighteen thousand years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of yin and yang became balanced and Pangu, emerged from the egg.
The Pangu* legend
In the beginning there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. The chaos began to coalesce into a cosmic egg for eighteen thousand years. Within it, the perfectly opposed principles of yin and yang became balanced and Pangu, emerged from the egg.

Dave, the following is the induction video you posted a while back:
induction heater levitation melting aluminum - YouTube
do you see it now...
