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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
In February 2003, the Russian newspaper Pravda printed a story about an unidentified scientist who has developed a time camera that uses pure quartz lenses as a critical component. Following is an excerpt:
"The object-glass is made of pure quartz, which lets ultraviolet radiation run through it without any losses.
As it turned out, it is the ultraviolet radiation that carries the images and the information of the past. We have already managed to take some pictures; for example, we photographed several days of World War II. I have a very good picture of two warriors, who aim their looks at the forest. Another picture depicts horsemen wearing pointed hats and holding bows and shields in their hands. There is an image of some leader with slanting eyes on their shields. We have another picture of a mammoth silhouette with big tusks standing against the background of some giant trees. This is a picture of the paleolith era."
In 1897, two British men claimed to have invented a camera that could photgraph the past. William Maplebeck (67) and amateur photographer Robert Stookes (56), demonstrated their "chronoscope" at Esme Collings Photographers on Rodney Street in Liverpool. Maplebeck said that he had discovered an arrangement of mirrored quartz lenses which could project images of the past on a photographic plate in a random (uncontrolled) manner. The inventors showed magic lantern slides of cave men, Roman soldiers stationed in Chester, and an Elizabethan woman in the streets of Liverpool. The lecture was disrupted by jeers and cries of "Fraud!" and "Charlatans!". Maplebeck and Stokes put their invention into its case and left, as it was pointless to continue their lecture.
The great scientist Charles Steinmetz allegedly developed a time camera that could photograph the past, based on a technical secret revealed to him by the Englishman Baird T. Spalding, also using quartz lenses.
There are several methods to use HDR, but most of mine will focus on using Steven Gibbs Hyper Dimensional Resonator – HDR for astral time travel to the future. This is accomplished by entering a meditative state of mind and exteriorizing my soul.
Basically, I use an HDR with a double terminated quartz crystal and a barium oxide bar magnet. The bar magnet is attached to the end of the HDR electromagnet and the quartz crystal is placed inside the witness well. Before I place the quartz crystal in the witness well, it will be charged up inside a crystal pyramid.
These energies are what boost the frequency of my astral body and allow me to jump to the future. If my jump is only a month I am OK, but if I need to do a long jump, like a hundred years into the future, then I use a Tesla Coil alongside the HDR. The Tesla coil provides the zero vector that I use to tunnel into the future. You need more energy to travel further.
For a very long jump, like thousands of years into the future, I use several HDR units and Tesla coils. I tune all of them to the future date I wish to travel to. This allow me to use more energy in pumping up the astral body.
How to tune
First ask a questions like “What are the rates that will take my to the year 2050?” After you turn on the HDR you can begin by placing one hand over the rubbing plate and stroking it, while with your other hand slowly turn the top dial clockwise and counter clockwise until you get a stick reaction. That means your fingers get stuck to the plate and feel gummy like glue. When this happens start adjusting the bottom dial. At the point of maximum sticky you have found the rates.
Scalar waves from caduceus coil
Inside the HDR under the rubbing plate is a caduceus coil that generates scalar waves. These scalar waves are believed to cause strange paranormal events. I believe they are responsible for many of the odd occurrences with the HDR.
Although some remarkable achievements have been made with shortwave low power transmitters, radio experts and amateurs have recently decided that shortwave transmission had reached its ultimate and hat no vital improvement would be made in this line. A short time ago, however, two young European experimenters working with ultra-short waves, have made a discovery that promises to be of primary importance to the scientific world.
The discovery was made about six weeks ago in a newly established central laboratory of the Neuuartadline-Werke in Darreskein, Poland, by Dr Kowsky and Engineer Frost. While experimenting with the constants of very short waves, carried on by means of quartz resonators, a piece of quartz which was used, showed a clearly altered appearance. It was easily seen that in the center of the crystal, especially when a constant temperature not exceeding 10 C / 50 F was maintained, milky cloudiness appeared which gradually developed to complete opacity. The experiments of Dr Meissner, of the Telefunken Co,, along similar lines, according to which quartz crystals, subjected to high frequency currents clearly showed air currents which ld to the construction of little motor based on this principle. A week of eager experimenting finally led Dr Kowsky and Engineer Frost to the explanation of the phenomenon, and further experiments showed the unexpected possibilities for technical uses of the discovery.
Some statements must precede the explanation. It is known at last in part, that quartz and some other crystals of similar atomic nature have the property when exposed to potential excitation in a definite direction, of stretching and contracting; and if one uses rapidly changing potentials, the crystals will change the electric waves into mechanical oscillations. This piezo-electric effect, shown in Rochelle salt crystals by which they may be made into sound-producing devices such as loud-speakers, or reversely into microphones, also show the results in this direction. This effect was clearly explained in August 1925 Radio News and December 1919 Electrical Experimenter. These oscillations are extremely small, but have nevertheless their technical use in a quartz crystal wave meter and in maintaining a constant wavelength in radio transmitters. By a special arrangement of the excitation of the crystal in various directions, it may be made to stretch or increase in length and will not return to its original size. It seems as if a dispersal of electrons from a molecule resulted which, as it is irreversible, changes the entire structure of the crystal so that it cannot be restored to its former condition.
Images were captured during an experiment we were conducting using a Herkimer quartz crystal (see The Scole Experiment. We were focusing a concentrated light source onto the side of this crystal and capturing from the image generated.
We have to study the resulting images in the minutest detail; a task which has to be repeated over and over again to ensure we haven’t overlooked a positive result.
Sometimes we resort to using magnification, as some of the faces we see are very small. We cannot overemphasize the importance of studying every detail, and these particular results are a good example of what could be missed. We had put most of the originals aside, after looking at them in depth several times but, on a further study and using a mirror as an aid to recognition, the results were there for all to see.
During the five years of the Scole experiments the top afterlife scientists in the UK, Europe and America witnessed amazing physical mediumship. In this trailer for the wonderful documentary Afterlife Science by Tim Coleman you can see briefly the scene where Professor Arthur Ellison (pictured) was invited to touch a quartz crystal which was lit up from the inside. As he watched, the crystal dematerialized and when he went to touch it again the outline was there but his hand went straight through it
The radiations emitted by a focus tube are filtered through a sheet of aluminum foil or a screen of black paper, in order to eliminate the luminous rays which might accompany them. While studying these radiations by means of their action on a small spark, I discovered that they are plane-polarized as soon as emitted. I further proved that when these radiations traverse a plate of quartz in a direction at right angles to its axis, or a lump of sugar, their plane of action undergoes a rotation just like the plane of polarization of a pencil of light.
I then asked myself if a rotation could also be obtained by passing the radiations of the focus through a pile of Reusch mica sheets. I observed, in fact, a rotation of from 25° to 30° in the same direction as that of polarized light. This action of a pile of micas made me at once infer that a single sheet of mica must act, and that this action must be depolarization, or, rather, the production of elliptic polarization; this is indeed what occurs. The interposition of a sheet of mica, set so that its axis makes an angle of 45° with the pane of action of the radiations emitted by the tube, destroys their rectilinear polarization, for their action on a small spark remains sensibly the same, whatever be the direction of the spark gap. If a second sheet of mica is interposed, identical with the first, so that the axes of the two sheets are perpendicular to each other, rectilinear polarization is reestablished. This result can also be obtained by the use of a Babinet’s compensator. Consequently we are dealing with elliptic polarization.
We are postulating that the free atom Ormus form of these 13 transitionHM 4 atoms is a very chemically inert gas. We also postulate that they are very small in relation to their masses and are surrounded by a very strong antimagnetic field. As a result of these properties we suspect that our atmosphere contains a significant amount of these gases. If this is true we would expect them to blend into our atmosphere and be easily mistaken for other gases such as argon, nitrogen and CO2, which might have similar weight and vapor pressure.
In addition to existing as a gas and because of their small size and chemical inertness they would easily diffuse into matter both liquids and solids. It has been suggested that they are captured in water structures and in most crystal structures such as quartz, magnetite and marble just to name a few. We think that their antimagnetic field helps them stay centered in the electric and magnetic fields found in the lattice structure.
During physical and chemical activity of these retaining structures, the Ormus elements would remain invisible to ordinary detection methods.
Light has electric and magnetic components. Until now, scientists thought the effects of the magnetic field were so weak that they could be ignored. What Rand and his colleagues found is that at the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are 100 million times stronger than previously expected. Under these circumstances, the magnetic effects develop strength equivalent to a strong electric effect. from the article
Keely was alleged to have invented a mineral disintegrator which
could be tuned to a given substance to reduce it to dust. In this
particular account, the device was tuned to Quartz.
Sometime during the 1880's, Keely was experimenting with an
instrument originally intended to be used to overcome gravity. When
a block of quartz was used as a weight, the intense vibrations
generated by the device partially disintegrated the quartz block.
This came as a surprise to Keely but he analyzed the effect and came
up with a device specifically designed to disintegrate quartz.
As we understand it, the Quartz Disintegrator device was
approximately the size of a Brownie camera with a protruding rod
which in turn supported a vibrating plate. In use, the device was
excited, which transferred the vibration through the rod to a plate
which was made to vibrate over its entire surface. Wherever the
plate was touched to a piece of quartz, disintegration would occur
at that location, leaving only a fine powder.
A group of twelve wealthy businessmen from New York heard of this
experiment and came up with a brilliant idea to make money with the
new technology.
Since quartz contains threads of gold, if the disintegrator could be
used for mining, it could result in large quantities of gold from
relatively worthless mines. The disintegrator would only affect the
quartz and leave the gold behind for harvesting.
Changing atomic elements or making elements appear mysteriously? It sounds like impossible alchemy, but experimenters recently did this, without Big Science particle accelerators. These scientists learned from a metaphysician, Walter Russell (1871-1963). During vivid spiritual experiences, Russell had seen everything in the universe, from the atom to outer space, being formed by an invisible background geometry. Russell not only portrayed his visions in paintings, he also learned science. He was so far ahead that in 1926 he predicted tritium, deuterium, neptunium, plutonium and other elements.
Recently, professional engineers Ron Kovac and Toby Grotz of Colorado, with help from Dr. Tim Binder, repeated Russell's 1927 work, which was verified at the time by Westinghouse Laboratories. Russell found a novel way to change the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water vapor inside a sealed quartz tube, or to change the vapor to completely different elements. Their conclusion agrees with Russell: the geometry of motion in space is important in atomic transmutation. Kovac shorthands that idea to geometry of space-bending.
These modern shape-shifters speak of Russell's feats such as prolate or oblate the oxygen nucleus into nitrogen or hydrogen or vice versa. To change nuclei, they change the shape of a magnetic field. Although they used expensive analyzing equipment, it is basically tabletop science. No atom-smashing cyclotron needed; just a gentle nudge using the right frequencies. Focus and un-focus light-motion, create a vortex and control it.
Cold fusion researchers are also running across strange elements popping up in their own electrified brews. No one is proposing to make gold and upset world currencies, but some experimenters aim to clean up radioactive waste by their novel processes.
Read the Following as if you were an Alchemist and map of what is found Within
According to the Book of Exodus, Moses
the child / Initiate is adopted as a foundling by the Mystery School / Egyptian royal family. After killing an Egyptian slave-master(duality within ), Moses fleesacross the Red SeaMale pole to Midian where he has his encounter withthe God of Israel in the form of the "burning bush". God sends Moses to request the release of the Israelites. After the Ten Plagues HM 1, Moses leads the Exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt and across the Red Sea, after which they base themselves at Mount Sinai, where Moses receives the Ten CommandmentsHM 1. After 40 yearsHM 4 of wandering in the desert, Moses dies aged 120HM 3, within sight of the Promised Land.
from: the emerald tablets:
Three are the natures of Mind,
carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
Thus is formed the threefold being, directed from above by the power of four.
Four is it in qualities,
shining in each of the planes of existence,
but thirteen in one(HM 4 ) ,
the mystical number.
Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
each shall channels be of the Great One.
The people of Midian are also mentioned extensively in the Qur'an, where the name appears in Arabic as Madyan.Sura 9HM 9, verse 70HM 7 says "Has not the story reached them of those before them? - The people of Nuh (Noah), 'Ad, and Thamud, the people of Ibrahim (Abraham), the dwellers [literally, comrades] of Madyan (Midian) and the cities overthrown [i.e. the people to whom Lūt (Lot) preached], to them came their Messengers with clear proofs. So it was not Allah who wronged them, but they used to wrong themselves."
In Sura 7HM 7 (Al-A`rāf) Madyan is mentioned as one of several peoples who were warned by prophets to repentlest judgment fall (to Lower Plane )/ Vibration etc... on them. The story of Madyan is the last, coming after that of Lot preaching to his people (referring to the destruction of the Cities of the Plain. Madyan was warned by Shu`ayb to repent of using false weights and measures and lying in wait along the road. But they rejected Shu`ayb, and consequently were destroyed by a tremor (rajfa, v. 91). Abdullah Yusuf Ali in his commentary (1934) writes, "The fate of the Madyan people is described in the same terms as that of the Thamūd in verse 78HM 6 above. An earthquake seized them by night, and they were buried in their own homes, no longer to vex Allah's earth. But a supplementary detail is mentioned in [Qur'an] 26:189, 'the punishment of a day of overshadowing gloom,' which may be understood to mean a shower of ashes and cinders accompanying a volcanic eruption. Thus a day of terror drove them into their homes, and the earthquake finished them." (The volcano Hala-'l Badr is in Madyan.)
Biblical references
Joseph is sold by his brothers to Midianites[14]
Midian was where Moses spent the forty years in voluntary exile after murdering the Egyptian[15] Moses married Zipporah the daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian[16] God instructs Moses to collect an army and destroy Midian[17]
Israel is oppressed by Midian during the time of the Judges. Gideon is called by God to deliver Israel from Midian's
The Midianites through their apparent religio-political connection with the Moabites[9] are thought to have worshipped a multitude of gods,[10] including Baal-peor and the Queen of Heaven, Ashteroth. An Egyptian temple of Hathor at Timna continued to be used during the Midianite occupation of the site. However, whether Hathor or some other deity was the object of devotion during this period is impossible to ascertain.
Some historians suggest that the worship of Yahweh originated in pre-Israelite peoples of the Levant region, specifically in Midian.[11] The Hebrew Bible mentions that Moses first encountered God as a burning bush in Midian. An Egyptian inscription also relates the Shasu, who are described as living south of Palestine, with the name YHW.
Hope you Understood that the People of Madyan / Midian and the People of Atlantis are one and the Same
Change the Name of Moses with Hermes and then Read the Emerald Tablets
The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is like light, — although it passes among the impure, it is not polluted.
To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal.
Cum dilectione hominum et odio vitiorum. Love the sinner and hate the sin.
Opera Omnia, Vol II. Col. 962, letter 211 An unjust law is no law at all.
On Free Choice Of The Will, Book 1, § 5
Humilitas homines sanctis angelis similes facit, et superbia ex angelis demones facit. It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.
As quoted in Manipulus Florum (c. 1306), edited by Thomas Hibernicus, Superbia i cum uariis; also in Best Thoughts Of Best Thinkers: Amplified, Classified, Exemplified and Arranged as a Key to unlock the Literature of All Ages (1904) edited by Hialmer Day Gould and Edward Louis Hessenmueller The world is a great book, of which they that never stir from home read only a page.
As quoted in "Select Proverbs of All Nations" by "Thomas Fielding" (John Wade), 1824, p. 216.
Variant: The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
Therefore do not seek to understand in order to believe, but believe that thou mayest understand. (Believing is Seeing )
As quoted in Ten Homilies on the First Epistle of John Tractate XXIX on John 7:14-18, §6. A Select Library of the Nicene And Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church Volume VII by St. Augustine, chapter VII (1888) as translated by Philip Schaff. Anselm of Canterbury was possibly quoting Augustine when he wrote: "Nor do I seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe that I may understand." When I am here, I do not fast on Saturday; when at Rome, I do fast on Saturday.
Epistle 36, to Casulanus, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919)
May be related to: When they are at Rome, they do there as they see done. (adapt to the pole you are in
Robert Burton, Anatomy of Melancholy, Part iii, Section 4, Membrane 2, Subsection 1.
Spiritalis enim virtus sacramenti ita est ut lux: etsi per immundos transeat, non inquinatur. The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is like light, — although it passes among the impure, it is not polluted.
Works, Vol. iii. In Johannis Evangelum, c. tr. 5, Section 15, reported in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 10th ed. (1919)
May be related to: The sun, too, shines into cesspools and is not polluted.
Diogenes Laërtius, Lib. vi. section 63 A very weighty argument is this — namely, that neither does the light which descends from thence, chiefly upon the world, mix itself with anything, nor admit of dirtiness or pollution, but remains entirely, and in all things that are, free from defilement, admixture, and suffering.
Julian, in Upon the Sovereign Sun, (c. December 362), as translated by C. W. King in Julian the Emperor (1888) - Full text online The sun, which passeth through pollutions and itself remains as pure as before.
Francis Bacon, 'Advancement of Learning, Book ii (1605) My mother spoke of Christ to my father, by her feminine and childlike virtues, and, after having borne his violence without a murmur or complaint, gained him at the close of his life to Christ.
Reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 351
Cantare Amantis est To sing is the work of a lover.
As quoted in The Ideal of the Monastic Life Found in the Apostolic Age (1914) by Germain Morin, p. 110
Variant translations: Singing is loving.
Singing is characteristic of a loving person.
Singing is for the lovers. Charity is no substitute for justice withheld.
As quoted in Majority of One (1957) by Sydney J. Harris, p. 283 Patience is the companion of wisdom.
As quoted in Distilled Wisdom: An Encyclopedia of Wisdom in Condensed Form (1964) by Alfred Armand Montapert, p. 270 What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
As quoted in Quote, Unquote (1977) by Lloyd Cory, p. 197 Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are.
As quoted in Spirituality and Liberation: Overcoming the Great Fallacy (1988) by Robert McAfee Brown, p. 136 To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal;to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal.
As quoted in The Anchor Book of Latin Quotations: with English translations (1990) by Norbert Guterman, p. 375
As quoted in Science Teaching : The Role of History and Philosophy of Science (1994) by Michael R. Matthews, p. 195
Quantum in te crescit amor, tantum crescit pulchritudo; quia ipsa charitas est animae pulchritudo. Beauty grows in you to the extent that love grows, because charity itself is the soul's beauty.
Homilies on the First Epistle of John Ninth Homily, §9, as translated by Boniface Ramsey (2008) Augustinian Heritage Institute
Variant translations: Inasmuch as love grows in you, in so much beauty grows; for love is itself the beauty of the soul.
Ten Homilies on the First Epistle of John (1995), The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers, Ninth Homily, §9, as translated by H. Browne and J. H. Meyers Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
As translated in The Little Book of Bathroom Philosophy : Daily Wisdom from the Greatest Thinkers (2004) by Gregory Bergman, p. 50 By faithfulness we are collected and wound up into unity within ourselves, whereas we had been scattered abroad in multiplicity.
As quoted in Footprints in Time : Fulfilling God's Destiny for Your Life (2007) by Jeff O'Leary, p. 223
The first similarity is their description of an ascent of the soul that moves from reason to beyond reason, known to most as a mystical experience. Augustine, of course, draws this image from Plotinus’ ascent of the soul. For Augustine the soul takes seven steps to ascend to greater knowledgeHM 7. The first knowledge is “of the body”[1] in which the soul contemplates the body, and focuses its attention on it. The second knowledge is “through the body” in which the body is able to sense and discern with greater clarity its surroundings. The third knowledge is “about the body.” This is knowledge that goes beyond the sensory memory of the previous degree; it’s an occupational (farming, cooking, and being bi-lingual) knowledge. The fourth knowledge is “toward itself;” it is here that the soul turns in on itself contemplating something closer to God. The fifth knowledge is “in itself;” contemplating itself purely, without the stain of sin, the soul moves closer to that contemplation of truth, namely God. The sixth knowledge is “toward God.” It is not enough for the soul to be free of stain; it must look towards something that is greater than itself, mainly those trascendentals, truth, good, and beauty. The final knowledge is “in God” this is the mystical knowledge, the knowledge that succeeds that of reason.[2] The knowledge moves from corporeal things, to incorporeal things, to the incorporeal thing, namely God.
For both Augustine and Aquinas one must move from reason like Moses to something beyond reason, namely the mystical, to know God more fully.
Project Blue Book was one of a series of systematic studies of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force. Started in 1952, it was the second revival of such a study (the first two of its kind being Projects Sign and Grudge). A termination order was given for the study in December 1969, and all activity under its auspices ceased in January 1970.
Project Blue Book had two goals:
to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security, and
to scientifically analyze UFO-related data.
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
In probability theory and statistics,median is described as the numerical value separating the higher half of a sample, a population, or a probability distribution, from the lower half..
The French Way
For more details on this topic, see French Way.
The French Way (Spanish: Camino Francés) is the most popular of the routes. It runs from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port on the French side of the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles on the Spanish side before making its way through to Santiago de Compostela through the major cities of Pamplona, Logroño, Burgos and León.
The Aragonese Way
For more details on this topic, see Aragonese Way.
The Aragonese Way (Spanish: Camino Aragonés) comes down from the Somport pass in the Pyrenees and makes its way down through the old kingdom of Aragon. It follows the River Aragón passing through towns such as Jaca. It then crosses into the province of Navarre to Puente La Reina where it joins the Camino Francés.
The Northern Way
A route marker on the Cantabrian coast.
The Northern Way (Spanish: Camino del Norte) runs from France at Irún and follows the northern coastline of Spain to Galicia where it heads inland towards Santiago joining the Camino Francés at Arzúa. This route follows the old Roman road, the Via Agrippa, for some of its way and is part of the Coastal Route (Spanish: Ruta de la Costa).
The route passes through San Sebastian, Gernika, Bilbao, and Oviedo. It is less populated, lesser known and generally more difficult hiking. Shelters are 20 to 35 kilometers apart, rather than there being albuergues or monasteries every four to ten kilometers as on the Camino Frances.
The Tunnel Way
The Tunnel Way is also known as the Tunnel Route, the Basque Inland Route and the San Adrian Route. In the Early Middle Ages, when the Northern (Coastal) Way was subject to the Vikings' skirmishes and Muslim presence and forays threatened pilgrims and trade routes in the borderlands, the Tunnel Way provided a safe road north of the frontier area, i.e. Gipuzkoa and Alava. This may be the oldest and most important stretch of the Way of St. James up to its heyday in the 13th century. From the starting point in Irun, the road heads south-west up the Oria valley (Villabona, Ordizia, Zegama), reaches its highest point at the San Adrian tunnel and runs through the Alavan plains (Zalduondo, Salvatierra/Agurain, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Miranda de Ebro). Yet previous to the latter, nowadays pilgrims usually take a detour south towards Haro and on to Santo Domingo de la Calzada on account of its better provision.
The English Way
The English Way (Spanish: Camino Inglés) is traditionally for pilgrims who travelled to Spain by sea and disembarked in Ferrol or A Coruña. These pilgrims then made their way to Santiago overland. It is so called because most of these pilgrims were English though some come from all points in northern Europe.
The Portuguese Way
The Portuguese Way (Spanish: Camino Portugués) begins at Porto in north-west Portugal.[1] Pilgrims travel north crossing the Lima and Minho rivers before entering Spain and then on to Padron before arriving at Santiago. It is the second most important way, after the French one, and is 227 km long. A popular start point for a 108 km walk to Santiago is at Valença, Portugal, by the Spanish border, through Tui, Galicia.
The Camino Mozárabe and the Via de La Plata
Known in English as the Silver Route (sometimes as 'Way').
The Via de La Plata (once a Roman causeway joining Italica and Asturica Augusta) starts in Seville from where it goes north to Zamora via Cáceres and Salamanca. It is much less frequented than the French Way or even the Northern Way. After Zamora there are two options. The first route heads west and reaches Santiago via Ourense. The other route continues north to Astorga from where pilgrims can continue west along the Camino Francés to Santiago.
The Camino Mozárabe route from Granada passes through Córdoba and later joins up with the Via de La Plata in Mérida.
Today's Society ... it is All Red Chakra ...hence the Reference to Burning Up in all the Sacred Books ....see the Midian / Medaian / Madayan People
a fractal construct has an'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
Soon All your Chakras will open ... not your Choice ....time has come ... You'll need to Sustain the Overload ... if you only use the Red Chakra ... let's just say , that plugging a grill to extremely high Voltage is not a good Idea