Having linked Tesla with a few crop circles ... we can venture and explore a few more for inspiration's sake 

here is a nice Database of Crop Circles : Crop Circle Research: International Crop Circle Database
the following one (in light of previous posts ) can be viewed as another Version of the Rodin Coil :

the next one shows you the Principle of Male / Female ; North / South
hint : Male = 2 / Female = 1

a fractal construct has an [COLOR="purple]'efficient function'[/COLOR], it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

here is a nice Database of Crop Circles : Crop Circle Research: International Crop Circle Database
the following one (in light of previous posts ) can be viewed as another Version of the Rodin Coil :

the next one shows you the Principle of Male / Female ; North / South
The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole
