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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • here is a nice article on the History of fractals and its Future ... it resonates very strongly with our discussion:

    a bit long but worth reading : (think of Tesla and all the others who understood "As Above so Below"

    Science News Online 75th Anniversary Essay

    Fractal Past, Fractal Future


    On a clear, brisk morning, a child marvels at the frilled intricacy of frost splayed across a sunlit windowpane. In the laboratory, a scientist peers at the minutely branched structure of a cluster of gold particles.

    A character in Tom Stoppard's 1993 play Arcadia asks, "If there is an equation for a curve like a bell, there must be an equation for one like a bluebell, and if a bluebell, why not a rose?" If you asked a mathematician how to characterize the shape of a flower or Jack Frost's handiwork or metallic sprays, the answer would probably refer to forms called fractals.

    Fractals have invaded the popular imagination. Calendars, computer screens, and books feature vivid, phantasmagorical images of weirdly branched, wildly swirling structures. Cartoonist Sidney Harris depicts a refurbished living room decorated with squiggles. "We did the whole room over in fractals," the hostess explains. Composer-pianist Zach Davids turns the subtly varying fractal intervals between successive heartbeats into musical sequences to create "Heartsongs" -- a remarkably pleasing score without apparent rhythm, meter, or harmony.

    The word "fractal" was coined only 25 years ago by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, IBM Fellow Emeritus at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., and mathematics professor at Yale University. Based on the Latin adjective meaning "broken," it conveyed Mandelbrot's sense that the geometry of nature is not one of straight lines, circles, spheres, and cones, but of a rich blend of structure and irregularity.

    Although irregular, many natural forms also show a striking property. A fragment of rock looks like the mountain from which it was fractured. Clouds keep their distinctive wispiness whether viewed distantly from the ground or close-up from an airplane window. A tree's twigs often have the same branching structure seen near its trunk. Indeed, nature is full of shapes that are self-similar, repeating themselves on different scales within the same object.
    During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, mathematicians constructed self-similar curves in the course of attempts to prove or disprove certain intuitive notions about space, dimension, and area. They described the curves as "pathological."

    It was mathematics "skating on the edge of reason,( Harmonic Math )" remarks mathematician Hans Sagan of North Carolina State University in Raleigh. This byway was almost completely ignored by scientists. Such curves didn't seem relevant to their concerns.

    Yet physicists were having great difficulty in answering seemingly simple questions about phenomena such as diffusion. When a person in a breezy room opens a bottle of perfume, how long does it take for someone on the other side of the room to smell it?

    In turbulent air currents, perfume molecules take paths wispier, stringier, and more contorted than the routes they follow in a calm setting. "It's only with Mandelbrot's insight -- that all this wispiness involves those pathological 19th-century mathematical constructions -- that physicists were able eventually to start to attack those problems," says Michael F. Shlesinger of the Office of Naval Research in Arlington, Va.

    One of the very few scientists who appreciated early on the peculiar geometric complexity of natural phenomena was physicist Jean Baptiste Perrin (1870-1942), who studied the erratic movements of microscopic particles suspended in liquids and remarked on the self-similar structures of natural objects.
    continued ....
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • ..... follow up

      Fractal Past, Fractal Future

      "Consider, for instance, one of the white flakes that are obtained by salting a solution of soap," Perrin wrote in 1906. "At a distance, its contour may appear sharply defined, but as we draw nearer, its sharpness disappears. . . . The use of a magnifying glass . . . leaves us just as uncertain, for fresh irregularities appear every time we increase the magnification, and we never succeed in getting a sharp, smooth impression, as given, for example, by a steel ball."

      Mandelbrot had an advantage over Perrin and other predecessors in that he could commandeer computers to calculate and display stunning, unpredictable images of the extraordinary mathematical forms. Today, what 19th-century mathematicians could barely imagine can be speedily depicted and explored in three-dimensional, Technicolor splendor. Still, as graphic techniques continue to improve, "there's probably a lot more left to see and appreciate," notes Clifford A. Pickover, a research scientist at IBM.

      Nowadays, fractals enter into scientists' descriptions of a wide range of phenomena, from the branching of air passages in the lungs and the flight paths of wandering albatrosses to the fracturing of a chunk of metal. Researchers are also looking toward the fractal frontiers.

      Fractals have, for example, a potentially important role to play in characterizing weather systems and in providing insights into various physical processes, such as the occurrence of earthquakes or the formation of deposits that shorten battery life. Some scientists view fractal statistics as a doorway to a unifying theory of medicine, offering a powerful glimpse of what it means to be healthy.

      Fractals lie at the heart of current efforts to understand complex natural phenomena. Unraveling their intricacies could reveal the basic design principles at work in our world.

      Only recently, there was no word to describe fractals. Today, we are beginning to see such features everywhere. Tomorrow, we may look at the entire universe through a fractal lens .
      ps: Science News Online 75th Anniversary Essay = 75 = 12 = HM 3

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Tomorrow, we may look at the entire universe through a fractal lens

        well then let's have a look

        Fractured Granite And Fractal Prints - Science News

        A rectangular slab of polished granite gives an impression of solidity and permanence. With its straight lines and glossy surface, it's an elegant, humanmade artifact meant to stand as a timeless monument or serve as an impermeable skin for a sleek skyscraper.

        Breaking a granite slab produces jagged fragments with rough edges, reflecting the raw stone's geological history and structure. Zooming in for a closer view of a broken edge doesn't make the irregularities disappear. Instead, a fractured edge tends to show the same degree of roughness at different magnifications. Indeed, nature features many irregular shapes that are self-similar�that repeat themselves on different scales within the same object.

        New view reveals how DNA fits into cell - LONGECITY

        "Our technology allows us to ask really fundamental questions about chromosomes," says study coauthor and molecular biologist Job Dekker of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester. "It really is a radical improvement over the previous technology. It's truly genome wide and unbiased."

        Applying the method to human cells, the researchers found that the genome has a highly organized structure. Small pieces of DNA fold into globs, and those globs fold into larger globs and so on. The researchers report that this "globule of globules of globules" is fractal, meaning it is organized in such a way that it has the same pattern no matter how far you zoom in. This fractal shape is "super-dense, but has no knots," says Lieberman-Aiden.

        Earlier studies by Alexander Grosberg, a theoretical physicist at New York University, first predicted the fractal structure of packed DNA. "Now this paper delivers beautiful confirmation of that prediction," he says.

        From surface scum to fractal swirls. - Free Online Library

        Flecks of soapy scum floating on the surface of water draining out of a bathtub sometimes gather into intricate patterns. The geometry of the resulting patterns provides a snapshot of currents within the draining water. These convoluted flows cause local upwelling in some locations and downwelling --where floating particles tend to collect - in others.

        Two physicists have now applied this phenomenon to demonstrate a direct link between the complicated motion of a fluid and the resulting fractal pattern displayed by an aggregate of floating particles. Fractals are complex shapes that look roughly the same whether greatly magnified or viewed from a distance.

        Researchers have noted fractal patterns in the shapes of clouds, the branching of blood vessels, the jaggedness of coastlines, and the roughness of fractured rocks. But there has been no obvious connection between such patterns and the physical processes responsible for creating them.
        (coanda like effect ) see :


        Some superconductors go fractal: oxygen atoms arrange themselves in a self-similar pattern | Science News | Find Articles

        A new experiment using powerful X-ray beams has found a surprising pattern lurking in a superconductor, a material that conducts electricity without energy-sapping resistance. In a particular kind of superconductor, oxygen atoms are physically arranged as a fractal, showing the same pattern at small and large scales.

        Beating a fractal drum; how a drum's shape affects its sound - Cover Story | Science News | Find Articles

        A number of mathematicians and physicists are studying how the wiggliness of a drum's rim affects its sound, especially in cases where the boundary is so wrinkled -- with crinkles atop crinkles -- that it can be termed a fractal.

        "The study of the vibration of drums with fractal boundaries and drums with fractal membranes ... [has] significant physical applications to the study of porous media and to that of diffusion or wave propagation on fractals," says mathematician Michel L. Lapidus of the University of California, Riverside.

        Lapidus described recent progress in understanding the effects of these curious geometries at a meeting on wavelets and fractals held earlier this year in Pittsburgh.

        Such investigations may eventually furnish clues as to why fractals appear to abound in nature, from crazily indented coastlines to the intricate branching of air passages in the human lung.

        Moreover, because the wave equation plays a central role in physics, studies of the vibrations of drums under different conditions have important implications for a wide variety of concerns, including the behavior of sound and light, the diffusion of heat, and the workings of quantum mechanics.

        Sharks use math to hunt their prey: marine predators cruise the seas using fractal principles. - Free Online Library

        The great white shark in Jaws knew exactly where it was going - to the closest pair of plump legs around. But where might it head if it didn't have a tasty human snack in its sights?

        A new study suggests that some sharks and other marine predators can follow strict mathematical strategies when foraging for dinner. The work, reported in the June 10 Nature, is the latest aiming to show whether animals sometimes move in a pattern called a Levy walk.

        Unlike random motion--in which animals take similar-sized steps in any direction, like a drunk stumbling around ( Drunk Kung Fu Master Like ) --Levy walks are punctuated by rare, long forays in any direction. Draw a Levy walk on a graph, and its squiggly pattern echoes a fractal, the mathematical phenomenon whose shape remains similar no matter the viewing scale.

        Albatross Forage With Fractal-like Flight - Science News

        Flight plans reminiscent of fractals could help hungry birds find food. Albatross sometimes hunt by following a mathematical pattern that repeats itself at smaller and smaller scales, researchers report online April 23 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

        Called Lévy flight, this type of movement includes clusters of small movements every which way, punctuated by the occasional long trip in one direction. It’s thought to be a particularly efficient way to locate scarce prey.
        call it Principle of Correspondence

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-24-2012, 11:07 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • thought this ws worth sharing with you:

          Originally posted by vintasalo View Post
          Could you let us know what you know, the clues are killing me, haha..

          Aluminum powder/aluminum plates/pyramids... Oh can u let us in on the info more bluntly?
          I am sharing with you info pertaining to your experiment .... not trying to give clues .... giving gathered info spent hours searching to save you time ... and present you with an option worth exploring ... do not think my intentions are to torture your mind ....but more to increase your understanding of the ingredient your are using

          more bluntly ...try aluminium as one of your ingredient (wrap / powder and plates ) and you'll see

          pyramidal shape is a concentrator and also acts as an Antenna ...

          here is an example of a pyramid antenna: ( Gene you may recognize this )

          Multiband Pyramidal Antenna for Radio Navigation
          and Telemetry Systems

          Abstract—A novel multi-band pyramidal antenna combining
          radio navigation and MicroSAT telemetry applications was
          recently introduced by the authors. This flexible antenna
          provides independent and easily adjustable operating frequency
          design. Furthermore, the radiation patterns of this pyramidal
          antenna are relatively similar at the different operating
          frequencies. One key element of this radiating structure is its cutoff
          waveguide placed underneath the antenna ground plane in
          order to improve input ports impedance matching while
          minimizing the antenna rear radiation level.
          This paper further
          describes the above-mentioned antenna and gives its latest

          ps: I know it is sometimes frustrating to present you with the info more or less raw but it is a way to let you decide what you want to do with it and how to interpret it... and to see the pattern free of interpretation ..... as one might say to hear and see nature's symphony / Opera with ones ears and Eye
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Fractals in nature

            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


            • Thank you Dave , as you have shown .... As Above so Below

              ----------------- now let us resonate a few Constructs :

              Multiband Pyramidal Antenna for Radio Navigation
              and Telemetry Systems

              Abstract—A novel multi-band pyramidal antenna combining
              radio navigation and MicroSAT telemetry applications was
              recently introduced by the authors. This flexible antenna
              provides independent and easily adjustable operating frequency
              design. Furthermore, the radiation patterns of this pyramidal
              antenna are relatively similar at the different operating
              frequencies. One key element of this radiating structure is its cutoff
              waveguide ( Granite in our case )
              placed underneath the antenna ground plane in
              order to improve input ports impedance matching while
              minimizing the antenna rear radiation level.
              This paper further
              describes the above-mentioned antenna and gives its latest

              Advanced Ancient Civilizations - Results of the LAH Expeditions 2004-2011 English Translation - YouTube
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 02:24 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • MOD is it possible to have the spam posts deleted
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a litlle update .... a while back we discussed Dowsing Rod:

                  so finally got around making one :

                  it is made of iron ( got the bars from those cloth hangers for drying )

                  and the handle from the plastic screw you find when hooking up a new washing machine to hold the tumbler

                  coiled a simple caduceus to the handle then the extra wire was coiled to the iron bar

                  iron bar was 63 cm ..... so i folded it at 18 cm for the handle and 45 cm for the other part

                  so here is the result and it seems to work after a few test rides ... since i am merely a beginner in this field .... i leave it to you to test and decide for yourselves

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • and here is the fun part

                    a while back we also discussed the subject of Samurai Swords ... have a look at the handle of a Katana: ( Caduceus )

                    ------------------------- a re post from:

                    Found a Very Nice Doc on The Making of a Samurai Sword ; and I realized that in every step of the making of this Sacred Blade, there is a high resemblance in the use of the words to describe each operation to The Golden Tractate Alchemical Description. The Spiritual side and Shape Power is OmniPresent...I highly recommend you watch it...with the knowledge you have...It would appear obvious ...also 6 3 9

                    Samurai Sword (Part 1-5) HD - YouTube

                    If you do watch it , pay Attention to the Blacksmith

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    fun fact

                    the handle of a samurai sword

                    Check out the latest Episode 9: Aliens and Deadly Weapons

                    Talks about the origin of the samurai sword

                    6 3 9

                    If you do watch it , remember the properties of water

                    and the Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all wave

                    Enjoy the Harmonic Math:

                    Japanese sword - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Here is a list of lengths for different types of swords:[17]
                    Nodachi, Ōdachi, Jin tachi: 90 cm = HM 9 and over (more than three shaku)
                    Tachi, Katana: over 60.6 cm = HM 3 (more than two shaku)
                    Wakizashi: between 30.3–60.6 cm = HM 6 - HM 3 (between one and two shaku)
                    Tantō, Aikuchi: under 30.3 = HM 6 cm (under one shaku)

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 04:26 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • a bit of info for you:

                      Researchers find thinking in a foreign language causes people to make more rational decisions

                      Researchers find thinking in a foreign language causes people to make more rational decisions
                      April 25, 2012 by Bob Yirka in Psychology & Psychiatry

                      (Medical Xpress) -- While at first glance it might seem irrational, researchers from the University of Chicago have found that people who speak two languages tend to make more rational decisions when thinking in their non-native tongue. They came to this conclusion after conducting a series of experiments, the results of which they have published in a paper in the journal Psychological Science.


                      Does the quantum wave function represent reality?

                      ( -- At the heart of quantum mechanics lies the wave function (principle of Mentalism ) , a probability function used by physicists to understand the nanoscale world. Using the wave function, physicists can calculate a system's future behavior, but only with a certain probability. This inherently probabilistic nature of quantum theory differs from the certainty with which scientists can describe the classical world, leading to a nearly century-long debate on how to interpret the wave function: does it representative objective reality or merely the subjective knowledge of an observer? In a new paper, physicists Roger Colbeck of the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, and Renato Renner of the Perimeter Institute who is based at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, have presented an argument strongly in favor of the objective reality of the wave function, which could lead to a better understanding of the fundamental meaning of quantum mechanics.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • an interesting piece of Nugget (pun intended )

                        Dowsing for Nuggets in a New Gold Rush Video

                        The caduceus coil, illustrated in fig. #1, (Not shown) basically consists of
                        ordinary insulated copper wire wound in a double-helix around a
                        ferrite core. THIS COIL HAS REPEATEDLY BEEN FOUND TO VIOLATE

                        First. this apparatus has zero impedance - unlike an ordinary coil.
                        when fed electrical energy the wire in the Tensor coil does not get

                        Secondly. it has infinite resonance - unlike an ordinary coil which
                        will resonate chiefly at its natural fundamental frequency and
                        weakly on the 2nd or 3rd harmonic, the Tensor coil is capable of
                        resonating strongly on any number of frequencies randomly spaced in
                        the spectrum. The signal pumped into such a coil strangely enough
                        cannot be quantified (detected) by standard RF (radio frequency)
                        detection apparatus. Many "Ham" radio operators and electronic
                        technicians who have used these coils, are completely baffled by
                        them. One radio amateur found that with two such coils, one used as
                        a transmitter and the other as a receiver, the second would not pick
                        up the signal from the first unless they were precisely aligned for the signal to be
                        transmitted. The alignment had to be as critical as that of a laser beam.

                        now think about it ....if it can find water and gold .... won't it be able to point towards other weird phenomena ....

                        don't take it as such an out of the box thought but while looking for gold / diamond / etc... it may not be such a bad idea as having a sample of what you are looking for ( provided it is clean and not toxic ) in your mouth ....

                        so for gold / silver .... a piece of gold / silver
                        etc ...

                        for water ... well you are made of it
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 08:58 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • why put it in your mouth

                          a re post from:

                          IndianaBoys good to read you again...It is always a pleasure to read the infos you post

                          Indeed this method could be used to transfer physical information to water...I went digging a little bit and i found this:

                          In the universe, energy permeates in that exists. The Ayurveda has always recognized that all forms of matter are simply manifestation of prana, the vital force of life flowing in this universal energy. Therefore, healing properties are not just found in plants but also in our natural surroundings, such as in metals, gems, and stones. Ancient rishis or sages of India saw and discovered the effects of the healing energy of these materials.
                          now gold is one of the best conductor there is ...correct

                          Aside from wearing these metals on the body, you can also boil them in water, which become charged with health energy. Boil down to three out of four glasses of water. Filter it, keep it in a thermos, and drink it lukewarm or hot during the day. Drinking just a glass of metal-charged water first thing in the morning is good for health maintenance or curing ailments. In acute cases, this water maybe boil down to one glass or even half a glass. When you drink concentrated metal-charged water, avoid sour things like lemon, sour buttermilk, yogurt, tamarind, and others.

                          Metal-charged water is a must for the treatment of any problem involving improper circulation of the chi or subtle life energy, such as disease like high blood pressure, polio, rheumatism, arthritis, paralysis, cancer, and tumors.

                          Gold is an effective nerve tonic and stimulant of memory, intelligence, comprehension, and awareness. It also helps strengthen the heart muscles and increase stamina. Gold can help cure hysteria, heart attacks, weak lungs, spleen, mental retardation, muscular atrophy, and tuberculosis...
                          ...Gold can be turned into ash when it buried directly on fire. Another way of harnessing its energy is by having gold-charged water. This is done by boiling 15 to 30 grams of pure 22-carat gold coins or ornaments (chain, ring, or bracelet without any stones) in four glasses of water. For acute cases, boil gold ornaments in two glasses of water until half the water evaporates.

                          The electronic energy of gold will enter the water during this process.
                          Ayurveda | Ron Thoughts

                          So how about a little gold in boiled (under uv light) water then filtered and frozen


                          Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                          It is further shown that the Bernal–Fowler–Pauling ice-rules model of ice behaves like a dielectric material, and matching the results of calculations on this model to experiment gives a dipole moment of 3.0 D HM 3 .

                          frozen water and quartz have nearly the same dielectric constant.

                          the goal here is to transfer properties of certain material to water through the application of homeopathy

                          a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 09:26 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • now here is the kicker:

                            now think about it ....if it can find water and gold .... won't it be able to point towards other weird phenomena ....
                            if you consider it for a second ..... it is Low tech to detect High tech ie UFO / Portals / Ancient Relic etc ....

                            note: Actually , it is Much Higher Tech Considering you are the Fractal Antenna

                            A Flunkch Detector

                            side note: for those already experimenting , dowsing the place to find the right energetic spot may increase your chances of success in your experiment ( ie battery making / pyramid placing / good luck charm / religious relic etc .... )
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 09:50 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • was just listening to a show about Giants and Nephilim

                              Ancient Giants and Cosmic Wars - April 20, 2011 - YouTube

                              Nephilim - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              The Nephilim[pronunciation?] (plural) are the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" in Genesis 6:4, or giants who inhabit Canaan in Numbers 13:33. A similar word with different vowel-sounds is used in Ezekiel 32:27 to refer to dead Philistine warriors.
                              Ezekiel 32:27 = 5 9 = HM 5

                              13:33. = 4 6 = HM 1

                              Genesis 6:4, = HM 1


                              5 + 1 + 1 = HM 7

                              actually the correct colors would be :

                              offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" ( N - S / S - N )
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-25-2012, 11:36 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                was just listening to a show about Giants and Nephilim

                                Ancient Giants and Cosmic Wars - April 20, 2011 - YouTube
                                I find it interesting that radar interferes with the guidance system of these ufo's this is the third time Iv heard this.
                                very interesting
                                I wonder if its the guidance or the antigravity system that it effects.
                                another clue
                                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question

