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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Let us go back to our friends the Free Masons

    one of the principal figure they seem to refer often to is : Hiram Abiff

    Hiram Abiff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Hiram Abiff (other spellings "Hurum"[1], "Abif"[2][3], and "Huram-Abi"[4]) is a character who figures prominently in an allegorical[5] play that is presented during the third degree of Craft Freemasonry. In this play, Hiram is presented as being the chief architect of King Solomon's Temple, who is murdered by three ruffians during an unsuccessful attempt to force him to divulge the Master Masons' secret password.[6] It is explained in the lecture that follows this play that the story is a lesson in fidelity to one's word, and in the brevity of life.

    Numerous scholars, both Masonic and non-Masonic, have speculated that the character may have been based upon one or more Hirams that appear in the Bible.[7]
    will look at it through the chaldean numerology lens later in the post:

    for now the interesting pattern found was the following from wikipedia:

    Hirams in the Bible

    Hiram, King of Tyre, is credited in 2 Samuel 5:11 and 1 Kings 5:1-10 for having sent building materials and men for the original construction of the Temple in Jerusalem

    In 1 Kings 7:13–14, Hiram is described as the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali who was the son of a Tyrian bronze worker, contracted by Solomon to cast the bronze furnishings and ornate decorations for the new temple.

    Hiram (often spelled Huram[1]), a craftsman of great skill sent from Tyre. 2 Chronicles 2:13-14 relates a formal request from King Solomon of Jerusalem to King Hiram I of Tyre, for workers and for materials to build a new temple;
    Samuel 5:11 = HM 7

    Kings 5:1-10 = HM 7

    Kings 7:13–14, = HM 7

    this one came out different:

    Chronicles 2:13-14 = 1 1 = HM 2

    Other theories

    According to authors Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight, Hiram Abiff would have been Egyptian king Seqenenre Tao II, who met an extremely similar death.[2] This idea is dismissed by most Masonic scholars.

    In his book The Sufis, the Afghan scholar Idries Shah suggested that Mansur al-Hallaj might have been the origin of the character Hiram Abiff in the Freemasonic Master Mason ritual. The link, he believes, was through the Sufi sect Al-Banna ("The Builders") who built the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem. This fraternity could have influenced some early masonic guilds which borrowed heavily from the Oriental architecture in the creation of the Gothic style
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-28-2012, 12:21 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • While we are playing with Harmonic Math :

      another Name that seem to encounter both the Free Masons and MJ 12 ( Operation Blue Book : UFO )

      NSC 5412/2 Special Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia also known as Group 54/12

      The NSC 5412/2 Special Group, often referred simply as the Special Group, was an initially secret, but later public, subcommittee of the United States National Security Council responsible for coordinating government covert operations. Membership was defined in Eisenhower's Presidential Directive, NSC 5412/2, issued December 28, 1955, assigning responsibility for co-ordination of covert actions to representatives of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the President.[1] The group continued at least throughout the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and a similar concept may exist under other names as part of the current U.S. Executive Branch infrastructure.
      NSC 5412 /2= (9 3) / 2 = 12/2 = HM 6

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • While we are playing with Harmonic Math :

        another Name that seem to encounter both the Free Masons and MJ 12 ( Operation Blue Book : UFO )

        NSC 5412/2 Special Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia also known as Group 54/12

        The NSC 5412/2 Special Group, often referred simply as the Special Group, was an initially secret, but later public, subcommittee of the United States National Security Council responsible for coordinating government covert operations. Membership was defined in Eisenhower's Presidential Directive, NSC 5412/2, issued December 28, 1955, assigning responsibility for co-ordination of covert actions to representatives of the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the President.[1] The group continued at least throughout the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, and a similar concept may exist under other names as part of the current U.S. Executive Branch infrastructure.
        NSC 5412 /2= (9 3) / 2 = 12/2 = HM 6

        Metallica-Enter Sandman Lyrics - YouTube
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from

          Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
          Brilliant, Thanks MM

          In case any of you haven't already seen...

          Walter Russell says: "All Motion is Curved - And All Curvature Is Spiral"

          Jay Harman has actually put this into use, and has several spiral fans, impellers, pumps, etc, which follow the patterns in nature:
          Helical Resonant Cavity (Impeller) - 200 Watts Moving 80 Million Pounds of Weight - Implosion - YouTube
          TEDxMarin - Jay Harman - An Alternative Cure for Global Warming - YouTube
          JAY HARMAN: The Inventor of the Lily Impeller - YouTube
          Thank you and much appreciated for the vid ... Biomimicry at its best

          and this is what you want to create electromagnetically too a siphon

          apply this to the following info:

          Folding light: Wrinkles and twists boost power from solar panels

          Taking their cue from the humble leaf, researchers have used microscopic folds on the surface of photovoltaic material to significantly increase the power output of flexible, low-cost solar cells.

          imagine this as the solar fold directed at the sun

          surely there will be gains

          coherence at all level ... how does light " travel "

          ps: a perfect example of the Principle of Mentalism : All is Wave and Principle of Correspondence
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-28-2012, 01:01 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • just a little info from:

            Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
            Can someone post information about the special characteristics that Sweet's magnets had?
            found the following , hope this helps (heat is a way of exciting the atoms )

            from: Site:LRP:Tom Bearden Remembers Walter Rosenthal & Floyd Sweet - PESWiki

            Hi Les,

            "Walt was a professional electrical test engineer, and a darn good one, who made his living in aerospace etc. doing professional electrical and electronic testing, for many years.

            He was completely competent (far better than 99% of the present BS level EEs in the overunity field). As one example, Sweet had great difficulty in activating his barium ferrite magnets so the VTA process could occur. Walt designed and built Sweet a professional "discharge control, activation unit" which made the initiation process happen with precision. Only a few of the barium ferrite magnets could be activated anyway (Sweet used surplus audio barium ferrite magnets, and he could only get about 1 in 30 to activate). Sweet did a pre-screening of each magnet with a field meter and probe, going over the surface of the magnet, bit by bit, with precision. If the surface field intensity had abrupt changes in little areas of 8% or so, then that magnet would not hold activation longer than a few seconds. The smoother and more uniform the magnetic field, the better

            much greater precision and with far less effort. These magnets then would also hold the self-oscillation induced in the barium nucleus by the activation process.

            As you know, the EM forces inside a nucleus are extraordinarily powerful. So with self-oscillation established in such powerful fields, right at their source, this led to an oscillating magnetic field in the magnet itself. For an activated magnet, one could stand a little piece of shim stock on it, and the shim stock would wave continuously to and fro, fanning the air and producing work steadily. In other words, one could demonstrate an actual working "free energy system" just by placing a simple piece of shim stock on one of Sweet’s activated magnets.

            Sweet also usually "pre-heated" the selected barium ferrite magnet to be activated, so as to soften its domains and ease the initiation of self-oscillation in the nuclei.

            The fact that barium ferrite is a dielectric was also important; Sweet could not find any other kind of bulk permanent magnet that would take the activation. Walt frequently pointed out the importance of the dielectric aspects of the magnet. I personally thought of it this way: In an insulator, there is a severe limitation on any stray electric currents. Hence in the dielectric magnet, Sweet had a material that had the absolute minimum of stray electric currents internally. It seems that in ordinary magnets such currents simply kill the activation almost instantly.

            Today, of course, self-oscillation of magnetic materials in thin film materials is well-known and there is quite a literature on it. But it is still a great step to go from thin film self-oscillation to the self-oscillation of the entire field of a permanent magnet.
            ------------ just a side note :

            So with self-oscillation established in such powerful fields, right at their source, this led to an oscillating magnetic field in the magnet itself. For an activated magnet, one could stand a little piece of shim stock on it, and the shim stock would wave continuously to and fro, fanning the air
            it is also called a Standing Wave:

            ---------------------------------------------- anisotropy again

            here is why some of his magnets worked and others did not ( not all Barium Magnet are equal )

            Magnetocrystalline anisotropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is the dependence of the internal energy of a ferromagnet on the direction of its magnetization. As a result, certain crystallographic directions are preferred directions, or easy axes, for the magnetization. It is a special case of magnetic anisotropy. The spin-orbit interaction is the primary source of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy.

            Magnetocrystalline anisotropy determines whether a magnetic material can be made into a good hard magnet, a good soft magnet or neither. Hard magnets are an essential component of electromagnetic motors and soft magnets are an essential component of transformers.

            he must have been looking for a sweet spot that combined the soft magnet properties and the hard magnet properties

            An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Here is a nice Application of Fractal Resonance / Morphic Resonance:

              an Electromagnetic interpretation (fractal .... ) of the Bible ....and interestingly when you follow the informations provided (references in the Bible ) ... using Harmonic Math gives you the numbers he mentions in his Presentation ..( 7 ... 4 . etc )

              682 Supernova and The Sickle - YouTube

              682 = HM 7

              Bill Donahue VideoLightBox Gallery generated by
              Bills videos are found in specific categories
              at the web site above

              the subject is Supernova 1987a ( 87 = HM 6 for the date found and if you prefer 1987 = 1 + 6 = 7 for the name of the supernova )

              ---------------------an image summary of what he is saying


              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-28-2012, 01:59 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • a little recap of what is being discussed around the net and the scientific world :

                Before It's News

                Now, let’s take a closer look at the convergence side of this cosmic drama. Convergence of what:

                • Paralleling of Ancient Calendars
                • Simultaneous Closing of Eras
                • Intersection of World Time Lines
                • Major Earth Changes
                • Global Tipping Points
                • Planetary Points of No Return
                • Technospheric Breakdown
                • Dissolution of the Control Matrix
                • Societal Breakpoints
                • Clashes of Civilizations/Cultures/Religions
                • Scriptural Prophecies
                • Scientific Prognostications
                • Luminary Alignments
                • Astrological Predictions
                • Astronomical Phenomena
                • Galactic Configurations
                • Constellation Placements
                • Intensified Solar Maximum
                • Solar System in Great Flux

                This list is by no means complete, but is fairly exhaustive as far as this essay series is concerned
                Call it Fractal Resonance of Events
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • from:

                  Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                  We have to search for clues
                  in this vid the aluminum ring gets hot, that tells me current is running in the ring,
                  If a ring were placed on the other side of the coil current would run through it too, but in the opposite direction.
                  Lenz's Law & Eddy Currents - YouTube
                  the magnetic field is in the iron core this reaction is caused by the electric field.

                  Walter Russel saw the answer
                  The Image you chose of walter Russell 's work reminded me of a topic we just discussed ... the 100 year old battery ... think about it using Russell's Lens .... 3 large circles to form one unit :

                  Silver circle , Blotting Circle and Zinc Circle

                  find silver and zinc on the periodic table below

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-28-2012, 05:13 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Love it when the scientist think they discovered something new

                    The shape of things, illuminated: Metamaterials, surface topology and light-matter interactions

                    ( -- Finding new connections between different disciplines leads to new – and sometimes useful – ideas. That’s exactly what happened when scientists in the Department of Physics, Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY), in collaboration with City College of CUNY, Purdue University and University of Alberta, leveraged mathematical topology to create an artificially nanostructured anisotropic (exhibiting properties with different values when measured along axes in different directions) metamaterial that can be switched from a non-conductive dielectric state to a medium that behaves like metal in one direction and like a dielectric another. The metamaterial’s optical properties was mapped onto a topological transformation of an ellipsoidal surface into an hyperboloid – and transitioning from one to the other dramatically increases the photon density, resulting in dramatic increase in the light intensity inside the material. The researchers state that by allowing topologically-based manipulation of light-matter interactions, these types of metamaterials could lead to a wide range of photonic applications in solar cells, light emitting diodes, displays, and quantum computing and communications.


                    [B] Randall Cole Roffe: Harmonic Resonance
                    The application of the principles of one science into another is often neglected. Today we have a massive and growing volume of experimentally proven information that certainly does not always
                    find its every application.
                    In the real world, we can work from scientific theory, through experimentation, into an engineered result, but just as often we work via reverse engineering, from the
                    result back into the origin.
                    If we take a good look -- and listen -- at the whole of manifestation, and apply the principles of acoustics and music, and of the color wheel, the grand pattern that emerges is self-evident.More
                    than this, a possible explanation of a medium of transmission of a universal electrogravitational influence, as a plenum far more fundamental than an ether, becomes apparent. With this realization a
                    whole new understanding of physics also emerges, with awesome possibilities.
                    Randall Cole Roffe
                    Anisotropy ....who knew
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • There is much to be learned from the Enneagram ; which the Rodin Coil and Rodin Math are based on :

                      for instance:

                      did you know that it also has poles :

                      1+2+3+4 = 10

                      8+7+6+5= 26

                      The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole
                      In September, 1927, I demonstrated this principle of dual polarity control by
                      arranging two pairs of solenoids - one pair with more windings than the other - in
                      such a manner that the dual polarity of Nature was simulated WR ps check zinc and silver and their corresponding octave .

                      which leads me to think that the closest form of a Rodin Coil is not as you might think a homogeneous Donut but rather a Donut that is of the same shape as the Ouroboros

                      think of modelling clay Plasticine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... you first make a snake like tube then you connect the two ends .... and you have an Ouroboros

                      also an interesting image of Silly putty ( Silly Putty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

                      note the similarities to the Ouroboros


                      Walter Russell utilised the bar magnet again and again to illustrate the polarity of all things created. One end is feminine, the other is male. Two gravity bars are shown approaching union in the center. In this position before union, polarity still strongly exists betwen the two approaching poles. After union, the two bars void their separateness in their union and become one bar.

                      The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole
                      In September, 1927, I demonstrated this principle of dual polarity control by
                      arranging two pairs of solenoids - one pair with more windings than the other - in
                      such a manner that the dual polarity of Nature was simulated WR ps check zinc and silver and their corresponding octave .

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-29-2012, 03:07 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • With Ouroboros Rodin Coil and its Asymetry you will also have created Anisotropy

                        An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        There is much to be learned from the Enneagram ; which the Rodin Coil and Rodin Math are based on :

                        which leads me to think that the closest form of a Rodin Coil is not as you might think a homogeneous Donut but rather a Donut that is of the same shape as the Ouroboros

                        think of modelling clay Plasticine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... you first make a snake like tube then you connect the two ends .... and you have an Ouroboros

                        also an interesting image of Silly putty ( Silly Putty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-29-2012, 06:22 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • the Ouroboros Rodin Coil is nothing more than a simplified Vortex Connected by its 2 ends as Walter Russell puts it The End and The Beginning

                          ps: a perfect example of the Principle of Mentalism : All is Wave and Principle of Correspondence

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • So we have previously discussed the Kali Yuga or Iron Age ( ie Today ) :

                            Kali Yuga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Kali Yuga (Devanāgarī: कलियुग [kəli juɡə], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Indian scriptures.
                            most of you are Aware of the Fukushima Incident

                            as was previously posted the expanded part of a Vortex is the Male Pole and the concentrated / compact part of a vortex the Female Pole

                            what does this have to do with Fukushima

                            hint: the world today is more Radioactive than ever before (not counting ancient civilizations )

                            observe and analyse the following image

                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                            the Yugas

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Principle of Correspondence :

                              Domino Theory: Small steps can lead to big results

                              ( -- What if you could make a world-changing impact with one small act? Would you be more inclined to take that first step if you knew your action would gain momentum when aligned with the actions of others?

                              It might seem daunting for an individual to make big changes in society, but taking that first step can set into motion a series of events culminating in a big result. Entrepreneur Herb Morreale (CompSci ’91) has distilled all his thoughts and ideas about how individuals can make an impact for the greater good into what he calls his “domino theory.”

                              As dominos placed on end knock each other in succession, all of the dominos fall due to the energy transferred by each impact. Like tipping over that first domino, one small act can set into motion a series of events that expands out into the world. Examples can be found throughout history. Rosa Parks struck a blow for civil rights when she refused to give up her seat on the bus. A Chinese student stood alone in Tiananmen Square to block military tanks in support of democratic reform. With a swing of a hammer, the Berlin Wall came down.

                              “I had been thinking about this for quite awhile and trying to understand the patterns of setting things into motion,” says Morreale. “One of the patterns starts with something inspirational. You have to inspire people. It’s in that inspiration that they will feel it here, in their chest. That gives them the motivation to do whatever the next step is.”

                              To illustrate the power of this process, he says it is possible in a topple of only a few dominoes to knock down a final domino that is many times greater than the mass of the first domino . Morreale carries a domino in his pocket as a tangible reminder of his theory and his passion.

                              “Domino theory is a framework that helps people understand that no matter how or small their hopes and dreams, they can accomplish them by seeing the world as a set of dominos,” he says. “All it takes is one small strategic action to set big things in motion and align with the actions of others.”

                              a Harmonic Cascade Effect

                              An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect

                              Bejeweled: Nanotech gets boost from nanowire decorations

                              Like a lead actress on the red carpet, nanowires—those superstars of nanotechnology—can be enhanced by a little jewelry, too. Not the diamonds and pearls variety, but the sort formed of sinuous chains (snake like ) of metal oxide or noble metal nanoparticles.
                              Tree-like structures (in other words Fractal : see also )

                              "You can think of it like a tree. The nanowires are the trunk, very good at transporting electrons, like sap ( anisotropy ) , but limited in surface area," explained Xiaolin Zheng, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and senior author of the study. "The added nanoparticle decorations, as we call them, are like the branches and leaves, which fan out and greatly increase the surface area."

                              oh look Helical:

                              ------------------the following surely happened to you while watching tv or listenning to the radio

                              Attention Tunes The Mind's Ear - Science News

                              Attention tunes the mind's ear
                              Brain activity shows how one voice pattern stands out from the crowd
                              The brain’s power to focus can make a single voice seem like the only sound in a room full of chatter, a new study shows. The results help explain how people can pick out a speaker from a jumbled stream of incoming sounds.

                              A deeper understanding of this feat could help scientists better treat people who can’t sort out sound signals effectively, an ability that can decline with age.

                              “I think this is a truly outstanding study, which has deep implications for the way we think about the auditory brain,” says auditory neuroscientist Christophe Micheyl of the University of Minnesota, who was not involved in the new research.
                              and that is why your wife /girlfriend / sister / Mother always told you to look at her when she talks to you
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-30-2012, 02:35 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • remember the BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE

                                found a few other nuggets , just saw them and they eerily depict today's State of mind :

                                THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                                The traditional families will roll and they will sink in criminal causes. The new rich will fall down in spectacular crimes, but they won’t be sunk. Gold saves. The humble will be evicted, despised, forgotten. They will be the cause of vexation. (year 1937)

                                The world will be denaturalized by the power of the domestic screen. All the bad influence will be rudely spread over every home and will be imposed by the advertiser commerce which aims to the crowd. The crowd will become dull dominated by the disguised orders as easy and better paradises, the crowd delighted will contemplate the stupidity and the immorality. It will come the day when the bulk crowd will be manipulated like a sheepfold. (year 1938)
                                think "reality" TV


                                Invisible war! Without the World War to be declared the world will live it without to see, and it will become accustomed to that war. Labyrinth of habits will blind the world until the big thunder. (year 1939)

                                North Korea:

                                Change of the world near the 2002. It arrives the atomic without a solution and it will finally explode. It is not truth the actual attitude of the nation when saying and speaking about peace. They trade with the organized war. They threaten with the blue mushroom believing that they will never come to blows, but the hard yellow will say... to hell! And muddled, he will go! After that, end of the ends. Beginning of the beginnings. Light. (year 1960)

                                The science, incapable of decode the continuous astral problems ( see recent news posted on dark matter ), does not confess this reality and denies it, and will deny what the studious and sensible scientist knows but he doesn’t mention because he considers himself insignificant. (year 1969)

                                The science has become a baby in the presence of the continuous UFO problems. The surprises box holds, day after day, new rabbit in store, and... what a "rabbit"! The science incapable of knowing denies it. The science grows up, even... it isn’t! (year 1969)

                                Scientist, you are looking for what you shouldn’t and you don’t study what you should. Pay attention! The motherhood you are trying to achieve by means of the artificial "ribosome" will not be, in spite of its apparent probability for being. The man will never birth from neither, a test tube, nor a culture tube, not even from a controlled refrigerator. Will never the elaborated and preserved gene produce what you expect. Superior men will never be born from your hands, since the being, in the supposed case that it were born, it would be a wretched "alive-dead" because it will lack soul. Remember and don’t forget: The soul only enters trough the mother! (year 1961)
                                Artificial DNA Can Replicate in Lab, Researchers Find - Businessweek

                                Extraterrestrial women will arrive in the world to be inseminated and they will go back. Men will be kidnapped to inseminated and they won’t come back.
                                Man bites Alien's Nipple, finds Alien hair wraped around Penis, DNA Tests Alien DNA


                                Interplanetary navigators, messengers of God, angels yesterday, will arrive in the world in, every time, bigger amounts. They will show themselves in different ways with the intention to the unconscious man about the danger of the atom. Older and superior civilizations than the actual disappeared as victims of the same power. It will be known! (year 1959)
                                Fulcanelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Walter Lang reports that Fulcanelli communicated with Jacques Bergier (Яков Михайлович Бергер) to warn French atomic physicist André Hellbronner of man's impending use of nuclear weapons. According to Fulcanelli, nuclear weapons had been used before, by and against humanity. Dr. Hellbronner and Chevillon among others were assassinated by the Gestapo towards the end of World War II.[1
                                -------------------------- the Occupy Movement

                                Will arrive the sun to the darken world, when the sun has returned from the three days smoke. Then, will arrive the pure virtue in the expert and evolved youth. The seven virtues come back in triumph, it comes back the beauty of the faith and the felt intimacy of the hope. The charity has brought all of this. (year 1968)

                                Time for a little Re-post:

                                from: THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                                "Faith. The world will go looking for, without to see, and seeing, it will not see, it will fall down and will stand up with the Virgin." (year 1939)
                                "Circles of lights will appear flying high, bringing alien beings from other planets. Yes, they were who came to settle the earth, it will be said, and it will be well said. Yes, who were called angels in old testament, or... Jahveh voice, they will be, and they will be seen again, and they will be seen, and they will be heard." (year 1938)

                                "The Darwin theory, will be no longer, because it will be known that the man descended from the planets."
                                The moon crater of the seven circular stair will disclose its secret to the man.
                                The planets will tell the man about races not humanoid of static beauty and mind power Higer! (year 1972) HM 1

                                Do not necessarily agree with all the prophecies .... why .... see Chinese whispers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-01-2012, 06:48 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

