I hope now Hermes looks easier to understand
from: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
it's all in the emf egg

this is all thanks to the Kybalion, please read it

from: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus
O Son, is but one in our egg; but this, in the hen's egg, is much less to be found. But lest so much of the Divine Wisdom as is in a hen's egg should not be distinguished, our composition is, as that is, from the four elements Adapted and composed. Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature, for in it there is a spirituality and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden in its tincture. But the Son, enquiring or Hermes, saith, The sulphurs which are fit for our work, whether are they celestial or terrestrial ? To whom the Father answers, Certain of them are heavenly, and some are of the earth.

this is all thanks to the Kybalion, please read it
