Originally posted by Michael C
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Michael C,
found the following as you mentioned Granite :
Thomas Henry Moray: Speech at Valley State College, Northridge CA
Through the years of research with Radiant Energy, my attention has been drawn to some of the phenomena of radio-active substances and kindred efforts of research. All our research has been in one main field, that is, rates of vibration, which has led us to many interesting experiments and accomplishments. Not the least of these has been the breeding of lighter as well as the heavier materials by the bombardment of various isotopes with high speed particles. A somewhat similar example may be had in the work being done by a different method in Breeder Reactors that produce more fuel than they consume which makes it feasible to 'burn the rocks,' that is, to utilize the vast supply of thorium ( Atomic Number: 90
) contained, not in rich ores, but in rocks such as granite.

see also Black Granite / pyramid
The induced radioactivity communicated to an inactive substance may be much more intense than that of the radioactive substance from which it emanated. When, in an enclosed vessel, containing some emanation from a radioactive body (thorium for example), a metal plate charged with negative electricity at a high potential is introduced, all the particles emitted by the thorium concentrate themselves upon it and this plate becomes ten thousand times more active, surface for surface, then the thorium itself. These facts are not, any more than the preceding ones, explainable by the electric current theory.
If a metal (rendered artificially radioactive) is brought to a white heat, it loses its radioactivity, which spreads itself over the bodies in its neighborhood. Here again, we see atoms behaving in a very strange manner.
The phenomenon of induced radioactivity is, then, quite unexplainable with energy ideas as to electric particles. It cannot be admitted that such particles deposited on a metal can remain for weeks in the charged state and be carried along by reagents. It would see, from M. Curie’s experiments, that bismuth, plunged into a solution of bromide or radium and carefully washed immediately, remains radioactive for at least three years. This radioactivity would seem even to persist after energetic chemical treatment or metallic plating.
The phenomenon of induced radioactivity is, then, quite unexplainable with energy ideas as to electric particles. It cannot be admitted that such particles deposited on a metal can remain for weeks in the charged state and be carried along by reagents. It would see, from M. Curie’s experiments, that bismuth, plunged into a solution of bromide or radium and carefully washed immediately, remains radioactive for at least three years. This radioactivity would seem even to persist after energetic chemical treatment or metallic plating.
Palmer Craig: Hall Effect Device (Battery, rectifier, amplifier)
The inventor today spoke of the device as “a series of about 10 thin bismuth plates, piled one on the other, with wires running between them and finally on out to the actual radio set.”
Because of the delicate nature of the bismuth plates, Dr. Craig has protected them with a covering of sulfur. According to the inventor, the bismuth plates will generate the energy necessary to operate the radio and serve as a detector and amplifier.
Because of the delicate nature of the bismuth plates, Dr. Craig has protected them with a covering of sulfur. According to the inventor, the bismuth plates will generate the energy necessary to operate the radio and serve as a detector and amplifier.
Bismuth is relatively brittle for a metal. It has the interesting physical property of being less dense as a solid than it is as a liquid. The only other common substances which expand when they freeze are antimony metal and water.
The most common bismuth minerals are bismuthinite and bismite. Generally, these and other bismuth minerals occur in minute quantities within ores of other metals, such as gold, silver, lead, zinc, and tungsten.
Bismuth is usually an indicator of high-temperature mineral deposits, forming in veins with quartz and various metallic minerals, or at the contact of granite intrusions with other rocks such as limestone.
Bismuth is usually an indicator of high-temperature mineral deposits, forming in veins with quartz and various metallic minerals, or at the contact of granite intrusions with other rocks such as limestone.
bismuth is also an element used in the construction of a Moe Joe Cell: Official Website of The Moe-Joe Cell Spherical 316 Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel Joe Cell
Q - How much hydrogen gas does the Moe-Joe cell produce?
A - Initially, the Moe-Joe cell was not conceived as a hydrogen producer. It was created because it concentrates orgone energy, which can be used for combustion in internal combustion engines and also for healing. However, since some people have thought of using it as a HHO producer, it has shown some considerable results. (See Brett's 3000GT results on the Testimonials page)
A - Initially, the Moe-Joe cell was not conceived as a hydrogen producer. It was created because it concentrates orgone energy, which can be used for combustion in internal combustion engines and also for healing. However, since some people have thought of using it as a HHO producer, it has shown some considerable results. (See Brett's 3000GT results on the Testimonials page)
hope you remember that we discussed all these elements

Limestone Quartz Magnetite and Residual Paranormal Hauntings Study by Long Island Paranormal Investigators - Ghost Haunted Demonic Investigation Ghost Hunter New York NY

Analogy is perhaps the most powerful conceptual tool for understanding new phenomena or opening new areas of investigation
Thomas H. MORAY

Thomas H. MORAY
The late former New York Assemblyman Dan Haley ( and numerous others ) witnessed a demonstration of Brown's Gas : stoichometric H-H-O from electrolyzed water. vs radioactive material in which the emissions were reduced to 0.04% within a few minutes:

From 1936 to 1938 tests were made at various times with scores of people present of a Radiant Energy radio. This radio, on several occasions, received broadcasts direct from Little America from Admiral Byrd and his party in the Antartic. These broadcasts came in over a loud speaker clear and distinct on occasions when regular radio broadcasting stations reported that interference was so severe they could not receive Admiral Byrd's broadcasts from Little America because of weather conditions.
Hollow Earth Theory and Admiral Byrd’s Diary