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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by StweenyA View Post
    Wow!!! Just trying to keep up here...
    StweenyA ........ welcome back ...... good reading you again

    an old version of the previous posts

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Fibonacci quasicrystal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      A Fibonacci crystal or quasicrystal is a model used to study systems with aperiodic structure. Both names are acceptable as a 'Fibonacci crystal' denotes a quasicrystal and a 'Fibonacci' quasicrystal is a specific type of quasicrystal. Fibonacci 'chains' or 'lattices' are other synonyms used with regard to the dimensionality of the model.[1] While it is used mostly as a theoretical construct, physical models are also implemented for empirical checks. Most of its applications pertain to various areas of solid state physics.

      Quasicrystal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Two-dimensional aperiodic tiling based on the Fibonnacci word

      The mathematical properties of the Fibonacci word and related topics are well researched and readily applied in such studies. The elements of a Fibonacci crystal structure are arranged in one or more spatial dimensions according to the sequence given by the Fibonacci word. The Fourier transform of such arrangements consists of discrete values, which is the defining property for crystals. In an algebric form the sequence is expressed with a matrix whose eigenvalues are Pisot numbers. This feature guarantees that its Fourier transform is discrete. Material waves with appropriate length would interfere constructively when interacting with a Fibonacci structured physical system. For instance, when submitted to X-rays, a Fibonacci quasicrystal would produce Bragg peaks. Other features describing media behaviour such as damping, transmitivity, etc. can be evidenced on Fibonacci models.[2]

      The Fibonacci-based constructions are an obvious example of quasicrystals that do not possess a 'forbidden symmetry'. Their diffraction pattern would be of a square type with the intensities arranged in a fractal pattern.[3]

      CCC Sacred Geometry Page 2


      from :

      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

      Various patterns of standing waves on fluid surfaces generated by vibrating the containing vessels with various driving frequencies, producing A: hexagonal, B: rectangular lattice, C: quasi-crystal patterns, among many more. D: This pattern is defined more by the shape of the walls of the container rather than by the driving waveform, showing how interference patterns in the resonating system tend to subdivide the resonating system into periodic and symmetric sub-patterns in an essentially Gestalt manner.
      Harmonic Resonance Theory: An Alternative to the "Neuron Doctrine" Paradigm of Neurocomputation to Address Gestalt Properties of Perception

      Harmonic Resonance Theory
      note picture C

      ready .......

      Evolution inspires more efficient solar cell design: Geometric pattern maximizes time light is trapped in solar cell

      (—Researchers at Northwestern University have now developed a new design for organic solar cells that could lead to more efficient, less expensive solar power. Instead of attempting to increase efficiency by altering the thickness of the solar cell's polymer layer—a tactic that has preciously garnered mixed results—the researchers sought to design the geometric pattern of the scattering layer to maximize the amount of time light remained trapped within the cell.

      Read more at:

      6 Harmonic Resonance Theory

      The properties of perception as observed phenomenally and as described by Gestalt theory are truly baffling when it comes to proposing a computational mechanism to account for those properties. However there is one physical phenomenon that exhibits exactly those baffling properties observed in perception, and that is the phenomenon of harmonic resonance, or the representation of spatial structure expressed as patterns of standing waves in a resonating system (Lehar 2003a, Lehar 2003c). This tantalizing similarity cannot be coincidental, considering that no other physical mechanism or phenomenon has ever been identified that exhibits these same enigmatic properties. The most remarkable property of harmonic resonance is the sheer number of different unique patterns that can be obtained in even the simplest resonating system. A pioneering study of more complex standing wave patterns was presented by Chladni (1787) who demonstrated the resonant patterns produced by a vibrating steel plate. The technique introduced by Chladni was to sprinkle sand on top of the plate, and then to set the plate into vibration by bowing with a violin bow. The vibration of the plate causes the sand to dance about randomly except at the nodes of vibration where the sand accumulates, thereby revealing the spatial pattern of nodes. This technique was refined by Waller (1961) using a piece of dry ice pressed against the plate, where the escaping gas due to the sublimation of the ice sets the plate into resonance, resulting in a high pitched squeal as the plate vibrates. Figure 1 (adapted from Waller 1961 P. 69) shows some of the patterns that can be obtained by vibrating a square steel plate clamped at its midpoint. The lines in the figure represent the patterns of nodes obtained by vibration at various harmonic modes of the plate, each node forming the boundary between portions of the plate moving in opposite directions, i.e. during the first half-cycle, alternate segments deflect upwards while neighboring segments deflect downwards, and these motions reverse during the second half-cycle of the oscillation. The different patterns seen in Figure 1 can be obtained by touching the plate at a selected point while bowing at the periphery of the plate, which forms a node of oscillation at the damped location, as well as at the clamped center point of the plate. The plate emits an acoustical tone when bowed in this manner, and each of the patterns shown in figure 1 corresponds to a unique temporal frequency, or musical pitch, the lowest tones being produced by the patterns with fewer large segments shown at the upper-left of figure 1, while higher tones are produced by the higher harmonics depicted towards the lower right in the figure. The higher harmonics represent higher energies of vibration, and are achieved by damping closer to the central clamp point, as well as by more vigorous bowing. There are many more possible patterns in a square plate than those depicted in figure 1, which would be revealed by suspending the plate without clamping, allowing patterns which do not happen to exhibit a node at the center of the square, and of course there are many more patterns possible in plates of different shapes (Waller 1961), and many more still in volumetric resonant systems such as a vibrating cube or sphere, which define three-dimensional subdivisions of the resonating volume, although these have not received much attention due to the difficulty in observing the standing wave patterns within a solid volume or volumetric resonant cavity. Faraday (1831) extended Chladni's phenomenon by observing standing waves on the surface of liquids, which produces geometrical arrays of standing waves on the surface of the fluid in the form of concentric rings, parallel ridges, grid and checkerboard patterns, arrays of cone-like points, and even brick patterns. This work has been extended more recently by Cristiansen et al (1992), Kumar & Bajaj (1995), Kudrolli & Gollub (1996), Kudrolli et al. (1998) and others, who have demonstrated patterns of equilateral triangles, regular hexagons, superlattice, and quasi-crystal array patterns by driving the oscillation of the fluid layer with a controlled waveform. Figure 2 shows some of the patterns produced by Kudrolli et al. It seems that this work is only touching the surface of the full potential of this phenomenon for producing complex geometrical patterns by relatively simple driving oscillations.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-05-2013, 04:18 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Giant veil of “cold plasma†discovered high above Earth | The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond
        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


        • thank you Dave

          February 3, 2013 – EARTH - Clouds of “cold plasma” reach from the top of Earth’s atmosphere to at least a quarter the distance to the moon, according to new data from a cluster of European satellites. Earth generates cold plasma—slow-moving charged particles—at the edge of space, where sunlight strips electrons from gas atoms, leaving only their positively charged cores, or nuclei. Researchers had suspected these hard-to-detect particles might influence incoming space weather, such as this week’s solar flare and resulting geomagnetic storm. That’s because solar storms barrage Earth with similar but high-speed charged particles. Still, no one could be certain what the effects of cold plasma might be without a handle on its true abundance around our planet. “It’s like the weather forecast on TV. It’s very complicated to make a reasonable forecast without the basic variables,’ said space scientist Mats André, of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics. “Discovering this cold plasma is like saying, Oh gosh, there are oceans here that affect our weather,” he said. Researchers already knew that some cold plasma existed in the ionosphere, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. But few researchers had looked for the clouds between 12,400 and 60,000 miles (20,000 and 100,000 kilometers) high. André and his colleague Chris Cully suspected the plasma could be out there, but they knew the positive charge of spacecraft wasn’t helping any search efforts. Similar to the way cold plasma is created, sunlight strips electrons from spacecraft materials, making their hulls positively charged. Like two matching magnetic poles, a spacecraft would simply repulse any cold plasma around it. to find the stuff, André and Cully instead analyzed anomalies in data from the European Space Agency’s Cluster II spacecraft. This group of four satellites swings around Earth in a highly elliptical orbit. At the orbit’s peak, the probes reach nearly halfway to the moon. The enormous distance gives researchers a chance to sweep through and monitor Earth’s magnetic field and electrical activity, including the influence of “hot” charged particles emitted by the sun. Anomalies in the Cluster II data turned out to be shockwaves from cold plasma particles moving around the satellites. In the end, the pair found that cold plasma makes up between 50 and 70 percent of all charged particles within the farther reaches of Earth’s magnetic field. André says it’s now time to start updating space-weather models to take the extra cold plasma into account—at this point, for instance, nothing is known about how the plasma might affect solar storms. This influence is “not a minor thing in space weather,” André said. “It’s an elephant in the room.” –National Geographic
          could also explain some of the UFO sightings viewed from Space : Plasma filament behaving in peculiar manner
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
            New 'retention model' explains enigmatic ribbon at edge of solar system

            (—The vast edges of our solar system—the boundary at the edge of our heliosphere where material streaming out from the sun interacts with the galactic material—is essentially invisible. It emits no light and no conventional telescope can see it. However, particles from inside the solar system bounce off this boundary and neutral atoms from that collision stream inward. Those particles can be observed by instruments on NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). Since those atoms act as fingerprints for the boundary from which they came, IBEX can map that boundary in a way never before done. In 2009, IBEX saw something in that map that no one could explain: a vast ribbon dancing across this boundary that produced many more energetic neutral atoms than the surrounding areas.

            Read more at:
            In a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers propose a "retention theory" that for the first time explains the key observation of the unexplained ribbon's width. The paper appeared online on Feb. 4, 2013. Indeed, since the discovery of the ribbon, over a dozen competing theories seeking to explain the phenomenon have been put forth. The new theory builds on one that was first published along with the discovery of the ribbon in 2009 and then quantitatively simulated in 2010. This theory posited that the ribbon exists in a special location where neutral hydrogen atoms from the solar wind cross the local galactic magnetic field. Neutral atoms are not affected by magnetic fields, but when their electrons get stripped away they become charged ions and begin to gyrate rapidly around magnetic field lines. This process frequently aims ions back toward the sun. So those ions that pick up electrons at the right time might explain the extra boost of neutral atoms that create the ribbon. The problems were that physical processes might break down the distribution needed for it to work and that models based on this process showed a ribbon narrower than IBEX observed.

            Read more at:
            The new theory adds a key process: That rapid rotation creates waves or vibrations in the magnetic field, and the charged ions then become physically trapped in a region by these waves, which in turn would amplify the ion density and produce the broader ribbon seen. Read more at

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-06-2013, 02:51 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from:

              the shape of the coil looks almost "egg like"

              also considered a favorable aerodynamic shape


              The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting

              on a side note ..... you can print the above image and place pegs to create an egg like coil ( basket weave or not )

              Egg « PaperMatrix

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-06-2013, 10:32 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Wireless power transfer technology for high capacity transit

                The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Korea Railroad Research Institute (KRRI) have developed a wireless power transfer technology that can be applied to high capacity transportation systems such as railways, harbor freight, and airport transportation and logistics. The technology supplies 60 kHz and 180 kW of power remotely to transport vehicles at a stable, constant rate.

                Read more at:

                where did read this before :

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • I finnaly get it!


                  What do you think about this schematic?

                  If the breakdown avalanche effect of the diode is big enough we could have some interesting results

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by kEhYo77; 02-13-2013, 10:22 AM.


                  • Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post

                    What do you think about this schematic?

                    If the breakdown avalanche effect of the diode is big enough we could have some interesting results

                    Is this to collect through the antenna
                    Could you give more detail, explain your idea.
                    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                    • Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post

                      What do you think about this schematic?

                      If the breakdown avalanche effect of the diode is big enough we could have some interesting results

                      good reading you kEhYo77

                      first a reminder of what is the breakdown avalanche effect

                      Avalanche breakdown
                      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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                      Avalanche breakdown is a phenomenon that can occur in both insulating and semiconducting materials. It is a form of electric current multiplication that can allow very large currents within materials which are otherwise good insulators. It is a type of electron avalanche. The avalanche process occurs when the carriers in the transition region are accelerated by the electric field to energies sufficient to free electron-hole pairs via collisions with bound electrons.

                      Materials conduct electricity if they contain mobile charge carriers. There are two types of charge carrier in a semiconductor: free electrons and electron holes. A fixed electron in a reverse-biased diode may break free due to its thermal energy, creating an electron-hole pair. If there is a voltage gradient in the semiconductor, the electron will move towards the positive voltage while the hole will "move" towards the negative voltage. Most of the time, the electron and hole will just move to opposite ends of the crystal and stop. Under the right circumstances, however, (i.e. when the voltage is high enough) the free electron may move fast enough to knock other electrons free, creating more free-electron-hole pairs (i.e. more charge carriers), increasing the current. Fast-"moving" holes may also result in more electron-hole pairs being formed. In a fraction of a nanosecond, the whole crystal begins to conduct.

                      Avalanche breakdown usually destroys regular diodes, but avalanche diodes are designed to break down this way at low voltages and can survive the reverse current.

                      The voltage at which the breakdown occurs is called the breakdown voltage. There is a hysteresis effect; once avalanche breakdown has occurred, the material will continue to conduct if the voltage across it drops below the breakdown voltage. This is different from a Zener diode, which will stop conducting once the reverse voltage drops below the breakdown voltage.

                      When both sides of the pn junction (called a depletion layer) which is lightly doped become large enough avalanche breakdown takes place.
                      indeed it could prove to have some very interesting effect ....

                      just on a side note : as we have discussed several times the use of Bismuth in free energy devices ( Hall effect Battery , Moe Joe Cell etc .... ) :

                      Bismuth-Ferrite Piezoelectric Material Opens New Roads for Energy Generation - The Green Optimistic

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                        Is this to collect through the antenna
                        Could you give more detail, explain your idea.
                        It is to be used as a few turn primary for a Tesla Coil (transformer).
                        Having seen Primer Fields on YT, it is my belief that this PHI ratio clockwise / counter clockwise / clockwise type of primary winding will by very efficient.


                        I purchased recently some 99.9 pure Bismuth and the plan is to make a thick primary from copper pipes with ferrofluid inside and cover it with a thin layer of Bismuth from the outside.
                        And the final (Bismuth covering) layer should be of an insulating material.
                        Last edited by kEhYo77; 02-13-2013, 12:39 PM.


                        • Originally posted by kEhYo77 View Post
                          It is to be used as a few turn primary for a Tesla Coil (transformer).
                          Having seen Primer Fields on YT, it is my belief that this PHI ratio clockwise / counter clockwise / clockwise type of primary winding will by very efficient.


                          I purchased recently some 99.9 pure Bismuth and the plan is to make a thick primary from copper pipes with ferrofluid inside and cover it with a thin layer of Bismuth from the outside.
                          And the final (Bismuth covering) layer should be of an insulating material.
                          can't wait to hear the results of your experiment

                          the following sentence caught my attention :

                          . Under the right circumstances, however, (i.e. when the voltage is high enough) the free electron may move fast enough to knock other electrons free, creating more free-electron-hole pairs (i.e. more charge carriers), increasing the current.
                          for some reason it reminded me of experiment with a quartz crystal and a spark gap

                          electroluminescence or just a chunk of quartz in a spark gap ? - YouTube

                          Triboluminescence or electroluminescence or just a chunk of quartz in a spark gap i dont know i cant decide makes for really powerfull discharges from a low wattage source though. mabe its the piezoelectric effect or just added capacitance. its milky quartz by the way
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • forgot to mention an essential piece of info ....... that may prove essential ( all is connected ):

                            key word : Orgone :


                            Reich made an analogy between a lightning rods and cloudbusters: both discharge orgone from the sky (lightning was believed to be a super-dense bolt of electricity and orgone), except whereas a lightning rod does so in the fraction of a second, the cloudbuster extends its influence over tens of minutes -- an hour is the usual draw duration. Though lightning rods channel much greater magnitudes of energy than cloudbusters, it is not difficult to see why a cloudbuster produces a more apparent change in shape of a cloud than lightning rods do. It is not the magnitude of energy involved, but rather the rate of energy flow. With the cloudbuster's slower rate of orgone siphoning, the chaotically evolving cloud has a longer time to respond to the influence of a cloudbuster operator.

                            The rate of draw is dependent upon rate of water flow within the pipe, number of pipes, and the skill at which the cloudbuster is operated. The length-to-diameter ratio determines the range of influence of the cloudbuster;
                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                   ..... you won't have to go into high rpm as in the vid

                            or more like this one :

                            Tesla turbine powered by water - YouTube

                            side note : All of Tesla's work is scalable ..... all you need is

                            copper tube / fittings for the casing ..... and some small magnet rings .... and you can do the same .... with some retooling ..... thought worth to mention


                            if you prefer the other way magnetizing your water ...... interestingly also included as a part of the Tesla Turbine :

                            I 'd like to bring your attention to the principle used in the Valvular tube ..... Nikola Tesla: Disk Turbine / Pump (Articles, patents, links)

                            some parts need to be replaced by magnets ...... try to guess which

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • as we also discussed Boron :

                              Scientists have discovered way to create high-quality graphene capacitor, which could deliver high-frequency electronics

                              (—Writing in PNAS, University of Manchester graphene researchers found that sandwiching a layer of the wonder material between boron nitride could produce highly-accurate capacitors.

                              Read more at:
                              for all the post on Boron : Google

                              just a thought : what if Hendershot used Carbon ....... and Boron .... in his capacitors


                              Vortex pinning could lead to superconducting breakthroughs

                              One such major problem is posed by magnetic fields. When magnetic fields reach a certain strength, they cause a superconductor to lose its superconductivity. But there is a type of superconductor—known as "Type II"—which is better at surviving in relatively high magnetic fields. In these superconductors, magnetic fields create tiny whirlpools or "vortices." Superconducting current continues to travel around these vortices to a point, but eventually, as the magnetic field strengthens, the vortices begin to move about and interfere with the material's superconductivity, introducing resistance. "These vortices dissipate the energy when moving under applied currents and bury all hopes for a technological revolution—unless we find ways to efficiently pin them," said Argonne Distinguished Fellow Valerii Vinokur, who co-authored the study. Scientists have spent a lot of time and effort over the past few decades trying to immobilize these vortices, but until now, the results have been mixed. They found ways to pin down the vortices, but these only worked in a restricted range of low temperatures and magnetic fields.

                              Read more at:
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-14-2013, 05:38 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • stumbled on the following info :

                                ubuntu: We Are Not Alone - European Space Agency

                                The prestigious European Space Agency (ESA) has declared Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon, to be artificial. At least one-third of it is hollow and its origin is not natural, but alien in nature. The ESA is Europe's counterpart to NASA. Could this revelation motivate NASA to release the secrets it is harbouring? Don't count on it… because if its artificial an alien civilization must have put it there.
                                ESA study declares Phobos not natural.
                                The ESA study abstract that appeared in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Research Letters reveals that Phobos is not what many astrophysicists and astronomers believed for generations: a captured asteroid.

                                "We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. New values for the gravitational parameter (GM=0.7127 ± 0.0021 x 10-³ km³/s²) and density of Phobos (1876 ± 20 kg/m³) provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body's porosity (30% ± 5%), provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid."

                                Casey Kazan writes in ESA: Mars Moon Phobos 'Artificial,' that "…the official ESA Phobos website contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly 'supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside 'a huge…geometric… hollow spaceship'. In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly 'internal, 3-D geometric-looking' radar signature. The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments- imaging, internal mass distribution, (tracking) and internal radar imaging, now agreed that the interior of Phobos is partially hollow with internal, geometric 'voids' inside it. Meaning that Phobos is artificial."

                                In other words, Phobos is not a natural satellite, is not a "captured asteroid," and is hollow. This is exactly what Dr. Shklovsky found back in the 1960s. Phobos was artificially constructed and placed into Martian orbit by...who?
                                (Taken from a weekly report by George A. Filer - MUFON Director)


                                Egyptian girl, Aisha Mustafa, invents new space propulsion system

                                Sohag - A physics student from Egypt's Sohag University, Aisha Mustafa, 19, has patented a new type of propulsion system based on quantum theory that she says could propel space probes and artificial satellites without using any fuel.
                                According Gizmodo, Aisha's new system exploits the quirky laws of quantum physics which state that in spite of appearances, space really is not vacuum but that it is a seething cauldron of fundamental particle interactions involving creation and destruction of "virtual particles."

                                Mustafa believes it is possible to use vacuum energy fields to create propulsion and build spacecraft propulsion systems that need little or no fuel to travel in space. According to Fast Company, Mustafa is betting on exploiting quantum effects involved in dynamic Casimir effect and the Casimiri-Polder force. She uses two silicon metallic plates in a vacuum, "like capacitors placed a few micrometers apart." The plates interact with the virtual photons in the quantum field and generate a net force that is either an attraction or a repulsion depending on their arrangement.
                                According to, the invention is similar to a hypothetical concept of jet propulsion termed “Differential Sail," proposed by NASA’s Marc G. Millis.
                                Fast Company reports that Aisha's university was so impressed with her new invention that it assisted her with a patent application. reports that Mustafa's supervisor, Dr. Ahmed Fikry, who heads the physics department in Sohag University, said “I expect this invention to be highly beneficial in several fields and areas of industries."

                                Read more: Egyptian girl, Aisha Mustafa, invents new space propulsion system
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

