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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
check this out:
Viktor Schauberger's Klimator
"I can generate suctional forces, which act indirectly and are entirely undetectable. No current of air can be noticed; only an almost imperceptible cooling, as occurs when air is sucked in strongly with the back of the hand held in front of the mouth. It is therefore incorrect to say that I have copied the cyclones and typhoons of the tropics."
Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 83, p. 17
compare it to this: D-Dalus Aircraft
Meinhard SCHWAIGER -- D-Dalus Aircraft
D-Dalus is an exciting innovation in the area of unmanned air vehicles (UAV), of which the first prototype has been developed and successfully tested.
The propulsion consists of 4 sets of contra-rotating disks, each set driven at the same rpm by a conventional aero-engine. The disks are surrounded by blades whose angle of attack can be altered by off-setting the axis of the rotating disks. As each blade can be given a different angle of attack, the resulting main thrust can be in any required direction in 360° around any axis. This allows the craft to launch vertically, remain in a fixed position in the air, travel in any direction, rotate in any direction, and thrust upwards thereby gluing down on landing.Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-14-2011, 09:17 PM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
great music and at the same time a good compil of Viktor Schauberger Vortex
Viktor Schauberger Vortex Video - YouTube
Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
Let me show you Russel, Vogel , Schauberger and Tesla were True Visionaries : Pay attention to the designs
turn the picture around....I get a Variation of the Ankh Set up: The Phi Set up
This is one reason why certain scientific investigations in the area of subtle energies cannot be readily replicated. It is not always a matter of scientific protocol, but a matter of relationship. Unfortunately many scientists would consider this to be some kind of inessential and perhaps bothersome epiphenomena. Although such individuals are scientists, to Marcel, they were technicians attempting to prove what they already thought was true. The true scientist is one who attempts to discover with childlike curiosity. Too often we, all of us, only want to confirm what we already believe.
Viktor Schauberger Vortex Video - YouTubeLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-18-2011, 02:18 PM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
Now unto the Repulsine:
In the repulsine, air is passed through a narrow corrugated chamber created by two plates with impelling blades along the outer edge, so as to create a suction turbine.)
----check this out same design (left corner compare to exterior design )
Standing Wave: (from Free Energy and Free Thinking )
I can't believe i posted this, when i started( )
Originally posted by MonsieurM View PostIf this theory pans out (big if) : it may be a far fetched idea but "if you create a standing wave, you have your anti-gravity".
As Above so BelowLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 10:25 PM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
Shawn this is awesome, think of the egg as a puzzle:
you have the lower part made of a pyramid and a Tesla Coil (solid vortex) which in the Ankh set up has the Quartz Neo Ball in place of the flower of life...and what do we know about a magnet....golden mean ie emf vortex....I'll develop on this laterLast edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 10:27 PM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
Hello Monsieur, I've been too busy to keep up with ths thread lately. But now i've got a few hours. It's time to study this thread. Hopefully it won't hurt my head too much. Going by the quick glance I just had it, might take a few days of spare time.
Thank you very much.
Ok Guys here is what I think on the generation of gravity.
After looking at these drawings.
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I made these sketches of what I think the basic principal is. In very simple terms.
Normally Bouyant object
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Way to alter center of gravity to induce positive or negative bouyancy.
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This would just manipulate the radiative energy of a rotating body with HV and such to create an imballance away from the gravitative center. The object is then drawn towards the artificial center of gravity.
Excess energy would leak as carona around the object. I think.
And then there is this video coming. Here is the trailer.
(Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube
Can't wait for it.
The dolphins and the wales are trying to tell us something.
Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices - YouTube
It's all about the toroid.
P.S You are an extraordinary resercher Monsieur.
Here's a supanova for good measure lot's of energy being made availiable again by that.
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..Last edited by Farmhand; 09-15-2011, 09:00 AM.
Thank you Farmhand...much appreciated
Way to alter center of gravity to induce positive or negative bouyancy.
This would just manipulate the radiative energy of a rotating body with HV and such to create an imbalance away from the gravitative center. The object is then drawn towards the artificial center of gravity.
Excess energy would leak as carona around the object. I think.Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 10:51 AM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.
It's all about the toroid.
Originally posted by Dave45 View PostRealizing that there is an A vector potential field and how it relates to the magnetic field has opened a lot of doors.
Its the big picture
you see the Rodin Coil...find the smith coil (Caduceus) you know
Originally posted by MonsieurM View PostLet me show you what i see and you let me know what you think
In the picture you posted Dave, you see (in a simplified manner )
3 Elements: 2 vortex and a donut (Rodin coil most likely )
You'll find these three element all over Mother Nature's if they can only exist as a "triptych " follow me so far
so i would venture to say if you create two solid version and join two of these three elements; for instance, one Rodin coil and a vortex coil ; the third element will come into existence ie: the third vortex....your 3 6 9
bonus: you control the third vortex thanks to the second coil:
John W. Keely
you end up with a third element: an emf Caduceus to complete the tryptich
As above so below, from within so withoutOriginally posted by Dave45 View Postthe A vector field of the solenoid would be running the same as the toroid,and both magnetic fields would be running the same too, very interesting idea, will think on this awhile.
I have the toroid in now, will let you know if anything turns up.
if you prefer:
John W. Keely
...When these harmonics form unisons or direct harmonic relations the two vibrating aggregates and their chords of vibration are said to be sympathetic to each other. This unison of frequency dictates that what happens to one vibratorily happens to the other simultaneously.
watch the following vid, it is of great interest: around 40 sec (smith coil )
James Designs NESTA Vortex Globe.flv - YouTube
If you pay close attention, in the previous vid i posted , you can see the donut and the second vortex....It's in the reflection1 min 35
as above so below....
from the video: vortex and its reflection:
Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post(in a simplified manner )
3 Elements: 2 vortex and a donut (Rodin coil most likely )
You'll find these three element all over Mother Nature's if they can only exist as a "triptych " follow me so far
bonus: you control the third vortex thanks to the second coil:
Principle of Mentalism: The Universe is all wave
a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-15-2011, 10:44 PM.Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. -Confucius.