Originally posted by MonsieurM
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Also, russell's "still frozen magnetic light" -- when the magnetism is counterbalanced by its opposite.

If that is how the brain can also "read" the still magnetic light -- those little white dots I see dancing in the sky are WATER -- somehow with the energy of that same still "magnetic light"?
Is the fractal 'key' you're looking for Phi?

How do we use the same "still magnetic light" in our bodies? (aside from the front hemisphere of brain, where the "male" and "female" hemispheres intersect?)
How can we use (phi) with water ourselves? (in our bodies?)
Waaaiiit. These are just ideas, but I think it couldn't hurt to think out loud here....
If the still light of consciousness becomes a part of water somehow -- or perhaps is "perfected water" in its most refined essence (water embodying/reflecting its true nature?) -- How distorted is the water which we have abused in our "civilized" society?

"Enlightenment" is a result of WATER taking a different structure in your body??


The water having a "pyramid" shape -- just like the pyramid shape had that stream of light shooting out of the top -- water can condense the phi field at its apex?

All of these are related to our consciousness, and crystals.

When we are crystalizing water, are we pushing the apexes towards the "still center" of the cancelling magnetic feilds??
The dissolved oxygen uses one of those "pyramids" as its fulcrum to orient the tip of the vortex cone, also towards the canceling fields?
Water as a fractal antennae? Also could receive that "kind" of radiation/emission, because it is also equally balanced as ONE (H+H+O=H2O)??

The golden tractate says the same thing Walter Russell says -- the sun uses WATER to produce hydrogen to burn "on demand".
I have to go to school -- wish I could write more -- just WOW. Was thinking out loud here...
