you guys have got to watch this documentary, with what you know it will seem evident:
The Revelation Of The Pyramids
The Revelation Of The Pyramids - YouTube
and remember this:
The Revelation Of The Pyramids
The Revelation Of The Pyramids - YouTube
THE EMERALD TABLET | Golden Means Health Emerald Tablet 1
Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force
Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway leading down to Amenti. Few there would be with courage to dare it, few pass the portal to dark Amenti. Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid, using the power that overcomes Earth force
they carry a load of information ....
Because such Construct have an 'efficient function', they have, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
Because such Construct have an 'efficient function', they have, a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions: