Natural Law Based Design And Construction
It may be good to look at Vaastu proportions in the designs being considered:
Vaastu: Secrets of a Happy & Healthy Home
Vaastushastra says that if the structure of your house is so designed that the positive forces override the negative forces then there is a beneficial release of bio-energy, which helps you and your family members to live a happy and healthy life. A positive cosmic field prevails in a Vaastulogically constructed house, where the atmosphere is congenial for a smooth and happy life. Contrary to this, if the same structure is built in a manner that the negative forces override the positive, the overbearing negative field makes your actions, efforts and thoughts negative. Herein comes the benefits of Vaastu, which guides you to have a positive atmosphere at home.
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Five elements
According to vastu sastra, the world comprises five basic elements known as the pancha maha bhoota. Out of the eight planets, ours has life because of the presence and balance of these five elements. The five elements are as follows.
Natural Law Based Design And Construction
Principles of Maharishi Vastu Architecture | Maharishi Vastu Architecture
Because the individual life is cosmic, everything about
individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life.
Maharishi Vedic architecture gives dimensions, formulas,
and orientations to the buildings that will provide cosmic
harmony and support to the individual for his peace,
prosperity, and good health — daily life in accord with
Natural Law, daily life in the evolutionary direction. — Maharishi Mahesh Yog
3. Right Proportion: Proportion is a key to successful design in nature. Right proportion and measurement in buildings strengthen the connection of our individual intelligence to Cosmic Intelligence.
When a house is designed the dimensions of the building are calculated using the ancient mathematical formulas of Vastu Vidya of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture. These Vedic formulas take into consideration, among other factors, the relationship of the house owner with the sun, moon, planets, and stars to ensure a perfect resonance between the cosmic structures and all components of the house.

It may be good to look at Vaastu proportions in the designs being considered:
Vaastu: Secrets of a Happy & Healthy Home
Vaastushastra says that if the structure of your house is so designed that the positive forces override the negative forces then there is a beneficial release of bio-energy, which helps you and your family members to live a happy and healthy life. A positive cosmic field prevails in a Vaastulogically constructed house, where the atmosphere is congenial for a smooth and happy life. Contrary to this, if the same structure is built in a manner that the negative forces override the positive, the overbearing negative field makes your actions, efforts and thoughts negative. Herein comes the benefits of Vaastu, which guides you to have a positive atmosphere at home.
Vastu Shastra
Vastu Shastra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Five elements
According to vastu sastra, the world comprises five basic elements known as the pancha maha bhoota. Out of the eight planets, ours has life because of the presence and balance of these five elements. The five elements are as follows.
Natural Law Based Design And Construction
Principles of Maharishi Vastu Architecture | Maharishi Vastu Architecture
Because the individual life is cosmic, everything about
individual life should be in full harmony with Cosmic Life.
Maharishi Vedic architecture gives dimensions, formulas,
and orientations to the buildings that will provide cosmic
harmony and support to the individual for his peace,
prosperity, and good health — daily life in accord with
Natural Law, daily life in the evolutionary direction. — Maharishi Mahesh Yog
3. Right Proportion: Proportion is a key to successful design in nature. Right proportion and measurement in buildings strengthen the connection of our individual intelligence to Cosmic Intelligence.
When a house is designed the dimensions of the building are calculated using the ancient mathematical formulas of Vastu Vidya of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture. These Vedic formulas take into consideration, among other factors, the relationship of the house owner with the sun, moon, planets, and stars to ensure a perfect resonance between the cosmic structures and all components of the house.
