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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism
This makes sense in this way. If quartz crytal can easily retain infrared light as excess electrons then using uv rays is a way to release them in a controlled fashion without even needing an internal interface of mesh wiring. Of course too much heat equals meltdown. This is why it needs to be encased in water. UV raditaion can pentrate up to 500 meters of clear water. This is the answer! Not all of it I am sure but 90%!
If you read this, in case you have access to UV light, could you try it on your crystal Battery, please ...It got me thinking when reading Shawn's post
This makes sense in this way. If quartz crytal can easily retain infrared light as excess electrons then using uv rays is a way to release them in a controlled fashion without even needing an internal interface of mesh wiring. Of course too much heat equals meltdown. This is why it needs to be encased in water. UV raditaion can pentrate up to 500 meters of clear water. This is the answer! Not all of it I am sure but 90%!
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
"Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher (frequency ) to overcome the laws of the lower (frequency ie matter )."-The Kybalion.
it is not actually "resolved" into those forms of energy (which are much higher in the scale), but simply that it reaches a degree of vibration in which those forms of energy are liberated, in a degree, from the confining influences of its molecules, atoms and corpuscles, as the case may be. These forms of energy, although much higher in the scale than matter, are imprisoned and confined in the material combinations
I just realized, you have given us the tool to Apply the LAW of Correspondance, see Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion , a tool we are using to translate The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus ,
I had a blacklight in my gameroom til a few months ago..gave it away, oops.
However, I do have 2 lots of ex PC printer rows of UV LED's. At least I think they are UV as they're not infra-red. Or they're broken
Yep, will see into that idea of yours and report any findings.
The 2 paralleled cells are still running btw, LED still glowing away
side note: did you try the 2 laser pointers on your cells
Shawn, so where do we start
We already have. If all things work together and even overlap due to their connection then the perfect form of energy will encompass a harmonic, vibrational, etc. exchange so that all is working within a balance to exchange/produce energy in a natural cycle; much like a mechanical representation of the natural. The question should be with what we have, ( quartz, water, light(both infrared and UV)) what is it that we are lacking to make the exchange balance. And even with what we have what is the correct resonance of balance. I/E what frequency of ultravolet is the best. In what state should the water be? solid liquid or gas? Should the Infrared be at the beginning, middle or end to produce the most electricity? We have a starting point but to many questions to proceed further. Once we have the answers to these questions and we can snugly fit together these components with a 90% or better assurity then that might lead us to what we need next or should I say what is missing to place this in complete harmonial balance. It will be like reverse engineering a clock; to build it we need to fit together the parts we have and then determine, from what is left out, what is missing, until its complete. Then we can fine tune it.
We already have. If all things work together and even overlap due to their connection then the perfect form of energy will encompass a harmonic, vibrational, etc. exchange so that all is working within a balance to exchange/produce energy in a natural cycle; much like a mechanical representation of the natural. The question should be with what we have, ( quartz, water, light(both infrared and UV)) what is it that we are lacking to make the exchange balance. And even with what we have what is the correct resonance of balance. I/E what frequency of ultravolet is the best. In what state should the water be? solid liquid or gas? Should the Infrared be at the beginning, middle or end to produce the most electricity? We have a starting point but to many questions to proceed further. Once we have the answers to these questions and we can snugly fit together these components with a 90% or better assurity then that might lead us to what we need next or should I say what is missing to place this in complete harmonial balance. It will be like reverse engineering a clock; to build it we need to fit together the parts we have and then determine, from what is left out, what is missing, until its complete. Then we can fine tune it.
Amen...I'll look through all my posting...to find more clues....there is an article i'll start first with: (keeping in mind the 7 principles )
side note: did you try the 2 laser pointers on your cells
Shawn, so where do we start
I would however suggest a rough deisgn that will of course change as we discover more. We have determined that quartz crystal can store energy. This should be the heart of the design. Or should I say the center piece from which we add all other components. The larger the piece the more energy it can hold. I would say let us build three with components of correlating size but we do not yet know the cost so that would be too impetuous so let us start with one. Now we have to determine how we will place the infrared light in. We know that once we shoot a beam of infrared light at the Q crystal that it will become entrapped. The sun would be the most obvious and free source of charging the crystal with one drawback. We have to filter out all the UV which will release the energy just as fast as it goes in. The UV light is counter productive in the charging stage. So the second component would most likely be an Infrared pass filter such as the one I have. I have a deep red Roscoe gel filter which is partially heat resistant(used for stage lighting) that only lets 680nm and deeper light pass through it($4.50) it cost me just a little over four dollars. We could place the quarts crystal in the sun under the red filter then bring it inside while still covered. Once inside we do not have to worry except for maybe accidental exposure to sunlight or black light sources such as heat lamps. I personally beleive that once inside the quartz needs to be placed in a room with only LED lighting(no UV). I remember from the video that the supercharged plexiglass did not discharge until struck by a nail. In this case i think it would be relatively safe to touch a metal rod to the crystal. One drawback; I remember that in another video that a crytal ball repelled a metal rod. I wouldn't suggest implanting the metal rod as John hutchinson did though. It might be suggestive to find what type of metal is not repelled by the crystal yet still is conductive. Maybe shape the metal like a bowl at one end to hold the crystal if it is ball shaped or flat like a plate at one end it it is square. Then shoot a small UV laser through it to see if it tranfers the energy from inside the ball into the metal holder. If it does then we need to coat the metal rod with an insulator. Iguess in the end it might end up looking like a wizards staff; you know the stick with the crystal at the top.
Shawn, check this this website out, it has a comprehensive amount of info on Quartz such as:
In this regard, we note the discovery made by Gurwitsch and Frank, "mitogenetic rays" that stand out stems and roots of fresh-cut vegetables, as long as the cell nucleus is not destroyed. These rays have been identified as a character similar to ultra-violet radiation, and their discovery is an important confirmation of the theory of cellular oscillation. Lakhovsky - The Secret of Life.
This suggests that ultraviolet radiation was. Later, he established the spectral boundaries more accurately - 190-330 nm, while the average rate estimated at 300-1000 photons / s per square centimeter. In other words, mitogenetic radiation, open Gurvich, represented the middle and near ultraviolet light of extremely low intensity. (Current data rate is even lower - it is the order of tens of photons / s per square centimeter.)
I've just started reading this thread properly. Must say, enjoyed the tree forest interconnections with fractal interlocking.
Chaos appears to be a great example of human misunderstanding....a bit like the random number sequences in computers, whereby in fact it's a 'seed', a set pattern that just appears to be random to a person.
I haven't tried the lasers yet, have been waiting for the test to conclude, i.e. the batteries to run down. With looking to make a more efficient circuit for these cells i'll get on with that and try out the lasers and UV LED's hopefully today
Thank you Slider, we'll be looking forward to reading your results
------you guys are going to like this:
Russian scientists announced a sensational discovery at a press conference in Moscow today (July 26).
A group of scientists supervised by the director of the Volgograd Institute on the study of materials, under the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician Valerian Sobolev, have discovered a new substances that can serve as a principally new, autonomous source of energy.
The new non-chemical "battery" is made from sand and gets its energy from the Earth's magnetic fields. What is particularly important that the installation producing energy is relatively cheap.
According to the academician, this discovery is of tremendous significance today. Using a stripping process, quartz, i.e., sand is transformed into a special substance that looks like blue crystals. This substance is used for making a special installation that scientists view as a stable and very powerful source of energy.
Russian scientists have been working on the new sour! ce of energy together with Americans (the group includes 11 Russians and one American). Some experiments are conducted at Columbia University, but the majority of tests (running into hundreds) are done in Russia and it will get the patent.
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
I've just started reading this thread properly. Must say, enjoyed the tree forest interconnections with fractal interlocking.
Chaos appears to be a great example of human misunderstanding....a bit like the random number sequences in computers, whereby in fact it's a 'seed', a set pattern that just appears to be random to a person.
I haven't tried the lasers yet, have been waiting for the test to conclude, i.e. the batteries to run down. With looking to make a more efficient circuit for these cells i'll get on with that and try out the lasers and UV LED's hopefully today
If you are using crystal batteries such as the ones john Hutchinson introduced then they will not wear down anytime soon. They pick up any ambient infrared light around and transfer that into electricity. If it is producing right now then that is exactly what we want. Just hook a volt meter to it get a reading then shine UV light at it prefereably a diode or monochromatic color. It should accoriding to theory completely drain it. The cell could possibly even spike as it releases all its energy. Or it could even cause a larger output due to releasing the energy quicker without ever fully releasing all the energy.
Shawn, about the shape, did some research and it lead me back to a shape we both know:
Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature(fractal nature), for in it there is a spirituality (all is spirit, and so is electromagnetics ) and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden (golden mean see: http://www.energeticforum.com/149201-post91.html ) in its tincture.
Egg-Shaped Crystals – This shape, usually fabricated, is extremely versatile, and has been used in reflexology, zone-therapy, acupressure, shiatsu and aura reading.
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.