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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    did any of you guys already see this vid:

    Super Joule Ringer! Lights my workshop 24/7. - YouTube

    I have an email technical request into Metglas
    for any possible part numbers for this core used,
    and the availability of the core as shown in this vid.

    I let him know I'm trying to source it for him as well.

    I'll let you know...


    • Originally posted by WeThePeople_USA View Post
      I have an email technical request into Metglas
      for any possible part numbers for this core used,
      and the availability of the core as shown in this vid.

      I let him know I'm trying to source it for him as well.

      I'll let you know...

      Thank you WeThePeople_USA , glad to see you on this thread

      your input is always welcome and instructive
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        one more thing:

        Dan A. Davidson - Shape les brown 4 min video, they are related...Harnesing Pyramid Energy by Les Brown - YouTube

        Dan A. Davidson - Shape Power.pdf - - document sharing - download

        found these quite interesting: 6 3 9

        a 2d version of Magnetite ....and other isometric crystal system

        Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

        Magnetite: Magnetite mineral information and data.

        The Isometric Crystal System

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-08-2011, 03:35 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          found these quite interesting: 6 3 9

          a 2d version of Magnetite ....and other isometric crystal system

          Magnetite is in the isometric crystal system where the crystal axes are the same length and at right angles to each other.

          Magnetite: Magnetite mineral information and data.

          The Isometric Crystal System

          Now the fun part, to increase the healing aspect of the "Mary Drawing" , using an isometric crystal system in powder form (like a pencil made of magnetite ) to draw the sacred you have added some fractality to the drawing

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • this post was posted a while back:


            Originally posted by Armagdn03 View Post
            what is magic about the numbers Three Six and Nine?

            Sure Im preaching to the quire here, but one of the more interesting processes to understand, is how frequencies can create other frequencies. How they halve, double, etc. Make machines which can do this and you are way ahead of the curve. This can be done through superposition of waves creating beat frequencies, or through parametrics.

            For beat frequencies the rules of thumb are (f1+f2) and (f1-f2)

            Say we have frequencies 3 and 6 combine to give us 9 and 3 respectively. 9 is a new frequency....3 is now reinforced by a beat frequency of 3.

            now you have 3(3),6,9 which can combine to give frequencies:

            3 (again, 9-6)
            15 (9+6)
            6 (again 9-3)

            so we have the original 3, which has two beat frequencies now augmenting it, we have 6 which has a beat frequency augmenting it, we have nine (15-6), which has beat frequencies augmenting it, on and on down the line.

            3 6 and 9 are just a ratio, that creates this pattern of creation of frequencies which augment the original frequencies which created them.

            Harmonics Theory Physics and Maths
            Thank you , it is very enlightening ,

            thank you again Armagdn03

            The Re-Birth of Philosophy. On Physical Reality, Metaphysics, Active Substance, Causal Connection, Truth and Wisdom

            Cycles Harmonics Universe: Physics / Metaphysics Discussion on Harmonics Theory, Cycles in the Universe
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-08-2011, 09:57 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • and this also was posted here for those that have not read this thread:

              Electricity collected from the air could become the newest alternative energy source

              Imagine devices that capture electricity from the air ― much like solar cells capture sunlight ― and using them to light a house or recharge an electric car. Imagine using similar panels on the rooftops of buildings to prevent lightning before it forms. Strange as it may sound, scientists already are in the early stages of developing such devices, according to a report presented today at the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
              they have a 100 years delay

              The notion of harnessing the power of electricity formed naturally has tantalized scientists for centuries. They noticed that sparks of static electricity formed as steam escaped from boilers. Workers who touched the steam even got painful electrical shocks. Famed inventor Nikola Tesla, for example, was among those who dreamed of capturing and using electricity from the air. It's the electricity formed, for instance, when water vapor collects on microscopic particles of dust and other material in the air. But until now, scientists lacked adequate knowledge about the processes involved in formation and release of electricity from water in the atmosphere, Galembeck said. He is with the University of Campinas in Campinas, SP, Brazil....
              Scientists once believed that water droplets in the atmosphere were electrically neutral, and remained so even after coming into contact with the electrical charges on dust particles and droplets of other liquids. But new evidence suggested that water in the atmosphere really does pick up an electrical charge.
              Galembeck and colleagues confirmed that idea, using laboratory experiments that simulated water's contact with dust particles in the air. They used tiny particles of silica and aluminum phosphate, both common airborne substances, showing that silica became more negatively charged in the presence of high humidity and aluminum phosphate became more positively charged.
              "This was clear evidence that water in the atmosphere can accumulate electrical charges and transfer them to other materials it comes into contact with," Galembeck explained. "We are calling this 'hygroelectricity,' meaning 'humidity electricity'."
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • from:

                anything in the field will add
                capacitance to the coil and lower it's resonant frequency
                hence Tesla meticulous circuit drawings
                Farmhand, a different way of seeing it

                These pages are devoted to the analysis of those forms known as Fractals. The list of designs to the left cover topics reviewed by myself in the newsgroup. The designs are those presented to the newsgroup through web site in the Feb.-mar. period of 1997. This work was moved to this present location in 1998. The next significant overhaul came in the summer of 1999 when all designs were re-evaluated in the Constant Wire and Constant Height surveys.

                There is no attempt to pre-qualify any of the designs except by the most fundamental relationship of fractal form, wavelength and length of wire. The height of an antenna or amount of wire consumed in the construction of any particular design was chosen to be an easily scalable and resolvable value. The designs here in these pages generally have a value of 16, 32, or 64 meters. Now this value may be an expression of the height of a design, or the amount of wire consumed (the length of wire in the bends and turns). Through these constraints in size, come reduction in variables.

                The data reveals the shift of the resonance is positively correlated to the number of elements in the fractal form.

                Fractal Antennas

                now let me show you why this is relevant: Principle of correspondence:

                Originally posted by clueless View Post
                That from a 2002 article. Unlike so many other promising breakthroughs this is one that has been widely implemented.
                To further quote from the article: "The innovation, called Fractal Structure Circuit(TM) (FSC), uses fractalized conductor paths to replace the capacitors, inductors, and resistors in "RLC" circuits."
                And another quote: ""Virtually every electronic device uses coils and capacitors to form RLC circuits. These discrete components are arranged by tried and true rules to get the circuit to perform as needed. What we've done is ask: can a fractal pattern, with its self-capacitance and self-inductance, be used to eliminate components and still get the equivalent RLC circuit? We've found that the answer is yes; and in most uses, especially at microwave frequencies, all components can be replaced by conductive fractal patterns or 3D structures."
                And one more blurb from that article: " Looking at the Fractal Structured Circuit(TM) one sees, for example, a beautiful etched copper pattern replacing the usual traces connecting button or canned shaped capacitors and coils (or their SMT counterparts). "
                Here is the link to that article.
                Fractal Antenna Systems, Inc.
                Apparently it is in wide use in cell phones, their antennas and some microwave circuits.
                People are making homemade fractal HD antennas using coat hangers as one instance of using a common material.
                I think this feature; fractuals should be used in some builds to take advantage of a wideband of frequencies and resonance. Maybe it will be useful in the Muller/Romerouk build.
                For those that be interested google fractal circuits and fractal antennas.
                I do not have the resources/space/knowledge to do any builds at the moment but I am curious enough to verify if a HD antenna can be made simply using fractals and common materials.
                Any way something to consider.
                -RG signing off
                in other words:

                Fractal Structure Circuit = R L C circuit (works both ways )

                hence Tesla knew this "instinctively"....
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-08-2011, 10:41 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • for those who don't know the following:

                  Water on the Sun?

                  An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

                  The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
                  Water Found on Sun

                  and you're 70% water too...

                  new beginning...

                  The Emerald Tablet

                  Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon.

                  Father = RED (RED sun )
                  Mother= BLUE (BLUE moon )


                  the wind bears it in its womb, .....

                  Astrophysicists find fractal image of Sun's 'Storm Season' imprinted on Solar Wind

                  Plasma astrophysicists at the University of Warwick have found that key information about the Sun’s 'storm season’ is being broadcast across the solar system in a fractal snapshot imprinted in the solar wind. This research opens up new ways of looking at both space weather and the unstable behaviour that affects the operation of fusion powered power plants.

                  and it is nursed by the earth
                  Puzzling Scientists; Earth's Upper Thermosphere Collapses

                  Summary: "The thermosphere", the layer of Earth's atmosphere that meets space, recently collapsed and is now rebounding again...and we don't know why. The thermosphere is important because it shields us from the Sun's Extreme Ultraviolet Photons.
                  Before It's News

                  read this post if you want to understand :


                  which may explain the use of chemtrail, to scramble the upgrade....ignorant fools...

                  As above so below, from within so without

                  from: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean - 1 1

                  Then beware, O men of KHEM,
                  if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,
                  for I shall cast ye down from your high estate
                  into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came
                  your time is up...

                  to make things even more interesting, add the whole Galactic plane crossing...
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-08-2011, 11:31 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    @Petar, we are trying to replicate the human body in a crystal

                    dna, bone etc... are piezoelectric... (using the sun's frequency sound )

                    @Shawn, in your set up you are working curiosity, do you see the 6 3 9 concept at work
                    very much so. In theory I can produce an equivalent amount of energy inside my box as out. The first part is broken down into two sections. One part is internal the next is external but they are literally connected and require each other to operate. If those parts were allocated the number 3 then that would add up to 6. A separate component is added to attain the ou and if that was allocated a 3 then standing alone it would be 3. However to create ou I have to add all the components together which would be 6 + 3 = 9. I never really considered it before but yes, it is the very definition 6,3,9 and the only way to create OU.


                    • Thanks Shawn...glad to hear that 6 3 9 is at work.....

                      Someone just posted this: The Fractal Harmonic Math...i Like the Name

                      thanks cornfused
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-09-2011, 06:26 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • from

                        willy96 , have you ever tried a mobius caduceus coil

                        from Science and Technology - Scalar Waves

                        a mobius wire:

                        hope it inspires you new designs
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • from:

                          Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                          Here's another one with some quite bizarre looking artifacts in the tube.
                          It's really bright too, but of course the camera compensates sometimes.
                          I used the compensating function of the camera to be able to show the effect.
                          Kinda swirly lookin. The second tube in this video is a different pink one.

                          Warning; loud rooster at the end of the clip. I'll edit it. Sorry
                          Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube

                          Some technical stuff later, I gotta wind some coils.

                          P.S. Oh and I just setup a voltage doubler on the input and a good meter for
                          input volts and amperes to it from the battery. So I can go up to 22 volts input.
                          you'r right , looks "vortexy" to me...more like multiple vortexes

                          what do you think?
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-09-2011, 11:38 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • No wonder the Mobius Caduceus kept coming back in my mind....

                            maybe you should review this vid i made, which instantly boiled water...used acid water and alkaline water (why? why not ) with a double Mobius Caduceus Coil:

                            Pay attention to the first 5 seconds, you can see through the glass then it is all foggy with bubbles
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by WeThePeople_USA View Post
                              I have an email technical request into Metglas
                              for any possible part numbers for this core used,
                              and the availability of the core as shown in this vid.

                              I let him know I'm trying to source it for him as well.

                              I'll let you know...

                              this was posted here:

                              Originally posted by TEKTRON View Post
                              that Lasersaber's "Super Joule Ringer"
                              The schematic, I don't know who did that but the pic at the bottom is Lasersaber's work. his shematic is located at Laser Hacker! Free energy made easy.
                              vid here Super Joule Ringer! Lights my workshop 24/7. - YouTube

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                                Yeah that waveform was just an effect of the scope and changing frequency I think.

                                Anyway I found this Caduceus type effect noted in this Book I'm studying.
                                On page 398 and the explanation of the experiments and observations carry on through page 399 and 400 I think.
                                The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting : Martin, Thomas Commerford, 1856-1924 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

                                I think a vacuum tube was used.

                                Uploaded with

                                Thank you farmhand I have not seen this post..

                                reminds me of your vid with the Fluro Patterns

                                Fluro Patterns.wmv - YouTube

                                the following are two posts on JJ Thomson


                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 07:17 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

