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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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    Originally posted by ren View Post

    @ Duncan,

    I found that video. Watching it again I realized the lines were more dotted so perhaps not what you were referring to. Anyway here it is if you are interested

    MVI 3364 - YouTube

    Thanks Ren, here are the pictures

    note: I see helical shaped sort of like the pyramid...maybe you see dotted because at the apex they nullify...

    the Unseen reflects the Seen....
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • this was posted:

      very nice link thanks

      you should check it out

      I posted this image a while back:

      from the link: Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 5

      Next step – rearrange the position of the magnetic and electric fields in the way needed for applying amplifying energy (as described above). The method for doing this is – the flat pancake coil where the magnetic and electric fields are arranged in exactly the way needed for amplifying energy.

      I also found the following

      and this was posted a while back:

      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • I have a question for you guys:

        I found the following picture here : Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 5

        I know i mentioned this before, but really what do you think would happen if you replaced the ring with this:

        Richard DAVIS

        Non-Inductive Resistor

        The Problem:

        To develop an electrical resistor that has no residual mutual- or self-inductance at high frequencies.

        The Solution:

        A Moebius strip made of insulated resistive materials with electrical leads attached directly opposite one another provides a noninductive, nonreactive resistor which is simple, inexpensive, and flexible in usage, and can be made to almost any desired size and shape....
        ....Two ribbon conductors of equal length are affixed on opposite ends of a strip of dielectric. The assembly is then given a single twist and the ends are joined to form a Moebius surface. The ends of the conductors are soldered together and the resistor terminals are attached to the directly opposed solder joints. Current applied to the terminals will travel in opposite directions, so that the electromagnetic fields cancel each other, resulting in an essentially noninductive, nonreactive resistor with a low time constant. Bifilar wire may be used instead of resistive ribbon, eliminating the need for a center dielectric strip. Thin film conductors on flat surfaces can also be used to make Moebius resistors.

        Two or more sets of resistive wire may be mounted laterally on the same nonconductive strip, with about 1/16-inch spacing, and connected to form multi-Moebius resistors in one unit. There is no change in the time constant of the individual resistors, nor does one in any way affect the operation of the others, even when they are assembled in parallel or series.

        The performance of the Moebius resistor is unaffected by its form, size, or length. Once it is connected into a Moebius shape, it can be folded or around around a cylindrical core or a card, or even into a ball, resulting in compact packaging of the resistor for use in miniaturized circuits. The Moebius resistor does not couple to metallic objects, external fields, or itself. When the bridge is nulled the resistor can be handled or changed in form without disturbing the balance. The conductors must not be touched and the spacing between them must not be altered.
        I ask because i seem to stumble on it quite often....

        btw: I found a vid posted by sucahyo

        that is interesting to our discussion: sucahyovideo's Channel - YouTube Ice of copper pyramid

        i would really like to know your opinion, you guys are the expert (consider the second example )

        Shinichi Seike: G-Strain Amplifier, Moebius-wound monopolar magnet coils, free energy, over-unity, anti-gravity

        Abstract --- PURPOSE: To provide a quasi-singlepolar magnet the whole of which is almost N-pole or S-pole. CONSTITUTION: A conductive wire is wound by the Mobius winding around a magnetic pole member 1 consisting of rare earth element such as neodium or praseodium. The coil of the Modius winding is energized with a pulse current in order to magnetize the magnetic member 1. Then, the end parts having one magnetic pole (S-pole) of the resultant magnetic member 1 is cut apart from the center part having another pole (N-pole). Only the end parts of the same pole (S-pole) are bonded with an adhesive agent or the like, thereby forming a quasi-singlepolar magnet.
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2011, 11:28 AM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • It also useful to repost, interesting info:

          also from the same article: Review of ExtraOrdinary Technology 2011

          Jamie then stated, "Marko's work is in coherence with Pythagorean tuning." He recommends that all device builders look at their work in terms of music, which is embedded in the universal vortex.
          Marko said math is really a visual language, his work is the missing energy in the universe, and then showed a number of calculations on painted glass doors. A so-called "VW" figure with the digits 1 through 9 arranged around it shows a symmetry of numbers that can then be used to calculate various kinds of coil windings. If one tries to include zero as a number in this figure, it collapses. On the other hand, nines permeate the universe. All number sequences run down to 9 ultimately.

          An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. This harmonic cascade of inter-connected-ness is the structure of our hologramic universe

          John Milewski

          Much of the work covered in this presentation involves Ormus, which is key to growing gold on glass or air. Some researchers have had indications that Ormes can be in black sand magnetitie. It is some intermediate form of matter that a few people working with alchemy have found over the past 25 years. Ormes is a gas. Metal precipitates out as a metal. At higher temperatures you can get iridium & rhodium to precipitate. Silver dissolves in nitric acid. Anything that crystallizes has Ormus in it. We need to have someone with an understanding of conventional chemistry to look at this Ormus.

          Dale Pond

          Our purpose and goal is to develop usable power by transforming non-observable, non-motion scalar or mind potential into observable, practical kinetic motion. Scalar can best be represented by metaphors, like a kitten under a blanket ready to jump out and do things. Mind Force can be found to affect matter under many circumstances, but it can't be measured or directly observed. There are several different ways to find this, most of which were classified as "spiritual" in previous times.

          Keely put together classifications of levels within the universe, some of which could be observed and some which couldn't. If we can go to the source and engineer from there, we won't have to deal with effects and symptoms. "Motion is an effect of disturbance of equilibrium."
          read the kybalion

          It's important to know the difference between syntropy and entropy. Many scientists today are only aware of entropy. Syntropy involves life processes such as germination, growth, and stellar energy production. It is highly recommended that people study Walter Russell in order to gain a deeper understanding of polarities and how they relate to forces. There is a universal natural heartbeat and we can attach our machinery to this heartbeat.
          ............see also

          centripetal energy is the basis of life whereas centrifugal energy is the basis of decay and destruction. V. Schauberger
          Dr. Hildy: Far-Infrared, SuperLight and Beyond - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2011, 01:52 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • I found this post relatively interesting:

            Victor Schaubergers implosion engine solved !

            Besides the highly interesting works by Jim Ray and his Cavitation-Ignition Bubble Combustion (CIBC) engine,
            the article highlights a close relation to Keely’s Cavitation Engine, Griggs Hydrosonic Cavitation Heater,
            and also Victor Schauberger’s Implosion Engine.

            Initially this post was indicating a direct connection between the Schauberger effect and sonoluminiscence.

            I have to back one step on this one, since sonoluminiscence generates heat, and Victor Schaubergers
            implosion engine kept a steady 4 degree Celsius in a vacuum system.

            The cavitation phenomenon is a still a highly interesting phenomenon since a NTFFA differential seems to
            be created by intereference parameters in the micrometer range.

            But there is a huge difference between Victor Schaubergers "implosion engine" and the works of the other guys
            mentioned in the link. Richard Clem and his followers were apparently working with high resistance effects causing
            both heat and high pressures in their constructs, resulting in a rather conventional use of resistance to make their
            engines rotate.

            Victor Schauberger was doing it the other way around. No heat of any kind, and no pumps creating any pressure
            of any kind was aloud in his concept.

            He just rotated a cone shaped spiral tube in a vacuum system with his so called virginized water,
            wich had to be kept at exact 4 degrees Celsius to make the implosion engine work.

            Since the cavitation phenomenon ํs creating high resistance effects in the form of heat,
            there seems to be a quite different phenomenon appearing in Schaubergers engine.

            But still there is something vital happening in the micrometer range of the spiraling water molecules,
            which has to be related to the Casimir effect in some way.

            Victor Schaubergers implosion engine was employing a gold plated tube shaped into a cone-formed spiral
            with the wide part of the cone shape upwards and the narrow part of the cone shape pointing downwards.
            The spiraling tube was also decreasing in tube diameter on its way down to the bottom part.

            This cone shaped spiral was mounted onto a verical shaft inside a gold plated vacuum container together
            with specifically prepared water at 4 degrees Celsius.

            The spiral cone was then put into rotation inside the vacuum chamber partly filled with the water.
            Without employing any outside pressure, the water began moving into the upper part of the tube spiral by
            sheer rotation, down through the spiraling tube and out through the narrow bottom part.

            Since water molecules are bipolar and proved to form crystal patterns even in its fluid state, one can
            easily understand their ability to interact as cogwheels, creating an organized movement when transported
            through a converging spiral tube.

            At the narrow bottom end of the cone shaped spiral tube system, the water molecules were spiraling
            into ever more narrow trajectories until reaching the critical interference point which I believe is closely
            related to what happens in the Casimir effect.

            The blue-violet light surrounding Schaubergers implosion engine when fully engaged was an ionization
            effect caused by the differential of NTFFA between the inside of the container and the surrounding
            outside, and on one occasion his prototype was creating such high values of NTFFA that the whole
            construct tore lose from his working table and went all the way straight up through the roof of his house.

            Thereafter Victor Schauberger did all his experimentation with the protoype securely bolted to a
            concrete fundament outside his house.

            He never was very interested in the levitation effect, his main objective was to create a reliable
            power generator for domestic use
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Dr. Hildy: Far-Infrared, SuperLight and Beyond - YouTube

              I recommend you listened to it if you have time...some very interesting research info is being talked about

              talks about semi metal @ 15 min 26 magneto optical study

              and @ 27 min listen to the definition of Superlight , if you read this post you'll see that it is the same definition


              Magneto-optic effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              A magneto-optic effect is any one of a number of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the presence of a quasistatic magnetic field. In such a material, which is also called gyrotropic or gyromagnetic, left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material, the result is called the Faraday effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming a Faraday rotator. The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are known as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).

              In general, magneto-optic effects break time reversal symmetry locally (i.e. when only the propagation of light, and not the source of the magnetic field, is considered) as well as Lorentz reciprocity, which is a necessary condition to construct devices such as optical isolators (through which light passes in one direction but not the other). (The other, less useful, way to break time reversal symmetry is to rely upon absorption loss.)

              Two gyrotropic materials with reversed rotation directions of the two principal polarizations, corresponding to complex-conjugate ε tensors for lossless media, are called optical isomers.

              Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity

              Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity are changes in the polarization of incident light which comes in contact with a gyromagnetic material. Kerr Rotation is a rotation in the angle of transmitted light, and Kerr Ellipticity is the ratio of the major to minor axis of the ellipse traced out by elliptically polarized light on the plane through which it propagates. Changes in the orientation of polarized incident light can be quantified using these two properties.

              Circular Polarized Light

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2011, 04:20 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by Dave45
                Im still stuck on glass it has some interesting quality's, Its effectively separating the magnetic field from the electric field, this is very interesting.

                Glass caps are hard to get but easy to make

                What if we made a circular cap with aluminum and glass plates, aluminum connected with strips every other one.
                Then inserted this into a coil's core, a sink? would we have to pulse the coil?
                Or would the glass strip the electric field from the magnetic field lines effectively, could we increase the field with a well insulated iron rod through the center?
                Dave I think, you'll like this one:

                When it comes to churning out electrons, metal glass beats plastics

                By adding carbon nanotubes to a glass-like metal compound, researchers have devised a new breed of field emission electrodes. This technology, which produces a stream of electrons, may have promising applications in the consumer electronics industry.
                -------------side note:

                the following website relates to quartz and the various colors: (crystal battery )

                colored varieties of quartz
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-21-2011, 05:27 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • you should also read this post by Dave


                  an excerpt

                  Additional experiments showed that the effects were altered by adjusting the duration of the electrical pulse. In each instance, the power of the radiated energy appeared to be constant irrespective of the distance from his apparatus. The energy was in the form of individual longitudinal waves. Objects placed near the equipment became powerfully electrified, retaining their charge for many minutes after the equipment was switched off.

                  here is the interesting part:

                  Additional experiments showed that the effects were altered by adjusting the duration of the electrical pulse. In each instance, the power of the radiated energy appeared to be constant irrespective of the distance from his apparatus. The energy was in the form of individual longitudinal waves. Objects placed near the equipment became powerfully electrified, retaining their charge for many minutes after the equipment was switched off
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    Magneto-optic effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    A magneto-optic effect is any one of a number of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the presence of a quasistatic magnetic field. In such a material, which is also called gyrotropic or gyromagnetic, left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material, the result is called the Faraday effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming a Faraday rotator. The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are known as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).

                    In general, magneto-optic effects break time reversal symmetry locally (i.e. when only the propagation of light, and not the source of the magnetic field, is considered) as well as Lorentz reciprocity, which is a necessary condition to construct devices such as optical isolators (through which light passes in one direction but not the other). (The other, less useful, way to break time reversal symmetry is to rely upon absorption loss.)

                    Two gyrotropic materials with reversed rotation directions of the two principal polarizations, corresponding to complex-conjugate ε tensors for lossless media, are called optical isomers.

                    Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity

                    Kerr Rotation and Kerr Ellipticity are changes in the polarization of incident light which comes in contact with a gyromagnetic material. Kerr Rotation is a rotation in the angle of transmitted light, and Kerr Ellipticity is the ratio of the major to minor axis of the ellipse traced out by elliptically polarized light on the plane through which it propagates. Changes in the orientation of polarized incident light can be quantified using these two properties.

                    Circular Polarized Light

                    from Dave's post:

                    This train of very short uni-directional pulses causes a very strange field to expand outwards. This field resembles a stuttering electrostatic field but has a far more powerful effect than would be expected from an electrostatic charge. Tesla was unable to account for the enormous voltage multiplication of his apparatus using any of the electrical formula of his day. He therefore presumed that the effect was entirely due to radiant transformation rules which would have to be determined through experimental measurements. This he proceeded to do.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • There was an attribute which baffled Tesla for a time. His measurements showed that there was no current flowing in the long copper �secondary� coil. Voltage was rising with every inch of the coil, but there was no current flow in the coil itself. Tesla started to refer to his measured results as his �electrostatic induction laws�. He found that each coil had its own optimum pulse duration and that the circuit driving it needed to be �tuned� to the coil by adjusting the length of the pulses to give the best performance.
                      this sounds very much like Harmonic Math (also applicable in Rodin Math ) of Bruce Cathie
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I know someone who took pictures of them

                        Thomas Burton Kinraide
                        (1864 - 1927)

                        Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum - Original 8x10 and 11x14 Glass Plate Negatives of Electrical Discharges - Thomas Burton Kinraide - ca. 1897

                        Original ca. 1897 Glass Plate Negatives:
                        A Rare Collection Of Spark Discharge Photos,
                        Recovered From Kinraide's Underground Laboratory

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2011, 07:28 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by Dave45
                          Tesla then noticed that the results given by his experiments paralleled the equations for dynamic gas movements, so he began wondering if the white flame discharges might not be a gaseous manifestation of electrostatic force. He found that when a metal point was connected to the upper terminal of the �secondary� coil, the streamers were directed very much like water flowing through a pipe. When the stream was directed at distant metal plates, it produced electronic charges which could be measured as current at the receiving site but in transit, no current existed. The current only appeared when the stream was intercepted. Eric Dollard has stated that this intercepted current can reach several hundred or even thousands of amps.
                          Interpret it as you want but here goes nothing:


                          Dr. John V. Milewski: Growing Gold from Glass in a Microwave - Part 1 - YouTube

                          ORMUS IS A GAS by John V. Milewski

                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Dr. Hildy: The Eye of Horus from Egypt to Quantum Dots, 1st Hour - YouTube

                            1st hour: The writings of Manly P. Hall on The Soul in Egyptian Metaphysics and the Book of the Dead; The Pineal Gland: The Eye of God; and Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire

                            Manly Palmer Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 – August 29, 1990) was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is perhaps most famous for his 1928 work The Secret Teachings of All Ages....

                            ....In 1934, Hall founded the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) in Los Angeles, California, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization[3] dedicated to the study of religion, mythology, metaphysics, and the occult.[4] This section requires expansion.

                            It is claimed that Hall was made a knight patron of the Masonic Research Group of San Francisco in 1953, although he was not raised as a Mason until 22 November 1954 into Jewel Lodge No. 374 , San Francisco. He later received his 32ฐ in the Valley of San Francisco AASR (SJ).[5] On December 8, 1973 (47 years after writing The Secret Teachings of All Ages), Hall was recognized as a 33ฐ Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite) at a ceremony held at the Philosophical Research Society (PRS)[6][7]). The definitive Manly Palmer Hall Archive states that Hall received the 33ฐ, "despite never being initiated into the physical craft."[8]

                            In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles. He appears in the introduction to the 1938 film When Were You Born, a murder mystery that uses astrology as a key plot point.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Blocked holes can enhance rather than stop light going through

                              In an example of the extraordinary twists of physics that can occur at very small scales, electrical engineer Stephen Chou and colleagues made an array of tiny holes in a thin metal film, then blocked each hole with an opaque metal cap. When they shined light into the holes, they found that as much as 70 percent more light came through when the holes were blocked than when they were open.

                              "The common wisdom in optics is that if you have a metal film with very small holes and you plug the holes with metal, the light transmission is blocked completely," said Chou, the Joseph Elgin Professor of Engineering. "We were very surprised."

                              colloidal gold frozen

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2011, 07:15 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Principle of Correspondence

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                Magneto-optic effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                A magneto-optic effect is any one of a number of phenomena in which an electromagnetic wave propagates through a medium that has been altered by the presence of a quasistatic magnetic field. In such a material, which is also called gyrotropic or gyromagnetic, left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material, the result is called the Faraday effect: the plane of polarization can be rotated, forming a Faraday rotator. The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are known as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).

                                Tesla and and Leedskalnin had the same opinion...
                                see post: ;

                                The invisible reflects the visible

                                left- and right-rotating elliptical polarizations can propagate at different speeds, leading to a number of important phenomena. When light is transmitted through a layer of magneto-optic material,
                                --------------also applicable to nano magnetite for the crystal battery

                                Magnetic anisotropy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Magnetic anisotropy is the direction dependence of a material's magnetic properties. In the absence of an applied magnetic field, a magnetically isotropic material has no preferential direction for its magnetic moment while a magnetically anisotropic material will align its moment with one of the easy axes. An easy axis is an energetically favorable direction of spontaneous magnetization that is determined by the sources of magnetic anisotropy listed below. The two opposite directions along an easy axis are usually equivalent, and the actual direction of magnetization can be either of them (see spontaneous symmetry breaking).

                                Magnetic anisotropy is a prerequisite for hysteresis in ferromagnets: without it, a ferromagnet is superparamagnetic.


                                Superparamagnetism is a form of magnetism, which appears in small ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic nanoparticles. In sufficiently small nanoparticles, magnetization can randomly flip direction under the influence of temperature. The typical time between two flips is called the N้el relaxation time. In the absence of external magnetic field, when the time used to measure the magnetization of the nanoparticles is much longer than the N้el relaxation time, their magnetization appears to be in average zero: they are said to be in the superparamagnetic state. In this state, an external magnetic field is able to magnetize the nanoparticles, similarly to a paramagnet. However, their magnetic susceptibility is much larger than the one of paramagnets

                                from Dave's post:

                                Tesla�s experiments suggest that a method of extracting free-energy is to use a Tesla coil which has a metal spike instead of the more common metal sphere at the end of the �secondary� coil. If the Tesla coil is fed with sufficiently short uni-directional pulses and the �secondary� coil pointed at a metal plate, then it should be possible to draw off serious levels of power from the metal plate, just as Tesla discovered. This has been confirmed by Don Smith who uses two metal plates separated by a layer of plastic dielectric, forming a capacitor. He states that a well designed Tesla coil is capable of producing currents as high as the voltages and he demonstrates a hand-held 28 watt Tesla Coil played on the first plate producing a substantial continuous spark discharge between the second plate and ground. I estimate that the spark produced would have to be thousands of volts at a significant current, which puts it in the kilowatt range, like most of Don's other devices. Don's video Don's patent is in Chapter 3 and here is Don's pdf document in which he explains many of his high-power designs.

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2011, 08:14 PM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

