Originally posted by shawnnweed
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Magnetism is the King of All Secrets. Paracelus
I Agree with you, it is quite hard to match all the texts to electromagnetism, but surely, Since there is correspondence in everything, as everything reflects the other, we should treat each other as one, we exist as part and The Whole; knowing this, doesn't it allows us to have a better comprehension of the Tractate
the key to grasping what Hermes is trying to convey was given to us by himself in the form of "as above so below, as within so without" (the golden mean )

As Above So Below As Within so Without
Access : Solid-state physics: Golden ratio seen in a magnet : Nature
The golden ratio an exact 'magic' number often claimed to be observed when taking ratios of distances in ancient and modern architecture, sculpture and painting has been spotted in a magnetic compound.

And lastly we need to have a common goal. If we are seeking to translate this tractate then we must start from the beginning and translate it to the most common language while sticking to the truest interpretation thereof. Most written works are motivationally written and carry the heart and intent of the writer, which often times helps us to read between the lines or lets us know what motivated him to write it in the first place. This will keep us on track with the subject matter and keep us from straying to wild conclusions.
