I'm Happy Shawn, you are seeing it...now you know....just under our nose 
i know i will sound yoda like but i'm still a little grass hopper
the truth is each has his own tree of knowledge and grows at it own pace...I have a big flaw is that i'm quite impatient to have an answer so to compensate i seek it ...as they say "One is never so well served as by oneself."
-----principle of correspondence...replace tree with human psyche/mentality/group behavior
Seeing the forest through the trees

i know i will sound yoda like but i'm still a little grass hopper

the truth is each has his own tree of knowledge and grows at it own pace...I have a big flaw is that i'm quite impatient to have an answer so to compensate i seek it ...as they say "One is never so well served as by oneself."

-----principle of correspondence...replace tree with human psyche/mentality/group behavior
Seeing the forest through the trees
Imagine you are walking through a forest. All around you are trees of different species, age, size and height. It looks pretty random, right? Wrong.
In research funded by the National Science Foundation, Brian Enquist of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona and his team have discovered a secret in the trees: Hidden among and within the architecture of the branches are fundamental rules that link the size, shape, age and in fact everything about a single tree to all the trees in a forest.
In research funded by the National Science Foundation, Brian Enquist of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona and his team have discovered a secret in the trees: Hidden among and within the architecture of the branches are fundamental rules that link the size, shape, age and in fact everything about a single tree to all the trees in a forest.
This rule or code reoccurs as the tree grows, creating a fractal – a repeating pattern – like a spiral of daughter branches emanating from the mother branch or tree trunk.