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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    Watch it, the info provided complements very well with this thread and the Kybalion ( Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion )

    David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! - YouTube

    when you watch David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations presentation keep in mind the following from the Golden Tractate and the Ankh Set up for the Pineal gland

    follow the flow and see the Caduceus:

    Nicolas Tesla

    Quite different conditions exist in my system in which the electromagnetic waves or radiations are designedly minimized. the connection of one of, the terminals of the transmitting circuit to the ground having, itself, the effect of reducing the energy of these radiations to about one-half, Under observance of 'proper rules and artifices the distance is of little or no consequence, and by skillful application of the principle of "individualization," repeatedly referred to the messages may be rendered both non-interfering and non-interferable. This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.'

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • I posted this in the beginning of this research; and it fits perfectly after all WE have discovered

      I was just reading through A thread on Above Top Secret on

      The most accurate prophecies i have ever seen., page 1

      Mitar Tarabich, (1829-1899) was an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna, he occasionally had prophetic visions of "seeing into the future. Being very religious and his godfather being a local Serbian orthodox priest, he told the priest about his visions.
      The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836-1918), wrote down mitar's visions in a small book, which got damaged by fire in 1943 when his family home was destroyed by the Bulgarian army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich's great-grandson, Mr. Dejan Malenkovich.
      "People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the earth will shed tears of sorrow, because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, 'Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you.'(sounds like water/emf, no? ) Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes. This power will also be present in people but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think through their books that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization [self-knowledge], but once men get this knowledge, then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn't discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple ( 6 3 9 ) .
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2011, 01:28 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        Watch it, the info provided complements very well with this thread and the Kybalion ( Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion )

        David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations -- Full Video! - YouTube

        when you watch David Wilcock: The Source Field Investigations presentation keep in mind the following from the Golden Tractate and the Ankh Set up for the Pineal gland

        follow the flow and see the Caduceus:

        I watched about thirty minutes of a presentation of David Widlock about three years ago. And when he denied the existance of God I turned it off. Despite how brilliant this man may seem he is as lost as any other without God. I therfore can not glean knowledge from this man if it does nor profit me anything. For me it is not more productful to listen to hours of the ramblings of a madman or an insane homless man.
        And peaking on the pinneal gland have most been able to figure out its true function? No, and that is because they do not understand it's most basic functions. Notice that I made it plural; functions. The pineal gland has a set of rods and cones that open whenever the mind is at rest. This is of course usually about several hours after the physical eyes have been closed and those rods and cones have stopped functioning. This is when the rods and cones in the pineal gland open. This is how you dream and see images in your mind without having to physically see them with your two eyes. Because the pinneal gland has rods and cones this is often why it is refrred to as the third eye. Several drugs can open this third eye much the same as sleep deprevation can open this third eye.
        Yet it i not merely for dreaming. It's main function is to serve as a reciever for the voice of God. WHat do I mean by this. When we were connected to God we had full function of this third eye. WHen we were fully connected with God we could use this third eye to see great distances. The evidence for this is in the story of Lazarus and the rich man. The rich man could see Lazarus and the land where he resided. He could see the river that flowed through that land called Abraham's Bosom. But what did response did he recieve when he asked for Lazarus to pass over to his side; to place a single drop of water on his tongue. Abraham replied he can not go to you much the same as you can not come to him for there is a GREAT Abyss between us now I really do not care if you say Abyss, Casymn or distance it is yet the same thing. The point is that crystal clear vision could be attained by using this third eye which could see clealy in distance what the physical eye could not.
        Because we have been seperated from God this third eye only opens when we are asleep. Yet it can function and is truley designed to function when we are awake. When we are awake and this third eye functions; it gives us not only the ability to see visions of the future but it also gives us the ability to see the invisible things such as angels or demons. This is evidenced when ELijah prayed for his servants 'spiritual' eyes to be opened and he saw the great angelic army and fiery chariots that surround the human army that surrounded them. Without use of this third eye while we are awake we are half blind or hat I call truely blind.
        God also used this third eye as a sonant chamber. It is filled with water and he used it to project his voice; unheard by the physical ear, into our minds. This is evidenced many times in the bible such as when a boy heard the voice of God call his name and thought it to be his Father. After the boy approached his father twice asking if he had called him, the old man finally realized that it was God speaking to the boy and told the boy whenver you hear this voice respond, "here am I Lord."
        And haven't you ever wondered how it is that you hear the voice of people speaking in your dreams? Or how is it that you hear this voice without it being physically spoken and hearing it with your physical ear? I wathced this show with Jesse Ventura where this man had Jesse attach two electrodes to his temple. These two electrodes were attached to a walkman and he was playing muisc through the electrodes. Nothing could be heard with the physical ears yet when he touched these electrodes to his temples he was astonished to hear music being played. The man asked where do you hear the music playing; is it with your physical ears that you hear the music? Jessie replid, No, I hear the music coming or being played in the center of my head / mind. It is the pinneal Gland that picks ups this resonance and converts it into sound.
        David Widlock has only scrathced the surface of what God is capable of.


        • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
          I absolutely beleive it will. We saw what happened when you merely vibrated copper with a wooden dowl(i.e. singing bowls). The water danced and seperated into individual drops. You saw what happened when you vibrate metal in water( i.e. sonic heating). You heard how water when vortexed would cause egg shaped stones to rise up out of the water and cause bursts of plasmic light due to the exhorbent amount of electricity produced which ranged as high as 12,000 volts. Now there are two distinct types of liquified metals that have been associated with UFO's and that is either ferrofluids or mercury. Mercury when voltage is applied has the tendancy to naturally vortex which is an added bonus because water will not do this. I personally beleive with a small amount of electricity applied that you cold get mercury to vortex which would build up its own electrical supply and create so much overage that it would begin to vortex without an external power supply. It might even create so much extra electricity that some could be drawn from it to power another object without hindering the vortex. And if placed within a roddin coil would create such an electromagnetic vortex that it would pick itself up by its own bootstraps. But that is just assumption but not unfounded assumption. But I like the train of thought.
          Way to go Shawn ; you are using the Principle of Correspondence

          and i completely agree with you, if we can transfer information from one cell to another (russian experiment ) ; based on the principle of mentalism (universe is all wave ) ; you can do the same to metals
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
            David Widlock has only scrathced the surface of what God is capable of.
            Shawn, you are seeking knowledge, forgo the interpretation of the messenger and pick the information that would allow you to move forward...David Wilcock has done his due diligence in his research and he is sharing it with us...All the information i have shared with you so far does not necessarily comes from a source i agree with...

            think of it this way, your source is like an Apple Tree, I only pick the apples that taste sweet to me; i don't have to take all the apples

            keep your mind open and seek your own truth, the All is Infinite
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2011, 01:05 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              Way to go Shawn ; you are using the Principle of Correspondence

              and i completely agree with you, if we can transfer information from one cell to another (russian experiment ) ; based on the principle of mentalism (universe is all wave ) ; you can do the same to metals

              And Information is nothing but a form of Energy
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • follow up

                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                I posted this in the beginning of this research; and it fits perfectly after all WE have discovered

                I was just reading through A thread on Above Top Secret on

                The most accurate prophecies i have ever seen., page 1

                Mitar Tarabich, (1829-1899) was an illiterate peasant from a small Serbian village called Kremna, he occasionally had prophetic visions of "seeing into the future. Being very religious and his godfather being a local Serbian orthodox priest, he told the priest about his visions.
                The priest, Zaharije Zaharich (1836-1918), wrote down mitar's visions in a small book, which got damaged by fire in 1943 when his family home was destroyed by the Bulgarian army. This text is now in the possession of the family of Zaharich's great-grandson, Mr. Dejan Malenkovich.
                "People will drill wells deep in the ground and dig out gold, which will give them light, speed and power, and the earth will shed tears of sorrow, because there will be much more gold and light on its surface than in its interior. The earth will suffer because of these open wounds. Instead of working in the fields, people will dig everywhere, in right and wrong places, but the real power will be all around them, not being able to tell them, 'Come on, take me, don't you see that I am here, all around you.'(sounds like water, no? ) Only after many a summer, people will remember this real power, and then they will realize how stupid it was to dig all those holes. This power will also be present in people but it will take a long time before they discover it and use it. Thus man will live for a long, long time, not being able to know himself. There will be many learned men who will think through their books that they know and can do everything. They will be the great obstacle for this realization [self-knowledge], but once men get this knowledge, then people will see what kind of delusion it was when they listened to their learned men. When that happens, people will be so sorry that they didn't discover it before, because this knowledge is so simple.

                "People will do many stupid things, thinking that they know and can do everything, not knowing anything. Wise men will appear in the Orient ( Hermes Trismegistus ), and their wisdom will cross all seas and frontiers, but people will not trust this wisdom for long time, and this real truth they will proclaim for a lie.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2011, 01:23 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Shawn, you are seeking knowledge, forgo the interpretation of the messenger and pick the information that would allow you to move forward...David Wilcock has done his due diligence in his research and he is sharing it with us...All the information i have shared with you so far does not necessarily comes from a source i agree with...

                  think of it this way, your source is like an Apple Tree, I only pick the apples that taste sweet to me; i don't have to take all the apples

                  keep your mind open and seek your own truth, the All is Infinite


                  • [QUOTE=MonsieurM;158680]follow up

                    could be light, water or the very hydrogen or oxygen around us.


                    • [QUOTE=shawnnweed;158733]
                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      follow up

                      could be light, water or the very hydrogen or oxygen around us.
                      in other words Water and Emf
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • A little know fact about Apples...I always wondered why they chose Apple in various religions and mythologies

                        you know Adam ate the Apple...why didn't he eat a banana or a date

                        In Western Christian art, the fruit of the tree is commonly depicted as the apple, which originated in central Asia.

                        well as matter of fact the Apple was not chosen at random:

                        The apple has a more complex genetic make up than any other fruit.
                        Because of its complex parentage, and the wealth of genetic material within its make-up, the apple shows more variability in its progeny than any other major fruit.

                        Uploaded with

                        Principle of Mentalism

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2011, 09:26 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          fun fact

                          the handle of a samurai sword

                          Check out the latest Episode 9: Aliens and Deadly Weapons

                          Talks about the origin of the samurai sword

                          6 3 9

                          If you do watch it , remember the properties of water

                          and the Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all wave
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-23-2011, 11:01 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Shawn check this out


                            Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post

                            that video is well worth the time to watch. The video was created back when semiconductors was still in the early stages and really helps to explain why some of the cell work the way the do. Here's the video again
                            AT&T Archives: Dr. Walter Brattain on Semiconductor Physics - YouTube
                            thank you ibpointless2 for the link, in the first part he talks about direction specific electric conduction which is the same as anisotropy

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • isn't it funny that some little aspects of life remind you of 6 3 9

                              a knot

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by elias View Post
                                raction and repulsion:
                                Pull and Push Between 2 Disc Magnets

                                Interestingly attraction is about 1.6 times(Golden Mean) stronger than repulsion!

                                I think that one of Bill mullers secrets is extracting energy when the magnet approaches the coil and also using the attraction of magnets to the cores of coils for driving in his even odd design.

                                Thanks Elias for the info

                                From the Kybalion: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                                "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on planes."-The Kybalion.
                                The Hermetic Teachings include much regarding the operation of the two principles of Gender in the production and manifestation of various forms of energy, etc., but we do not deem it expedient to go into detail regarding the same at this point, because we are unable to back up the same with scientific proof, for the reason that science has not as yet progressed thus far. But the example we have given you of the phenomena of the electrons or corpuscles will show you that science is on the right path, and will also give you a general idea of the underlying principles.

                                Some leading scientific investigators have announced their belief that in the formation of crystals there was to be found something that corresponded to "sex-activity," which is another straw showing the direction the scientific winds are blowing. And each year will bring other facts to corroborate the correctness of the Hermetic Principle of Gender. It will be found that Gender is in constant operation and manifestation in the field of inorganic matter, and in the field of Energy or Force. Electricity is now generally regarded as the "Something" into which all other forms of energy seem to melt or dissolve.
                                Now a word at this point regarding this identification. The public mind has formed an entirely erroneous impression regarding the qualities of the so-called 'Negative" pole of electrified or magnetized Matter. The terms Positive and Negative are very wrongly applied to this phenomenon by science. The word Positive means something real and strong, as compared with a Negative unreality or weakness. Nothing is further from the real facts of electrical phenomena. The so-called Negative pole of the battery is really the pole in and by which the generation or production of new forms and energies is manifested. There is nothing "negative" about it.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

