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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • i would like you to watch this presentation, it does a fantastic job in showing you what we have been talking about :

    Les Brown - The Physics of Crystals - Les Brown - The Physics of Crystals - Uploaded by TruthUnion

    ps: if you pay attention at 23 min, You will see Peter Davey's Set up

    he mentions the Star of David ...think 6 3 9 when he gives you the explanation

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2011, 06:15 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • the experiment described in the video (tetrahedron ) is similar to one made by :

      Leon SPRINK:Space Activator

      Leon Sprink was a Russian engineer who operated a cement manufacturing plant in France circa 1950. He received several patents for a simple method to create a type of electric field that accelerates chemical reactions.

      In one example given by Sprink, “One month after the setting in operation of the apparatus, the duration of the reaction, which normally is 24 hours, had fallen down to 3 hours and the saving in calories to be supplied for the reaction was 50%… The field also affects the states of matter such as solubility and crystallization, distillation, reduction of metallic ores, etc..."

      In the simplest form of the invention, Sprink used a grounded container placed in an electrostatic field. More control and power was obtained with geometric arrays of positive electrodes mounted diagonally from grounded electrodes.
      The form (e.g., a cube) was mounted upright and aligned East-West. 1000 to 5000 KV of positive charge (per meter of electrode separation) was applied for two weeks or longer to establish a zone of activation, spreading up to 60 meters :

      to read more about him:

      Leon Sprink - Antigravity - patents

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • here is a summary on the vid:

        The following memo from Joel is with regard to a video that I finally located after a 7 year search. This video was first shown at the Crystal Symposium in Irving, Texas in 1986. It was specially done by Les Brown of Canada and to my knowledge, only shown at this conference. Several of us were totally amazed with the information on the tape and wanted our own copy for detailed study.
        There are multiple correlations with Russell, the recent Joe Champion book, the Emmens/Crookes work in the late 1800s and others.
        more info here : KeelyNet: Les Brown ( A Memo Regarding the Brown Video (May 22, 1994) ) |

        Les Brown energetic pyramid, if you look carefully you'll see the primary in the Tesla coil in the base of the Pyramid

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-24-2011, 07:04 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • This is for you guys, for the pleasure of the eyes and the ears:

          Down in the River to Pray - YouTube

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by Haan

            would I be correct in saying that Leon Sprink's setup caused reactions to occur in less time and with less calorific input, whereas Les Brown's experiment caused elemental transformations. eg: Zinc -> Aluminium (in the form of Aluminium Oxide)?.

            (I'm downloading the video to watch in its entirety later)
            You are correct but you also forgot: Principle of Mentalism Universe is all wave

            the principle of the set up is the same but the vibratory scale is different:

            According to Leon Sprink, "The zone in which chemical reactions are carried out, under conditions of temperature and pressure normal to the reactions, is subjected to the influence of crossing fluxes produced in a place at right angles to the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field, each of the fluxes being produced by a silent electric discharge across two opposing pointed electrodes having a potential difference of 1,000 to 160,000 volts derived from a source of direct current, the reactants being outside the paths of the fluxes. Examples relate to the saponification of tri-stearic with super-heated steam, the production of cement and the reduction of iron and aluminium ores, the reactions in each case being carried out in reactors which, according to their position, are 3 to 60 metres from the apparatus producing the fluxes, such apparatus having been in operation for 20 days before the reactions are commenced.

            Large units also allegedly demonstrated "anti-gravitational" effects, and ultraviolet light became visible in the diagonals between the electrodes. Sprink called them “St. Andreas crosses”. By varying the position or form of the apparatus, various effects were obtained, “such as speeding up, stabilization, or alteration, in the change of state of matter”. The electrodes are “arranged in couples and distributed along the diagonal lines of geometric figures such as square, rectangles, rhombi, cubes, prisms, etc.” (pulsed DC ) Rectified AC may be used.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 10:01 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • posted this in an earlier post but shows u this was known by the ancient scientists :

              Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."
              watch this vid...with what you know's only 5 min

              What's behind Ouroboros? - YouTube

              see also post:
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 12:09 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by Haan

                please provide the relevant messages of that video.

                It raised a lot of questions and at this point I do not know the answers.
                what are the questions you are seeking to answer...

                the best answer i can give you is if you look at walter Russell's periodic table of element, you see that all elements exist on a harmonic scale...these elements constitute the building blocks of nature thus everything that surrounds you exist on a harmonic scale read the Kybalion ( Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion ) so you see from which perspective i come from

                and the fact that Vogel Crystals fit perfectly in Les Brown Theory on Crystals

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 07:21 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • check this out

                  IMGP5275 - YouTube


                  Originally posted by scratchrobot View Post
                  watch the vortex

                  Russian tests of the Rodin Coil:

                  Катушка Ð*одина.( Катушка Ð*одина.ЧаÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ 2) - YouTube

                  link to the blog in russian (can be translated), it discusses Rodin coil you should check it out (one of the pics reminds me of a picture of a don smith coil )

                  Rodin coil - РуÑÑкий взглÑд

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 06:36 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    what are the questions you are seeking to answer...

                    the best answer i can give you is if you look at walter Russell's periodic table of element, you see that all elements exist on a harmonic scale...these elements constitute the building blocks of nature thus everything that surrounds you exist on a harmonic scale read the Kybalion ( Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion ) so you see from which perspective i come from

                    and the fact that Vogel Crystals fit perfectly in Les Brown Theory on Crystals

                    the same crystal can be used with different frequencies according to Les Brown and Vogel

                    see also:

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 07:33 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Grand Solfeggio :: Healing and Changing your DNA through Solfeggio tones

                      History of the Grand Solfeggio Tones

                      The history of the solfeggio tones begins with King David, who then passed the secrets on to Solomon. Sometime after Solomon, the tones were lost. David was given four tones, which he created with strings on his lyre. These tones are all used with the psalms, also created by David. The mathematics of the tones matches the mathematics of the psalms (geomatria). Solomon used the tones and the geomatria in the creation of the Song of Songs, also a psalm. This was considered the most sacred of the psalms.
                      During the creation of Gregorian chant, the solfeggio tones were rediscovered, these based on five notes. Later, a sixth note was added. These were based on the discoveries of Pythagoras and his harmony of the spheres. These also were later lost. In the 90s, Dr. Joey Puleo was given the secret of the geomatria in a vision and the actual frequencies in appearances of Jeshua and an angel that Dr. Puleo did not name. After the turn of the millennium, Joseph Crane was told in an appearance of Archangel Michael that two solfeggio scales existed — one profane and one sacred. The sacred has been known as the “secret solfeggio.” Later, Michael gave Joe Crane six of the frequencies to the sacred solfeggio to be used in healing. And more recently he told Crane that a subset of the frequencies existed, called the Divine Masculine frequencies.
                      In 2009 the code of both solfeggios was cracked and shown to be linked together mathematically by mathematician and author, GW Hardin, through the guidance of Archangel Gabriel. During the process, yet a third set of solfeggio frequencies showed up in the mathematics. Using what is called the Pythagorean skein, the third set is made up of the sum of the first two sets. What also showed up was an entire fractal system of solfeggios that affect specific parts of the bodies.

                      There are three levels to the solfeggio tones: the Archetypal (earthly), the Divine (heavenly), and the Universal (cosmic). Within each level there are two components, the Masculine and the Feminine. The Feminine is made up of nine tones in each level while the Masculine is made up of six tones. When all the tones of a component are played they create a harmonic or the tone of Oneness.
                      Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal + Rodin Coil + Solfeggio and you the water container the perfect Combination if you look at it closely

                      There is an easy way to test that, we know that water has memory, so if you do the same as in the video posted by Shawn with the above mentioned apparatus and use that water on your plants and see the difference if there is any ....

                      Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                      Not a surprise to me...Marc Rodin'd coil exudes pure hi definition sound even under / through water.

                      Rodin coil plays music under water - YouTube

                      not that I advocate this kind of music but it certainly i fitting consicering...
                      Rodin Coil Speaker - YouTube
                      Caduceus coil + Vogel Crystal + Rodin Coil + Solfeggio and you the water container the perfect Combination if you look at it closely
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 07:46 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • from : Review of ExtraOrdinary Technology 2011

                        Jamie Buturff and Marko Rodin

                        Jamie then stated, "Marko's work is in coherence with Pythagorean tuning." He recommends that all device builders look at their work in terms of music, which is embedded in the universal vortex.

                        the Universal vortex


                        isn't the tone tower also a rough shape of a tree (roots to tip)


                        this is a commentary about ORMUS:

                        Paramagnetic soils exhibit paramagnetic properties. The ORMUS elements also exhibit paramagnetic properties. Dr. Callahan claims that the paramagnetic soils help to couple plants to at atmospheric electromagnetic energy. The ORMUS elements provide a superconductive resonance coupling effect inside biological systems.

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 08:40 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          here is a summary on the vid:

                          more info here : KeelyNet: Les Brown ( A Memo Regarding the Brown Video (May 22, 1994) ) |

                          Les Brown energetic pyramid, if you look carefully you'll see the primary in the Tesla coil in the base of the Pyramid

                          also from:

                          i was just going to post it under the Pyramid thread ( ) but i thought it could be useful here in our research because if we replace the white tube seen in the picture with the trunk of the tree (details will have to be worked out )without changing anything to the rest of the apparatus, we can theoretically collect energy

                          G. FANTUZZI

                          Energy Accumulator

                          The present invention relates to a device to collect, concentrate, bind and radiate wandering energy which is propagated on a electrical carrier wave, this device being made up by a surface in the shape of regular pyramid, octahedral, cone or surface of revolution, in particular a spherical surface, which are used as mean of collecting and concentration of the wandering or biological energy which is propagated on an electrical wave.

                          At the interior of the aforesaid surface in the pyramid which can be made out of an unspecified material, metallic or not, are mounted with an electrically insulting formed of copper rollings of helical whorls around axis parallels between them and with the axis of surface. The ends of said rollings exceed teh basic wall of the pyramid and end in feet of copper which join the diffusers.

                          The aforementioned energy or biological energy which is propagated on an electrical carrier wave, concentrated by the aforementioned surface, induced in excited rollings up by the terrestrial magnetic field and by an optional auxiliary variable magnetic field a flow of energy which radiates outside through the feet of copper in the form of a beam of electric and/or electromagnetic waves.

                          G. Fantuzzi -- Orgone Accumulator -- French Patent 2264406

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 09-25-2011, 08:37 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • this pdf has tons of info
                            one of Dons devices and how it works

                            The device is collecting the vector field and using a capacitor setup to do it, very interesting, if you'll notice the plates slide up or down on the shaft allowing him to adjust to find the center of the field.

                            Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              check this out

                              IMGP5275 - YouTube


                              watch the vortex

                              Russian tests of the Rodin Coil:

                              Катушка Ð*одина.( Катушка Ð*одина.ЧаÑ�Ñ‚ÑŒ 2) - YouTube

                              link to the blog in russian (can be translated), it discusses Rodin coil you should check it out (one of the pics reminds me of a picture of a don smith coil )

                              Rodin coil - Ð*уÑ�Ñ�кий взглÑ�д

                              i was referring to this coil in the pdf:

                              and from the russian blog

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • other interesting set up is this one:

                                compare with

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

