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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • The beggining........

    I brought you a movie [From Magluvin at]

    (Official Trailer) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take? - YouTube

    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
      Tesla urged Russell, "Bury your ideas in a vault for a thousand years to await the unfolding of human consciousness to comprehend your vision."

      That time is now

      I agree. It's time we understood our souls -- our body's recording system. It also relates to the "golden tractate" in that the substance/form which we are looking to create/produce, seems to be like quite the turbo supplement for our soul's unfolding....

      Further clues that it is about the noble gasses somehow. I don't know how exactly, but they keep popping up everywhere that I look. I can only share what I know -- I hope this makes things "click" for you.

      Russell's law of crystalization embodying a different facet of its "fractal" meaning:

      I wanted to better understand this, and so I seek. I am seeking, and so I am finding it. I've also been curious as to what russell meant by thinking in light -- being able to think in the "universal language".

      I've been recalling when I was younger -- learning to use both sides of our body is not remarkably difficult to learn how to use in conjunction. It requires a little bit of co-ordination.
      What the heck does that even mean? I've almost forgotten how I got co-ordinated in this body.
      I remember seeing a baby oogling at his hands, and as he marveled at them -- how they worked -- how he could seemingly only have one side flexing according to his desire at once. Eventually he learned how to move both, of course -- but I'd actually forgotten what it was like to be dumbfounded and in awe at how my hands worked!

      If our bodies are electric puppets -- the tesla coil analogy brought up the idea
      our conscious mind could be a field

      How big is that field? I mean -- if what I regard as "me" as outside my body....

      How was that baby moving its arms? It was learning -- adapting -- localizing more acute records of how his "mind" was piloting his body. And how does a baby moving its body have "harmony"? Isn't harmony a superimpositon of different frequencies?

      And then Russell, again...
      Oh, how you tickle my brain into remembering old, and new things....

      "The invisible half of every body is a thousand times greater than its visible half"
      And so -- our piloting mechanism is above our bodies. When concentrate that "field" inside our bodies, we are "awake". The abillity of that field to command our bodies in different ways is a matter of very precise, fine signaling.

      And so, I look to the sky. Many "common sayings" hold a lot of truth to them, if you consider them in this light.

      "that idea came out of the blue" (Think -- where did that idea's form ACTUALLY come from? Someone was probably being pretty honest in their sensing of how the idea came to them.... )

      "they were giving me weird vibes" (How can you feel the "vibrations" piloting their decision making mechanism -- by interference with "your" body's piloting field)

      "You seem kinda spacey" (Your awareness is not concentrated to a sufficient density in your body for you to be "present")

      When I saw the Russell picture -- I was immedeately reminded of the concept of the "unconcious mind". I don't know about it being unconscious at all -- I think that's a bad word. Perhaps "Inner self" is a better word for the all-intelligent taproot of consciousness extended to each of us. Regardless, I have asked "it" to give me positive signals (tingles down my spine -- rushes of energy) when it detects something that is useful to me.

      (I've learned It likes to work with you -- as it has been working with you whether you like it or not.... Might as well try to speak the same language as it)

      So, I asked "myself" what it meant when you "decentrate" your awareness out of your body when you meditate -- I got a simple picture. That field would retract itself from your sensed body, much like a pilot can step out of the cockpit of an airplane....

      Ever seen anyone fall unconscious?
      Ever done it yourself?
      Did you notice any colors upon the exiting of your body or a "flash" before?

      I've been thinking about harmony -- and music -- how what everything that we do is also apart of "the music of the spheres" (keeley) It's pretty wild. It makes me see how everything is really beautiful...

      Think of the incredible tenuity which your consciousness (that feild) posesses to be able to relax back into a "0" or "null" form (to have a blank mind, or still mind), and then spring into a form, to assume an image in your imagination -- then back to rest again. That happening every time your neurons fire and form a thought -- is pretty amazing.
      It's your own cosmic themesong, playing right into your antennae...

      I find myself writing another long winded post -- So I'll wind around to some of the points I wanted to originally go over...

      Why is "all mankind one"??

      Well, our senses might not have grasped it yet -- but those sparks above us are definitely apart of our piloting mechanism. Are we really selfish enough to think that ALL those sparks in the sky are JUST for a SINGLE human? That's insanity to think that way.

      If you can see the sparks -- I'll show you subjectively. If not, bear with me for a moment... The range within which we can see those "sparks" also somehow has to do with internal voltage pressure -- like the anti gravity conditioned field/chemically accelerated reaction zone -- "making invisible light, visible".

      If you can focus real close to your body -- maybe seeing the white sparks within five feet of your hands -- try to jerk your fingers around a little bit in abrupt impulses.
      (Hint: It's easy to see them up close on a cloudy day, when they're hiding from the sun)
      Relax your muscles in between each impulse -- you might be able to see that your muscular twitches make the white sparks "dance" about quite well. If you flex different muscles hard enough -- you can get them to dance above their normal "agitation movement rate" by your "invisible body" -- its signaling intereference from quite a distance away....

      The sky is the limit...

      Dually noted -- if you can make the sparks dance around -- isn't water attracted to the sparks (or the sparks to the water?)?

      If you've found you can move them -- you might be able to move water with that "energy", or with those "sparks".....
      I figure, everyone should be able to -- as soon as they realize their body made up of a large percentage water.... With that in mind -- how do you already translate an impulse out of your body, into a body movement?
      You'd have to move the water outside your body in the same way you'd move your body itself -- same type of impulse from your consciousness.

      "As above, so below -- As within, so without"

      Listening to me describe this, Reminds me of hearing about "fly ash".


      • "The chemistry of the soul of all idea is registered in the master tones, known as the inert gases.
        The soul is the matrix of the body just as the master tones are the matrices of the elements.
        The inert master tones of an octave of the elements contains a complete and exact record of every effect of motion within its octave.
        The soul of man contains a complete and exact record of every action and reaction of thinking man."

        Let's look at that a little deeper.

        "Through long years I have not ceased to experiment, neither have I have spared any labour of mind And this science and art I have obtained by the sole inspiration of the living God, who judged fit to open them to me His servant, who has given to rational creatures the power of thinking and judging aright, forsaking none, or giving to any occasion to despair."

        Why does anyone who seems to understand "how the universe is interconnected" is humbled by their ideas? It's not degrading to refer to yourself as a "servant" -- especially if many of those wise men were very honest, and described it as simply as they knew it, or "saw it"?

        If my body were a servant -- it would only do that which it were told to do. If my thoughts aren't caused by my brain -- and are instead being photographically recorded in it; who, or what is actually in control of it? We can extend willpower to our motions -- but then what does that make US?
        What if we were to teach our "servants" to listen better for the more subtle impulses? What might we hear from ourselves?

        "For myself, I had never discovered this matter to anyone had it not been from fear of the day of judgment, and the perdition of my soul if I concealed it. It is a debt which I am desirous to discharge to the Faithful, as the Father of the faithful did liberally bestow it upon me."

        I wouldn't have told you guys.... but If I didn't tell anyone -- my soul would be eternally damned. The soul is a RECORD of what we do, and what decisions we make. How would it record ALL that we do?? If hermes were being honest -- In knowing about our soul -- we understand how everything works. Everything we do with everything can be recorded in our soul -- which means our souls must also be apart of everything.

        "Understand ye, then, 0 Sons Of Wisdom, that the knowledge of the four elements Or the ancient philosophers was not corporally or imprudently sought after, which are through patience to be discovered, according to their causes and their occult operation. But, their operation is occult, since nothing is done except the matter be decompounded, and because it is not perfected unless the colours be thoroughly passed and accomplished. Know then, that the division that was made upon the water by the ancient philosophers separates it into four substances; one into two, and three into one; the third part of which is colour, as it were-a coagulated moisture; but the second and third waters are the Weights of the Wise. "

        Does "the division upon the waters" make more sense as to how they were divided now? Do those little connecting dots between "A&B" look like our sparks up in the sky?
        We are apart of nature.
        We work the same way that nature works -- we just have to see how we already work that way. It's in plain sight -- I'm determined to find it, and find out how.

        Seeing as to how waters may have been electrically divided "back then" might help us make the same steps in the NOW.

        Russell says to "concentrate on your inner thinking" through deep meditation, in extacy of KNOWING -- might that electrical effort of concentration also somehow affect the elements in your body? What about the water in your brain?
        (Think -- Using the North magnetic pole to magnetize the water -- why is it NORTH? [N=contraction/generative pole])

        I know after I've meditated, my brain "lights up" -- almost as though I had more "sparks" in my brain to make more subtle distinctions than I had previously seen.....

        Annndddd.... For my last comment set....

        If your conscious mind was a field outside your body -- composed of, or using those "white sparks" in the sky to pilot your senses; AND those white sparks like to hide under clouds....

        The Indians believe that when the clouds gather on the highest peak, the Warrior God is pleased with his people and is letting rain clouds slip from his pockets.
        If that's not a "coincidence"...

        Anyone want to play with these ideas too?
        How about just play?
        Cuz this waaayyy too cool for just me to be able to see these kinds of connections.

        Til next time friends,
        Last edited by petar113507; 10-03-2011, 11:04 AM.


        • Allright.
          I couldn't resist.
          Just one more post.

          Russell's periodic table of elements.
          This one looks different.
          This one is from the book "The Universal One"

          And I never realized that that book would have so many clues to the golden tractate....

          This picture shows the noble gases transitions path. Into what exactly it is transitioning, I do not know -- but those lines weren't there in the older tables -- and I can't think that's an accident.



          • Transform your body while you read!

            Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

            I've been recalling when I was younger -- learning to use both sides of our body is not remarkably difficult to learn how to use in conjunction. It requires a little bit of co-ordination.
            What the heck does that even mean? I've almost forgotten how I got co-ordinated in this body.
            I remember seeing a baby oogling at his hands, and as he marveled at them -- how they worked -- how he could seemingly only have one side flexing according to his desire at once. Eventually he learned how to move both, of course -- but I'd actually forgotten what it was like to be dumbfounded and in awe at how my hands worked!

            Your recalling brought to mind a very interesting technique/book called NEUROSPEAK:

            Robert Masters: Neurospeak

            Body Games For the 21st Century

            Neurospeak is a Quest Books Publication;
            The Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton Illinois
            ISBN 0-8356-0707-0: $12:00 US
            Dr. Robert Masters

            Neurospeak can radically change your body, your consciousness, the very essence of your being and all you have to do is read the book!

            A revolutionary technique--or body game--Neurospeak addresses the nervous system through the written word to elicit changes in muscles, body organs, and conceivably the mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of life.

            Not sure how long it will be available to download for free at this link. This was tested and does work:

            Neurospeak-Transforms-your-body,-while-you | Ebook- Download Unlimited Ebooks Free



            • Here is a picture from SOHO earlier today.

              It shows our sun (behind the disc), Mercury to the left. The black area is an arm holding a disc to block the sun from overexposing the picture. Picture taken about 1 million miles from Earth.

              Of note is the CME (coronal mass ejection) with the red circle around it.

              Looks like one of the Walter Russell funnels?



              • that is how i perceive it...

                as the Alchemist did, you have to learn to dissociate your mind from your body before they can be rejoined ...learn to accept every facet of yourself (dark and light )...the middle path 3

                From the Golden Tractate

                Sons of Science ! For this reason are philosophers said to be envious, not that they grudged the truth to religious or just men, or to the wise; but to fools, ignorant and vicious, who are without self-control and benevolence, least they should be made powerful and able to perpetrate sinful things (matrix movie reference: "Ignorance is a Bliss"], and this is exactly how i feel sometimes ). For of such the philosophers are made accountable to God, and evil men are not admitted worthy of this wisdom.
                Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher's Stone.
                the Philosopher's Stone. is a Fractal Construct (personal opinion ) , it does not come in only one form (mineral )...Various Planes of thinking will lead you to the Philosopher Stone....Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all is the Philosopher Stone
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-03-2011, 11:31 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Sons of Science ! For this reason are philosophers said to be envious, not that they grudged the truth to religious or just men, or to the wise; but to fools, ignorant and vicious, who are without self-control and benevolence, least they should be made powerful and able to perpetrate sinful things (matrix movie reference: "Ignorance is a Bliss"], and this is exactly how i feel sometimes ). For of such the philosophers are made accountable to God, and evil men are not admitted worthy of this wisdom.
                  Know that this matter I call the stone; but it is also named the feminine of magnesia or the hen, or the white spittle, or the volatile milk, the incombustible oil in order that it may be hidden from the inept and ignorant who are deficient in goodness and self-control; which I have nevertheless signified to the wise by one only epithet, viz., the Philosopher's Stone.
                  the Philosopher's Stone. is a Fractal Construct (personal opinion ) , it does not come in only one form (mineral )...Various Planes of thinking will lead you to the Philosopher Stone....Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all is the Philosopher Stone


                  What you have to realize here is that when Hermes says

                  the philosophers are made accountable to God, and evil men are not admitted worthy of this wisdom.
                  is not just related to sins but we are dealing here with subtle energies, your intent is imprinted in the 90% water that is within your body which in turn has an impact on the can hide your intent to others but you cannot hide it from your water

                  "Understand ye, then, 0 Sons Of Wisdom, that the knowledge of the four elements Or the ancient philosophers was not corporally or imprudently sought after, which are through patience to be discovered, according to their causes and their occult operation. But, their operation is occult, since nothing is done except the matter be decompounded, and because it is not perfected unless the colours be thoroughly passed and accomplished. Know then, that the division that was made upon the water by the ancient philosophers separates it into four substances; one into two, and three into one; the third part of which is colour, as it were-a coagulated moisture; but the second and third waters are the Weights of the Wise. "
                  you're trying to tap an energy that knows your intent...Principle of Mentalism as i said before remeber Tesla's Motives: to give humanity free energy

                  we are all governed by the 7 principles: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                  I. THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM.
                  lV. THE PRINCIPLE OF POLARITY.
                  V. THE PRINCIPLE OF RHYTHM.
                  VII. THE PRINCIPLE OF GENDER.

                  Which also makes us all equal....
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-03-2011, 11:55 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Before It's News

                    The bizarre, hourglass-shaped Kuiper belt object 2001QG298 spins round like a propeller as it orbits the Sun, according to an astronomer from Queens University Belfast. The discovery that the spinning object is tilted at nearly 90 degrees to the ecliptic plane is surprising, and suggests that this type of object could be very common in the Kuiper belt.

                    The finding will be presented by Dr Pedro Lacerda at the Joint Meeting of the European Planetary Science Congress and the Division for Planetary Sciences in Nantes, France, on 3 October 2011
                    The Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) orbit the sun beyond Neptune and are the best preserved leftovers of the formation of the planets. The awkwardly named 2001QG298 is a remarkable Kuiper belt object made up of two components that orbit each other very closely, possibly touching (Figure 1). Imagine that you glue two eggs together tip to tip. That's approximately the shape of 2001QG298.

                    "The disposition sought after by the philosophers, O Son, is but one in our egg, but this in the hen's egg is much less to be found. But lest so much of the Divine Wisdom as is a hen's egg should not be distinguished, our composition is, as that is, from the four elements adapted and composed. Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-04-2011, 11:41 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Electric field generated from a capacitor

                      capacitor electric field - YouTube

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2011, 09:12 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        Electric field generated from a capacitor

                        capacitor electric field - YouTube

                        We'r learning more everyday.
                        Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                        • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                          We'r learning more everyday.
                          Indeed Dave

                          Did you know:

                          Gas-filled tube - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          A gas-filled tube, also known as a discharge tube, is an arrangement of electrodes in a gas within an insulating, temperature-resistant envelope. Although the envelope is typically glass, power tubes often use ceramics, and military tubes often use glass-lined metal. Gas tubes are tubes whose electrical characteristics are substantially influenced by the pressure and composition of gas contained inside.

                          Gas-filled tubes exploit phenomena related to electric discharge in gases, operating by ionizing the gas with applied voltage to start electrical conduction. Both hot cathode and cold cathode type devices are encountered. Depending on application, either the glow from the gas or the electric arc or electric glow discharge may be the desired function.


                          Deuterium is used in ultraviolet lamps for ultraviolet spectroscopy, in neutron generator tubes, and in special tubes (e.g. crossatron). It has higher breakdown voltage than hydrogen. In fast switching tubes it is used instead of hydrogen where high voltage operation is required.[3] For a comparison, the hydrogen-filled CX1140 thyratron has anode voltage rating of 25 kV, while the deuterium-filled and otherwise identical CX1159 has 33 kV. Also, at the same voltage the pressure of deuterium can be higher than of hydrogen, allowing higher rise rates of rise of current before it causes excessive anode dissipation. Significantly higher peak powers are achievable. Its recovery time is however about 40% slower than for hydrogen.[2]
                          Heavy water - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water

                          Heavy water was first produced in 1932, a few months after the discovery of deuterium.

                          see post:
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2011, 06:15 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water

                            Neutrino detector

                            The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Sudbury, Ontario used 1000 tonnes of heavy water on loan from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The neutrino detector is 6,800 feet (2,100 m) underground in a deep mine, in order to shield it from muons produced by cosmic rays. SNO was built to answer the question of whether or not electron-type neutrinos produced by fusion in the Sun (the only type the Sun should be producing directly, according to theory) might be able to turn into other types of neutrinos on the way to Earth. SNO detects the Cherenkov radiation in the water from high-energy electrons produced from electron-type neutrinos as they undergo reactions with neutrons in deuterium, turning them into protons and electrons (only the electrons move fast enough to be detected in this manner).
                            Can Neutrinos Move Faster Than Light? | Wired Science |

                            If it’s true, it will mark the biggest discovery in physics in the past half-century: Elusive, nearly massless subatomic particles called neutrinos appear to travel just faster than light, a team of physicists in Europe reports. If so, the observation would wreck Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which demands that nothing can travel faster than light.

                            You are changing/evolving, and it is out of your control, welcome to a new era....enjoy the ride

                            Piezoelectricity ( /piˌeɪzoʊˌilɛkˈtrɪsɪti/) is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins

                            DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications

                            A theoretical physicist has presented research that shows bacteria might transmit electromagnetic signals to produce species-specific wavelengths.

                            According to research presented by Northeastern University physicist Allan Widom, based on existing knowledge of DNA and electrons, bacteria can indeed communicate.
                            As i said before, we are all "Fractal Antennas" amongst other things

                            DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications | TG Daily

                            The sun is our primary natural source of UV radiation

                            Principle of Rythm:

                            "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
                            Puzzling Scientists; Earth's Upper Thermosphere Collapses

                            Summary: "The thermosphere", the layer of Earth's atmosphere that meets space, recently collapsed and is now rebounding again...and we don't know why. The thermosphere is important because it shields us from the Sun's Extreme Ultraviolet Photons.
                            Before It's News

                            read this post if you want to understand :


                            from: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                            Man in the beginning is generated of nature, whose inward substance is fleshy, and not from anything else. Meditate on these plain things, and reject what is superfluous.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2011, 12:03 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • From: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

                              Decoction lessens the matter, but the tincture augments it; because Luna in fifteen days is diminished; and in the third she is augmented. This is the beginning and the end. Behold, I have declared that which was hidden, since the work is both with thee and about thee - that which was within is taken out and fixed, and thou canst have it either in earth or sea.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2011, 07:58 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • [QUOTE=MonsieurM;160870]Electric field generated from a capacitor

                                capacitor electric field - YouTube

                                Principle of Correspondence:

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2011, 09:30 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

