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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • very interesting article on Dr. Thomas Henry Moray and crystals

    Endless Light - Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

    Since the crystal was the key to better radio reception, experimenters were searching the mineral kingdom for new and more sensitive detector crystals. Early radio magazines taught the eager hobbyist how to mount special radiosensitive mineral crystals. There were several favorites of which radio hobbyists were very fond. A brilliantly reflective metallic crystal having a silvery blue cast, Galena was the mineral of choice. Pyrite, otherwise known as "fool's gold", is a close second to Galena. As a radio detector, Pyrite gives a good signal strength in the headphones. Some preferred Molybdenite, a mineral that is especially sensitive to infrared energy as well as radiosignals. Radio amateurs were always trying new mineral crystals to see which ones amplified radio stations with greater strength and clarity. Each had their favorite crystals. Little did the radio enthusiasts know why there was mystery in this quest for "radiant crystals"!
    Advancing the science of crystal radio detection, certain researchers discovered that contact-combinations of minerals gave stronger signal amplifications. When carborundum and silicon crystal nuggets were pressed together with little springs in a metal tube, the signal strength was enormous. Small battery voltages turned these mineral detectors into amplifiers, early transistor-like detectors. Bi-mineral and bi-metallic hybrids were tried with good results. Mineral-metal, mineral-mineral, even multiple minerals in contact with two different metals produced enormous magnifications of signal strength.

    Some detectors incorporated carnotite, a radioactive mineral. This greatly increased conductivity with a resultant enormous signal magnification. Coating aerial points and catwhiskers with autonite, another mild radioactive mineral, produced amplified signals. There were small companies, which manufactured synthetic minerals ("Radiocite" and "Russonite"). These claimed superiority in the signal-boosting ability. There were scores of other sensitive minerals, which gradually appeared in the journals, some natural and rare, and some synthetic compositions.

    good to know for the crystal battery builders
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • follow up on the same article:

      Dr. Le Bon stated that there were solar rays having far greater potential than the deep ultraviolet. The stimulation of radioactive emissions took place in "successive stages". The complete disintegration of matter occurred when very specific gamma rays resonantly coupled with the proper elements. Such ultra photo nuclear reactions released unimaginable amounts of energy. These photonuclear reactions were "complete". There were no intermediate particles formed by these disintegrations.
      The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

      ( -- When researchers found an unusual linkage between solar flares and the inner life of radioactive elements on Earth, it touched off a scientific detective investigation that could end up protecting the lives of space-walking astronauts and maybe rewriting some of the assumptions of physics.
      see also:


      In these texts Moray found pieces of what he was looking for. The answer to his energy source possibly lay in rays, released from the sun and the stars. It was intuitive guidance perhaps, but this is all he had to work with. The Le Bon photonuclear theory was the closest anyone had come toward providing Moray with clues toward explaining the performance of his energy-receiving mineral. He came to believe that the crystalline lattice of the "Swedish Stone" was intercepting certain of these rays. The necessary research now would involve determining their exact nature. He would also need to discover why his strange silvery white mineral was able at all to intercept these rays. Additionally, why was the ground connection always necessary?
      As Moray read of Le Bon's elegant tabletop experiments, he could not help but marvel over the apparent conclusive quality of his statements. Certainly, they were pale in comparison with those, which he himself was obtaining. But it was the Swedish Stone, which made the difference. What Dr. Le Bon did not have was "the stone". Something about the structure of this stone permitted a powerful electrostatic emission possibly under the ordinary influence of solar rays. Its phenomenal output greatly exceeded that which was experimentally produced by any single element of natural origin.
      Motors, rebuilt to accommodate the energy supplied by the receiver, ran at extremely high speeds. They, like the lamps, also ran "cold". Dr. Moray reported that when they ran in the dark, they were surrounded by a violet corona. The paradox in these matters came when the current was applied to ordinary resistive heating units. When properly resisted, the currents produced heat. Dr. Moray showed this effect in ordinary electrical floor heaters, which became red-hot. In his numerous public and private demonstrations, Dr. Moray showed that the energy receiver could light conventional lamps, rewired motors, and power heaters.
      Large units also allegedly demonstrated "anti-gravitational" effects, and ultraviolet light became visible in the diagonals between the electrodes. Sprink called them “St. Andreas crosses”.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-08-2011, 01:01 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
        This is interesting.

        Electromagnetic Motor

        Patent 524 426

        This should show some lag acceleration effects.

        Uploaded with

        From the patent.

        Uploaded with

        If some generator coils were arranged similar to this it could produce some interesting effects.

        I think if the two close coils were used for powering a load and the other two
        coils shorted maybe with caps. And the frequency was correct for the setup
        the shorted coils might cancel some of the drag from the real generator coils
        powering a real load.

        Depending on how it was arranged it could be done at fairly low rpm/magnet
        speed. Maybe it's worth a try. I can't say as I haven't tried it of course, but some have setups that could.

        Using a permanent magnet rotor should work.

        P.S. I did notice a post on another forum by DeepCut who mentioned an
        elongated core which reminded me of the patent so I posted it.

        to Deepcut.
        I posted this earlier in

        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
        6 3 9 this is an amazing combination but if you pay attention it amazingly Fractal in its design but also how you can play with it:

        or if you prefer playing with the perspective

        6 3 9 = (3 3 ) 3 (3 3 3)
        6 3 9 = 6 3 (6 3)

        now graphically 6 and 9 are two opposing vortex that create 3, when 6 and 9 are joined i get 3 thus 3 can be broken up into 6 and 9...follow me so far

        think of it this way

        3 = ( 6 9 )

        so we get

        6 3 9 = 6 ( 6 9 ) 9

        these statements are electromagnetically applicable...just use your imagination

        and that is what you saw Farmhand

        I just wanted to raise an important point about The 6 3 9 Fractal Engine

        It is a system that will always be in Equilibrium; a good analogy for that would be a tubular balloon filled with air....if you squeeze it on one side it will compensate by inflating on the other we have as an example:

        6 3 9

        6 3 9

        6 3 9

        6 3 9


        Remember this 6 3 9 is a Fractal Engine

        it will always compensate on the other two elements

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • wow, i just stumbled on probably one of the most interesting books:

          A dictionary of general knowledge : or, An explanation of words and things connected with all the arts and sciences : illustrated with numerous wood cuts (1830)

          its free

          A dictionary of general knowledge : or, An explanation of words and things connected with all the arts and sciences : illustrated with numerous wood cuts : Crabb, George, 1778-1851 : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

          did you know that :

          MUSIC, History of. The first traces of
          music are to be found in Egypt, where
          musical instruments, capable of much variety
          and expression, existed at a time
          when other nations were in an uncivilized
          The invention of the lyre is by them
          ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus
          , the Mercury
          of the Egyptians
          of its antiquity, but a still greater proof
          of the existence of musical instruments
          amongst them at a very early period is
          drawn from the figure of an instrument
          said to be represented on an obelisk,
          erected, as is supposed, by Sesostris at
          Heliopolis. This instrument, by means of
          its neck, was capable, with only two strings,
          if tuned fourths, of furnishing that series of
          sounds called by the ancients a heptachord;
          and if tuned fifths, of producing an octave.
          6 3 9

          BASS (in Music). The lowest or deepest
          part of any composition
          . This note is played
          on the largest pipes or strings of instruments
          of the common size, as the organ,
          lute, &c., or on the largest kind of instruments.
          The bass is the principal part of a
          musical composition, and the foundation of
          , whence it is called the fundamental
          . Thorough bass is that which
          includes the fundamental rules of composition.
          Ground bass is that which commences
          with some subject of its own, that
          is continually repeated throughout the movement,
          whilst the upper parts pursue a separate
          BTW: Take a Harp and rotate it on its Apex, what do you get

          So Hermes was also the Jimi Hendrix of his time

          pay close attention to the flow of the drawing

          note: Bones are Piezo just like Quartz

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2011, 11:01 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • from:Endless Light - Dr. Thomas Henry Moray

            The YAROM tube ("Moray" backwards), is a blown glass device which is not unlike a cylindrical Zworykin iconoscope tube (Lehr). Electrically activated by 250 Kilovolt impulses, electronic currents are directed toward a strangely configured multi-staged target of unknown compositions. When operating, the device releases a soft, healing pink light. This permeating light appears within tube, easily traveling through the blown quartz walls to the outside air. Hands can block the light, but longer exposures prove their permeating effects. Moray claimed that these rays originated deep within atomic nuclei.
            paper on The YAROM tube written by Dr Moray


            it seems that Moray Agrees with me ( ) when he wrote:


            In addition to the use of crystalline materials in absorbing radiant energy, Dr. Moray explored the possibilities of converting rays directly into matter. His experiments in these regards received notice when, in 1965, he addressed the 68th national Mining Conference in Denver on the subject of transmutation. Originally begun in 1945 as a method for raising the yields of soils taken from gold mines, Dr. Moray rented and employed a linear accelerator at high personal cost. The accelerator, rented from VARIAN associates, obtained very specific energetic electrons for his process.

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2011, 11:30 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • now you have an idea of how Dr Moray saw the world

              see also:

              The Emerging Field of Biophotonic Communication - Technology Review

              The growing evidence that cells communicate with photons is generating an exciting new field of research.
              Last year, researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago showed that human cells in culture could synchronize their internal chemical processes even though they were mechanically, chemically, and electrically isolated from one another. The cells, it seemed, were communicating through the exchange of photons.
              The Puzzling Role Of Biophotons In The Brain - Technology Review

              Various work suggests that neurons emit and even conduct photons. Could it be that biophotons help to synchronise the brain?
              In recent years, a growing body of evidence shows that photons play an important role in the basic functioning of cells. Most of this evidence comes from turning the lights off and counting the number of photons that cells produce. It turns out, much to many people's surprise, that many cells, perhaps even most, emit light as they work.

              In fact, it looks very much as if many cells use light to communicate. There's certainly evidence that bacteria, plants and even kidney cells communicate in this way. Various groups have even shown that rats brains are literally alight thanks to the photons produced by neurons as they work.


              Principle of Mentalism Universe is all wave

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-09-2011, 11:16 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • FYI: I found this quite interesting


                “What this “end” may mean… My basic answer would be that the universe attains its highest quantum state and creates a new stage for life…“
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-10-2011, 11:55 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • funny observation:

                  October 11th 2011 is 11 / 10 / 11 or 2 / 1 / 2 or II / I / II which takes us to 6 3 9

                  this is just an observation; nothing special about it
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-10-2011, 02:11 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • A Brain Cell is the Same as the Universe, page 1

                    Physicists discover that the structure of a brain cell is the same as the entire universe.

                    Principle of Correspondance
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-10-2011, 04:51 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Principle of Correspondance

                      Quite different conditions exist in my system in which the electromagnetic waves or radiations are designedly minimized. the connection of one of, the terminals of the transmitting circuit to the ground having, itself, the effect of reducing the energy of these radiations to about one-half, Under observance of 'proper rules and artifices the distance is of little or no consequence, and by skillful application of the principle of "individualization," repeatedly referred to the messages may be rendered both non-interfering and non-interferable. This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.' Nicolas Tesla
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • The Electric Sun

                        In this day and age there is no longer any doubt that electrical effects in plasmas play an important role in the phenomena we observe on the Sun. The major properties of the "Electric Sun (ES) model" are as follows:
                        Most of the space within our galaxy is occupied by plasma (rarefied ionized gas) containing electrons (negative charges) and ionized atoms (positive charges). Every charged particle in the plasma has an electric potential energy (voltage) just as every pebble on a mountain has a mechanical potential energy with respect to sea level. The Sun is surrounded by a plasma cell that stretches far out - many times the radius of Pluto. These are facts not hypotheses.
                        The Sun is at a more positive electrical potential (voltage) than is the space plasma surrounding it - probably in the order of 10 billion volts.
                        Positive ions leave the Sun and electrons enter the Sun. Both of these flows add to form a net positive current leaving the Sun. This constitutes a plasma discharge analogous in every way (except size) to those that have been observed in electrical plasma laboratories for decades. Because of the Sun's positive charge (voltage), it acts as the anode in a plasma discharge. As such, it exhibits many of the phenomena observed in earthbound plasma experiments, such as anode tufting. The granules observed on the surface of the photosphere are anode tufts (plasma in the arc mode).
                        The Sun may be powered, not from within itself, but from outside, by the electric (Birkeland) currents that flow in our arm of our galaxy as they do in all galaxies. This possibility that the Sun may be exernally powered by its galactic environment is the most speculative idea in the ES hypothesis and is always attacked by critics while they ignore all the other explanatory properties of the ES model. In the Plasma Universe model, these cosmic sized, low-density currents create the galaxies and the stars within those galaxies by the electromagnetic z-pinch effect. It is only a small extrapolation to ask whether these currents remain to power those stars. Galactic currents are of low current density, but, because the sizes of the stars are large, the total current (Amperage) is high. The Sun's radiated power at any instant is due to the energy imparted by that amperage. As the Sun moves around the galactic center it may come into regions of higher or lower current density and so its output may vary both periodically and randomly.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          Looks as though I wasnt the only one that seen whats happening
                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • The Kybalion :

                            -nothing is ever manifested in an effect that is not in the cause

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
                              I found a better drawing of the magnetically quenched spark gap Page 306 of the IRWNT book. looks like just a coil with a lot of wire and the poles are extended so the coil is far enough below the gap and the added pole piece projections are adjustable and shaped.

                              Uploaded with

                              Farmhand, notice the endings of each pole..."2 cones" and a " a disc" if viewed sideways

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-11-2011, 12:05 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • from

                                Originally posted by Hope View Post
                                Tesla's Pierce Arrow antenna was the wave length twice the speed of light. 5 feet something like 5'.14 Can a round grid antenna like this be matched to L2's coil winding lengths? He possibly was capturing the complete cycle of the wavelength not just the part we see. Perhaps this is why those 5 foot red jumper cables wound on L2 on page 32 worked so well. This measurement is incorrect but if any can figure out the correct wavelength of twice of light speed thru the atmosphere then it will be a good lead. Please post it so we all can have the correct wavelength and the formula for arriving at your answer. I do also see many supposed lengths of this antenna on the net some say 1 meter, some 3 feet But it should be 2X lightspeed thru our atmosphere to contain a full cycle.

                                Originally posted by WeThePeople_USA View Post
                                just under 6' , but yes,
                                and this has turned up in many many experiments,
                                when the winding lengths were reviewed after the fact.

                                I'm glad to see your on the ball
                                funny you mention that because i found this little piece of info from a doc i posted here:

                                Light Speed in Stone
                                The Great Pyramid's location (Northern Latitude) and slope angle correspond to the speed of light
                                ps: probably one of the best Pyramid doc Ive seen around
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-11-2011, 12:30 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

