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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • this is from an article i have mentioned several times ( electronicsounds, see i encounter again one of the set up that caught my attention )

    Norman Wootan & Joel McClain: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) KeelyNet Messages (#2)

    Joel McCLAIN & Norman WOOTAN

    Magnetic Magnetic Resonance Amplifier

    Gerald: The inspiration behind the construction of my coil is really bizarre to say the least. Nick Holden (WACO- Buckey-Ball manufacturer)
    and I met a lady that claims to have ridden on an alien space craft during which time she was told that the flight physics was based on
    TETRAHEDRAL geometry. She was told that the tetrahedron was rotated "virtually" which extracted enery directly from the aether or space
    My design was based on her discription and incorporated a scalar vector cancellation in the vertical legs of the geometric figure. This electrical and magnetic field cancellation can be verified by the total absence of magnetic flux along the legs of the TET while under considerable power. There is a very powerful base plane magnetic field created which revolved at extreme RPM (virtual rotation). I have one version that Joel is doing some test on that is a full nested pair of TETs to model the earth or any other spherical object. Will keep you informed of test results. When the nested TET is run you get a North pole magnetic plane at the 19.5 degree north latitude line and a South pole magnetic plane at the 19.5 degree South latitude line similar the the earth magnetic fields and the energy upwhelling regions that have been described in various books. ~ Norm
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by imiconcepts View Post
      It behoves thee to give thanks to God who has bestowed liberally of his bounty to the wise, who delivers us from misery and poverty. I am tempted and proven with the fullness of his substance and his probable wonders, and humbly pray God that whilst we live we may come to him. Remove thence, O Sons of Science, the unguents which we extract from fats, hair, verdigrease, tragacanth, and bones, which are written in the books of our fathers. But concerning the ointments which contain the tincture coagulate the fugitive, and adorn the sulphurs it behooves us to explain their disposition more at large ! and to unveil the Form, which is buried and hidden from other unguents; which is seen in disposition, but dwells in his own body, as fire in trees and stones, which by the most subtle art and ingenuity it behoves to extract without burning. And know that the Heaven is to be joined mediately with the Earth - but the Form is in a middle nature between tie heaven and earth, which is our water. But the water holds of all the first place which goes forth from this stone; but the second is gold; and the third is gold, only in a mean which is more noble than the water and the faeces. But in these are the smoke, the blackness and the death. It behoves us, therefore, to dry away the vapour from the water, to expel the blackness from the unguent, and death from the feces, and this by dissolution. By Which means we attain to the highest philosophy and secret of all hidden things.
      welcome imiconcepts....what does this text inspire you

      or is it just spam
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Bruce Cathie Maps the World Grid with Gridpoint Atlas

        Here is some information related to Bruce Cathie and software that has been developed to help research harmonics:

        Bruce Cathie Maps the World Grid with Gridpoint Atlas

        You may have wondered if some of the world’s most famous chateaus and palaces are built on the World Grid. Many are.

        We have looked at hundreds of sites and want to show three examples. Enjoy!

        Gridpoint Atlas | Bruce Cathie Maps the World Grid with Gridpoint Atlas

        Gridpoint Atlas® 4.0

        Gridpoint Atlas® 4.0 is the exciting software developed by Captain Bruce Cathie and Rod Maupin. This software provides the ability to plot a map and overlay the World Grid® onto it, then view that overlay in Google Earth.

        The software makes use of the almost fifty years of research that Cathie has done into the Earth’s World Grid® system, its associated harmonics, and the UFO enigma, and the twenty-one years of computer work done by Rod Maupin.

        215 page pdf

        After a study of all the available information on UFO activity I came to the conclusion that the speed of light, mass and gravity acceleration values must have some connection with the grid structure in order to explain the extraordinary manoeuvres carried out by the strange craft.

        The basic grid structure was formed by a series of great circles interlocking at various points around the earth's surface. The nodal points of the two grids, when joined by a series of small and great circles, formed what I have loosely termed polar squares around the north and south geographic poles. It was when I carried out a geometric and mathematical analysis of these sections that I found a direct connection with light, gravity, and mass equivalents, in a harmonic sense. To do this I had to convert all our normal
        systems of measurement into a single set of units and also convert our time measure into one that would correlate with the grid. After much thought and a long period of trial and error, I finally discovered that angular measure, in minute of arc values, and a time unit based on twenty-seven units for one revolution of the earth, was the key to unlocking the grid secrets.

        I gradually found that the harmonic values could be applied to all branches of
        scientific research and atomic theory.

        Another application of the grid unified harmonics is the production of energy. With the right know-how and with a comparatively simple apparatus, similar to a radio receiver, an unlimited amount of free electrical energy can be tapped from the gravitational fields inherent in the energy system. This has already been done in the past by one of the greatest technical geniuses in history, Nikola Tesla, and a Mr. Henry Moray. It is said that Mr. Tesla constructed a car which had an electric motor which derived its energy
        directly from the surrounding gravitational field. It was said to reach speeds of 90 miles per hour. Mr. Moray was tapping electrical energy directly from the atmosphere with a similar device.

        I am still progressing in the research into the world energy system and the geometric nature of the Universe. During the last few years I have managed to compile all the discovered harmonic unified values
        into a set of unified tables, which can now be used for research in many areas of scientific interest. I discovered that I could convert the gravitational acceleration values in the physics books into geometric values and correlate them directly with the harmonic geometrics of light and mass derived from the grid system.

        After all these years the latest computer tables indicate that the average harmonic of 695, published in my earlier works, is a direct conversion of gravity acceleration and the reciprocal of the light harmonic. This
        particular table has been incorporated in this computer program and can be printed out in full, with all the conversion values demonstrated, or calculated fractionally for any latitude from zero to ninety degrees.

        A multiple or submultiple of a whole. In Music: pertaining to a tone whose rate of vibration is an exact multiple of a given primary tone. In Mathematics: derived from or suggested by the numerical relation between the vibrations of the musical harmonies or overtones of the same fundamental tone; harmonic functions. In Physics: any component of a periodic quantity which is an integral multiple of the fundamental frequency.



        • It is a weird synchronicity as i am watching the latest Ancient Aliens episode; and it discusses that subject in particular

          Ancient Aliens - Season 3, Episode 13: Aliens and the Secret Code

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
            this is from an article i have mentioned several times ( electronicsounds, see i encounter again one of the set up that caught my attention )

            Norman Wootan & Joel McClain: Magnetic Resonance Amplifier (MRA) KeelyNet Messages (#2)

            Joel McCLAIN & Norman WOOTAN

            Magnetic Magnetic Resonance Amplifier

            what do you think would happen if we placed a Smith/Caduceus coil wrapped around a barium titanate (or quartz) hooked inside a pyramid (as les brown described)

            see: Peter GRANDICS: Pyramid convertor of electrostatic to DC electric power


            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 02:29 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • think of it as a mash up of all three experiments

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy , it functions on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              I leave the details to you guys...electronics is more your forte Dave, IndianaBoys, Petar, Shawn, and the rest of you guys

              you could also try with ice too
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 02:47 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Thanks IndianaBoys,
                this interview is quite instructive, and to top it off we follow the same line of thought
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • According to what he says at 34 min of the doc; resembles something like this

                  he mentions volcanos; i wonder how the recent volcano activities appear on his software (el hiero and iceland )
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 04:14 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    As you noticed i posted quite a bit today...curiously following indianaboys posting on SOHO:

                    I figured I'd check the activity of the sun today: 2011 10 20 compare to 2011 10 19

                    Image Type = LASCOC3
                    Resolution = 512
                    Display = Movie



                    We just had an M1 class sun flare:

                    Also meant to relay to you that SOHO satellite does something called a "Planned Roll Maneuver" a few times/year. Over the past years, SOHO would conveniently sweep a lot of unexplainable phenomena around the so called "Planned Roll Maneuver". There would be black outs and no pictures available for days. Today the EIT series of pictures (Extreme Ultraviolet) have been greatly reduced to a couple pictures per day compared to hundreds/day in the past. Too much is involved to doctor all the images and also keeping up with what they are changing. They do make mistakes and some pictures do make it out. At least that is my opinion after watching this site over the years.

                    Notice the location of the arm bottom left around 7 o'clock position:
                    2011-10/20 at 15:06

                    Now notice the location of the arm bottom left around 1 o'clock position:
                    2011/10/20 at 23:22

                    MonsieurM, I was planning to show you another example of what I posted back in July 23, 2011:


                    Went back there to day and all of the pictures have been "adjusted". If you look at that whole series they look normal and nothing out of the ordinary. My conclusion is that SOHO has added a layer on top of the pictures to filter out the "bright light" that I believe is still continuing to this day but the software filter is covering it up.

                    What was so special about the sun that started that day in all of the pictures was the sun had gone to a greatly enhanced brightness.

                    I was able to find some examples of this that were "archived" on YouTube. Took some screen snapshots to show how it was originally and how it is now after they added the filter. My belief is that the sun is still outputting the high intensity waves as the following pictures will show (at least the originals):

                    SOHO 2011/07/22 at 19:37 archived from YouTube:

                    SOHO 2011/07/22 at 19:37 that is currently being shown at SOHO that has been altered:

                    SOHO 2011/07/23 at 00:18 archived from YouTube:

                    SOHO 2011/07/23 at 00:18 that is currently being shown at SOHO that has been altered:

                    SOHO 2011/07/24 at 23:42 archived from YouTube:

                    SOHO 2011/07/24 at 23:42 that is currently being shown at SOHO that has been altered:

                    This is what was posted back in 7/23/2011:


                    Of all the years observing SOHO (Solar And Heliospheric Observatory), never have seen an event such as what is happening today with the sun.

                    Here is that database for researching the suns activity:

                    Search and Download SOHO Near Realtime Data
                    Search and Download SOHO Near Realtime Data

                    Image Type = LASCOC3
                    Resolution = 512
                    Display = Movie
                    Start and End Dates:
                    Start = 2011-07-23
                    End = 2011-07-23
                    Then click search.

                    Last edited by IndianaBoys; 10-22-2011, 04:10 PM.


                    • I kind of suspected something was happening;

                      the Moldavite i wear around my neck kept falling of even though i tied it up well a couple of if it wanted to be recharged by the sun


                      and funny thing, i used to have a small patch of Superficial mycoses ( Mycosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) in the spot where the rock hangs and ever since I am wearing it, it is gone
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 04:25 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • is there a full moon coming soon

                        where i am we are in the phase between 3/4 of a moon and a full moon
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 04:37 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • I forgot to add that this morning around 10 am the moon was visible too

                          Extreme Ultraviolet) have been greatly reduced to a couple pictures per day compared to hundreds/day in the past
                          weird synchronisity, when you consider what i posted yesterday

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 04:50 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            According to what he says at 34 min of the doc; resembles something like this

                            he mentions volcanos; i wonder how the recent volcano activities appear on his software (el hiero and iceland )

                            As i listen to Bruce Cathie Explain his theory ; the more it resembles the 7 Principles of the Kybalion

                            according to him another dimension to the pyramid is in its word: Pyra-Midum = measure of light

                            side note::
                            If you believe in the Legend of Fulcanelli ; he could be reading us at this very moment...

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-22-2011, 05:31 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Crown hair

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • the energy grid
                                by Bruce Leonard Cathie
                                The Energy Grid - Harmonic 695 - The Pulse of The Universe

                                from: The Energy Grid - 04

                                17.- THE HARMONICS OF HUMANS

                                THE UNIFIED EQUATIONS TELL US THAT THE WHOLE Universe is manifested by the harmonic geometric matrix of light itself. The whole of reality is light. Therefore, it follows, that we as human beings must consist of nothing more than a geometric collection of the harmonic wave-forms of light — guided by intelligence.

                                What we must look for is some proof of this in the evidence available to us. There are, in fact, several clues which indicate that the human form is in harmony with the Universe we live in. The first clue is the gestation period of a human being. Nine months, or an average of 270 days. There is a great scattering of birth times which are either side of this 270 day average, but if we argue for perfect harmony then there must be an optimum time between conception and birth which would help to guarantee the production of a perfect human.

                                As each day forms a part of our geometric time cycle it seems reasonable to assume that perfection would be more likely to result from a gestation period of: 269.44 days.

                                This would tune the body directly with the harmonic value derived from the unified equation: 26944.

                                Note: Slight variations of the unified value are manifested due to changes in the light speed as the distance from the Earth’s centre increases. This is fully explained in my book, “The Bridge to Infinity”. Values of 2695, 26944 and 2693645 have been calculated using the small variations in light speed. For this exercise I have used the average value of 26944.

                                The second clue is indicated by the temperature at which the human body functions most efficiently. Like any machine the human body will start to deteriorate physically if the temperature becomes too low or too high.

                                The Dictionary of Medicine (the Marshall Cavendish) states:

                                “The average temperature of a human being is taken to be 98.4°F in threat Britain, but American doctors prefer to take it as 98.6°F. Readings between 97°F and 99°F are completely normal. Temperatures much below 97°F are usually only found either in under-activity of the thyroid, or after exposure to cold. Temperatures between 99°F and 100°F may not be of much importance, especially in children, but readings of over 100(0)F are almost invariably indicative of some infection (or sometimes some other form of inflammation).”

                                I would predict that the temperature at which the human body performs most efficiently, both physically and mentally, is 98.80412°F 98.80412° Fahrenheit = 37.1134° centigrade The harmonic reciprocal of 371134 = 269444.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

