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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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    Originally posted by prato_braun View Post
    HI everyone,

    sorry I'm not completely up to date but I just wanted to share what ibpointless shared at the crystal battery thread.

    Water, Energy, and Life: Fresh Views From the Water's Edge - YouTube

    In this lecture prof Pollack presents his findings about the crystal structure of water at the SURFACE AREA which is called exclusion zone(EZ).
    The lecture is awesome and a must see.
    I don't know how much it matters but it could be important that the boiler points upwards like in the first prototype.
    Just in case that the EZ plays a role that is.

    Keep it up!!! I'm currently enrolled in plenty of other projects but maybe I'll give this one a shot I will definitely advertise among friends


    Thanks prato_braun, a new dimension to add to Water....quite an amazing element
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • A Super-Absorbent Solar Material - Technology Review

      Atwater worked with Koray Aydin, now an assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern University, to develop the super-absorber design, which takes advantage of a phenomenon called optical resonance. Just as a radio antenna will resonate with and absorb certain radio waves, nanostructured optical antennas can resonate with and absorb visible and infrared light. The length of a structure determines what wavelength of light it will resonate with. So Atwater and Aydin designed structures that effectively have many different lengths: wedge shapes with pointy tips and wide bases (pyramid like ). The thin, nanoscale wedges strongly absorb blue light at the tip and red light at the base.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

        the following is the Law of Crystallization From the universal one by Walter Russel

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • caduceus air core

          Nothing is at random Fellow Telestai

          Telestis: Greek word from Telos: goal, aim. they were Gaian teologists. totally illuminated by their practice of ecstatic contact with nature. The best definition: one who is aimed. If you are aimed by Gaia, you will go where she sends her arrow.

          and this was with just 9 volt battery
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-10-2011, 11:01 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by Arius Nowak View Post
            thanks for the links

            I found the following from the above referenced link (in russian )

            fractal constructs has an 'efficient function', they have a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • now unto the interesting part:

              If such a process was in heat "Yusmar" it with such intensity that when the volume of water in a closed cycle of the vortex heat generator 10 liters it would lead to an increase in the deuterium content in water at 10 "5% per day for each kilowatt of heat source pump with continuous his work. It is a thousand times smaller than the average concentration of deuterium in natural water. Therefore, this process could lead to a substantial increase in the deuterium content in water, and therefore can not be easily detected experimentally.
              If all the "extra" mass-energy of the vortex flow was emitted only through this channel, the water from each kilowatt of radiated energy would remain in the form of heat, just 0.52 Tues We also have a heat source "Yusmar" out of "excess" heat for at least 500 watts per kilowatt invested pump. Does it mean that the carrying away energy neutrino flux from the vortex heat generator is not as intense, and the rate of use of deuterium in it for at least 2 times lower than the limit calculated above?
              It would seem that it should only have to please. For if most of the "excess" energy carried away by the all-pervading neutrino flux, we could not heat the water vortex heat with an efficiency significantly greater than unity. Utility boiler for our reaction (11.5), which, although at a low speed, but, apparently, is still in it, whereas in the other - in a gradual enrichment of water with deuterium, which then participates in other nuclear reactions that take place already with the release of heat remaining in the water.
              A really, experience teploustanovok "Yusmar" showed that in many years of work without replacing the water in a closed cycle of the vortex heat generator's efficiency increases with time. This can be explained and the gradual accumulation of deuterium in water in excess of its expenditure.
              Finally, the foregoing, if all true, explains the mechanism of formation of deuterium in stars. In [145] explains that the observations of astronomers for protostars (just emerging stars) have shown that they consist mainly of water molecules. Formed in the star, they are like giant
              eras, emit radio waves over the length of 1.35 cm (water vapor line) and 18 cm (line hydroxyls OH), and proved that the nature of water astronomers protostars.
              And as the stars of the eddy processes are as strong as anywhere else, as we discussed in section 7.7, it now becomes clear that these vortices are intense reaction (11.5) with the formation and accumulation of deuterium, which then becomes the primary "fuel" star.
              But in high-temperature plasma formed stars, such as the Sun, the reaction (11.5) is unlikely, if there are no molecules with hydrogen bonds. Another thing, if the sun does in colder than outside, as it involves SM Zhuravlev from Chisinau. The word "cold" here we mean not cryogenic temperatures, and temperatures below 5000 degrees Celsius, which still can be saved hydroxyls. And they are actually observed in sunspots [6.119].
              Originally posted by Slovenia View Post
              Thanks to Dragans, one of our Serbian members, we have a better interpretation of the Inventor's description of how his device works.

              Sonic boiler catches the energy of the impact between neutrinos (Teslione), and crystal lattice of the metal. Traveling of the neutrinos is identical as the traveling of the sound wave. Particle pushes another particle. That’s why you have to tune the sonic boiler same as you tuning the musical instrument. Sonic boiler absorbs electrical component of one wave on ¼ wave length, ¾ of energy level of standing wave it uses(I didn’t understand this my self). As long as you have smaller diameter, and thicker hemisphere, you will have more output Energy. Excitation energy of input current, have to be the same as resonant sound frequency of the phase electrode of boiler, and harmonic frequency of zero electrode. (Phase electrode and zero electrode are connections 220v/50Hz, nothing more. In your case 110V/60Hz)
              So Sonic boiler works as antenna for neutrinos in resonance.

              The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water

              Neutrino detector

              The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Sudbury, Ontario used 1000 tonnes of heavy water on loan from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The neutrino detector is 6,800 feet (2,100 m) underground in a deep mine, in order to shield it from muons produced by cosmic rays. SNO was built to answer the question of whether or not electron-type neutrinos produced by fusion in the Sun (the only type the Sun should be producing directly, according to theory) might be able to turn into other types of neutrinos on the way to Earth. SNO detects the Cherenkov radiation in the water from high-energy electrons produced from electron-type neutrinos as they undergo reactions with neutrons in deuterium, turning them into protons and electrons (only the electrons move fast enough to be detected in this manner).

              Vortical flow structure identification and flow transport in arteries

              1. Introduction
              Our interest in vortices arises for two reasons. Firstly, at moderate to large Reynolds
              numbers (at least 100) which characterise flow in larger arteries, vortices are quite
              The presence of vortices in a flow may exert a strong influence on its behaviour, although tracking vortices may be difficult as they can evolve rapidly. The effects of vortices or vortical structures are particularly evident when considering both flow stability, and the processes of mixing and transport by the flow. The object of this paper is to examine the dynamics both of vortex motion and of particle transport in arteries, and to relate these to parameters such as geometry and unsteadiness. The Lagrangian particle tracking and the vortex dynamic techniques which are described should help in understanding arterial fluid dynamics and suggest new approaches to modelling.


              Clearly the processes of suction and pressure need to be examined.[ No beneficial, natural exchange can take place solely under conditions of pressure. . Viktor Schauberger
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-11-2011, 12:25 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • from:

                Originally posted by willy96 View Post
                you know i can keep talking of many ways SILVER IRON AND COPPER can be used with VOP

                like for instance ...

                iron from source to limit flow ... spark gap as its a broadcast point and a point of eather interaction connect to copper .. we gain speed via gap from eather as i just explained so

                say it left source at 20%vop to gap hits 100% enters copper at 60% we at gap have over spew rf noise ... tap it there ..... signal leaves copper to antenna goes from 60% to 100% it is now in free space .. reciever is say 90 % we harvest!

                and the bulbs glow ...


                Copper and silver Iron...interesting....Dave....Romo....
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-11-2011, 01:01 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  A Super-Absorbent Solar Material - Technology Review

                  Atwater worked with Koray Aydin, now an assistant professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Northwestern University, to develop the super-absorber design, which takes advantage of a phenomenon called optical resonance. Just as a radio antenna will resonate with and absorb certain radio waves, nanostructured optical antennas can resonate with and absorb visible and infrared light. The length of a structure determines what wavelength of light it will resonate with. So Atwater and Aydin designed structures that effectively have many different lengths: wedge shapes with pointy tips and wide bases (pyramid like ). The thin, nanoscale wedges strongly absorb blue light at the tip and red light at the base.
                  i forgot to add the following:

                  Atwater and Aydin demonstrated this broadband effect in a 260-nanometer-thick film made of a layer of silver topped with a thin layer of silicon dioxide and finished with another thin layer of silver carved with arrays of wedges that are 40 nanometers at their tips. Atwater says they chose these materials because they are particularly challenging: in their unpatterned state, they're both highly reflective; but the patterned films can absorb an average of 70 percent of the light across the entire visible spectrum. This work is described in the online journal Nature Communications.
                  Isn't silicon Dioxide used to make quartz....see

                  add to it from the previous post Copper and silver Iron Romo....
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-11-2011, 12:33 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    caduceus air core

                    Nothing is at random Fellow Telestai

                    wait for it......the white egg


                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Originally posted by shawnnweed View Post
                      very much so. In theory I can produce an equivalent amount of energy inside my box as out. The first part is broken down into two sections. One part is internal the next is external but they are literally connected and require each other to operate. If those parts were allocated the number 3 then that would add up to 6. A separate component is added to attain the ou and if that was allocated a 3 then standing alone it would be 3. However to create ou I have to add all the components together which would be 6 + 3 = 9. I never really considered it before but yes, it is the very definition 6,3,9 and the only way to create OU.

                      When you posted this, the following design i posted a while back popped in my head....hope it inspires you something

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        for those who don't know the following:

                        Water on the Sun?

                        Water Found on Sun

                        and you're 70% water too...

                        new beginning...

                        The Emerald Tablet

                        Its father is the sun and its mother is the moon.

                        Father = RED (RED sun )
                        Mother= BLUE (BLUE moon )


                        Astrophysicists find fractal image of Sun's 'Storm Season' imprinted on Solar Wind


                        Puzzling Scientists; Earth's Upper Thermosphere Collapses

                        Before It's News

                        read this post if you want to understand :



                        Originally posted by ibpointless2 View Post
                        My big Blue Crystal Glue cell has gone up in voltage here lately and it just so happens that the moon is 100% full right now.

                        "All matter is crystalic in nature" -- W.Russell.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-11-2011, 02:22 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          the following is the Law of Crystallization From the universal one by Walter Russel

                          new perspective.....the above picture....the tetrahedral system in blue....a view of the pyramid from on top.

                          Les Brown

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-11-2011, 06:06 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • I found the vid while browsing a channel that was recommended by Z

                            Originally posted by zilano

                            kdkinen's Channel - YouTube

                            watch all videos and learn hv hf and resonance

                            courtesy: mr clean!


                            in the comment it was written:

                            Tesla Wireless Power Transmission - Experiment 4 - YouTube

                            Experiment 4
                            Inserted a metallic plate between two Tesla Coils - the receiving Tesla coil is still powering a 220V 60W lamp much over voltaged. Plate is connected to a 220V 40W lamp. Other side of lamp is connected to a 5 meter long wire just laying on the floor unconnected.
                            The length of the wire determines the brightness as the wire has capacitance and inductance and it acts as a "choke" for the rapidly varying field potential in order to create a high enough current in the filament to light it. Connecting it to ground reveals the potential present by the arcing and brightens the lamp though diminishes the brightness of the lamp connected to the second coil as the field effect is reduced
                            here is the channel of the experimenter:

                            IceCoolDaIceMan's Channel - YouTube

                            if you browse his uploaded vids, you'll find the ones with the Tesla experiment

                            from his channel, interesting vid:

                            Kapanadze - Tesla - Linde - YouTube

                            link to info: teslanichelson


                            Originally posted by zilano
                            Thanks Z
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 11:48 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all Wave:


                              Originally posted by willy96 View Post
                              ozone pat ... this is a learning tool ...

                              it will take your breath away ...


                              from here i have opened a locked door ...
                              this may not be exactly to par , but that is how i see the 6 3 9 working in his patent:

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 12:28 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • here is a nice recent doc on crop circles, it seems that they have an effect on humans as well

                                make sense bio geometry + dna of plants also may play a role as antennas

                                UFOTVstudios's Channel - YouTube

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 01:18 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

