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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • an interesting Aspect of Bio Geometry...connecting it to the Power of Shape ebook:



    In 2002 an unsuccessful (and as it turns out, an insincere) crop circle experiment was carried out by three M.I.T. undergraduates, who accepted a TV challenge to reproduce three specific plant and soil abnormalities consistently observed in crop circle plants and soils worldwide -- abnormalities also presented in three peer-reviewed scientific papers. Although the undergraduates and their two graduate-student "advisors" were unable to reproduce any of the criteria specifically required (elongated apical plant stem nodes, expulsion cavities in the plant stems, and 10-50 micron-diameter magnetized iron spherules deposited linearly in the crop circle soils) they and the TV production crew did--quite accidentally--produce evidence that exposure to microwave radiation does cause electronic equipment failure.
    There was one other curious -- even scary -- event.

    Included in the show later on is a clip showing the TV crew in a small airplane, circling the now-completed crop circle in the field below. As has also been very occasionally reported by authentic crop circle investigators (in particular Busty Taylor, a UK pilot who has been locating and photographing English crop formations for many years) the plane engine suddenly cuts out altogether for a few seconds at no more than 1000 ft. in the air, putting the pilot and TV crew in real danger.

    As in the other known instances of plane engines failing over crop circles, this plane's engines quickly recovered with no harm done. Probably just equipment malfunction, once again.

    Crop Circle Geometry 3 D - Fractals by Bert Janssen.

    In the mid 90s some of the found crop circles were based on fractals. For instance the so-called 'Julia set' at Stonehenge in 1996 and the 'Triple Julia set' at Windmill Hill the same year. Or the Koch-fractals in 1997. In later years, this resembling disappeared and was replaced by other features. In 1999 many of the crop circles looked three-dimensional. But did the fractals really disappear?
    fractal constructs has an 'efficient function', they have a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 01:42 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
      I havent been able to source big toroid cores, I have been thinking of using magnetite and fiberglass resin and making my own.

      I have some magnetite I got out of NM on an a little mining trip, a little tip on mining if you dont like digging ditches forget mining its hard work, but a lot of fun if you dont mind a little work
      Dave you should check out this post for some nano magnetite for your core very easy and well explained

      I wonder if magnetite and fiberglass resin and some silicon dioxide would not work out to be a wonder core...

      hint: you do need some oxygen for superconductivity and the wonderful world of nano effect .... applies as well for the crystal battery (minus the fiber glass )

      ---------------interesting concept of 369

      Originally posted by willy96 View Post
      we found us a luneatic !



      it wont be long .... i shall play too !

      dave is that silver wire .... looks it !

      what is common between 3 6 9 ..... ?

      if we understood 369 we would have the keys ...
      they repete they are repetetive freqs .. 3.333333_ 6.6666666_ 9.9999999_ you can devide them by 3 @120 deg

      so lets say you have 2 wires 45' long you will have 2 identicle wires turned into 4 coils .. collector is 45' the other is devided by3 and mass is split 369 this is for heterodyining .. wich i have acheived via 1 tube driven bass amp .. and no generater ... i have a video .. and have done this with audio .. magnetics is NO DIFFRENT!

      if your useing a 2ohm amp you need a 2 ohm coil ... 4ohm you need a 4 ohm coil ... etc..

      built it years ago ...


      H0H 808 AUDIO ! MAG!C MY MOVIE ONLY ONE - YouTube
      and its times like this cant rock the body with out the bodyrock!!

      got your c stone ? and your b stone .... lol

      all i did was tune the amp and flick the switch .... the kick starts it it amps the ripple till it is self tuned to resonance and circulateing ....

      yawn .. the video does not do this justice as you can hardly hear it .. do it in real time .. and wear your ear plugs ....
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 02:42 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • From: Crop Circles, Cymatics and the Fractal Universe., page 1

        Below are comparisons to cymatic images, these are created either by sand on plates or liquids that are subjected to certain sound frequencies. These are just a few that I’ve managed to match to certain crop circle designs. Some are better matches than others but I’m sure you'll agree that the similarities are beyond coincidence.

        You can see more cymatics in this thread:

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          here is a nice recent doc on crop circles, it seems that they have an effect on humans as well

          make sense bio geometry + dna of plants also may play a role as antennas

          UFOTVstudios's Channel - YouTube

          I highly recommend you watch because many things we discussed are talked about.....

          if you only have 10 min just start at 34 min to see the various crop circles and the repeated use of the Golden Ratio and Pi

          you'll learn about Harmony of Spheres (same principle applies to Moe joe cell and Peter Davey )

          note: from the doc , footage of the military showing interest in crop circles and the white orbs that come along with these type of phenomena @50 min
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 03:46 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • from: Harmony of the Spheres

            The planets and other bodies of our Solar System have profound interrelationships which go far beyond simple Newtonian gravitational analysis. These interdependencies include elements of electromagnetism, specific orbital geometries, quantum-style laws, and other intriguing characteristics. For example, viable theories of Quantum Physics (specifically: Superstrings, Zero-Point Energy, Vacuum Polarization, and Superconductivity) have now been shown to depend upon hyperdimensions (i.e. extra dimensions in addition to the traditional three dimensions of space and one dimension of time commonly thought of as comprising the space-time continuum). The components of the Solar System, as well as their combined effect, may also depend upon such hyperdimensions.

            The planets of our solar system (as well as the satellites of these same planets and many of the other denizens of the deep space) have several unique mathematical relationships which are often ignored in astronomy textbooks. Such textbooks invariably include a discussion of Bode’s Law -- a thoroughly discredited attempt to fit the distances from the sun to the planets into a coherent scheme. Primarily known as an excellent example of the use of Fudge’s Factor and Finagler’s Theorem, Bode’s Law is a linear based rule (as opposed to cyclical) and ignores the variable distances of each of the planets as they circle the sun in elliptical patterns -- their actual distances varying significantly. And yet Bode’s Law is still part of astronomy’s tradition, while the really interesting stuff is ignored.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from the documentary :

              and again:

              fractal constructs has an 'efficient function', they have a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 03:09 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                Martineau [1] first pointed out the Golden Mean relationships between the outermost planets. The additional formulas of Tables 1 thru 6 were derived, in some cases, by converting Martineau’s geometries into algebraic expressions, and in other cases, by observation. In all cases, the percentage error is less than one percent. The existence of any percentage error, however, may involve the possible nature of the Transcendental Numbers (F, p and e), and their apparent requirement for slight inequalities in making non-linear systems perform optimally.
                This is incredible, but it is only the beginning of the truly astounding. As Martineau [1] observed, not only does Earth have a Golden Mean connection to the planet furthermost from Earth in the direction of the Sun, but Earth also has a similar connection to Saturn, the visible planet furthermost from the Earth in the direction away from the Sun. In this case (Table 5), Saturn’s mean orbital distance and physical size are both approximately 4F +3 times that of Earth. These observations, as shown by Martineau’s 5-pointed and 30-pointed stars, are important, and must not be dismissed as some random occurrence.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Principle of Mentalism: Universe is all Wave:

                  this may not be exactly to par , but that is how i see the 6 3 9 working in his patent:

                  from: Sacred Mathematics

                  The key in this regard [pardon the pun] is that Music is basically about ratios, frequencies (geometrical sine waves), and timing (a very mathematical kind of thingamagig). There is also a strong geometrical connection, in that, if one takes the unique 3-4-5 right triangle (with sides of 3, 4, and 5 equal units -- the only triangular shape utilizing a combination of single digit whole numbers which result in one angle of the triangle equaling 90 degrees -- however, larger numbers such as 5, 12, and 13 also work), and strings a continuous fine wire to each of the three points of the triangle, it is then possible to tune one of the sides to a particular note, and have the other two sides be in a tuned harmony. The three sides of the triangle form a series of tones that are equivalent to the first three strings of a tuned guitar. (One might also note that geometrically, one only has to tune one side of the triangle, while the guitar requires all three strings to be individually tuned!)
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • One little info i would like to add:

                    taken from: Ancient Aliens - Aliens & the Third Reich

                    SCHAUBERGER: Viktor also refers to old Indian texts where he reads out of these texts that these older peoples, they used some kind of flowing , magnetism that allowed them to overcome gravity.
                    Vimanas a nice looking forum on:

                    Vimana Shastra And Maya Civilization - India Forum Discussions

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 07:33 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • It seems skyship coils design are similar to some of the crop circles design shown in the documentary

                      SKYSHIP MOTOR, FANTASTIC EXPERIMENT....! - YouTube

                      using triangular coils

                      see also :


                      EXPERIMENTING WITH FLAT RODIN COIL - YouTube
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 08:29 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • I know that in ancient writings (i don't remember which), their was a mention of an extra planet in our Solar System but was destroyed ....well guess what

                        Extra Giant Planet May Have Dwelled in Our Solar System | Solar System Planets & Moons | Planet Formation & Evolution |

                        Within our solar system, an extra giant planet, or possibly two, might once have accompanied Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.

                        Computer models showing how our solar system formed suggested the planets once gravitationally slung one another across space, only settling into their current orbits over the course of billions of years.

                        must be weird for the scientist when science converges with "myth"....
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-12-2011, 10:51 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Let us Endeavor into an Alchemical text i found that might pick your interest...core wise...


                          A form and method of perfecting base metals.
                          by Janus Lacinius Therapus, the Calabrian.
                          let's see what can be found ......we have keely's experiment with metal and high frequency....and Walter Russel's Color Rule to follow...which might help us translate what was written

                          The art of Generating M or Q.
                          Some of the principles of our Art are apprehended mentally or intellectually, such as Chaos, Alteration, Power, Operation, Generation, and Digestion. Others are perceived by the senses, as wine, or the First Matter, body or form, elements, the perfect being, the forming ferment, colours, fermentation, separation. Some are apprehended both by mind and sense, e.g., Sky, or Heaven.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-13-2011, 12:01 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • My pleasure Haan...good to read you and thanks again for the Tesla Article:

                            Originally posted by Haan
                            I came across an interesting related article from July 1934.

                            Here's the first page:

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • you'll enjoy this

                              Just finished watching Thrive for the second time. There is a torrent up but I would encourage you to PlayiFWD as they suggest despite the buffering issues or buy the dvd & distribute it. Meanwhile here is th first of some music vids they have produced. OCCUPY FREE ENERGY - Luminaries ft. Aishah - YouTube

                              watch it you wont be disappointed.
                              Stew Art Media


                              • Originally posted by jimboot View Post
                                Just finished watching Thrive for the second time. There is a torrent up but I would encourage you to PlayiFWD as they suggest despite the buffering issues or buy the dvd & distribute it. Meanwhile here is th first of some music vids they have produced. OCCUPY FREE ENERGY - Luminaries ft. Aishah - YouTube

                                watch it you wont be disappointed.

                                Thanks for the heads up, I was wondering if it was out....
                                will definitely check it out

                                from the vid you just posted

                                5000 technologies have been censored....
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

