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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • While searching magneto optic materials, i found this:

    Magneto-optical characteristics of human sper... [J Biophotonics. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI

    Magneto-optical characteristics of human sperms: normal and deformed.

    In this study we report on magnetic orientation of human sperms. Samples were taken from 17 donors. Normal human sperms became oriented with their long axis perpendicular to the magnetic field (1 T maximum). Total orientation was achieved with magnetic field of about 1 T, while for abnormal sperms the magnetic behavior was different. The dependence of the measured degree of orientation on the intensity of the magnetic field was in good agreement with the theoretical equation for the magnetic orientation of diamagnetic substances. As a result of a numerical analysis based on the equation, the anisotropic diamagnetic susceptibility of normal sperm was found to be Delta(chi) = 8 x 10(-20) J/T(2). The degree of orientation was influenced by the alterations in the shape of the head, body or the tail. It has been suggested that the DNA in the sperm head retain the strong magnetic anisotropy to counterbalance the magnetic anisotropy retained by flagellum microtubules. Recent studies demonstrated a well-defined nuclear architecture in human sperm nucleus, where the head morphology has significant correlation with sperm chromatin structure assay SCSA. Then, as the methods to evaluate SCSA can be difficult and expensive our simple magnetic orientation technique can be an alternative to diagnose alteration in DNA.

    also...remember Walter Russell periodic Table:

    The image below is taken from the book Helical Helix : Solar System a Dynamic Process by Dr. Pallathadka Keshava Bhat (comments added).

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-22-2011, 11:55 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Watch the world events beat to the rhythm of the sun.....

      Slackwax - Close to my fire - YouTube
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2011, 10:35 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

        also...remember Walter Russell periodic Table:

        The image below is taken from the book Helical Helix : Solar System a Dynamic Process by Dr. Pallathadka Keshava Bhat (comments added).

        here is the picture

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from: The Dwellings of the Philosophers Fulcanelli

          This important point, where the elements and the principles of the highest knowledge are
          concentrated, could not be search nor encountered in life, as life is within is, as it radiates
          around us, as it is familiar to us and as it suffices to know how to observe it in order to
          grasp its different manifestations. It is in death that we can recognize it, in this invisible
          domain of pure spirituality, where the soul, liberated from its bonds, takes refuge at the
          end of its earthy stay; it is in nothingness, this mysterious nothing which contains
          everything, the absence where all presence reigns, that it is proper to search for the
          causes, the multiple effects which life is showing us.

          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          Emerald Tablet of Hermes

          From Fulcanelli (translated from the French by Sieveking)

          1) This is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth:-
          2) As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.
          3) And since all things exist in and eminate from the ONE Who is the ultimate Cause, so all things are born after their kind from this ONE.
          4) The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother;
          5) the wind carried it in his belly. Earth is its nurse and its guardian.
          6) It is the Father of all things,
          6a) the eternal Will is contained in it.
          7) Here, on earth, its strength, its power remain one and undivded.
          7a) Earth must be separated from fire, the subtle from the dense, gently with unremitting care.
          8) It arises from the earth and descends from heaven; it gathers to itself the strength of things above and things below.
          9) By means of this one thing all the glory of the world shall be yours and all obscurity flee from you.
          10) It is power, strong with the strength of all power, for it will penetrate all mysteries and dispel all ignorance.
          11a) By it the world was created.
          12) From it are born manifold wonders, the means to achieving which are here given
          13) It is for this reason that I am called Hermes Trismegistus; for I possess the three essentials of the philosophy of the universe.
          14) This is is the sum total of the work of the Sun.

          The Sun is the father, the Moon the mother
          Hot Tuna - Children Of Zion (Studio Version) - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2011, 12:10 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • watch Jay Weidner - Secrets Of is available in torrent or just search google
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              find Boron in this picture:

              note the direction of his writing for the female and male elements

              if you trace two lines going from copper to the center and iron going to the center; an angle is formed...what do you think that angle is

              New magnetic-field-sensitive alloy could find use in novel micromechanical devices

              ( -- Led by a group at the University of Maryland (UMd), a multi-institution team of researchers has combined modern materials research and an age-old metallurgy technique to produce an alloy that could be the basis for a new class of sensors and micromechanical devices controlled by magnetism. The alloy, a combination of cobalt and iron, is notable, among other things, for not using rare-earth elements to achieve its properties. Materials scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) contributed precision measurements of the alloy's structure and mechanical properties to the project.

              i a think grown in a caduceus would do the job...Romo

              The alloy exhibits a phenomenon called "giant magnetostriction, (like magnetite)" an amplified change in dimensions when placed in a sufficiently strong magnetic field. The effect is analogous to the more familiar piezoelectric effect that causes certain materials, like quartz, to compress under an electric field. They can be used in a variety of ways, including as sensitive magnetic field detectors and tiny actuators for micromechanical devices. The latter is particularly interesting to engineers because, unlike piezoelectrics, magnetostrictive elements require no wires and can be controlled by an external magnetic field source.
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2011, 03:44 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • sorry to divert from the original course, but this seems ineresting..

                double vortex and necking in a stretched object...
                In this like several other sources comes into mention the fact that ether density was imbalanced by some force,Einstein vs Tesla - a good article explaining the flunky vs the true genius - Club Conspiracy Forums relation between the necking in a stretched object and the the double vortex like the one in the picture


                • Originally posted by electronicsounds View Post
                  double vortex and necking in a stretched object...
                  In this like several other sources comes into mention the fact that ether density was imbalanced by some force,Einstein vs Tesla - a good article explaining the flunky vs the true genius - Club Conspiracy Forums relation between the necking in a stretched object and the the double vortex like the one in the picture
                  Not at all, weird synchronicity...I was just checking out another website with the same image (sorry i thought it was the same )....
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • It is actually from one of your post:


                    Ether vibrations

                    by the way thank you for the link, it was really useful

                    ps: nothing is were meant to post it, if you think about it
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • this is weird!! same picture same time , So what about the necking effect, the two vortices seem to be rotating opposite to each other(although the both would be rotating the same when compared to a clock) although they are rotating the same.


                      • Principle of Mentalism: The Universe is All Wave

                        from the link you provided:

                        "What is the ether and why is it so difficult to detect it? I reflected on this matter for a seriously long time and here are the outcomes I have been led to: I think that all the contradictions about whether the ether exists or not are the result of wrong interpretation of ether's properties. The ether has always been presented as an aeroform environment [gaseous]. That was the essential mistake. The ether has a very strong density. It is known that of more dense a substance, the higher is the speed of wave propagation within it. When comparing acoustic speed in the air and the light speed I have drawn a conclusion that ether density is several thousand times higher than air density. It is not the ether that is aeroform [gaseous] but the material world is an aeroform to the ether!" Nikola Tesla
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by electronicsounds View Post
                          this is weird!! same picture same time , So what about the necking effect, the two vortices seem to be rotating opposite to each other(although the both would be rotating the same when compared to a clock) although they are rotating the same.
                          the unit will rotate the same...the division (ie the 2 vortices) will rotate in opposite direction...It all depends from what "plane" you are looking at it
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Quote:
                            Originally Posted by electronicsounds View Post
                            this is weird!! same picture same time , So what about the necking effect, the two vortices seem to be rotating opposite to each other(although the both would be rotating the same when compared to a clock) although they are rotating the same.
                            the unit will rotate the same...the division (ie the 2 vortices) will rotate in opposite direction...It all depends from what "plane" you are looking at it
                            If you look at it from the center where both meet, first you look at one and then turn and look at the other , you will see that they are rotating in the same direction.


                            • If u adopt momentarily the perspective of the Universe is all Wave, and read the following, it may explain the necking effect

                              In a world made only of waves, there would be just two geometric forms, the torus, or vortex, and the golden mean spiral. the donut, torus, form is the only structure in a world of waves that can become coherent, that is, retain a regular shape like a smoke ring. As more of these smoke rings are created and they want to relate to the first smoke ring, they must "nest" in the right pattern so that they can remember their form and still share structure. the best pathway for doing this is the ratio we call the golden mean.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by electronicsounds View Post
                                If you look at it from the center where both meet, first you look at one and then turn and look at the other , you will see that they are rotating in the same direction.
                                yes...the same works for you looking at yourself in the mirror perspective is a great maps for instance is a great analogy and training tool...
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-23-2011, 04:58 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

