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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • question about one of the illustrations.......

    Can someone give me the link or name of the source of the picture showing the tesla coil compared to a person in meditation position, I would really like to read more about it.
    Tesla somewhere along his life once wrote or said that his system, (while referring to the magnifying transmitter if I am not mistaken) imitates the crude way our nervous system works and in another even he also said that he will connect his apparatus to the universal wheel work. Taking the previous into account and Walter Russel's introduction about his work with the universal soul and working with God , things seem to strongly correlate. I would really like to know of any other knowledge about this particular subject.
    Thanks for your help Karl


    • Originally posted by electronicsounds View Post
      Can someone give me the link or name of the source of the picture showing the tesla coil compared to a person in meditation position, I would really like to read more about it.
      Tesla somewhere along his life once wrote or said that his system, (while referring to the magnifying transmitter if I am not mistaken) imitates the crude way our nervous system works and in another even he also said that he will connect his apparatus to the universal wheel work. Taking the previous into account and Walter Russel's introduction about his work with the universal soul and working with God , things seem to strongly correlate. I would really like to know of any other knowledge about this particular subject.
      Thanks for your help Karl

      i's in this post:

      BORIS PETROVIC - WORLD FORUM OF SPIRITUAL CULTURE Astana (Kazakhstan) 18-20 OCT 2010 |

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • thanks a lot

        will read it soon, Karl


        • I just got back from a two week long vacation, finding that the sender of the tourmaline had difficulties shipping while I was away. Am making a phone call today to get it smoothed out.

          If anyone else is interested, this is why the "crystal recipe" caught my attention. I'm not sure if I'm speculating; but I'm curious enough to buy the stuff to see what it does. Here are my thoughts...

          I see the moonstone diffracts into blue light. Blue, is associated with "violet", and hence, one step further says ultra violet might also behave the same way, but out of our visible spectrum.
          Moonstone (gemstone) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          Adularescence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The effect is best described as a milky, bluish luster or glow originating from below the surface of the gemstone. The schiller, appearing to move as the stone is turned (or as the light source is moved), gives the impression of lunar light floating on water (accounting for moonstone's name)
          I see that the orpiment transmits infared.
          Orpiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          I see that the tourmaline is pyro-electric. It converts Heat (infa-red) into an electric charge.
          Tourmaline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          I see Silicone dioxide is a pizeo electric. It flexes mechanically with the strain of an electric charge.
          Quartz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          My idea here, is that Depending on what ratio's of each powder I could mix together, it could make the crystal structure step-down the frequency of ultraviolet, into an electric charge.

          I'm not sure if the silicone dioxide is an intermediary dielectric, or will flex in response to the step-down of photons and vibrate. If it vibrates, or produces an oscilating electric potential, it might be useful suspended in a dielectric, like ice. In that case, grounding out the ice at two different points

          "Crystals are a record in form of the potential which produced them" -- Walter Russell

          Pulsing the cadeseus coil at the sun's "sound" frequency would give the same signature overtone for the crystal to resonate with.

          Playing a little bit with a small PMH also made me realize I needed to make a bigger one. The PMH stores the cancelled potential of the magnetic field. I was somehow struck with an idea that the potential conducted in the iron of the PMH, would be the same potential which would "stick" form the bonds which held the crystal together. Because pulsing the PMH, was essentially the same thing as I would be doing with the crystals. The little clunking noize of the iron bars locking together, might be similar to exposing those micron-powders (simlar size) to the potential.

          note the direction of his writing for the female and male elements
          if you trace two lines going from copper to the center and iron going to the center; an angle is formed...what do you think that angle is
          WOW. You have sharp eyes. Anyone ever tell you you're really sensitive? I've got these charts up in my bedroom as posters, and I only just noticed that. :norworthy:
          I would be willing to bet it's a multiple of the (1/2) the angle between two hydrogens and one oxygen....
          The cancelling pairs (copper/iron) are a multiple of the "light unit" potential of the octave of which they are apart; which is a multiple of the golden ratio... But I'll re-read the section by russell about universal math ratios to be sure.

          (I've had a nagging suspicion for a while that the relationship between the ratios of the elements dimensions which they occupy, could be mathmatically translated and calculated; so that the intereference between elemental vibrations could be predicted in terms of which dimensions the elements would radiate their light units in (I.E. Heat, electric, mechanical properties, ETC). I think this, because I think keeley did something veeery similar with his music notes.... )

          MM, Few points I'd like to ask as long as we're speculating
          What about the Thickness of the iron/magnetite pipe, vs weight/gauge of copper? I'm looking to see if the magnetic field needs to be very strong, and the iron thereby thick.

          Wait.... I just I got a picture that showed the iron/copper vibrating as the overtone, while the more rapid short waves on the inside of the funneling vortex would be a harmonic of that overtone.

          Strength of magnets on the "ORMUS" spinner? I'm getting various sized ND's, because they're strong, and have large fields.

          I think the "spinners" I've used before on the water forced the axial rotation of the spinning vortex on the same "line" of rotation as the magnetic axis. By forcing the magnets as a stresspoint, bucking at the apex of the vortex -- I think there was an artificial south which may have turned some water into noble gasses.

          More specifically -- Are we trying to avoid magnetic (electronegative) intereference with the crystals in the water? I don't know what the crystals are growing from (the seed) yet. I Will think about it.

          Anyways -- I think the crystal we're trying to grow is a coaxial waveguide to translate ultraviolet photons into electric charge. Looks kinda like either our DNA, or a Quartz crystal...

          Hope this looks interesting to some.
          Look foreward to discussing,


          • Good to read you old friend....and glad to see you stocked up on some new vibes (ie: vacation )

            got some catching up to do...I'll let absorb it all...then we'll restart our discussion

            As Usual,right on the target about the function of the crystal battery

            Anyways -- I think the crystal we're trying to grow is a coaxial waveguide to translate ultraviolet photons into electric charge. Looks kinda like either our DNA, or a Quartz crystal...
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-26-2011, 04:38 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • For those interested in learning about Walter Russell, I recommend you check out this forum dedicated to his writings:

              Walter Russell - Philosophy Forum

              In lesson 38 of The Home Study Course, Dr. Russell presents seven new laws:


              FIRST LAW:
              Cold generates energy. Heat radiates energy. Cold multiplies. It cannot divide for it is the falcrum of the universe which must extend to multiply. Heat divides. It cannot multiply but can be multiplied.

              SECOND LAW:
              Every action must be preceded and folowed by its equal and opposite reaction. Heat is the reaction of cold. Heat could not come into being save for the compressive action of cold, nor could it repeat itself without losing itself in basic cold.

              THIRD LAW:
              Cold is static, unchanging and unconditioned. It eternally lives. Cold light is the basic ONE THING of the universe. Heat waves are dynamic, forever changing and dually conditioned. They are eternally living and dying to simulate life.

              FOURTH LAW:
              Cold light is the omnipresent basis of universal intelligence and energy. Hot waves of light, which man calls matter, are a simulation of intelligence and energy. There is no intelligence or energy in matter.

              FIFTH LAW:
              Static cold and dynamic heat express their opposite energies at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Cold retains its static, motionless condition along wave axes where motion ceases at points of maximum heat, while heat extends along equators to again expand as cold. This balanced interchanging completes the wave cycle.

              SIXTH LAW:
              Cold compresses. Cold multiplies cold to create heat. Heat expands to divide heat into cold. Varied pressures of heat constitute the octave color spectrum cycles and the octave chemical cycles of matter. Their varied wave lengths are tha basis of our mathematics.

              SEVENTH LAW:
              Long low waves of low potential and high frequencies constitute the invisible spectrum and low density gases, while short high waves of high potential and low frequencies constitute the basis for high density solids.

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                Principle of Correspondence

                I found this : related to Fulcanelli

                Geometry, Gothic Architecture, Rose Windows, and Christmas Ornaments

                Geometry, Gothic Architecture, Rose Windows, and Christmas Ornaments

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2011, 12:36 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • FIFTH LAW:
                  Static cold and dynamic heat express their opposite energies at angles of ninety degrees from their axes of rotation. Cold retains its static, motionless condition along wave axes where motion ceases at points of maximum heat, while heat extends along equators to again expand as cold. This balanced interchanging completes the wave cycle.

                  replace "static cold" and "dynamic heat" with electric field and magnetic field:


                  Originally posted by Dave45
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Tuning out: How brains benefit from meditation

                    Experienced meditators seem to be able switch off areas of the brain associated with daydreaming as well as psychiatric disorders such as autism and schizophrenia, according to a new brain imaging study by Yale researchers.
                    Meditation's ability to help people stay focused on the moment has been associated with increased happiness levels, said Judson A. Brewer, assistant professor of psychiatry and lead author of the study published the week of Nov. 21 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Understanding how meditation works will aid investigation into a host of diseases, he said.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Here are two threads that might interest you from the forum i mentioned earlier:

                      Walter Russell, Otis Carr (Tesla) and Schappeller

                      date of nikola tesla and walter russell discussion

                      [...] A list of the great educators and scientists, men who were associated with my husband during the more than forty years of his active work for the betterment of human relations in industry, would fill many pages. However, the list includes such men as [...], Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, [...] and many others. Letters, autographs and other historical documents from many of these celebrities are part of the museum of my husband's work here at Swannanoa
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • from one of the above links:

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • I also found this: Russell and Transmutation

                          "6. A METHOD FOR TRANSMUTATION OF ELEMENTS

                          Changing atomic elements or making elements appear mysteriously? It sounds like impossible alchemy, but experimenters recently did this, without Big Science particle accelerators. These scientists learned from a metaphysician, Walter Russell (1871-1963). During vivid spiritual experiences, Russell had seen everything in the universe, from the atom to outer space, being formed by an invisible background geometry. Russell not only portrayed his visions in paintings, he also learned science. He was so far ahead that in 1926 he predicted tritium, deuterium, neptunium, plutonium and other elements.

                          Recently, professional engineers Ron Kovac and Toby Grotz of Colorado, with help from Dr. Tim Binder, repeated Russell's 1927 work, which was verified at the time by Westinghouse Laboratories. Russell found a novel way to change the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water vapor inside a sealed quartz tube, or to change the vapor to completely different elements. Their conclusion agrees with Russell: the geometry of motion in space is important in atomic transmutation. Kovac shorthands that idea to geometry of space-bending.

                          remember Elestial Quartz ( )

                          Elestial Quartz (also known as Skeletal Quartz) is the name given to various types of quartz all of which have formed with terminations or points covering every surface in a layered or etched pattern. This is the result of unstable conditions during the crystallization process. Within the crystal, plainly visible cavities in geometric patterns can sometimes contain clay minerals of varied colors. The cavities can even include carbon dioxide and water displaying both the liquid and gas phase of formation. This is visible even to an unaided eye with the appearance of a moving water bubble. This is known as an “enhydro”. The cavities within the quartz often have a layered or ribbed aspect seemingly hollow giving rise to the term “skeletal quartz”. Madagascar and Brazil is where most elestials can be found.

                          The youngest form of quartz on earth, it is unlike any other form of quartz. Flowing terminations (usually not sharp) have formed over the faces and body of the crystal, and are usually tabular, rectangular or square, with rounded corners. Markings on the surface can have the appearance of cryptic hieroglyphics, a cosmic alphabet of sorts.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2011, 06:03 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Google: Walter Russell, Periodic Table of Elements and Transmutation |

                            Walter Baumgartner of VortexScience :


                            Transmutation can be accomplished easily with pulsing electrostatic and rotating magnetic fields. The idea that heat has to be applied as proposed in alchemy or as in other catalytic processes is now a Stone Age concept which should be abandoned as quickly as possible. To change one element from the table of elements into another element, is done without the usual approach that heat has to be applied. Think in dimensions and bear in mind that there is an Ether or counter world from which everything is controlled, make a change in the counter world (the mirror imagine) and you have an instant change in the physical world. Start thinking big, leave the old behind. This knowledge is most vital for our survival on this planet. How about changing radioactive materials into a usable gas, a liquid or a solid for a starter. How about changing atmospheric nitrogen into Hydrogen meaning that all propelling vehicles would need no more fossil fuel, would operate fuel–less and would never pollute again. Think of changing Silicon, an element of such abundance in our world into what? We let the readers think of the many possibilities of Transmutation by themselves and further more, we supply you with the know how of experimental Transmutation. Believe it or not, it’s done with magnetic fields..

                            Francis E. WILKINSON -- High Frequency Transformations

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2011, 06:24 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • the following is taken from:

                              Walter Russell - Genero-Radiative Concept:

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Fulcanelli mentioned the Caduceus 30 times in his book (see previous post )

                                i found this: The Caduceus coil on Tesla primary

                                The Caduceus coil on Tesla primary - YouTube

                                Tube diameter 6 cm, with 30 cm , 5 strands of 2mm diameter wire, 50+50cm wound opposite intersecting on 180 degrees.

                                just an observation: Principle of correspondence we have often talked about JJ Thomson

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-27-2011, 07:08 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

