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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
    Here is an interpretation that might help you grasp the concept (for those who have not yet )

    I will Add this which might make it a bit harder but it is necessary that you let this seed grow in you:

    You live in a Fractal Universe and as such a fractal can take that shape any shape you desire it to be (change of perspective and resonance)...for instance....the various names given to the white light / Source field etc...
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • from:

      So if you are measuring magnetism, that is what will be analyzed. This is because that was
      the original intent when designing the instrument. Other instruments will have there own
      abilities to measure what they are capable of detecting. All these instruments are picking up
      only one or two aspects of the original source power. What they are not designed to do is
      pick up all of the source aspects. Also, there is no recognition that there is connection
      between all these different aspects. The reason being is that the connection is outside this
      reality and obviously outside the instrument's existence.
      There is one instrument that is capable of detecting all of the different "flavors" of energy at
      once. It also can detect aspects that are not always recognizable on the surface. This
      instrument is call the biological body.
      Our body being biological by nature operates under
      electrical paths, gravity, magnetics, visual sight, hearing (harmonics), etc. This is the reason
      why people are picking up things that science cannot detect. This physical body is also
      capable of transmitting energy and its sensitivity to energy will always surpass any
      instrument. If science has to prove this to make it real, then I would recommend that the
      scientists continue their research into bio-computers that use DNA or genes as memory
      storage "chips". It comes as no surprise to me that people are reporting that UFO's and the
      Zeta Reticuli use bio-navigational tools.
      Among ancient and modern indigenous peoples the world over are very similar traditions of
      earth energy patterns and how they were once utilized. In England, alignments among
      standing stones and stone circles are called leys, along which flowed the life force that
      fertilized the landscape. In Ireland they are remembered as fairy paths and in Germany as
      holy lines. The Greeks knew them as the Sacred Roads of Hermes, while the ancient
      Egyptians regarded them as the Pathways of Min. The Chinese today still measure the Lung
      Mei or dragon currents which affect the balance of the land, as practiced through the ancient
      art of Feng-shui. Much in the same fashion as the application of acupuncture needles in
      Chinese medicine helps the flow of Chi or life force in the human body, so the placement of
      pagodas, stones, trees, temples and houses in the environment was regarded as a way to
      heal the Earth.

      Dave Yes all dimensions count even the ones we tend to ignore:

      An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
      . a harmonic cascade effect

      Take as an example "something" you are very familiar with....your body and all the helical cells in you and the proportions of your body...everything has its place in harmony to other parts of you body like a forest

      Seeing the forest through the trees

      Imagine you are walking through a forest. All around you are trees of different species, age, size and height. It looks pretty random, right? Wrong.

      In research funded by the National Science Foundation, Brian Enquist of the department of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona and his team have discovered a secret in the trees: Hidden among and within the architecture of the branches are fundamental rules that link the size, shape, age and in fact everything about a single tree to all the trees in a forest.
      This rule or code reoccurs as the tree grows, creating a fractal – a repeating pattern – like a spiral of daughter branches emanating from the mother branch or tree trunk.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-20-2012, 04:40 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Miraculous Mud Pond with Alien Healing Powers

        People are flocking to wallow in the mud of 3 small remote ponds that locals in Peru believe to possess miraculous healing powers brought by alien space ships. Residents of Chilca — a dusty, desert town on the Pacific coast 40 miles (20 kilometers) southeast of Lima — claim that aliens altered the mud flats in town, infusing them with inexplicable healing powers.
        The 3 Healing Lagoons
        The “Lagoon of Miracles” which lies near the entrance of the town along with the mud ponds that surround it is said to heal skin aliments, acne, rheumatism, and arthritis with its distinct greenish colored mud containing minerals of chloride of sodium, sulfate, and carbonate of calcium.

        The “Lagoon of Enchantment” is a crevasse in the interior of the lagoon linked directly with the sea by an underwater canal, sought after to heal ailments of the eyes, nerves, joints, and low blood pressure.

        The “Lagoon of Mellicera” is believed to increase fertility and may be attributed for the unusually high birth rate of twins in the village. Locals use the lagoon to cure skin and bones aliments, and relief from diabetes.
        UFO Sightings
        Local doctors and scientists accredit these enigmatic and inexplicable healing properties to the UFO’s which have allegedly been sighted and well documented in the area that seemingly radiate the waters.

        Mayor Ruma Nueda says, “Lots of people claim to have seen UFO’s and strange lights in the night sky over Chilca. People here believe in UFO’s.”

        “Locals say that space ships come to harvest an unknown material from the [ocean] area off Chilca’s beach. The UFO’s supposedly leave behind substances that leach into the ponds and give them curative powers.”

        “Townspeople cite an abundance of twins in Chilca — more than 100 pairs in this town of 10,000, as proof of the power of the ‘Twin Maker’ pond.” Nueda says.

        A plethora of information can be found on the net claiming Peruvian sightings and film footage, with sites even dedicated to UFO’s in Peru.

        also Lourdes famous also as a Miracle Place:

        William B Stoecker - Marian apparitions and UFOs - Unexplained Mysteries

        In 1858 in the French town of Lourdes, on the meridian line and in the foothills of the Pyrenees, a girl named Bernadette Soubiros claimed to have encountered a "Lady" who referred to herself as the "Immaculate Concepcion" some eighteen times from 2/11/1858 through 7/16/1858. No one else saw or heard her. The sightings reportedly took place in a shallow grotto on a rock outcrop called Massabiele. A spring then issued from the site, and the other villagers, although they did not see the Lady, did report the sudden appearance of the spring. Lourdes, confirmed by the Vatican, became a popular (and profitable) shrine where thousands of people reported miraculous healings. The Lourdes Bureau claims to certified sixty of these as unexplained. Note that springs and wells are important in ancient Celtic, or Druid, mythology.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • next up:

          The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot (411 m)-long,[2] three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. Maintained within a park by the Ohio Historical Society, it has been designated a National Historic Landmark by the United States Department of Interior. The Serpent Mound of Ohio was first reported from surveys by Ephraim Squire and Edwin Davis in their historic volume Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, published in 1848 by the newly founded Smithsonian Museum.

          Researchers have attributed construction of the mound to three different prehistoric indigenous cultures. Although it was once thought to be Adena in origin, now based on the use of more advanced technology, including carbon dating and evidence from 1996 studies, many scholars now believe that members of the Fort Ancient culture built it about 1070 CE (plus or minus 70 years). There are still anomalies to be studied.[3] Serpent Mound is the largest serpent effigy in the world.

          Compare it to the Zawya located in the mouth of the Serpent of the FOUM HANCH Valley

          see also this post on Foum Hanch

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Thank you Romo for this enlightening think i would like to add...imo....if the Universe is All Mind...what is the fastest way to re connect with the All Mind...Your Imagination because you are emulating the Process of Creation of the All....You will be putting yourself in a State of Harmony with the Universe

            some quotes from Tesla:

            “Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable. These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them.”


            Quite different conditions exist in my system in which the electromagnetic waves or radiations are designedly minimized. the connection of one of, the terminals of the transmitting circuit to the ground having, itself, the effect of reducing the energy of these radiations to about one-half, Under observance of 'proper rules and artifices the distance is of little or no consequence, and by skillful application of the principle of "individualization," repeatedly referred to the messages may be rendered both non-interfering and non-interferable. This invention, which I have described in technical publications, attempts to imitate, in a very crude way, the nervous system in the human body.' Nicolas Tesla
            Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor.”

            Originally posted by petar113507 View Post

            I think that russell shows us -- if we connect the dots between his drawings, how he visualized the "inertial planes"...

            The commonality of the positives being on the left side, and the negatives on the right in two is enough to indicate the common angle -- viewed instead in a shift in perspective.

            Russell's inertial plane was the stable position in which the opposite (+/-) forces could cancel out.

            I think that if we can move the inertial plane (plus heating/cooling) it can "lock" and cool in that (modified) potential position.

            Has anyone seen EFTV 18 "Transmutation", or given serious thought to John Milewski's "Growing gold from glass"?

            I know I can't be the only one out there thinking that they're very similar processes accomplishing "transmutation" using similar processes...

            Hope to spark discussion about the inertial planes...
            (sorry it took this long to join it )

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-21-2012, 01:39 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • 8 Forward and Reverse Dr Boyd (and 8*8 magic square )

              see this post on Dr Boyd and Ben Rich (bottom of the post )

              and this comment:

              UFOTV: Secret UFO Propulsion Systems - Boyd Bushman - Senior Research Scientist - Lockheed Martin - YouTube

              "We now know how to travel to the stars. The Air Force has just given us a contract to take ET back home." - Ben Rich, former Head of Lockheed Skunkworks.

              As a Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman worked for Lockheed Martin, Texas Instruments and Hughes Aircraft. He is regarded as one of the inventors of the Stinger missile and he speaks on Camera about Area 51 and advanced propulsion systems being tested there.

              As a Senior Research Scientist at Lockheed Martin - Boyd Bushman reveals that Defense Contractor - Lockheed Martin has researched antigravity technology, specifically gravity manipulation by means of magnetic fields, and he shows that he experimented at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth, Texas facilities, proving that magnetic fields affect the gravitational field and because of that, bodies don't fall with the same acceleration, a result different from the classical experiments made by Galileo with no magnetic fields present.

              Topics Included in this presentation:
              Area 51 and Black Budget Research Programs
              Advanced Antigravity Propulsion Systems
              Experiments in Gravity and Magnetism
              We now know how to travel to the stars.
              Nuclear Powered Aircraft
              Nuclear Powered Flying Saucers
              The Binomial Expansion
              There are 8 major forces in nature, 3 of which have not been cataloged.
              Will we survive Global Warming?
              Traveling faster than the Velocity of Light.
              The Neutrino Universe
              Dark Matter and Dark Energy

              ps: This is also called Pattern Linking / Matching

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-21-2012, 01:44 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • I may not contribute as much today as i am a bit sick (food poisoning )...
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Chinese Horoscope 2012 and Chinese Astrology 2012 - Year of Black Dragon

                  2012 is Year of the Dragon and it will arrive on February 4, 2012. (Note: Chinese New Year Day is on January 23, 2012. The first day of 2012 Chinese Astrology Year is on February 4, 2012.) Many people must be eager to know if they will have better luck in the coming year than previous years. Here, we want to use Chinese Astrology Five Elements (Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) theory to explain people's fortune in 2012 and foresee what will be happening to them in the year of the Dragon.

                  According to Chinese Five Element Astrology Calendar, 2012 is the Year of Water Dragon . The color of Water in Five Elements system is related to Black. Therefore we can say 2012 is a Black Dragon, Water Dragon or Black Water Dragon year.

                  Chinese Astrology is a Balance Theory of Five Elements. Each animal can be converted into Five Elements. (same as alchemy ) Dragon contains Earth, Water and Wood. It's a source of Water and It is also called the Water Dam in Chinese astrology. Since Water of 2012 comes with Dragon. it implied Water from the sky makes a dam overflow. Therefore 2012 is a strong Water year.

                  Dragon is a legendary animal and it is symbol of emperor in China. Since the Dragon is coated with mysterious color, Chinese consider that the dragon is unpredictable, untouchable and people cannot see its head and tail at the same time. Therefore, we can might see something unexpected happening in 2012. Also a person with too many dragons in the Chinese astrology birth chart will become smarter, sly and unpredictable in the coming year.

                  from: Chinese dragon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Number nine

                  A close up view of one full dragon (and the tail end and claw of another) from the Nine Dragons handscroll painted in AD 1244 by Chen Rong, an artist of the Song Dynasty

                  The number nine is special in China as it is the largest possible single digit, and Chinese dragons are frequently connected with it. For example, a Chinese dragon is normally described in terms of nine attributes and usually has 117 (9x13) scales - 81 (9x9) Yang and 36 (9x4) Yin. This is also why there are nine forms of the dragon and the dragon has nine offspring (see Classical depictions above). The "Nine Dragon Wall" is a screen wall with images of nine different dragons, and is found in imperial Chinese palaces and gardens. As nine was considered the number of the emperor, only the most senior officials were allowed to wear nine dragons on their robes - and then only with the robe completely covered with surcoats. Lower-ranking officials had eight or five dragons on their robes, again covered with surcoats; even the emperor himself wore his dragon robe with one of its nine dragons hidden from view.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 12:14 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • found this interesting:

                    Crop Circles Decoded: Messages In Binary Code

                    Has Ea Enki, the Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian "God of Wisdom", visited Earth in a recent crop circle message found in Italy (poirino?
                    Crop Circles DECODED - Messages in binary code - YouTube

                    from: Surroundings, Turin | PlanetWare

                    Alba, Italy
                    (Near Turin)
                    Alba (34km/21 mi; alt. 172m/568ft; pop. 31,000), has a Gothic cathedral (beautiful choir-stalls of 1512), fine churches and medieval towers. The road through the Monferrato then continues through the vine-growing Langhe region, where the much sought-after white truffles are harvested in autumn, and down the valley of the Bormida, on the edge of the Ligurian Apennines, to Savona, on the Riviera dei Fiori. Turin via Acqui Terme to Genoa (about 185km/115 mi) Another interesting drive leads from Turin via Acqui Terme to Genoa. Leave on S.S. 29 (the Alessandria road), which runs through Poirino (249m/822ft).

                    guess it confirms the Gothic Style being made by Alchemist....


                    Thoth Identity Links Anunnaki to Orion and Rigel

                    Remember what they said about the electron (’there is only ONE, it just GETS AROUND’), might be true of Thoth..


                    = Pure Rigelean Orionian?

                    = the Illumined Enochian Master

                    = Quezlcoatel

                    = Hermes

                    = Enki’s Son

                    = Raismes of Aphra

                    = The Atlantean

                    = Tut!? (=Jesus?!)...

                    Built the Pyramid,
                    Started the Calendar...

                    You have

                    A Dragon
                    An Emerald (..Tablet )
                    A Cross (like Hendaye)
                    A Trident (Poseidon / Atlantis / Aquarius )
                    Arrow pointing Straight Up
                    (see also Jay Weidner interview previously posted )

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 02:02 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • from:āga

                      Nāga (Sanskrit: नाग, IAST: nāgá, Burmese: နဂါး, IPA: [nəɡá]; Javanese: någå, Khmer: នាគ neak, Thai: นาค nak, Chinese: 那伽, Tibetan: ཀླུ་) is the Sanskrit and Pāli word for a deity or class of entity or being, taking the form of a very great snake—specifically the King Cobra, found in Hinduism and Buddhism. The use of the term nāga is often ambiguous, as the word may also refer, in similar contexts, to one of several human tribes known as or nicknamed "Nāgas"; to elephants; and to ordinary snakes, particularly the King Cobra and the Indian Cobra, the latter of which is still called nāg in Hindi and other languages of India. A female nāga is a nāgī or nāginī.
                      Traditions about nāgas are also very common in all the Buddhist countries of Asia. In many countries, the nāga concept has been merged with local traditions of great and wise serpents or dragons. In Tibet, the nāga was equated with the klu, wits that dwell in lakes or underground streams and guard treasure. In China, the nāga was equated with the lóng or Chinese dragon.
                      Stories involving the nāgas are still very much a part of contemporary cultural traditions in predominantly Hindu regions of Asia (India, Nepal, and the island of Bali). In India, nāgas are considered nature spirits and the protectors of springs, wells and rivers. They bring rain, and thus fertility, but are also thought to bring disasters such as floods and drought.

                      Nagas are snakes that may take human form. They tend to be very curious. According to traditions nāgas are only malevolent to humans when they have been mistreated. They are susceptible to mankind's disrespectful actions in relation to the environment. They are also associated with waters—rivers, lakes, seas, and wells—and are generally regarded as guardians of treasure. According to Beer (1999),[page needed] Naga and cintamani are often depicted together and associated directly in the literature.

                      They are objects of great reverence in some parts of southern India where it is believed that they bring fertility and prosperity to their venerators. Expensive and grand rituals like Nagamandala[4] are conducted in their honor (see Nagaradhane). In India, certain communities called Nagavanshi consider themselves descendants of Nagas.

                      Varuna, the Vedic god of storms, is viewed as the King of the nāgas. Nāgas live in Pātāla, the seventh of the "nether" dimensions or realms.[5] They are children of Kashyapa and Kadru. Among the prominent nāgas of Hinduism are Manasa, Sesha, and Vasuki.

                      The nāgas also carry the elixir of life and immortality.

                      Principle of Correspondence

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Here is a little fact finding for you:


                      The myth is due to a contract between a snake and a noble man whose name is Ben Naser, indicating High Esteem

                      Known for their ancient knowledge:

                      THE JEWS OF THE CASBAH

                      Thirty lived in the casbah, the majority of them are landowners there were also among them blacksmiths, merchants
                      and if you read the description of the notice quite a bit of Harmonic Math (imo ) abouthow and where it was built

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                      Have you ever guys been curious about finding out what is found along the 30th Parallel like the giza pyramid (3 6 9 ; harmonic math )

                      30th parallel north - Google Maps

                      Edgar Cayce on Atlantis | Paranormal News Central

                      The Name of the Area shown below is: The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch" which is right next to the 30th parallel on Google Map

                      Hope you read earlier about the brotherhood of the snake ....

                      Geodesy Homepage
                      This Place "The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch"" seems to be of High Spirituality Similar to Tibetan Monastery which allegedly is Connected to the Legendary city of Shambhala

                      from: The Number 33: facts - Pg 1

                      SOME INTERESTING GEOGRAPHY:

                      The area where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers come closest together -- allegedly the place of the earliest human "civilization" -- lies virtually at the 33°30'N latitude, in what is now modern Iraq. The ancient pre-India city, Harappa, once lay along this latitude, as well as did Babylon.

                      "The longest continually inhabited city in the world" is Damascus, Syria, at 33°30'N latitude.

                      The 33°30'N parallel runs through the disputed Kashmir region along with the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad; also, the Northern Himalayas, and Lungdo, Tibet.

                      The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot (411 m)-long,[2] three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. Maintained within a park by the Ohio Historical Society, it has been designated a National Historic Landmark by the United States Department of Interior. The Serpent Mound of Ohio was first reported from surveys by Ephraim Squire and Edwin Davis in their historic volume Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley, published in 1848 by the newly founded Smithsonian Museum.

                      Researchers have attributed construction of the mound to three different prehistoric indigenous cultures. Although it was once thought to be Adena in origin, now based on the use of more advanced technology, including carbon dating and evidence from 1996 studies, many scholars now believe that members of the Fort Ancient culture built it about 1070 CE (plus or minus 70 years). There are still anomalies to be studied.[3] Serpent Mound is the largest serpent effigy in the world.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 01:48 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Btw: I discovered a new method of searching any thread in this forum using google as the search engine:

                        just copy the title of the Thread ex: The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism then add the word you are looking will show you better results with the word highlighted

                        and found this amazing doc

                        BBC | The Code -- S01E01 - Numbers

                        BBC | The Code -- S01E01 - Numbers - YouTube

                        Marcus du Sautoy uncovers the patterns that explain the shape of the world around us. Starting at the hexagonal columns of Northern Ireland's Giant's Causeway, he discovers the code underpinning the extraordinary order found in nature - from rock formations to honeycomb and from salt crystals to soap bubbles. Marcus also reveals the mysterious code that governs the apparent randomness of mountains, clouds and trees and explores how this not only could be the key to Jackson Pollock's success, but has also helped breathe life into hugely successful movie animations.
                        and it starts in a Cathedral
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 02:29 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • You have got to watch at least the first 10 min...and listen carefully he will refer to St Augustin , the Algerian Priest (ie Berber )

                          ps: The Seven Principles give you the "holy Trinity"....7 + 3 = 10 = 1

                          from: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                          INTRODUCTION by The Three Initiates

                          We take great pleasure in presenting to the attention of students and investigators of the Secret Doctrines this little work based upon the world-old Hermetic Teachings. There has been so little written upon this subject, notwithstanding the countless references to the Teachings in the many works upon occultism, that the many earnest searchers after the Arcane Truths will doubtless welcome the appearance of the present volume. The purpose of this work is not the enunciation of any special philosophy or doctrine, but rather is to give to the students a statement of the Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of occult knowledge that they may have acquired, but which are apparently opposed to each other and which often serve to discourage and disgust the beginner in the study. Our intent is not to erect a new Temple of Knowledge, but rather to place in the hands of the student a Master-Key with which he may open the many inner doors in the Temple of Mystery through the main portals he has already entered.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 02:46 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • need some help decoding some keys from Solomon.

                            can you post some of them, i have a couple in this movie.

                            the ones that relate to my study.

                            Keys show astronomy. lunar precession, and comets el..

                            January 21, 2012 - YouTube

                            I have 2 0r three pictures within this movie, keys of Solomon.

                            Please add the pictures from the net if you can find them, and help me decode the time frames. The meanings of the names.

                            January 21, 2012 - YouTube
                            If the bird that we see quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, and so on all the way down the line, then it‘s a duck.

                            If it crows like a rooster and can‘t swim, then it‘s not a duck. It
                            doesn‘t make any difference how many people insist on calling it a duck, —it still isn‘t a duck.

                            The physicists‘ atom is an imaginary atom constructed of
                            imaginary particles.

                            Irwin Schroedinger tells us, “If the question is asked, do the electrons actually exist on these orbits
                            within the atom, the answer has to be a decisive no. “The atom of modern physics can only be symbolized by
                            a partial differential equation in an abstract multi- dimensional space.”


                            • The different geometric patterns of fractals are interesting.
                              What I find most fascinating is change from light and feathery with many
                              branches to strong and thick with just a few limbs. I believe this to be an indicator of some sort.

                              If we assumed that the ancient patterns that are inscribed along with other objects have a relationship
                              we should be able to reproduce the change in pattern and find the relationship to the of the picture inscribed.
                              Sometimes people resort to drawing in order to convey valuable information for future use like a map or formula.
                              Last edited by mikrovolt; 01-22-2012, 08:45 PM.


                              • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                                The different geometric patterns of fractals are interesting.
                                What I find most fascinating is change from light and feathery with many
                                branches to strong and thick with just a few limbs. I believe this to be an indicator of some sort.

                                you guys should read this post and the text attached made by Llynch here...he presents a perspective that is quite beautiful


                                Here is a short snippet from it, below is a link to a .docx and .txt version.

                                "The Big Center

                                At the center of our Milkyway Galaxy is a polarity difference that changes from one polarity to the other in a continuous succession. This continuous changing of polarities creates what could be called 'pressure waves', 'pulse waves', 'pulsations', oscillations or many other terms that describe a change of polarity.

                                These 'pressure waves' move outward. In moving outward there is attenuation. Attenuation being a reduction/lessening/slowing/shrinking. Visually it could be perceived as a tapering. With each pressure wave the tip of the taper extends. It is possible that at the end of the taper, any remaining energy would directed back towards the source as a pressure wave.

                                In traveling back toward the source, this pressure will most likely encounter on-coming pressure waves moving toward the tapered tip. The point where these meet could generate standing waves. Over time the presure or density at these point would increase. This would be a point where a branch could be created.
                                In this new branch the same process would continue over many branches."

                                a simplified version of it

                                There are no references used in the following. This is due to the view that awareness can only be increased by the self driven desire to gain knowledge. But more importantly, what is discussed below should only be used as a skeleton in which the bones are replaced and knowledge added. A base in which the fragments could be brought together or where and entire area of study could be laid over the top. Such as the frequency ranges, where they occur and the underlying components that govern their occurance/location. An addtional overlay for the frequency information is possible in regards to what exists within the ranges. Or even defined regions within a frequency range that show where and how the Chakra system or Electric heal systems function. The point being, that by removing the fragmentation of knowledge it could be understood as a whole as well as being very easily understood by anyone who has the desire.
                                Thank you ...that is exactly the essence of it all
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-22-2012, 09:06 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

