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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Ancient Landscape Discovered Under Atlantic Ocean: Lost World Of Mountains & Rivers

    Before It's News

    Ancient, Lost Landscape

    Buried deep beneath the sediment of the North Atlantic Ocean lies an ancient, lost landscape with furrows cut by rivers and peaks that once belonged to mountains. Geologists recently discovered this roughly 56-million-year-old landscape using data gathered for oil companies. “It looks for all the world like a map of a bit of a country onshore,” said Nicky White, the senior researcher. “It is like an ancient fossil landscape preserved 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) beneath the seabed.”
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Before It's News

      How Recent Solar Flares Are Affecting Humans

      A recent study published in the New Scientist, indicates a direct connection between the Sun’s solar storms and human biological effect.

      The conduit which facilitates the charged particles from the Sun to human disturbance is the very same conduit which steers Earth’s weather through the Magnetic Field on Earth, and also through the magnetic fields around humans.

      The recent geomagnetic storms are causing earth changing events in the way of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, and wind storms.

      Human microbiome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      The human microbiome (or human microbiota) is the aggregate of microorganisms that reside on the surface and in deep layers of skin, in the saliva and oral mucosa, in the conjunctiva, and in the gastrointestinal tracts. They include bacteria, fungi, and archaea. Some of these organisms perform tasks that are useful for the human host. However, the majority have no known beneficial or harmful effect. Those that are expected to be present, and that under normal circumstances do not cause disease, but instead participate in maintaining health, are deemed members of the normal flora. Though widely known as "microflora", this is, in technical terms, a misnomer, since the word root "flora" pertains to plants, and biota refers to the total collection of organisms in a particular ecosystem. Recently, the more appropriate term "microbiota" is applied, though its use has not eclipsed the entrenched use and recognition of "flora" with regard to bacteria and other microorganisms. Both terms are being used in different literature. Studies in 2009 questioned whether the decline in biota (including microfauna) as a result of human intervention might impede human health
      Populations of microbes (such as bacteria and yeasts) inhabit the skin and mucosa. Their role forms part of normal, healthy human physiology, however if microbe numbers grow beyond their typical ranges (often due to a compromised immune system) or if microbes populate atypical areas of the body (such as through poor hygiene or injury), disease can result.

      It is estimated that 500 to 1000 species of bacteria live in the human gut[2] and a roughly similar number on the skin.[3][4] Bacterial cells are much smaller than human cells, and there are at least ten times as many bacteria as human cells in the body (approximately 10^14 versus 10^13)

      see also:



      Russian scientist named Alexander Chizhevsky, who noticed that when the sun had solar flares, bacteria in water would have an instant reaction, not light years later, but at the exact moment

      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      one more for you:

      It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[


      Water, Alpha Quartz and Dna are coaxial helices and also Chiral
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-30-2012, 08:52 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • AFP: Scores injured in Peruvian earthquake

        LIMA — A powerful earthquake injured scores of people, buckled buildings and caused power outages in central Peru early Monday, with no immediate reports of fatalities, officials said

        The US Geological Survey said the earthquake was magnitude was 6.3

        The depth of the epicenter was 39 kilometers (24 miles).
        on January 30th
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-30-2012, 07:51 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
          I hope not to hijack but I think this is important -

          --from Mike Philbin and others/ fragments from..The Coming

          Thank you

          the link you provided is quite interesting here is an excerpt from it:

          It all started with a statement made by a man working for BOEING. He does notwork for NASA, but rather is a NASA contractor from BOEING. Do to this contractwork there was many video conferences and other meetings he was included in. His firststatement:
          I work for a NASA contractor and handle the video conferencing sessionsbetween JSC and other facilities. Everybody always wants to see a link.Well, everything talked about in these vc's is top secret - so there'sobviously not a link. I love my family and need my job so I'm not gonna tellyou much that would endanger those either. I work for Boeing. All I can tellyou is there is a LOT of interesting **** happening. The moon is NOTcrashing - but it doesn't need to. There is a reason so many are sendingbirds up to watch the Sun - and it's not cause we just would like to knowmore about the Sun.
          He claims that the event that is coming is a natural occurrence and it concernssomething affecting the sun, NOT slamming into the Earth. It is already affecting thesun as evidenced by the solar filaments. He states:
          The Sun is already reacting to 'forces' we can't see

          --------------please read the following

          it was posted a while back

          Lecture 6: Renaissance Magic

          the answer lies here

          Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • a Little exploration of Ancient Mythology

            MOTHER GODDESS

            Great Mother of the Gods, in ancient Middle Eastern religion (and later in Greece, Rome, and W Asia), mother goddess, the great symbol of the earth's fertility. As the creative force in nature she was worshiped under many names, including Astarte (Syria), Ceres (Rome), Cybele (Phrygia), Demeter (Greece), Ishtar (Babylon), and Isis (Egypt). The later forms of her cult involved the worship of a male deity (her son or lover, e.g., Adonis, Osiris), whose death and resurrection symbolized the regenerative power of the earth.

            Gaea, in Greek mythology, the earth; daughter of Chaos, mother and wife of both Uranus (the sky) and Pontus (the sea). She was mother, by Uranus, of the Cyclopes, the Titans, and others, and, by Pontus, of five sea deities. She helped cause the overthrow of Uranus by the Titans and was worshiped as the primal goddess, the mother of all things. (associated with Water element )

            Hermes, in Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Maia; messenger of the gods and conductor of souls to Hades. He was also the god of travelers, of luck, music, eloquence, commerce, young men, cheats, and thieves. He was said to have invented the lyre and flute. The riotous Hermaea festival was celebrated in his honor. Hermes was represented with winged hat and sandals, carrying the Caduceus. He is equated with the Roman Mercury.

            In Greek mythology, Maia[1] ( /ˈmeɪ.ə/ or /ˈmaɪ.ə/; Greek: Μαῖα; Latin: Maia) is one of the Pleiades and the mother of Hermes. The goddess known as Maia among the Romans may have originated independently, but attracted the myths of Greek Maia because the two figures shared the same name.
            Maia is mainly remembered today as the goddess of spring and rebirth, like the month of May that bears her name. "Maia" means "the maker," and every spring she makes the lush green grass and the fragrant flowers grow again. She is also praised as "the grandmother of magic" because her son [by Zeus], the god Hermes, was the first to discover that mysterious art.
            How to say "water" in arabic? thanks.? - Yahoo! Answers

            also in Arabic Maia means water

            and Zeus is Associated with Electricity (ie: Lightning )

            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • purelyconstructive , The following is taken from one of the links you provided:

              another way of describing Heart Intelligence

              Alchemy - Seven Stages of Alchemical Transformation

              The alchemists believed that the univeral formula contained in the Emerald Tablet was the basis for a spiritual technology first introduced on the planet in ancient Egypt more than 10,000 years ago. This formula consists of seven consecutive operations performed on the "matter" - whether it be of a physical, psychological, or spiritual nature.

              To guide us through this process, we are going to make use of a tool actually used by the alchemists - a meditative mandala first published in 1759 as an illustration for the book "Azoth of the Philosophers" by the legendary German alchemist Basil Valentine.

              The word "Azoth" in the title is one of the more arcane names for the One thing described in the tablet. The "A" and "Z" in the word related to the Greek alpha and omega, the beginning and end of all things. the word is meant to embrace the full meaning of the One Thing, which is both the chaotic First Matter at the beginning of the Work and the perfected Stone at its conclusion.

              At the center of this remarkable drawing is the face of a bearded alchemist at the beginning of the Work. Like looking into a mirror, this is where the initiate fixes his or her attention to meditate on the mandala.

              Within the downward-pointing triangle superimposed over the face of the alchemist is the goal of the Work, the divine man in which the forces from Above and the Below have come together.

              The alchemist's schematized body is the offspring of the marriage between the archetypal Sun King, seated on a lion on a hill to his right, and the archetypal Moon Queen, seated on a great fish to his left. "Its father is the Sun", says the tablet, "its mother the Moon".

              The laughing, extroverted Sun King holds a scepter and a shield indicating his authority and strength over the rational, visible world, but the fiery dragon of his rejected unconscious waits in a cave beneath him ready to attack should he grow too arrogant.

              The melancholy, introverted Moon Queen holds the reins to a great fish, symbolizing her control of thos esame hidden froces that threaten the King, and behind her is a chaff of wheat, which stands for her connection to fertility and growth. The bow and arrow she cradles in her left arm sybmolize the wounds of the heart and body she accepts as part of her existence.

              In simplest terms, the King and Queen represent the raw materials of our experience - our thoughts and feelings - with which the alchemist works. The King symbolizes the power of thought, ultimately the One Mind of the highest spirit. The Queen stands for the influence of uncontrollable feelings and emotions, which are ultimately the chaotic One Thing of the greater soul.

              The much anticipated marriage of the King and Queen produces a state of consciousness best described as a feeling intellect, which can be raised and purified to produce a state of perfect intuition, a direct gnosis of reality. "All Obscurity will be clear to you", says the tablet of this state of mind.

              This goal of alchemy is to make this golden moment permanent in a state of consciousness called the Philosopher's Stone, and it all starts with the marriage of the opposites within.

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • also: The Name "Maya"

                Like Shakti ("Energy") and Prakriti ("nature"), Maya is less a Goddess than one of the great philosophic concepts of Indian Hinduism embodied in female form. In Hindu thought, the male energy is essentially passive, while the female is the force of action. Maya is one of those active powers: the constant movement of the universe, pervasive to the atomic level. There is no life -- no existence, even -- without Maya, but she is so powerful that we cannot see the essence of things and mistake her movement for reality. For this reason, Maya is often called "the veil of illusion," the dance of multiplicity that distracts us so that we cannot see all matter as essentially identical. Illusion, however, as the sages have stressed, is not the same as falsehood. Maya is not a negative force, but can be a mesh through which we perceive the ultimate reality of existence -- if we are not distracted by her magnificent creativeness and complexity.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • from the same doc:

                  Giant Ribbon Discovered at the Edge of the Solar System - NASA Science Two and a half months later, NASA made another discovery that SEEMS to be linkedwith this
                  magnetic ribbon. They called it “Local Fluff”. It is described to have come
                  into being like this:Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery - NASA Science
                  NASA - Voyager Makes an Interstellar Discovery

                  Astronomers call the cloud we're running into now the Local Interstellar Cloud or "Local Fluff" for short. It's about 30 light years wide and contains a wispy mixture of hydrogen and helium atoms at a temperature of 6000 C. The existential mystery of the Fluff has to do with its surroundings. About 10 million years ago, a cluster of supernovas exploded nearby, creating a giant bubble of million-degree gas. The Fluff is completely surrounded by this high-pressure supernova exhaust and should becrushed or dispersed by it.
                  The reason the Local Fluff doesn‟t disperse out into space is that it is highly
                  The fact that the Fluff is strongly magnetized means that other clouds in the galactic neighborhood could be, too. Eventually, the solar system will run into some of them,and their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it iscompressed now. Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach theinner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronautsto travel safely through space. On the other hand, astronauts wouldn't have to travel so far because interstellar space would be closer than ever.
                  This at a time when Solar Cycle 24 is headingtowards MAX!
                  a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:


                  Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                  I hope not to hijack but I think this is important -

                  --from Mike Philbin and others/ fragments from..The Coming

                  Thank you

                  the link you provided is quite interesting here is an excerpt from it:

                  It all started with a statement made by a man working for BOEING. He does notwork for NASA, but rather is a NASA contractor from BOEING. Do to this contractwork there was many video conferences and other meetings he was included in. His firststatement:
                  I work for a NASA contractor and handle the video conferencing sessionsbetween JSC and other facilities. Everybody always wants to see a link.Well, everything talked about in these vc's is top secret - so there'sobviously not a link. I love my family and need my job so I'm not gonna tellyou much that would endanger those either. I work for Boeing. All I can tellyou is there is a LOT of interesting **** happening. The moon is NOTcrashing - but it doesn't need to. There is a reason so many are sendingbirds up to watch the Sun - and it's not cause we just would like to knowmore about the Sun.
                  He claims that the event that is coming is a natural occurrence and it concernssomething affecting the sun, NOT slamming into the Earth. It is already affecting thesun as evidenced by the solar filaments. He states:
                  The Sun is already reacting to 'forces' we can't see

                  --------------please read the following

                  it was posted a while back

                  Lecture 6: Renaissance Magic

                  the answer lies here

                  Elaborating the Neoplatonist picture. Agrippa accepts the basic Neoplatonic framework sketched above. God has the Forms in his mind. God created "Angelical and Celestial secondary causes," beings Agrippa also calls the "Intelligences," and God "gives the seal of His Ideas to the Intelligences." The Intelligences then use the "heavens and stars as instruments" to send these copies of the Forms down to humans on the Earth. In exactly the way our souls/intellects control our bodies, the Intelligences -- the Celestial souls -- control the body (=the matter) of the universe. So just as my mind "sends commands" to my body in order for the mind to achieve its aims, so too do the Intelligences/ celestial souls use the stars to achieve their ends. Thus Agrippa agrees with Avicen[na], who says "whatever things are done here, must have been before in the motions and conceptions of the stars and orbes." Agrippa says that "quintessence" -- Aristotle's 5th element, aither -- is what conveys the Intelligences' power to material stuffs: the spirit is contained in "the rays of the stars."

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 01-31-2012, 11:36 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Follow up:


                    Magnetic Portals Connect Earth to the Sun - NASA Science

                    Oct. 30, 2008: During the time it takes you to read this article, something will happen high overhead that until recently many scientists didn't believe in. Amagnetic portal will open, linking Earth to the sun 93 million miles away. Tons of high-energy particles may flow through the opening before it closes again, around the time you reach the end of the page."It's called a flux transfer event or 'FTE,'" says space physicist David Sibeck of theGoddard Space Flight Center. "Ten years ago I was pretty sure they didn't exist, but now the evidence is incontrovertible." Indeed, today Sibeck is telling an international assembly of space physicists at the2008 Plasma Workshop in Huntsville, Alabama, that FTEs are not just common, but possibly twice as common as anyone had ever imagined. An artist's concept of Earth's magnetic field connecting to the sun's--a.k.a. a "flux transfer event"--with a spacecraft on hand to measure particles and fields

                    THE THEORY OF CELESTIAL INFLUENCE:Man, The Universe, and the Cosmic Mysteryby: RODNEY COLLIN
                    PHILOSOPHICALLY, MAN CAN SUPPOSE AN ABSOLUTE. SUCH AN Absolute would include all possible dimensions both of time and space. That is to say:It would include not only the whole universe which man can perceive or imagine,but all other such universes which may lie beyond the power of his perception.It would include not only the present moment of all such universes, but also their past and their future, whatever past and future may mean on their scale.It would include not only everything actualised in all the past, present and future of all universes, but also everything that potentially could be actualised in them.It would include not only all possibilities for all existing universes, but also all potential universes, even though they do not exist, nor ever have.Such a conception is philosophical for us. Logically, it must be like that, but our mind is unable to come to grips with the formula or make any sense of it.
                    Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., manages the Explorers Program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
                    Environmental Magnetic Fields Change Complementary DNA Synthesis

                    Environmental magnetic fields change complementary DNA synthesis in cell-free systems.
                    Hirakawa E, Ohmori M, Winters WD.
                    Department of Microbiology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio,USA.
                    A number of studies have shown that exposures to environmental magnetic fields (MFs) increase cellular transcription and enhance DNA synthesis.However, little is known about the basic mechanisms underlying specific biological responses to MFs

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-01-2012, 12:27 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • found the book mentioned previously: THE THEORY OF CELESTIAL INFLUENCE:Man, The Universe, and the Cosmic Mysteryby: RODNEY COLLIN[/B]


                      some really great quotes in it

                      The whole world of six dimensions is filled with His bounty: wheresoever
                      thou lookest, it is making Him known.
                      JALLALEDIN RUMI: THE MATHNAWI, BOOK III (VERSE 3108)

                      Look how the floor of heaven Is thick inlaid

                      with patines of bright gold:

                      There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st But in

                      his motion like an angel sings, Still quiring to the young*

                      eyes Cherubins;

                      Such harmony is in immortal souls.


                      All the progress obtained by our cerebral effort consists in the ascertaining
                      of material facts by ridiculously imperfect instruments, which make up in a
                      certain degree however for the inefficiency of our organs. Every twenty years
                      some unhappy enquirer, who generally dies in the attempt, discovers that the
                      atmosphere contains a gas hitherto unknown, that an imponderable,
                      inexplicable, unqualifiable force can be obtained by rubbing a piece of wax
                      on cloth; that among the innumerable unknown stars, there is one that has not
                      yet been noticed in the immediate vicinity of another which has ... Well, what
                      about it?
                      Our diseases are due to microbes? Very well. But where do those microbes
                      come from? And what about their diseases? And the suns, whence do they
                      We know nothing, we understand nothing, we can do nothing, we guess
                      nothing. We are shut up, imprisoned in ourselves ...
                      GUY DE MAUPASSANT: NOTEBOOK, APRIL 7, l888
                      but the introduction sums it very well:


                      and experience of their day into a single whole which would explain their
                      relation to the universe and their possibilities in it. In the ordinary way they
                      could never succeed. For the unity of things is not realisable by the ordinary
                      , in an ordinary state of consciousness. The ordinary mind, refracted by
                      the countless and contradictory promptings of different sides of human
                      nature, must reflect the world as manifold and confused as is man himself. A
                      unity, a pattern, an all-embracing meaning - if it exists - could only be
                      discerned or experienced by a different kind of mind,
                      in a different state of
                      . It would only be realisable by a mind which had itself become
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • A thought just occured to me regarding the "Elite " building Underground Bunkers to shield themselves from what is to come...first of all it is Useless...Secondly:

                        from: Emerald Tablets of Thoth - Tablet 1

                        But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,
                        mighty and potent, requiring an accounting
                        of those left behind me.

                        Then beware, O men of KHEM,
                        if ye have falsely betrayed my teaching,
                        for I shall cast ye down from your high estate
                        into the darkness of the caves from whence ye came

                        ----------found the following while watching this show: Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - 2012 Part 6 of 6 - YouTube

                        the following is to be found in the Denver Airport :

                        which resembles the following

                        search also Cross of Hendaye
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-01-2012, 02:35 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • from:

                          post 336:

                          Follow up

                          For evolution to take place, there is required at every step a shift away from less-organization towards more-organization. The mechanistic view asserts that this enhancement of organization, this negative entropy, could be progressively established from the mechanical consolidation of 'favourable' variations. Recent work in applying mathematical theory to biology suggests that there is a very big hole indeed in this particular bucket.

                          Even if an increase in order arises fortuitously, this accidental shift must survive if it is to be built upon by the next similar accident. But its survival is by no means assured. Indeed it appears to be vulnerable to collapse in proportion to its achievement.
                          Observe the World of today....the economies, the values, etc...


                          Even in the case of primitive life forms and certainly in higher life forms, the number of possible combinations present at every stage is erroneous -- so enormous as to require that entropy must always increase at the expense of chance arisings in the contrary direction.¹

                          Statistically, evolution could not happen. As it demonstrably did happen, it must have done so not merely against probability but actually against the possibilities present in a closed system. The conclusion seems unavoidable: the evolutionary process was not a closed system.

                          By extension, evolution and its present end-product, man, must have been contrived by forces outside the system (the biosphere) in which it occurred. Such an operation, involving the conscious manipulation of energy levels, may be taken as an operation in alchemy.

                          This was posted here:

                          ...turn down the volume


                          Scientists probe Earth's core, make mystifying discovery • The Register

                          Scientists carrying out extreme boffinry into the makeup of the Earth's liquid core have announced that they are very puzzled to find it is not made of what they had thought it was.
                          Thus it turns out that actually silicon may be even more important than we at the Reg have always thought. The new discoveries have important implications for our understanding of how the Earth formed, and thus in turn how other planets - perhaps ones orbiting other stars - might form.
                          Quartz: SiO2


                          USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults

                          Geophysical measurements collected in the western United States reveal correlations between high concentrations of quartz and high temperatures deep in the Earth’s crust. USU geophysicist Tony Lowry says quartz is key to rock cycles resulting in large-scale deformation of continents. Image courtesy Tony Lowry, Utah State University.
                          USU geophysicist links quartz deposits to mountains and faults | The Salt Lake Tribune


                          John W. Keely
                          ...When these harmonics form unisons or direct harmonic relations the two vibrating aggregates and their chords of vibration are said to be sympathetic to each other. This unison of frequency dictates that what happens to one vibratorily happens to the other simultaneously.
                          "All matter is crystalic in nature" -- W.Russell.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-01-2012, 02:44 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • From The Lab Bench: April 2011 Archives

                            Although the colorimetric properties of metallic nanoparticles are used in many other bio-sensing applications, the greater interest in their usage arises due to the fact that nanostructures of various sizes and shapes can strongly enhance the local electromagnetic field at distances very near their surfaces. These enhancements result from the phenomenon of Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), the optical effects of which were first accurately described mathematically as solutions to Maxwell's equations for spherical nano-objects by Gustav Mie (Mie 1908). The phenomenon is known as or Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) when the effect is localized to the surfaces of nano-scale particles. Plasmon resonance produces the brilliant colors observed when light passes through metallic colloidal solutions. For example, light passing through a typical 30nm spherical silver (Ag) colloid appears yellow-green due to the fact that silver particles of this size absorb light in the violet-blue region. Spherical gold (Au) nanoparticle colloids of similar sizes appear red, absorbing light maximally in the green region (Stockman Physics Today 2011). These optical properties were the reason behind gold-silver alloy colloids being use as coloring agents for stained glass windows such as those displayed in the Sainte Chapelle in Paris, decades before the physics behind their optical properties were first described.
                            Colloidal solutions of metallic nanoparticles, of gold and silver especially, display optical properties, or interactions with light in the visible to near-infrared (NIR) regions (Link 2000), which make these particles very attractive for imaging and sensing applications. By attractive, I am not referring to how 'pretty' the colorful colloids look arranged in delicate glass bottles for a nanochemistry display. Metallic nanoparticles have applications far and wide for optical imaging, photo-acoustic (light combined with ultrasound) imaging, nuclear medicine imaging, assays based on color changes, i.e. colorimetric assays, and many other medical and sensing techniques. One that may be familiar is the dip-stick assay, or lateral-flow immunoassay, commonly used for home pregnancy tests. In this case, gold nanoparticles dotted with antibodies (bio-markers) are used to create the characteristic red bands for yes/no readouts.

                            Bimetallic nanoantenna separates colors of light

                            Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have built a very simple nanoantenna that directs red and blue colours in opposite directions, even though the antenna is smaller than the wavelength of light. The findings – published in the online journal Nature Communications this week – can lead to optical nanosensors being able to detect very low concentrations of gases or biomolecules.

                            A structure that is smaller than the wavelength of visible light (390-770 nanometers) should not really be able to scatter light. But that is exactly what the new nanoantenna does. The trick employed by the Chalmers researchers is to build an antenna with an asymmetric material composition, creating optical phase shifts.

                            The antenna consists of two nanoparticles about 20 nanometers apart on a glass surface, one of silver and one of gold. Experiments show that the antenna scatters visible light so that red and blue colours are directed in opposite directions.
                            "The explanation for this exotic phenomenon is optical phase shifts," says Timur Shegai, one of the researchers behind the discovery. "The reason is that nanoparticles of gold and silver have different optical properties, in particular different plasmon resonances. Plasmon resonance means that the free electrons of the nanoparticles oscillate strongly in pace with the frequency of the light, which in turn affects the light propagation even though the antenna is so small."
                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Background on stained glass
                              History of stained glass

                              Time line
                              3000 BC – Discovery of glass in Egypt and Sumeria
                              30 BC-640 AD – Lycurgus cup (Roman Empire)
                              500 AD-1450 AD – Stained glass windows (Middle Ages or Medieval Period)
                              1885 AD. – Tiffany & Co. stained glass (Industrial Age)
                              1974 AD – Norio Taniguchi coins the term “nanotechnology”

                              Color in stained glass has historically been related to emotions. The meditative
                              feeling a person gets upon entering a church partially results from the interior
                              lighting. Rich reds and glorious yellows are two colors that were traditionally
                              used in stained glass because of the emotions they invoke. Also, books were
                              rare during this time, and many people were illiterate. In addition to being pieces
                              of art, stained glass windows assumed an educational role by telling stories
                              through pictures. Stained glass windows in cathedrals during the medieval
                              period acted as a visual Bible for the poor.
                              Often medieval stained glass artisans worked on-site, making and cutting glass
                              sheets and assembling the windows panels in the locations where they were to
                              be installed. Many large French cathedrals (especially in Chartres) often went
                              through two or three generations of stained glass makers before completion.
                              What Causes Color in Stained and Colored Glass? | GEOLOGY.COM

                              Metals Used to Impart Color to Glass

                              Cadmium Sulfide Yellow
                              Gold Chloride Red
                              Cobalt Oxide Blue-Violet
                              Manganese Dioxide Purple
                              Nickel Oxide Violet
                              Sulfur Yellow-Amber
                              Chromic Oxide Emerald Green
                              Uranium Oxide Fluorescent Yellow, Green
                              Iron Oxide Greens and Browns
                              Selenium Oxide Reds
                              Carbon Oxides Amber Brown
                              Antimony Oxides White
                              Copper Compounds Blue, Green, Red
                              Tin Compounds White
                              Lead Compounds Yellow
                              Manganese Dioxide A "decoloring" agent
                              Sodium Nitrate A "decoloring" agent

                              in particular different plasmon resonances. Plasmon resonance means that the free electrons of the nanoparticles oscillate strongly in pace with the frequency of the light, which in turn affects the light propagation even though the antenna is so small[/B]."
                              Color in stained glass has historically been related to emotions

                              and find purple here:

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-02-2012, 06:18 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • RODNEY COLLIN
                                THE THEORY OF CELESTIAL
                                MAN, THE UNIVERSE, AND COSMIC MYSTERY

                                For such true 'models of the universe' must not only display the inner form
                                and structure of this universe, but must also reveal man's relation to it and his
                                present and possible fates within it. In this sense, certain of the Gothic
                                cathedrals are complete models of the universe, whereas a modem
                                planetarium, for all its beauty, knowledge and accuracy, is not
                                . For the latter
                                model completely omits man. The difference, of course, lies in the fact that
                                the cathedrals, directly or indirectly, were designed by men who belonged to
                                schools for the achievement of higher states of consciousness, and had the
                                advantage of experience gained in such schools; whereas the designers of the
                                planetarium are scientists and technicians, clever and
                                qualified enough in their field, but claiming no particular knowledge of the
                                potentialities of the human machine with which they have to work.

                                In fact, if we are in possession of certain keys for their interpretation, the most
                                astonishing thing about these ancient 'models of the universe' arising in widely
                                separated ages, continents and cultures, is precisely their similarity. So much so that a
                                good case might be made out for the idea that higher consciousness always reveals the
                                same truth, solely on the basis of a comparative study of certain existing models of the
                                universe which seem to derive therefrom - for example, the Cathedral of Chartres, the
                                Great Sphinx, the New Testament, the Divine Comedy, or certain cosmic diagrams left
                                by the 17th century alchemists, the designers of the Tarot pack, and the painters of
                                some Russian ikons and Tibetan banners.

                                One of the main characteristics of modem thought is a contradiction
                                between the way man regards the external world, outside himself, and the
                                way he regards the internal world, inside himself.

                                As regards the external world, he has never been more objective, more
                                convinced of the universal application of laws, expressable by formulae and
                                consistently measurable in their effects. In this field, any belief which throws
                                doubt on the principle of measurability, for example, any belief in
                                intelligence or consciousness belonging to beings greater in scale than man,
                                is in danger of being regarded as superstition.

                                As regards his internal world, on the other hand, man has rarely been more
                                , more convinced of the special validity of his every whim,
                                imagination, hope and fear, and less willing to admit that his inner world is
                                subject to any laws whatsoever. The greater part of modem psychology, and
                                especially of psycho-analysis, has been based on this subjectivity. And in this
                                field, it is precisely the belief in laws and measurability - for example, belief
                                that much of human psychology is the result of the calculable interplay of
                                types, or belief that man's inner world is subject to laws similar to those
                                governing the astronomical or microscopic worlds - which is called
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                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-04-2012, 12:28 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

