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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • in a Spiritual Universe, what does Genetically superior Mean?
    That is a very profound statement my friend
    People are blinded by the material universe myself included sometimes.

    It is like pissing against the wind
    kinda fly's back in your face doesn't it
    Last edited by Dave45; 02-12-2012, 12:56 PM.
    Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


    • Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
      That is a very profound statement my friend
      People are blinded by the material universe myself included sometimes.

      kinda fly's back in your face doesn't it
      Thank you Dave, I know me too...the system does all it can to distract you from discovering and answering questions that ring in your head (inspiration)

      and yes it does fly back...Principle of Rythm and Principle of Cause and Effect
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-12-2012, 01:04 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Always Remember this:

        Truth is the child of love and the father of knowledge. Seek the Knowledge of the greatest truth, which is love

        think of it this way...if you love doing a will do it truthfully and with love ...and learn more about that task because you love doing so....

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-12-2012, 02:01 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • you guys remember the description of Count St Germain not eating or eating by himself:

          found the following from a french book which i translated using google:

          Jimmy Guieu - OVNI. ET. La Verite Cachee - Terre Ta Civili…

          UFO-ET, THE HIDDEN TRUTH: Earth,

          ...., he began to paint and exhibited in a salledu Municipal Palace of Perpignan, tables very appréciés.Muni the official title of Alpine Guide, he agreed to lead one little hotel in a village not far from Vernet- les-Bains. One day in 1951, he was approached by a stranger out of the blue. he was big, broad shoulders, the eyes of limpid blue; his hair, blond, bright, fell on his shoulders. (
          The only physical, like the individual therefore to the "AND" is called "Venusian" met the following year [November 20, 1952], enCalifornie, by G. Adamski, JG).
          Pants, very sticky, drew the thigh muscles, black boots and trèsajustées did not have apparent closure system; parcontre, the loose blouse was fastened to the pants with a thin ceinture.L enigmatic stranger spoke to him of a monotone, enexcellent French: - Let me ask you a favor: could you provide me, every day at the same time, two bottles of milk and bread? Jacques accepted and began a strange ride: the stranger took the bread and milk and almost never opened his mouth and returned climbing on the trail. However, one day, Jacques - took him for a German - asked him where he came from. "From up there," replied, laconically, that character of few words. Jacques thought, by "up there" he meant the mountain. Gradually, the hostel regulars saw him sometimes sit on the patio, but never ordering a drink. One day he began to speak, but few understood this conversation where the concepts were too deep and unusual (sounds like our discussion ). He once explained that he was conducting topographic measurement of Canigou (Eastern Pyrenees), and showed sheet of paper with all levels of records and unknown symbols. He had done this work alone, without his skin tanned
          One day Jacques followed the stranger without being seen and discovered his camp: a strange conical tent of a metallic gray, near which stood a being like him, but seemed to be a woman. The stranger came to speak, developed socio-political themes: "Your planet is composed of a balanced society ... Selfishness is not human congenital ... Man, with his pride, does not know that the Earth is to develop an animal in the process of evolution, over time, replace ... Even your children mutate ... "" His eyes seemed to light up when he spoke, without a genuine smile that never happen

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • follow up:

            The stranger tried to be clearer so that Jacques understood him.He punctuated with "Bravo, well understood! "When the speaker had properly registered his explanations. Then came the day of departure: - Tomorrow, I go back "up there" and since I do not have money like yours, I'll pay the bread and milk with something you appreciate,
            you, earthlings

            . "Despite protests from Jacques, the next day, the stranger took from his belt a small package containing black stones: - These are nuggets of gold. The Cadi (the river of Canigou) is gold. "When Jacques carried the stones to a jeweler in Perpignan, they paid him handsomely. The strange episode remained buried in the memories of Jacques for ten years until, during a conversation with Dr. Marcel Pages,
            he remembered it the suddenly Gradually, paranormal powers awoke in him and favored activities. Now (years 50/60?), he is the most powerful industrialist of Andorra. He managed to cure his wife suffering from a herniated disc and treated with the same success with others. During the summer of 1971, installed in his cottage Andorra, he received a mysterious phone call in which he recognized his visitor monotone Casteil. "You do not grow old, told him there, and your soul will open to eternal truths ... I speak from a car
            in "the" Bois de Vincennes. "
            Those who know him cannot doubt . All doctors agree that he has arteries of a twenty year old and he has no bacteria intestinale.he only slept a few hours a night, spending much of the night naked and motionless standing . He did a lot of skiing and seemed to never be tired. "This investigation (the text continues) is accompanied by photos deJacques Bley, before and after (
            no photo, alas, with the text was communicated quim'a! J.G)
            . Other documents: interviews from friends, those of the former mayor of Casteils and villagers, of the jeweler who vividly remembers the day we brought him nuggets, photos of scantily-clad man when he guided tourists on the slopes of Canigou. (End text). In October 1977,
            Lights in the night, No. 168,
            published the inquiry by my colleague Genevieve Vanquelef, assisted by J. Bazerieset J.O. Atzérias. Individuals who experienced at the time Jacques Bley described him as "an original bit serious," as a brave man who loved being noticed. " Genevieve and concluded: "
            Unfortunately, it still seems that the testimony of Bordas-M.Bley itself. No one can confirm his now "
            (1977). This is pretty much the same conclusion - enraging! - which reached on his side Antonio Ribera. But also that Genevieve would give as well as Antonio the benefit of the doubt to the story of Jacques-Bordas Bley. And I share this feeling, intuitive, admittedly, based however on other "stories" extraordinary just as

            so we have Spiritual Gold meeting Material Gold....and the Pyrénées again
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • one more little info for you guys:

              remember the following

              a bit of info

              Fool's gold may prove an unlikely alternative to overexploited catalytic materials

              Catalytic materials, which lower the energy barriers for chemical reactions, are used in everything from the commercial production of chemicals to catalytic converters in car engines. However, with current catalytic materials becoming increasingly expensive, scientists are exploring viable alternatives.
              Researchers at the University of Cambridge have now discovered that the sulphide material iron pyrite, commonly known as 'Fool's Gold', may hold the answer. Their findings were published online today, 10 February, in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.

              In the past, sulphur was believed to be one of the most detrimental elements for surface chemical reactions, able to decrease dramatically the reactivity of a catalyst by occupying (poisoning) the "active sites" on the material, but more recently some sulphur materials (for example, molybdenum sulphides) have actually shown interesting catalytic properties of their own.

              Using state-of-the-art electronic structure calculations, researchers led by Stephen Jenkins at the University's Department of Chemistry, explored the potential catalytic activity of iron pyrite, the most abundant sulphur mineral on Earth. In their study, the Cambridge researchers focused on the reactions between iron pyrite and nitrogen oxides (NOx), an extremely poisonous class of compounds produced (among other sources) by car engines and industrial power plants.
              ---------------------guess what: from the french wikipedia:
              Pyrite - Wikipédia

              Ballesterosite: variety rich in zinc and tin found at Riego Rubio, Ribadeo, Lugo, Galicia, Spain. This unique case suggests that "variety" is actually just a synonym for pyrite.
              got it from an interview made with a man who encountered an alien close to the pyrite mine

              Les Gouvernants Secrets 1 - Nos visiteurs les extraterrestres ( Jimmy guieu ) - YouTube

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • From the french Doc , the Name UMMO is mentioned and linked with the Nordic Aliens (Elven )

                these aliens during the 50's sent several letters to various personnalities and sealed their letters with the following:

                which resembles closely (minus the middle bar ) the Berber Flag

                -------------------from: A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution


                Humans claiming to hail from the general area of Wolf 424, some 14-plus light years distant from the Earth-Sol system, and possibly having ancient ties with the ’Lyran’ colonies in that the Ummites (from the planet Ummo) are like the Lyrans-Pleiadeans said to be ’Scandinavian’ in appearance, and therefore may tie-in with the so-called ’Nordic’ or ’Blond’ societies. They reportedly work closely with the Vegan humanoids.

                The Ummites are extremely telepathic.

                They, very much, believe in the existence of the soul and in a Creator God. At the age of 13.7 Ummite children leave their families for teaching centers where they are prepared for adult life (sounds like Harry Potter fantasy. They make practical use of at least 10 dimensions of reality and are aware of far more. They say one of the reasons they are able to travel such far distances in such a short time in their space craft is that they use folds and warps in the space continuum.

                They have bases on Earth in eight other countries.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • you can also include to this case of Ummo visitors the following doc:

                  The Friendship Case ( Il Caso Amicizia ) Full-Length Part 1 - YouTube

                  English Version (in 5 parts) of an Italian documentary describing the extraordinary Italian case of alien contact with a group of men. Part 3 contains an apparent real recording of a message of friendship given by them to us (see 6 : 11 ). See part 5 for a UFO connection with Voltaire and St. Germain

                  It had been kept secret for half a century, but only just recently came to light after the death of one the men involved (Bruno Sammaciccia had asked for it to be kept secret until after his death).

                  In Pescara, during the 50s to 70s, a group of extraterrestrials had contacted a number of unsuspecting people directly. This project was called 'Amicizia.' These men would be brought to their (etheric) 'bases' located on earth and apparently on board the UFOs.
                  Morocco ----- Spain ----------- France ----------Italy--------England
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-12-2012, 05:31 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • You can also add Algeria to the lot

                    Ufos Tassili (algeria) ألغاز الطاسيلي - YouTube

                    Mysteries of Tassili - YouTube

                    Tassili n'Ajjer (Berber: Tasili n Ajjer, meaning "Plateau of the Rivers") is a mountain range in the Algerian section of the Sahara Desert. It is a vast plateau in south-east Algeria at the borders of Libya, Niger and Mali, covering an area of 72,000 sq. km.

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-12-2012, 05:05 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Here is a man worth knowing about.....he foresaw this ahead of time....respect:

                      Pierre de Villemarest - Wikipédia

                      Biography [ edit ]

                      Strength and intelligence [ edit ]
                      Coming from a very ancient family, of Pierre Faillant Villemarest studied law and political science, studies that were interrupted by his commitment against the occupation Nazi of France 2 .

                      In September 1940 , he participated in the creation of the "Last Column", a small resistance group whose founders were Emmanuel d'Astier de La Vigerie and Edward Corniglion-Molinier . It also Lucie Aubrac , Louis Aragon and Andre Philip . This group will become Liberation-Sud . Following a political dispute, Villemarest joined the Secret Army which he commanded in 1943 a group franc in the Vercors . P2's agent network Kleber , specializing in intelligence, he participated in the denazification of Germany and of Austria , and forges links with American and English at that time.

                      After the war he was awarded the Croix de Guerre 1939-1945 , the Cross volunteer serviceman of the Resistance and the medal of volunteers 3 .

                      From 1945 to 1950 , he is a member of the Service outside materials and cons-intelligence (SDECE). He was imprisoned during the war in Algeria for membership in the Secret Army Organisation (OAS), after passing the Popular Movement of May-13 (MP-13) by Robert Martel. In 1968, he married Danielle Martin , daughter of Dr. Henry Martin , co-founder of Hood and member of the OAS.

                      Villemarest Stone was a member of the Association of Former Special Services of National Defence (ASSDN).

                      Journalism [ edit ]
                      Became a journalist, he worked from 1951 to the foreign service of Agence France-Presse (AFP), and contributed to various publications including The Dawn , Current Values ​​, Defense of the West , French Life , Le Quotidien de Paris , Historia 4 .

                      He also served on the editorial board of the journal World & Life , "National Catholic biweekly" of Claude Giraud , host Courtesy Radio . With his wife Danielle Martin, Pierre de Villemarest anima also a free newspaper on the radio. During a program hosted by Claude Giraud March 20, 1997, he held the remarks seen as revisionist about gas chambers at Nazi five , which led to a formal notice from the CSA 6 , and a complaint in 1997 of Foundation for the Memory of the Deportation as part of "legal action against the denial 7 . " In a letter to Voltaire Network , the person wrote that they "never denied the Holocaust," but have "[the] numbers do not correspond to those usually mentioned" 8 .

                      Pierre de Villemarest was director of European Information Centre (CIS), based in Cierrey , in the Eure , which he founded in 1970. The Letter of the European Information Centre , which he was the editor of nine , including the activities described in the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group . He was criticized by his opponents to spread conspiracy theories 10 .

                      Pierre de Villemarest was vice president of the National Union of the private press, a member of the Society of Authors and creators of Normandy, and a leader of the Research Centre on terrorism since September 11, 2001 11 . He is the author of thirty books, very diffused in some countries of Eastern Europe, in Britain and the United States, on the subjects of which he was an acknowledged expert, such as Soviet intelligence services 12 , the Gestapo 13 , espionage contemporary, terrorism , or reports USSR - Germany 14 .

                      Theories [ edit ]

                      Russo-Japanese War [ edit ]
                      Villemarest designate the bank Kuhn, Loeb & Co. to have favored the Russo-Japanese War the Japanese ensuring they could rely on its financing in case of conflict with Russia 15 .

                      The Triple Entente [ edit ]
                      For Villemarest, quoting the historian Carroll Quigley, 16 , influential international banking circles inspired the Triple Entente by preceding the creation of "a multitude of discrete systems" 17 .

                      Russian loans [ edit ]
                      Villemarest designate the bank Rothschild who, after having led the French public to subscribe for Russian loans , totally lost interest in him when the Bolsheviks began to receive money from the international banking community of London and Stockholm 18 .

                      The Synarchy [ edit ]
                      Pierre de Villemarest denotes the identity fundamentally similar phenomena such as the New Economic Policy (NEP) in the USSR , the fascism in Italy, Nazism in Germany, the New Deal in the United States and the national revolution in France and says he These phenomena simultaneously desired and caused by an organization called Synarchy , probably related to high-type lodges Masonic obedience of Martinist 19 . [See also the Martinist Order synarchic, founded by Victor Blanchard in 1920, in Article Martinism .] Villemarest accused Hjalmar Schacht , Otto Abetz , Ernst Achenbach to be a part. He was convinced of the existence of this organization and declared that, for publishing the book on 14 th May 13 plot in 1960 , which revealed that the organization had members into the entourage of General de Gaulle , he was interviewed over a hundred hours straight on the grounds of "conspiracy" on the orders of Interior Minister Roger Frey who apparently sought to know his sources and documents in his possession 20 . Villemarest argued that he had traveled to Vichy to December 1943 a few copies in booklet of 55 pages, divided into eleven chapters, entitled Imperialism and German Germanic secret societies , describing the action of these secret societies of Middle Ages to 1939 and their ramifications to the level of Adolf Hitler , corresponding to the definition of conspiracy of Synarchy. This booklet was written to the inspiration of French military circles 21 .

                      sometimes the coherence can take the shape of a conspiracy

                      check out this presentation, full of interesting info:

                      Peter Levenda: Secret Space Program Conference Amsterdam 2011 - YouTube

                      Bio: Peter Levenda is a native of the Bronx, New York, and has been investigating and writing about the connections that exist between politics, religion and history since the 1970s. His first book, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, was published in 1994 and bears a foreword by Norman Mailer. Since then, he has published Sinister Forces: A Grimoire of American Political Witchcraft, a three-volume magnum opus that searches for the meaning behind some of the most famous historical events in American history, from the Salem witchcraft trials to Jonestown, from Operation Paperclip to the weaponizing of the paranormal, from the serial killer phenomenon to the Manson Family and beyond, and exposes some of the strangest aspects of American political assassinations and their relation to a shadowy -- yet well-documented -- group known as "The Nine". His research has taken him to Chile during the Pinochet regime to investigate Nazi war criminals, to China, India, all over Southeast Asia, and throughout Europe and Latin America. His work has been praised by Paul Krassner, Jim Hougan, Dick Russell, Jim Marrs, Whitley Strieber, Katherine Neville, and many others. He has appeared numerous times in television documentaries on the influence of occult beliefs on the development of the Nazi Party: on the History Channel, the National Geographic Channel, TNT, Discovery, etc.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Remember this UFO, from the phoenix lights and Morocco , this one was seen above Geneva

                        the witness mentioned also the presence of a Cathedral:

                        St. Pierre Cathedral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The St. Pierre Cathedral is a cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland, today belonging to the Swiss Reformed Church. It was begun under Arducius de Faucigny, the prince-bishop of the Diocese of Geneva, in the 12th century, and includes an eclectic mix of styles. It is best known as the adopted home church of John Calvin, one of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Inside the church is a wooden chair used by Calvin.

                        The area beneath the Cathedral has recently been excavated extensively, revealing a rich history of the site dating back to the time of the Roman Empire. From the 8th to 10th centuries it was one of three cathedrals to coexist on the site. The present building has grown from a cathedral devoted to ecclesiastical use and an early Christian funerary cult; the other two structures, subsumed in the 12th century by the growth of the surviving building, were apparently for different uses, one for public sacraments and the other for church teachings.

                        The German painter Konrad Witz painted an altarpiece, the so-called St. Peter Altarpiece, for the Cathedral in 1444, now in the Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, which contains his most famous composition, the Miraculous Draught of Fishes.

                        Currently, every summer a German Protestant minister is present, making it possible to hold bilingual services and meetings of both German and French Protestant worshippers.
                        we definitely have Material Gold (Geneva banking ) and Spiritual Gold (St Pierre Cathedral )



                        Remember the Phoenix Lights:

                        On the Ufo in Morocco pdf , page 114 (translated using google ):

                        OBSERVATION SALE 31 December 2008
                        Ahmed O. living "sector Kariat Ouled Moussa" in Salé (near Rabat) Morocco. He is 47 years old and is married. He works in the field of IT.

                        On December 31, 2008, at 23 h 00, he was on the terrace of his house, preparing food for his dog when he observed an unusual object in the sky. It is and will remain fixed for 3 or 4 minutes. It is the bright light of the object that has attracted the attention of the witness because it lit up the terrace. It was shaped like a triangle hollow large because the witness has estimated at least 100 m long.

                        Several white and green lights were visible on the object, the color did not vary. It stood at an estimated altitude of 100 / 150 meters above the witness. (The assessment is difficult, it is estimated, however, subject to a relatively low altitude and high dimension). Fixed first, (for three or four minutes the witness said) this object is then moved at a speed very high up in the sky and taking the direction of the Northeast.

                        The apparent height of the object relative to the horizon is estimated at 60 °. No sound was perceived. The sky was clear that night, no cloud. New moon period.

                        The witness living near the airport in Sale was first thought of a helicopter. But the size, shape, absence of noise, does not absolutely correspond to the unit. He used to seeing planes, nothing matches the object that has an abnormal shape (open triangle), which is very large, and after remaining on site left at high speed, rapidly disappearing on the horizon. I watched the object until its total disappearance. My son now by my side, also saw the phenomenon.

                        The object (drawing of witness)

                        also here is a CIA doc Example or Ufo Report in Morocco

                        ps got the info from here Les Gouvernants Secrets 3 - Nos maîtres les extraterrestres - YouTube
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-12-2012, 10:31 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • can't remember if this 20 min vid was previously posted but i highly recommend you watch it:

                          english version:

                          The Orion Conspiracy Full - YouTube

                          french version:

                          La Conspiration d'Orion (FR) HD - YouTube

                          gives a good overview...and remember all truth is but half truth
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • if you take the time to plot these cathedrals on google map.....a peculiar design will appear

                            Oldest Gothic buildings by country
                            1122 : France (Abbey Church of St Denis)
                            1174 : England (Cathedral of Canterbury)
                            1178 : Portugal (Monastery of Alcobaça)
                            1189 : Belgium (Cathedral of Liège)
                            1205 : Spain (Cathedral of León)
                            1209 : Germany (Cathedral of Magdeburg)
                            1230 : Italy (Santa Maria della Spina, Pisa)

                            ....i let you find out for yourselves

                            hint: when a cross is joined it resembles the flat version of this:

                            don't forget granite has quartz in is plain Beautiful....been staring at these three pics and just a Cathedral takes its full shape when coupled with these two

                            The House o light

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-13-2012, 01:35 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • .
                              One day Jacques followed the stranger without being seen and discovered his camp: a strange conical tent of a metallic gray, near which stood a being like him, but seemed to be a woman. The stranger came to speak, developed socio-political themes: "Your planet is composed of a balanced society ... Selfishness is not human congenital ... Man, with his pride, does not know that the Earth is to develop an animal in the process of evolution, over time, replace ... Even your children mutate ... "" His eyes seemed to light up when he spoke, without a genuine smile that never happen

                              Extraordinary People - The boy who sees without eyes [1/5] - YouTube

                              This is a documentary about a boy (Ben Underwood) who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • THE BENJAMIN SOLARI PARRAVICINI's PROPHETIC MESSAGE - by Tomás Latino

                                Interplanetary ships, invisible to the human eye, are coming right now to the earth. These beings, invisible to the human eye, have always coexisted in our planet, and they dwell in temples and convents because they are mystics and they tray to impose the faith. (year 1939)

                                from: Before It's News

                                According to the story related to the Gazette by Mr. Kinkaid, the archaeologists of the Smithsonian Institute, which is financing the expeditions, have made discoveries which almost conclusively prove that the race which inhabited this mysterious cavern, hewn in solid rock by human hands, was of oriental origin, possibly from Egypt, tracing back to Ramses. If their theories are borne out by the translation of the tablets engraved with hieroglyphics, the mystery of the prehistoric peoples of North America, their ancient arts, who they were and whence they came, will be solved. Egypt and the Nile, and Arizona and the Colorado will be linked by a historical chain running back to ages which staggers the wildest fancy of the fictionist.

                                A Thorough Examination

                                Under the direction of Prof. S. A. Jordan, the Smithsonian Institute is now prosecuting the most thorough explorations, which will be continued until the last link in the chain is forged. Nearly a mile underground, about 1480 feet below the surface, the long main passage has been delved into, to find another mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.

                                Several hundred rooms have been discovered, reached by passageways running from the main passage, one of them having been explored for 854 feet and another 634 feet. The recent finds include articles which have never been known as native to this country, and doubtless they had their origin in the orient. War weapons, copper instruments, sharp-edged and hard as steel, indicate the high state of civilization reached by these strange people. So interested have the scientists become that preparations are being made to equip the camp for extensive studies, and the force will be increased to thirty or forty persons.
                                Surrounding this idol are smaller images, some very beautiful in form; others crooked-necked and distorted shapes, symbolical, probably, of good and evil. There are two large cactus with protruding arms, one on each side of the dais on which the god squats. All this is carved out of hard rock resembling marble. In the opposite corner of this cross-hall were found tools of all descriptions, made of copper. These people undoubtedly knew the lost art of hardening this metal, which has been sought by chemicals for centuries without result. On a bench running around the workroom was some charcoal and other material probably used in the process. There is also slag and stuff similar to matte, showing that these ancients smelted ores, but so far no trace of where or how this was done has been discovered, nor the origin of the ore.
                                The Hieroglyphics

                                "On all the urns, or walls over doorways, and tablets of stone which were found by the image are the mysterious hieroglyphics, the key to which the Smithsonian Institute hopes yet to discover. The engraving on the tables probably has something to do with the religion of the people. Similar hieroglyphics have been found in southern Arizona (as in Phoenix light ). Among the pictorial writings, only two animals are found. One is of prehistoric type.
                                "One thing I have not spoken of, may be of interest. There is one chamber of the passageway to which is not ventilated, and when we approached it a deadly, snaky smell struck us. Our light would not penetrate the gloom, and until stronger ones are available we will not know what the chamber contains. Some say snakes, but other boo-hoo this idea and think it may contain a deadly gas or chemicals used by the ancients. No sounds are heard, but it smells snaky just the same. The whole underground installation gives one of shaky nerves the creeps. The gloom is like a weight on one's shoulders, and our flashlights and candles only make the darkness blacker. Imagination can revel in conjectures and ungodly daydreams back through the ages that have elapsed till the mind reels dizzily in space.”

                                IMO: There is a powerful mystic in that chamber that does not want to be way to have peace without hurting anyone is To scare the bejesus out of someone

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-13-2012, 03:37 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

