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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • She is also called an Archetype: (remember fractal )

    Archetype - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    First attested in English in 1540s,[2] the word archetype derives from the Latin noun archetypum, the latinisation of the Greek noun ἀρχέτυπον (archetupon) and adjective ἀρχέτυπος (archetupos), meaning "first-moulded",[3] which is a compound of ἀρχή (archē,) "beginning, origin"[4] + τύπος (tupos), amongst others "pattern, model, type".[5]

    Pronunciation note: The "ch" in archetype is a transliteration of the Greek chi (χ) and is most commonly articulated in English as a "k".[6]


    The origins of the archetypal hypothesis date back as far as Plato. Jung himself compared archetypes to Platonic ideas. Plato's ideas were pure mental forms that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world. They were collective in the sense that they embodied the fundamental characteristics of a thing rather than its specific peculiarities.

    The Platonist Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria used the term to describe the Imago Dei, and the Gallic Christian theologian Irenaeus of Lyons used the term to describe the act of Creation.[7]
    * Averroes / Avicenna, one of the most famous Muslim philosophers (his proper
    name is Abu-'l-Welid-ibn-Roshd), was at one time imprisoned by him
    because he wrote " Venus then is one of the Divinities "—a gloss on a
    classical author. He was liberated afterwards on being better under-
    stood and accompanied the succeeding monarch, El Mansur, as a
    closa friend int« Morocco, where he died.
    Let us See what Maimonides had to say about these Talking Figures, in the twelfth century, in his Ethical Writings:
    "The worshipers of the teraphim claimed that when the clarity of the stars
    spread out on the statue,They saw as bein in relations with the Celestial Intelligences that were using the object as an instrument. Thus the teraphim taught the Hebrew people a lot of useful art and science
    the author's comment:
    Note that the gold teraphim were consecrated [actually "Tuned" so as "terrestrial" subspace, ie to instantaneous propagation 36] especially in a star or a planet determined.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 02:52 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • one more may think that Modern Medical Surgery Tools were invented the last 200 years...guess what....Wrong....they date back as far as Classic Greek and trace their Origin back to ....Alexandria

      Ancient Discoveries Season 1 Episode 2 - Galen, Doctor to the Gladiators {s01e02} Full Length - YouTube


      Galen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus (September AD 129 – 199/217; Greek: Γαληνός, Galēnos, from adjective "γαληνός", "calm"[1]), better known as Galen of Pergamon (modern-day Bergama, Turkey), was a prominent Roman (of Greek ethnicity) physician, surgeon and philosopher.[2][3][4] Arguably the most accomplished of all medical researchers of antiquity, Galen contributed greatly to the understanding of numerous scientific disciplines, including anatomy,[5] physiology, pathology,[6] pharmacology,[7] and neurology, as well as philosophy[8] and logic.
      Medicine rests upon four pillars - philosophy, astronomy, alchemy, and ethics.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 03:47 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Earth Sized Tornado Spins On Sun's Surface Feb-2012.mpg - YouTube

        Vast solar tornado spins on the sun
        A tremendous tornado whirling across the surface of the sun was captured by a NASA satellite recently -- an amazing wonder of the solar system that may be as big as the Earth itself.

        The video was recorded by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a sun-watching satellite that has transmitted a series of stunning photos of solar flares in recent months. The new video shows darker, cooler plasma shifting back and forth above the sun's surface over the span of nearly 30 hours stretching from Feb. 7 to Feb. 8.

        And the giant tornado may be as large as the Earth itself, with gusts of up to 300,000 mph,
        explained Terry Kucera, deputy SOHO project scientist and a solar physicist with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.

        Have not forgotten the Crystal Battery from:

        Originally posted by jehdds View Post
        Here is a New Video and Recipe. I have been running a cylinder type cell for almost 5 weeks now sans water addition with a mix that is very close to what I show in this video, but more important is how I allowed the cell to form. Using a Magnetic field to perhaps induce an intrinsic stress to the lattice or perhaps bias the hydration within the lattice itself as it forms seems to make a BIG difference in current output capacity.
        All thoughts welcome, and again, to give credit where credit is due,
        Thank you John Bedini for tickling our minds by showing crystals forming around a magnet, as well Thank you Ron NextGen1967 for the input to try LiClO4 in the mix. I hope you have had time to try it as well.
        Crystal Stress and Mag Field - YouTube
        I just uploaded it so it may take a moment or two.
        Very Best Regards,
        thank you jehdds
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 05:24 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

          She is also called an Archetype: (remember fractal )

          Archetype - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
          One of the oldest archetypes is an eye, but not a human eye. The bird.

          'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

          General D.Eisenhower


          • Thank you blackchisel97, the All....Principle of Mentalism

            Let us Discover a bit about the Koran

            the following two Surats (verses ) are probably the most known throughout the Muslim Land:

            and they have profound meaning even translated

            Sūrat Al-Nās (Arabic: سورة الناس‎), or Mankind, is the 114th and last sura, or chapter, of the Qur'an, the Muslim holy book. It is a short six-verse invocation, asking Allah for protection from the Satan. It is a Makkan sura. Together with sura Al-Falaq it is also known as Al-Mu'awwidhatayn (the unified ones ); dealing with roughly the same theme, they form a natural pair. There is a Sunnah tradition of reading this Sura over the sick or before sleeping.
            114th= 1 + 1 + 4 = HM 6
            6 verses = HM 6

            Sūrat al-Falaq (Arabic: سورة الفلق‎ ) (Dawn, Daybreak) is the 113th sura of the Qur'an. It is a brief five verse invocation, asking Allah for protection from the evil of Satan. Together with Surat al-Nas it is also known as Al-Mu'awwidhatayn.
            113th = 1 + 1 + 3 = HM 5
            5 verses = HM 5

            the verses:


            English Translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall:[2][3]

            Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Daybreak [1] From the evil of that which He created; [2] From the evil of the darkness when it is intense, [3] And from the evil of malignant witchcraft, [4] And from the evil of the envier when he envieth. [5]

            Transliteration: Bismillahir ramanir rahim
            1 Qul audhu bi rabbil falaq
            2 Min sharri ma khalaq
            3 Wa min'sharri ghasiqin idha waqab
            4 Wa min'sharrin naffa thati fil u'qad
            5 Wa min'sharri hasidin idha hasad


            English Translation by Mohammed Marmaduke Pickthall:[2][3]

            Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind, [1] The King of mankind, [2] The God of mankind, [3] From the evil of the sneaking whisperer, [4] Who whispereth in the hearts of mankind, [5] Of the jinn and of mankind. [6]


            Qul a'uudhu bi rabbin naas

            Malikin naas

            Ilaahin naas

            Min sharril waswaasil khannas

            Alladhee yuwaswisu fee suduurin naas

            Minal Jinnati wa naas
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 07:06 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • you know the expression " Divide and Conquer" or "Clash of the civilizations"....what if i told you

              3 = Torah

              6= Bible

              9= Koran

              (or you could switch the numbers for each, it does not matter as each combination will have its own meaning )

              the beauty of Fractal Constructs...when put together they will resonate to each other

              it takes 3 waves to make a variation

              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
              An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
              . a harmonic cascade effect
              .....have not read either but have a deep respect for these sacred books

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 06:50 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • from: Archetype - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                In the analysis of personality, the term archetype is often broadly used to refer to:
                A stereotype— a personality type observed multiple times, especially an oversimplification of such a type.
                An epitome— a personality type exemplified, especially the "greatest" such example.
                A literary term to express details.

                Archetype refers to a generic version of a personality. In this sense, "mother figure" may be considered an archetype, and may be identified in various characters with otherwise distinct (non-generic) personalities.

                Archetypes are likewise supposed to have been present in folklore and literature for thousands of years, including prehistoric artwork. The use of archetypes to illuminate personality and literature was advanced by Carl Jung early in the 20th century, who suggested the existence of universal contentless forms that channel experiences and emotions, resulting in recognizable and typical patterns of behavior with certain probable outcomes. Archetypes are cited as important to both ancient mythology and modern narratives.

                Plato's ideas were pure mental forms that were imprinted in the soul before it was born into the world
                and it is up to you to recover these Keys / Imprints...Your Truth

                Similarly, the song "Atlantis" by the folk singer Donovan mentions twelve archetypal characters leaving the sinking Atlantis and spreading to the far corners of the world to bring civilization, though only five of the twelve are mentioned in the song:

                Knowing her fate, Atlantis sent out ships to all corners of the Earth.
                On board were the Twelve:
                The poet, the physician, the farmer, the scientist, the magician,
                And the other so-called Gods of our legends,
                Though Gods they were
                The concept of psychological archetypes was advanced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, c. 1919. In Jung's psychological framework, archetypes are innate, universal prototypes for ideas and may be used to interpret observations 6 3 9.
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 07:15 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Talking about Archetype and Analogy, a special Mention needs to be made about the books:


                  Dune is a science fiction novel written by Frank Herbert, published in 1965. It won the Hugo Award in 1966, and the inaugural Nebula Award for Best Novel.[1][2] Dune is frequently cited as the world's best-selling science fiction novel[3][4] and was the start of the Dune saga.
                  replace spice with philosopher stone or 6 3 9


                  More than 20,000 years[10] in the future, the human race has scattered throughout the known universe and populated countless planetary systems, which are ruled by aristocratic royal houses who in turn answer to the Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV. Science and technology have evolved far beyond that of our own time. Because of an incident 10,000 years in the past known as the Butlerian Jihad, computers and artificial intelligence are prohibited. In the absence of these devices, humans with highly developed minds called Mentats perform the functions of computers.

                  Besides mentats, various organizations were born to fill the space that once was occupied by "thinking machines." Only two of these have survived: the Spacing Guild, which has specialized in areas like mathematics, and has monopolized space travel which has been made possible through their Navigators, and the powerful matriarchal order called the Bene Gesserit, whose main priority is to preserve and advance the human race. The source of all their skills depends on a valuable substance called melange, often referred to as "the spice," which is found only on the desert planet Arrakis. The spice gives those who ingest it extended life and some prescient awareness.

                  The CHOAM corporation is the major underpinning of the Imperial economy, with shares and directorships determining each House's income and financial leverage. The key to their power is the control of Arrakis. Melange is crucial to the Spacing Guild's Navigators, who depend on it to safely plot a course for the Guild's heighliner ships using prescience and "foldspace" technology, which allows instantaneous travel to anywhere in the universe.

                  The spice gives the secretive Bene Gesserit, often referred to as "witches," advanced mental and physical abilities in part developed through conditioning called prana-bindu training. A Bene Gesserit acolyte becomes a full Reverend Mother by undergoing a perilous ritual known as the spice agony, in which she ingests an otherwise lethal dose of an awareness spectrum narcotic ("The Water of Life"--the bile of a newborn sandworm (Snake like ) on Arrakis) and must render it harmless internally. Surviving the ordeal unlocks her Other Memory, the ego and memories of all her female ancestors. A Reverend Mother is warned to avoid the place in her consciousness that is occupied by the genetic memory of her male ancestors, referred to as "the place we cannot look." In light of this, the Bene Gesserit have a secret, millennia-old breeding program, the goal of which is to produce a male equivalent of a Bene Gesserit whom they call the Kwisatz Haderach. This individual would not only be able to survive the spice agony and access the masculine avenues of Other Memory, but is also expected to possess "organic mental powers (that can) bridge space and time."[11] The Bene Gesserit intend their Kwisatz Haderach to give them the ability to control the affairs of mankind more effectively. In the past, many male candidates have tried the sacred ritual to become the Kwisatz Haderach and have failed, dying horribly in the process.

                  The planet Arrakis itself is completely covered in a desert ecosystem, hostile to most life. It is also [believed to be] sparsely settled by a human population of native Fremen (can also be interpreted as Freeman as in Amazigh = Berber ) tribes, ferocious fighters who ride the giant sandworms of the desert and whose tribal leaders are selected by defeating the former leader in combat. The Fremen also have complex rituals and systems focusing on the value and conservation of water on their arid planet; they conserve the water distilled from their dead, consider spitting an honorable greeting, and value tears as the greatest gift one can give to the dead. The novel suggests that the Fremen have adapted to the environment physiologically, with their blood able to clot almost instantly to prevent water loss.[12] The Fremen culture also revolves around the spice, which is found in the desert and harvested with great risk from attacking sandworms. As they have done on so many other planets they consider to be superstitious, Bene Gesserit missionary efforts have also implanted religion and prophecies on Arrakis, which have given the Fremen a belief in a male messiah, the Lisan al-Gaib (voice of the outer world). The religion is intended to serve as a refuge to be monopolised by any Bene Gesserit stranded on the plant. The Lisan al-Gaib is prophesied to one day come from off-world to transform Arrakis into a more hospitable world.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-18-2012, 09:39 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • don't you find it interesting that Frank Herbert makes use of Arabic / Aramaic Words ( Aramaic language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) in his Scifi Saga

                    Lisan al-Gaib (voice of the outer world) ......Jihad..... "Muad'Dib"....etc..

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Was browsing this website trying to learn a bit more on Leedskalnin

                      The Complete Writings of Edward Leedskalnin

                      the following image caught my attention:

                      which coincidently matches the following image from the book Shape Power

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • can't believe i did not see it....made the following post here

                        from: Felix EHRENHAFT Magnetic Current

                        Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles

                        the following image (which was previously used )...mentions the use of Acidulated Water as in the Double Mobius Caduceus Coil used in previous experiment, it also mentions wires short circuit poles

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • very interesting concept, splitting the field to split the water

                          Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                          • Thanks Dave....sounds doable


                            from: Secret Teachings of All Ages: Conclusion

                            I highly recommend you read the whole text for it will shade some light on some of your interrogations

                            Thus it is demonstrated that to capture a man it is not sufficient to enslave his body--it is necessary to enlist his reason; that to free a man it is not enough to strike the shackles from his limbs--his mind must be liberated from bondage to his own ignorance. Physical conquest must ever fail, for, generating hatred and dissension, it spurs the mind to the avenging of an outraged body; but all men are bound whether willingly or unwillingly to obey that intellect in which they recognize qualities and virtues superior to their own.
                            Philosophy ( ie knowledge ...not the modern definition of philosophy )bestows life in that it reveals the dignity and purpose of living. Materiality bestows death in that it benumbs or clouds those faculties of the human soul which should be responsive to the enlivening impulses of creative thought and ennobling virtue

                            Today man, a sublime creature with infinite capacity for self-improvement, in an effort to be true to false standards, turns from his birthright of understanding--without realizing the consequences--and plunges into the maelstrom of material illusion. The precious span of his earthly years he devotes to the pathetically futile effort to establish himself as an enduring power in a realm of unenduring things. Gradually the memory of his life as a spiritual being vanishes from his objective mind and he focuses all his partly awakened faculties upon the seething beehive of industry which he has come to consider the sole actuality. From the lofty heights of his Selfhood he slowly sinks into the gloomy depths of ephemerality. He falls to the level of the beast, and in brutish fashion mumbles the problems arising from his all too insufficient knowledge of the Divine Plan. Here in the lurid turmoil of a great industrial, political, commercial inferno, men writhe in self-inflicted agony and, reaching out into the swirling mists, strive to clutch and hold the grotesque phantoms of success and power.

                            The great philosophic institutions of the past must rise again, for these alone can tend the veil which divides the world of causes from that of effects. Only the Mysteries--those sacred Colleges of Wisdom--can reveal to struggling humanity that greater and more glorious universe which is the true home of the spiritual being called man. Modern philosophy has failed in that it has come to regard thinking as simply an intellectual process.
                            Measured by the infinities of time and space, what are the captains of industry or the lords of finance? If one of these plutocrats should rise until he ruled the earth itself, what would he be but a petty despot seated on a grain of Cosmic dust?
                            If the Infinite had not desired man to become wise, He would not have bestowed upon him the faculty of knowing. If He had not intended man to become virtuous, He would not have sown within the human heart the seeds of virtue. If He had predestined man to be limited to his narrow physical life, He would not have equipped him with perceptions and sensibilities capable of grasping, in part at least, the immensity of the outer universe. The criers of philosophy call all men to a comradeship of the spirit: to a fraternity of thought: to a convocation of Selves. Philosophy invites man out of the vainness of selfishness; out of the sorrow of ignorance and the despair of worldliness; out of the travesty of ambition and the cruel clutches of greed; out of the red hell of hate and the cold tomb of dead idealism.
                            In every man and woman these two spheres are connected by a gate which leads from the not-self and its concerns to the Self and its realizations. In the mystic this gate is the heart, and through spiritualization of his emotions he contacts that more elevated plane which, once felt and known, becomes the sum of the worth-while. In the philosopher, reason is the gate between the outer and the inner worlds, the illumined mind bridging the chasm between the corporeal and the incorporeal. Thus godhood is born within the one who sees, and from the concerns of men he rises to the concerns of gods( ie Celestial Intelligences ).

                            Nevertheless, this little earth is bathed as of old in the sunlight of its Providential Generator. Wide-eyed babes still face the mysteries of physical existence. Men continue to laugh and cry, to love and hate; Some still dream of a nobler world, a fuller life, a more perfect realization. In both the heart and mind of man the gates which lead from mortality to immortality are still ajar. Virtue, love, and idealism ( 6 3 9 )are yet the regenerators of humanity. God continues to love and guide the destinies of His creation.
                            The criers of the Mysteries speak again, bidding all men welcome to the House of Light.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-19-2012, 05:58 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Numerology :: Knowledge Number 7

                              a very nice Presentation on the magik of the Number Seven

                              the doc:

                              The Number "SEVEN" - YouTube

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • In the doc the following Name is Mentioned: Ouspensky

                                Fourth Way - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                The Fourth Way refers to a concept used by G.I. Gurdjieff to describe an approach to self-development learned over years of travel in the East [1] that combined what he saw as three established traditional "ways," or "schools" into a fourth way.[2] These three ways were of the body, mind and emotions. The term "The Fourth Way" was further developed by P.D. Ouspensky in his lectures and writings. Posthumously, Ouspensky's students published a book entitled Fourth Way, based on his lectures. The "Fourth Way" is sometimes referred to as "The Work," "Work on oneself," or "The System." [3]

                                According to this system, the chief difference between the three traditional schools, or ways, and the fourth way is that "they are permanent forms which have survived throughout history mostly unchanged, and are based on religion. Where schools of yogis, monks or fakirs exist, they are barely distinguishable from religious schools. The fourth way differs in that it is not a permanent way. It has no specific forms or institutions and comes and goes controlled by some particular laws of its own."
                                alchemical of sort...on Account of the many travels of Count St Germain

                                wherever the Dragon takes you


                                In his autobiography, Gurdjieff credited certain people in Asia for many of his ideas, while he nevertheless did not divulge the origins of his system.

                                There are some similarities between the Fourth Way teaching and other spiritual teachings.

                                The stop exercise is similar to the Uqufi Zamani exercise in Omar Ali-Shah's book on the Rules or Secrets of the Naqshbandi Sufi Order.[22]
                                Well after the promulgation of Gurdjieff’s ideas throughout the 1920s and '30s
                                the 30's again

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

