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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • We have talked about Coral Castle ... But have considered what Coral Represented to the Ancient Civilizations ....Edward Leedskalnin claimed to know the secret of the Egyptian Builders

    An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect
    see also The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna - Page 10

    a Little Review of the Female Pole throughoutHistory

    travels with persephone: Goddesses in the Dirt: Astarte

    Goddesses in the Dirt - Issue #13: Astarte

    Before the Yahweh cult emerged, the goddess Astarte was worshipped among the Hebrews of the ancient Middle East. As the Phoenician goddess of fertility and reproduction, she is associated with the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess Ishtar, the Sumerian goddess Inanna, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture of ancient Greece. She was the sister and co-consort of Baal, a Canaanite fertility deity whose death and resurrection was celebrated annually.

    King Solomon built a temple to her in Jerusalem, worshipping her under the name of Astoreth. Originally deified as the evening star, her oldest temple was erected at the city of Byblos (in modern Lebanon) and she was known throughout the eastern Mediterranean from the Neolithic to Classical periods.

    When the Second Temple was destroyed in Jerusalem, Astarte disappeared as Judaism took a monotheistic turn, but she survived through the mystery religions which celebrated the death and rebirth of the goddess figure in annual agricultural based rituals. Many other gods and goddesses are celebrated in similar annual rituals, such as the Persephone-Demeter myth cycle at Eleusis, the dying god Tammuz, and the Egyptian god Osiris. Some scholars believe that the death and resurrection of the Christ figure has a great deal of precedent in ritualistic culture throughout the ancient Middle East.

    The bull and dove are sacred to Astarte. She is often portrayed with a bull's head or wearing horns, which is also associated with the crescent moon and her aspect as Moon goddess (in Egypt she was worshipped as Hathor, the goddess wearing the bull's horns). Offerings of honey, incense, beer and wine were made in her honor, as well as egg and the pomegranate, also known to be sacred to the goddess Persephone.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-08-2012, 10:04 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • from :

      Do you want to know about the meaning of the Corsican flag and other symbols of Corsica?

      This symbol, often carved in red coral is frequently worn as a talisman, as also is a single coral tip.
      The Beatìssima, the Blessed Virgin Mary is the patroness of the island and the hymn to her, Dio Vi Salvi, Regina, is in effect the Corsican national anthem. If you would like to listen to it, click here.

      Here are the first three verses:

      May the Lord protect you, Queen

      And universal mother

      By whose favour we are received

      Into paradise.

      You are the joy and the delight

      Of the inconsolable

      Of the tormented

      The unique hope.

      Welcome us poor sinners

      Into your Holy veil

      And reveal your

      Son to us.

      Several statues of the Virgin, myth has it, have been washed up on the shores of Corsica and most have miraculous powers. Thus Mary, the mother of Jesus has inherited the sea attributes of Aphrodite, although this has no Biblical evidence. Aphrodite herself was descended from Astarte, the star goddess of the eastern Mediterranean. In the church at Casamaccioli there is a Santa Maria della Stella and it is she who is paraded at the festival of the nativity of the Virgin - A Santa di u Niolu - every September.

      In the C18, rebel leaders placed the newborn state under the protection of the Immaculate Conception, thus the Virgin was acknowledged as Queen. Dorothy Carrington in 'Granite Island' that, 'Even the Virgin was never quite dissociated, in the Corsican mind, from war; yet her elevation was one of the great triumphs of the clergy. It consecrated a feminine archetype alien to a people who while insisting on the sexual purity of women also assigned to them the occult, death-dealing powers of voceratrice and mazzere. And so it is appropriate that she should be portrayed, in local legend, as a merciful stranger come from across the sea.'

      The Testa di Moru, the black Moor's head on a white background forms the national flag of Corsica. The Moor's head with a white bandeau was adopted by Pasquale Paoli in 1762 as the official emblem of independent Corsica. It was inherited from the kings of Aragon, who were invested with Corsica by the Pope in the Middle Ages. Four Moors heads became the arms of Sardinia after the Aragonese conquest and, with a cross of St George separating them, they remain the national flag of the neighbouring island. The Aragonese (of Spain ) never conquered Corsica, but they claimed it as their own. It first appeared in Corsica in 1573 in an atlas showing the lands of Philip II.
      the Moors are the Arabo-Berber who Conquered Spain

      ------------------------------- Temple of Ra

      Isis possessed great skill in working magic. As mistress of word she not only used words of power but had knowledge of the way in which to pronounce them so that whatever had the words addressed to them would be compelled to fulfill her bequest.

      Isis colours are white and gold and cobalt blue, the colours of royalty and comfort.
      Crystals and stones for Isis are pearl, coral lapis geodes and moonstone.

      Incense for Isis are myrrh, rose, iris and eucalyptus.

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-08-2012, 10:04 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Red in Buddhist Color Symbolism - ReligionFacts

        Red throughout the development of civilization has had connotations with life and those things considered sacred in some way. It has developed as synonymous with the preservation of our life force, as in the symbols of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Danger signs and signals are also often surrounded in red to indicate warning or threat to life. Similarly, fire has two facets. It can be a warming lifesaver or an uncontrollable destroyer.

        The color red is auspicious in Tibetan culture. It is a sacred color, one of the colors of the five Buddhas and the color of the monk's garments. It is believed to have protective qualities and is therefore often used to paint sacred buildings. In neighboring China, coral is a symbol of longevity, and in India it is thought to prevent hemorrhages. Hans Weihreter records beliefs about coral in western Tibetan cultures which center around blood. Coral is said to strengthen blood, and act beneficially for the menstruation of women.

        The symbolism of the color red shines forth in Buddhist aesthetics in the type of paintings known as red thangkas. A style requiring high technical virtuosity, all elements making up these painting are subsumed in the overall red field characteristic of this special genre of thangka. Red is the color of powerful rituals and deeds. It is the color of passion, transmuted to discriminating wisdom. These are especially relevant in especially vigorous meditation rituals requiring equally potent meditative tools.

        Another dimension regarding the color red is the belief surrounding coral, the semi-precious stone which is a gift from our mother ocean to remind us of our eternal foundation. It is actually composed of the skeletons of little animals into reef-plant - like with hard branches. It reminds us of our bones - hard and durable. Coral teaches us form, also flow and flexibility within form. It lives and breathes in the sea but its roots are anchored in the earth. It is one of the five sacred stones of the Tibetan Buddhists, and symbolizes the energy of life force. (chi ...mana ...etc .. )

        Coral is believed to be a protection against the evil eye. In a curious belief it was supposed to lighten in color and become pale if the wearer were ill or even exposed to illness - or were given poison. The coral would then darken as the wearer recovered. The same attribute was associated with a woman's menstrual periods, which the coral was supposed to "share" with women. Coral was also associated with stopping the flow of blood from a wound, curing madness, imparting wisdom, and calming storms.

        In Buddhism coral is believed to be generally good, and the Tibetans and Tibeto-Nepalese think of it as a good investment, and believe that the person who wears coral will have success in life.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • An interesting pice of info:

          Do you want to know about the meaning of the Corsican flag and other symbols of Corsica?

          A Granìtula. (closely resembles The word Granite )

          The spiral (counter clockwise )- granìtula in Corsican - is a symbol of great importance in Corsica. It represents the shape of the conch seashell. The Granìtula is also the spiral procession, which is led by i cunfraterni, the lay brotherhoods, on Good Friday in many towns and villages on the island. The snail-like labyrinthine procession is orchestrated by the Prieur [prior], whose measured steps are accompanied by the chanting of dirges in honour of the dead Christ. An effigy is normally carried on a bier and in the case of Calvi, the body is transported from the Cathedral in the citadel down to the low town and back again, with stops at strategic and traditional stops for the winding round and round into a tight knot and then unfurling again to resume the procession.
          all this happening on 'Granite Island

          so we can assume that Spiral And Granite go well together

          These single-path, magical mazes are found in many places, such as
          China, United States, Peru, England. The Gothic Cathedral at Chartres
          has a labyrinth inlaid in the floor of the nave

          The Labyrinth

          Mazes can have more than one entrance, numerous choices of path and direction and cul-de-sacs. They are designed to pose some difficulty in finding ones way in, or out of them. The walls are usually high enough to block one from seeing the way out. Mazes are essentially a game and a test of skill.

          Labyrinths: Unlike the maze the labyrinth, sometimes called a “prayer walk” is not designed to be difficult to navigate. It has only a single winding path which leads to the center and out again through a number of twists and turns, with no diverging paths or dead-ends along the way. A "circuit" describes the number of times the path circles around the center of the labyrinth. The Cretan or Classical 7-circuit labyrinth pattern is the oldest and most used of all labyrinth designs. It consists of a single path winding back and forth in a series of seven concentric rings, all the while leading to a center point.

          CHO KU RAY

          Pronunciation "choh-koo-ray"

          Alias: "The Power Symbol"

          Meaning: "God and Man Coming Together" or "I have the key"

          The primary use of this Symbol is to increase Reiki power (enhanced by Granite remember the composition of granite ...quartz...mica...etc ). It draws Energy from around you and it focuses it where you want to.

          Make the sign over the client (or yourself) and say (silently) the words Cho Ku Rei 3 times.

          It is the all-purpose symbol. It can be used for anything, anywhere;

          * For on the spot treatments

          * To cleans negative energies

          * Spiritual protection

          * On food, water, medicine, herbs

          * In sick rooms and hospitals

          * To aid manifestation

          * To empower other Reiki Symbols

          * To seal energies after the treatment, etc.

          If you wish to use the symbol to bring Energy to yourself, reverse it.
          Very likely that Granite will be found is most of these places just like ...Corsica ....Pyramid .... Cathedrals .... Rennes le Chateau .... Mormon Temple ... Norse Painting (not sure about this one ) ...and more ... etc ....

          in other words Granite Structure is a a red flag in our discussion as a possible spot for Spiritual Gold (ie UFO and more )

          Mazes can have more than one entrance, numerous choices of path and direction and cul-de-sacs. They are designed to pose some difficulty in finding ones way in, or out of them. The walls are usually high enough to block one from seeing the way out. Mazes are essentially a game and a test of skill.

          Labyrinths: Unlike the maze the labyrinth, sometimes called a “prayer walk” is not designed to be difficult to navigate. It has only a single winding path which leads to the center and out again through a number of twists and turns, with no diverging paths or dead-ends along the way. A "circuit" describes the number of times the path circles around the center of the labyrinth. The Cretan or Classical 7-circuit labyrinth pattern is the oldest and most used of all labyrinth designs. It consists of a single path winding back and forth in a series of seven concentric rings, all the while leading to a center point.
          Very likely that Granite will be found is most of these places such as ...Corsica ....Pyramid .... Cathedrals .... Rennes le Chateau .... Norse Painting (not sure about this one ) ... etc ....

          a reconstitution of a UFO encounter that occured in Corsica

          OVNIS dans le ciel corse - YouTube

          The author of the book and the police interviewed the two witnesses of this "incident" among other similar incients he confirms the statements of other witnesses when the reality of the descriptions that are all identical.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-08-2012, 10:49 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Another word for Principle of Correspondence:


            Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 12:11 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • here is another Spiritual Nugget

              Pierre de la Fée (Draguignan) [Pèira de la Fada, Pierre Aux Fées] Burial Chamber (Dolmen) : The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map:

              This big dolmen is situated in Draguignan city. It's an important megalith with a 25 tons HM 7 capstone. Lateral supports are 2.50 metres high. HM 7 and Three Pillar HM 3

              Legend about this dolmen talks about a fairy living under the monument. Locally it is called "pèira de la fada" (pierre de la fée, the fairy stone).

              This dolmen was a burial ground directly connected with a settlement nearby. It has been classified as a "Monument Historique" since 1889. Despite this the dolmen is spoiled. There are modern carvings along with painted graffiti that ruin it. The monument is easily reachable by car and is well signposted on the main roads

              ....Dimensional Door ....what do you think happens to the quartz inside the Pillars when you put so much weight .....on them

              a smaller version of this times 3 (3 pillars ):

              The primary use of this Symbol is to increase Reiki power (enhanced by Granite remember the composition of granite ...quartz...mica...etc ). It draws Energy from around you and it focuses it where you want to (Principle of Mentalism : Universe is All Wave / Source Field ).
              just a thought the above Pyramid (and all the other Pyramids ... Principle of Correspondence ) coupled with this

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 01:02 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Have you ever heard of:

                Shugborough inscription

                The Shugborough inscription is a sequence of letters - O U O S V A V V, between the letters D M - carved on the 18th-century Shepherd's Monument in the grounds of Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire, England, below a mirror image of Nicolas Poussin's painting, the Shepherds of Arcadia. It has never been satisfactorily explained, and has been called one of the world's top uncracked ciphertexts.[1] The inscription became widely known after being mentioned in the 1982 book The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (have not read it but i think it came up in our discussion ) by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln.

                let's play with it : two version : HM1 + HM 9 and the Mirror Version (think Star of David )

                a link to a website linking the inscription to Oak Island


                made of Granite the stand
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 04:26 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a sequence of letters - O U O S V A V V, between the letters D M
                  numerology of ancient alphabets

                  The sacral sum 21+43=64 HM 3 + HM 7 (see megalith ) = HM 1
                  Now in the Latin alphabet there are 26 letters HM 8 but originally in the Latin alphabet was 21 letters( HM 3 ): A B C D E F Z H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X, that differs from the modern Latin alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.

                  O U O S V A V V = 7 6 7 3 6 1 6 6 = 36 = HM 9

                  used Chaldean table as it was mentioned in Fulcanelli's Book

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a sequence of letters - O U O S V A V V, between the letters D M
                    numerology of ancient alphabets

                    The sacral sum 21+43=64 HM 3 + HM 7 (see megalith ) = HM 1
                    Now in the Latin alphabet there are 26 letters HM 8 but originally in the Latin alphabet was 21 letters( HM 3 ): A B C D E F Z H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X, that differs from the modern Latin alphabet: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.

                    O U O S V A V V = 7 6 7 3 6 1 6 6 = 36 = HM 9. ...oooops... correction it is 42 = HM 6

                    Also D = HM 4 and M = HM 4 ..............which gives you 4 4 bottom of 639 triangle

                    and 36 + 4 + 4 = 44

                    used Chaldean table as it was mentioned in Fulcanelli's Book

                    from: Chaldean Numerology, Chaldean Vibrations, Compound Numbers

                    36 HM 9. ...oooops... correction it is 42 = HM 6

                    Has the same meaning as the number 27 HM 9 , which is the one next to it in its own series of "compound" numbers.
                    27. HM 9

                    This is a good number and is symbolized as "the Sceptre." It is a promise of authority, power and command. It indicates that reward will come from the productive intellect; that the creative faculties have sown good seeds that will reap a harvest. Persons with this "command" number at their back should carry out their own ideas and plans. It is a fortunate number if it appears in any connection with future events.

                    Chaldean Compound Number Vibrations

                    Here are some of the vibrations in Chaldean numerology. You can calculate your vibration with the Chaldean Numerology vibrations table pictured above and find out if your first, last name or first and last name together have a good or bad vibrations.

                    Here are only few vibrations listed. YOu get all the vibrations in the Numerology Analysis.

                    Single numbers denote what you appear to be in the eyes of others, while the double or compound numbers show the hidden influences that play a role behind the scenes and some mysterious way often foreshadow the future.

                    All the numbers from 10 upwards HM 1 , become compound numbers and have a meaning of their own distinct from the root number. We do not know how and in what age these compound numbers were discovered. We can only say that they appear to have always existed. The meanings ascribed to the numbers 1 to 9 belong to the physical or material side of things and compound numbers from 10 onwards belong to the more occult or spiritual side of life. Distinct symbolism has been given to the compound numbers up to that mysterious number of 52. HM 7

                    The universally accepted symbolism of the compound numbers in ancient times was given in pictures and may still be found in the Tarot Cards which have been handed down to us from ancient times and whose origin is lost in antiquity.
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 10:58 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • was thinking about the Number 52 and why so mystical

                      All numbers, whether found under this system or the Pythagorean one, have basically the same meanings, symbols, nature, and character. This seems to be the universal rule of all number systems.

                      However, under the Chaldean Numerology system, it isn't enough to know what the single numbers mean. One must also know what the "compound," or "double," numbers mean is well. The single Chaldean Numerology number simply represents the physcal outward appearance of a person's name, whereas the compound Chaldean Numerology number represents the deeper, metaphysical, hidden influences or forces behind the name.

                      All the numbers from 10 upwards HM 1 , become compound numbers and have a meaning of their own distinct from the root number. We do not know how and in what age these compound numbers were discovered. We can only say that they appear to have always existed. The meanings ascribed to the numbers 1 to 9 belong to the physical or material side of things and compound numbers from 10 onwards belong to the more occult or spiritual side of life. Distinct symbolism has been given to the compound numbers up to that mysterious number of 52. HM 7
                      what is 52 ?

                      52 /2 = 26 HM 8

                      26 / 2 = 13 HM 4

                      if you pay close Attention to the the structure of numbers you'll find a male and female pole in these Numbers

                      13 = 1 and 3
                      26 = 2 and 6
                      52 = (poles switch ) 5 and 2

                      from: the emerald tablets:

                      Three are the natures of Mind,
                      carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
                      Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
                      Thus is formed the threefold being,
                      directed from above by the power of four.
                      Four is it in qualities,
                      shining in each of the planes of existence,
                      but thirteen in one (HM 4 ) ,
                      the mystical number.
                      Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                      each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                      each shall channels be of the Great One.

                      so what do the Chaldeans say about 13 and 26


                      This is a number indicating change of plans, place and such-like and is not unfortunate, as is generally supposed. In some of the ancient writings it is said, "He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion". It is symbolized by the picture of a "Skeleton" of "Death," with a scythe reaping down men, in a field of new-grown grass where young faces and heads appear cropping up on every side. It is a number of upheaval and destruction. It is a symbol of "Power" which if wrongly used will wreak destruction upon oneself. It is a number of warning of the unknown or unexpected, if it becomes a "compound" number in one's calculations

                      also 52 = 13 * 4 or HM 7 = HM 4 * HM 4 .

                      This number is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by association with others; ruin by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions and bad advice. If it comes out in connection with future events one should carefully consider the path one is treading.

                      Has the same meaning as 43.
                      We have now completed the 52 numbers which represent the 52 weeks of our year, and for all practical purposes there is no necessity to proceed further.

                      This is an unfortunate number. It is symbolized by the signs of revolution, upheaval, strife, failure, and prevention and is not a fortunate number if it comes out in calculation relating to future events.
                      looks like 26 and 52 are red flags for change ...after chaos ....order


                      O U O S V A V V = 7 6 7 3 6 1 6 6 = 36 = HM 9
                      36 / 2 = 18 HM 9


                      This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them." It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position thorough wars or by wars. It is however a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. When this "compound" number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection.
                      red Flag
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 10:25 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Week Numbers for 2012

                        this week we are the 10th week of the Year HM 1

                        Next week it is the 11th Week of the Year HM 2

                        and since the number 36 came up ...let's see what it is :

                        Week 36 September 3, 2012 September 9, 2012

                        09/03/12 - 09/09/12 = HM 9 / HM 3 / HM 3 - HM 9 / HM 9 / HM 3 = 15 - 21 = HM 6 - HM 3 on Week 36

                        now this is quite a Fractal Resonance

                        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:


                        . ...oooops... correction it is 42 = HM 6

                        Has the same meaning as the number 24.

                        This number is also fortunate; it promises the assistance and association of those of rank and position with one's plans; it also denotes gain through love and the opposite sex; it is a favorable number when it comes out in relation to future events.
                        Week 42 October 15, 2012 October 21, 2012

                        10/15/12 - 10 / 21 /12 = HM 1 / HM 6 / HM 3 - HM 1 / HM 3 / HM 3 = HM 1 HM 7 = HM 8
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-09-2012, 11:20 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • dissect this statement using the 7 Principles: time to Practice
                          (i'll just be using my favorite of the moment...Principle of Mentalism

                          a repost (it is always important to reread information as it is also fractal )

                          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works

                          When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected? Rich then said, “That’s how it works!
                          Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession |Latest UFO News| UFO 2011 Sightings|Alien Pictures|2011 Solar Flares|Disclosure Project|Web Bot

                          Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion

                          But the Hermetic Teachings go much further than do those of modern science. They teach that all manifestations of thought, emotion, reason, will or desire, or any mental state or condition, are accompanied by vibrations, a portion of which are thrown off and which tend to affect the minds of other persons by "induction." This is the principle which produces the phenomena of "telepathy"; mental influence, and other forms of the action and power of mind over mind, with which the general public is rapidly becoming acquainted, owing to the wide dissemination of occult knowledge by the various schools, cults and teachers along these lines at this time.
                          In the phenomena of Telepathy it is seen how the Vibratory Energy of the Masculine Principle is projected toward the Feminine Principle of another person, and the latter takes the seed-thought and allows it to develop into maturity. In the same way Suggestion and Hypnotism operates. The Masculine Principle of the person giving the suggestions directs a stream of Vibratory Energy or Will-Power toward the Feminine Principle of the other person, and the latter accepting it makes it its own and acts and thinks accordingly.
                          replace Person with UFO (Principle of Correspôndence )

                          Our Conscious Mind Could Be An Electromagnetic Field

                          Our Conscious Mind Could Be An Electromagnetic Field
                          Are our thoughts made of the distributed kind of electromagnetic field that permeates space and carries the broadcast signal to the TV or radio.

                          Professor Johnjoe McFadden from the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences at the University of Surrey in the UK believes our conscious mind could be an electromagnetic field.

                          “The theory solves many previously intractable problems of consciousness and could have profound implications for our concepts of mind, free will, spirituality, the design of artificial intelligence, and even life and death,” he said.

                          Most people consider "mind" to be all the conscious things that we are aware of. But much, if not most, mental activity goes on without awareness. Actions such as walking, changing gear in your car or peddling a bicycle can become as automatic as breathing.

                          The biggest puzzle in neuroscience is how the brain activity that we're aware of (consciousness) differs from the brain activity driving all of those unconscious actions.

                          see previous post

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-10-2012, 11:23 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from: Buddhabrot fractal method

                            The Buddhabrot Technique


                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Archive 2011 - Interview with a contacted Ummite

                              see also

                              here is a link to recent interview of a contactee...where

                              an excerpt Archives 2011 - Interview d'un contacté Ummite - Le Blog Insolite et Ufologique de Sedona (use google to translate )

                              Interview made by Olivier de Sedona May 26, 2011:

                              Olivier de Sedona: You have entrusted me to have met several times in 30 years the aliens that we know better under the name of ummites, can you tell me how this story began and where she started at?

                              Marc: Regarding the Oummains, I know they prefer to be appointed as well, it started in 1975 in Toulouse (Pyrenee ), where a person told me that I should be aware of what might come out of the ordinary. He was a gentleman of uncommon kindness and I had a sense of telepathy when he left.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • A very Interesting phenomena ... you may want to check it out:

                                Cavitation - YouTube

                                Water cavitation in an antique singing bowl with a large neodymium magnet submerged in the center of the bowl. YoungTesla
                                Dont' they do the exact same thing if you take the magnet out? I have one of these bowls, and the water droplets do the same thing without a magnet in it. . .

                                TheSmashedup 1 year ago

                                @TheSmashedup No, they do not do the same thing without a magnet. Once a magnet has been placed in the bowl, the cavitation droplets will appear and move toward the center of the bowl. When the magnet is then taken out of the water and flipped over, the cavitation droplets will not form at all. It's quite an interesting phenomenon and this video does not demonstrate the experiment to its full extent. If you have a bowl, I highly recommend trying it out for yourself. Let me know what happens!

                                ps: you are made of water too

                                -------------and this one ...falls also in step with our Discussion: using a Rodin Coil with fav Crystal ....Quartz

                                VORTEX WITH CRYSTALS - YouTube


                                to be replicated.... easy to test a normal Rodin Coil as a Speaker with one that has the Quartz in it

                                and if it pans out to be true a logic mash up with: 6 Vogel Crystals

                                -------------------- from:

                                Review of ExtraOrdinary Technology 2011

                                Jamie started off with a call for using an older A-432 tuning standard rather than the Nazi mandated A-440 tuning used by most musicians today. He pointed out that the foremost advocates of the newer tuning standard were high officials in Hitler's government, and that it creates a form of tension in most people.

                                Then he brought up conference Technical Director, John Fiala, who had suffered a severe wound from a practice mortar round last October that involved second and third degree burns. Healing had expected to take about two years. John described using a multi-frequency Rodin Coil built by his son and finding his healing time reduced to about four months!
                                Jamie then stated, "Marko's work is in coherence with Pythagorean tuning."
                                see also:
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-10-2012, 08:27 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

