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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • a re-post:


    Was just thinking about the word Sidonia as in

    Cydonia is a region on the planet Mars, and has attracted both scientific[1] and popular interest.[2][3] The name originally referred to the albedo feature (distinctively coloured area) that was visible from Earthbound telescopes. The area borders plains of Acidalia Planitia and the Arabia Terra highlands.[4]

    The area includes the Mars regions: "Cydonia Mensae", an area of flat-topped mesa-like features, "Cydonia Colles", a region of small hills or knobs, and "Cydonia Labyrinthus", a complex of intersecting valleys.[5][6] As with other albedo features on Mars, the name Cydonia was drawn from classical antiquity, in this case from Kydonia, a historic polis (or "city-state") on the island of Crete.[7]

    Cydonia contains the "face on Mars" feature — located about half-way between Arandas Crater and Bamberg Crater[4] The ESA "skull" formation is a few kilometres south of the "face".[4]
    Here is a Town of great interest:

    Medina-Sidonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Medina-Sidonia is a city and municipality in the province of Cádiz in the autonomous community of Andalusia, southern Spain. It is considered by some to be the oldest city in Europe, used as a military defense location due to its elevated location. Locals are known as Asidonenses. The city's name comes from Medina (Arabic for city) and Sidonia (of Sidon), meaning "City of Sidon".

    Medina-Sidonia was one of Spain's most important ducal seats in the 15th century; producing an admiral, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia, who led the Spanish Armada against England in 1588. The title of Duque de Medina Sidonia was bestowed upon the family of Guzmán El Bueno for his valiant role in taking the town. The line continues and was led until March 2008 by the controversial socialist, Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo, 20th Duchess of Medina Sidonia (born 1936).


    Amongst its innumerable monuments, of note are: the Roman Archaeological Complex (Sewers and Road), the Visigoth Hermitage of Los Santos, the Town Hall (XVII c.), the Market Square (XIXc.); its churches and convents, such as the gothic-renaissance style “Iglesia Mayor” (High Church) and the Monastery of San José del Cuervo; the Walls and Doors of the Muslim town; the ruins of the Castle and Old Town; and the Torrestrella Castle, amongst many others dispersed throughout its vast district.

    Considered to be one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, Medina Sidonia is also a paradise of tranquility, where you can escape from the world and come into complete contact with nature, between both the Cádiz countryside and the Alcornocales Natural Park.
    Puerta del Sol (Door of the Sun) / : Puma Punku has also a gateway of the sun

    It is one of the oldest doors in the town. Its name is due to the fact that it faces the same direction as the rays of sunshine at dawn. It is located behind that which, in its time, was the Ducal Palace of the Medina Sidonia.
    Castle of Torrestrella

    Ruins of an Arabic castle, it was called Medina Sidonia up to the creation of the Santa María Military Order of Spain. At this point it was donated to the latter with the name of Estrella (Star) (aka Astarte / Ishtar ).
    Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war. Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. .

    Church of Santa María la Mayor (Church of Santa Maria Superior)

    Church of Santa Maria Superior, the Crowned, belongs to the gothic-renaissance period of the XVI century. Most noteworthy are its altarpiece, from the Baroque, and the engraving of the Christ of Forgiveness by Pedro Roldán.
    It was declared a Historical Artistic Monument in June of 1931.
    Carmelite Monastery of San José del Cuervo

    It is a building of great dimensions, located right in the Alcornocales Natural Park, in Sierra Blanquilla, and it is surrounded by cliffs and cork oak groves, which lends it great beauty.

    Bandera de Medina / Medina Flag

    Escudo Medina / Seal note the Black Star (same as the one found in Winnipeg Canada see doc )

    (Lancelot anyone )

    Lancelot (father of Galahad )[5] is the son of King Ban of Benwick (or Benoic) and Elaine.[6] While Lancelot is an infant, his father is driven from his kingdom, seen in Britain, by his enemy Claudas de la Deserte.[7] Ban and Elaine flee, carrying the child with them. As Elaine is tending to her wounded husband, Lancelot is carried off by the Lady of the Lake who raises the child in her magical kingdom. It is from this upbringing that Lancelot earns the surname, du lac
    The Cydonia region of Mars (see Figure 1) is located at 41° north latitude, 10° west longitude on the red planet. and was surveyed by the Viking Satellite

    HM 6
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-26-2012, 09:09 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Based on our Discussion, we could say that our vibrational plane is on the rise :

      ex : Untitled Document

      Geophysical Condition #1: Earth's Rising Base Frequency

      Earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat," (called Schumann resonance, or SR) is rising dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions, for decades the overall measurement was 7.8 cycles per second. This was once thought to be a constant; global military communications developed on this frequency. Recent reports set the rate at over 11 cycles, and climbing. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it. Gregg Braden found data collected by Norwegian and Russian researchers on this; it's not widely reported in the U.S. (The only reference to SR to be found in the Seattle Library reference section, is tied to the weather. Science acknowledges SR as a sensitive indicator of temperature variations and worldwide weather conditions. Braden believes the fluctuating SR may be a factor in the severe storms, floods, and weather of recent years.)

      Geophysical Condition #2: Earth's Diminishing Magnetic Field

      While earth's "pulse" rate is rising, her magnetic field strength, on the other hand, is declining. According to Professor Bannerjee of the University of New Mexico, the field has lost up to half its intensity in the last 4,000 years. And because a forerunner of magnetic polar reversals is this field strength, Prof. Bannerjee believes that another reversal is due. Braden believes that because these cyclical Shifts are associated with reversals, Earth's geological record indicating magnetic reversals also marks previous Shifts in history. And, within the enormous time scale represented, there were quite a few of them.
      and this affects all the living Constructs on Spaceship Earth ...

      now my rethorical question is:

      what do you think happens to all the GMO Food or other genetically manipulated organism; call them Chimera, under these conditions

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Before It's News

        Indisputable Evidence Of The Golden Ratio In The Mayan Calendar

        In the essay phi (The Golden Ratio) reveals the dynamics of the Mayan Calendar I presented the most visible example of phi delineated by the Fibonacci numbers 8 and 13 and inaugurating the ‘breakthrough to Light’ of the 5th DAY, which is Heaven number 9 of each of the nine Underworlds.

        Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2,3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…

        Those numbers are however not exactly the Golden Ratio[i] but a close integer approximation (13/8 = 1.625) which means that the precise moment of phi in a Tzolkin round occurs slightly after the beginning[ii] of uinal no. 9 whose energy starts with 5 Imix.

        Before It's News

        Three tightly integrated cycles compose the dynamics of the nine level Mayan Calendar: The 360 day Tun, 260 day Tzolkin and 234 day Universal wave (also the 9th level).

        Although importance has been stressed on the Tzolkin for 2,500 years with its constant presence in everyday life and the Tun as the backbone of the Long Count, focusing on ANY of the two cycles will yield the third because the 3 combined are entirely built with the same four foundational blocks: the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 13.

        A keen eye will notice that these numbers are an early part of the Fibonacci sequence which throughout history has been discovered to emboss our reality in surprising ways…because it is the whole integer approximation of the Golden Ratio.

        The Black Budget and Underground Bases Discussed !! - YouTube

        it mentions gold mining .... or close to spiritual gold
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-27-2012, 12:08 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • from :

          Originally posted by Leviathan View Post
          interesting, now that you mention it it does seem to have a similar geometry to the pyramids, looks like I would be worth some thinking about
          Thanks for posting kcarring look like you have some experience with the slayer circuit. The secret to tuning you coil with the slayer circuit is to position the primary in the right spot, usually it is a little less than 1/4 the way up from the bottom
          Just wanted to share with you the schematic of the Pyramid ... hope this inspires you

          imagine it is your coil

          also mentioned , the 1/4 wave that is, in the following presentation:

          Bosnian Pyramids - Exotic Energy Generation - ICBP 2011 - YouTube

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-27-2012, 06:43 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • the above schematic was found in the following link, and it has an interesting theory about the materials used in the pyramids , and these we have discussed may times:


            you should check it out

            Using the crystal substances in the pyramid.

            The Cheops pyramid is based upon native rock more dense in comparison with the surrounding one. As its basic building material they name artificial made calcareous blocks, but in [5] they are named sandstone that can be caused with discrepancy of translation (further these blocks will be called as calcareous, but their structure, as well as of other materials of the pyramid, demands specification). In pyramid building sand, granite and also and even salt were used. All these materials have rather complex structure and different dielectric permeability. The general for them is the content of crystal substances, in particular, quartz, mica, etc. which part is widely applied in radio engineering. But as radio engineering researches of building materials of the pyramid in its possible working range did not carry out the lower are shown only general data on structure and properties of materials used the the pyramid. Limestone which is the basic building material of the pyramid, sedimentary rock consisting mainly from calcite seldom from aragonite, often with impurity of dolomite, clay and sandy particles.

            Aragonite is the mineral of carbonates class of , forms different colour needle crystals and branchy units. Calcite (limy spar) is class carbonates mineral.

            Carbonate rock. Rock consisting of carbonates of calcium, magnesium, iron.

            In the pyramid from limestone blocks is laid out, as believe, its basic body. From the polished limestone having very smooth and firm surface, are made ceiling and walls of the chamber of the average level (ALCh), the top part of the descending corridor (DC), the ceiling of the top resonance chamber (RC-1), top (up to the chamber-grotto) mine-well part (MW), bigger (or all) surface of the big gallery (BG).

            Presumably the same was the surface of opened (ОMN and ОMS) and closed (CMN and CMS) mines and also all external surface of the pyramid. The top layer of the polished surfaces, including limestone, in radio engineering properties can essentially differ from properties of usual limestone, and not only in the range of the visible light. This question demands special research. It is necessary to define the exact structure of that limestone (or sandstone) which is used for pyramid buildings.

            Sand. Sand fine-fragmental the friable sedimentary rock consisting of not less than 50 % from particles of quartz, field spars and other minerals and fragments of mountain rocks. Dielectric permeability of the sand depending on rock and humidity can fluctuate in very big limits: from 2 to 25 (for damp sand), and for usual dry sand it is equal to approximately 4. Sand is the basic component of block materials from which the pyramid body is made. Besides, with some unusual sand possessing in any range with strong shielding properties, are filled 3 cavities (one from them has sizes ~ 30х6х5, located under ALCh. Probably, that inside of the pyramids there are also other similar sandy cavities. The sand filling these cavities, (even, ostensibly, sifted) has special structure. In one of the large cavities with raying in sand certain heterogeneous matters are found but to identify them was not possible. It is known also that some sands possess rather unusual and not solved property. They in moving ("shock" pressure) are capable to sound, to radiate waves of sound range.

            It is considered, that sounding (singing, hooting, whistling) sands are coastal sands and sands of deserts, and by all means dry ones. It, probably, is connected with that dielectric permeability of dry and damp sand differs. very strongly.

            Singing sands, as a rule, are very pure. They usually consist of particles of quartz and almost do not contain impurities. As the exception they name sounding sand of islands Kauais and Niihau consisting of calcium carbonate in diameter about 0,5 mm. Particles of the sounding sand are roundish (experimentally it was possible, however, to achieve buzz cubic crystals of table salt) and have approximately the identical size. Particles of sand are cut with the thin channel, opened from one end (i.e. by design they are similar to spherical resonators). Are known not only singing sands but also singing mountains. For example, mountain Kalkan (height 300) in Kazakhstan it is some kind of natural organ. It at wind and at descent from it the person gives melodious sounds, but only in dry weather,and after the rain it keeps silence.

            Now the quantity of sounding sand is sharply reduced that is connected with environmental contamination.

            It is not excluded, that in the pyramid have been used not only shielding, but also "singing" properties of the sand capable, probably to serve as the generator and/or the converter of waves and/or the original modulator (demodulator).

            Granite is the holocrystalline magmatic rock consisting of mainly from quartz, potassium feldspar, mica and other components. Mica are plane crystals, the scaly masses spliting on the most thin leaflets possessing with high dielectric properties and thermal stability.

            It is known that the micas, equal approximately 6 … 7, with growth of frequency from 200 Hz to 10 кHz decreases together with the tangent of anglelosses.
            .... Now the granite is considered as usual building material and in radio engineering purposes it is not applied, in spite of the fact that there are big percent of the quartz widely used in radio engineering. But it does not mean at all that it cannot be used for the same purposes in any ranges of waves. Therefore, it shoukd like to investigate granite from the radio engineering point of view, in possible working range of the pyramid which will be presumably define lower.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
              Based on our Discussion, we could say that our vibrational plane is on the rise :

              ex : Untitled Document

              and this affects all the living Constructs on Spaceship Earth ...

              now my rethorical question is:

              what do you think happens to all the GMO Food or other genetically manipulated organism; call them Chimera, under these conditions

              Thank you for bringing this in...

              'Get it all on record now - get the films - get the witnesses -because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened'

              General D.Eisenhower



              • follow up

                blackchisel97 pleasure they say : you are what you eat

                Quartz which is the part of all materials of the pyramid, has hexagonal and trigonal modification. It forms different colour of particles, granular crystals, aggregates and continuous masses. Rock crystal, amethyst, topaz consists of quartz and other minerals. Quartz is widely applied in radio engineering as possesses with many remarkable properties, including bright expressed direct and reverse piezoelectric effect. This effect is used in the piezoelectric converters of mechanical and acoustic vibrations in electric, and back. Resonators, generators, modulators and others radio engineering devices are known which use unique properties of quartz and other crystal substances are known Salts (stone; seignette table salt) are crystal substances. Unusual properties of seignette salt are known for a long time, and table salt (sodium chloride, colourless crystals) possesses, as it is known, rather various and unusual properties, including such which are used in medicine for treatments, and in everyday life, for preservation of products. Besides, recently the new unusual ("laser") properties of table salt have been found .

                According to mass-media, the group of researchers one of the american laboratories has found , that under the influence of a shock wave crystals of dielectric are capable to radiate the coherent ("co-ordinated") light, which unique source before lasers were considered. A source of coherent radiation in a range of frequencies from 1 to100 terahertz that corresponds to infra-red part of spectrum, it has appeared (even at simple stirring) usual table salt.

                Salt (presumably table ) covers walls and ceiling of ALCh, and also ceiling of RC-5. About appointment of the salt covering it was not possible to find any assumption. But, considering that crystal substances are widely used in radio engineering and laser technics, and also taking into account the new ("laser") effect which has been found for table salt, such covering can be quite include in athe pyramid, if it consider as the radio engineering device.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
                  Thank you for bringing this in...

                  a very highly recommended doc ... dubbed in english :

                  The World According to Monsanto part 1 of 10 - YouTube

                  watch and learn

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Just found a Vid Concerning the Isosceles Triangle on the Sun

                    Massive TRIANGLE-SHAPED Hole In The Suns Corona Recorded by NASA !! - YouTube

                    and also: Atlantis Plato: Timaeus 3

                    The one element [that is, the triangle which has its hypotenuse twice the lesser side] having generated these figures, generated no more; but the isosceles triangle produced the fourth elementary figure, which is compounded of four such triangles, joining their right angles in a centre, and forming one equilateral quadrangle. Six of these united form eight solid angles, each of which is made by the combination of three plane right angles; the figure of the body thus composed is a cube, having six plane quadrangular equilateral bases. There was yet a fifth combination which God used in the delineation of the universe.

                    Now, he who, duly reflecting on all this, enquires whether the worlds are to be regarded as indefinite or definite in number, will be of opinion that the notion of their indefiniteness is characteristic of a sadly indefinite and ignorant mind. He, however, who raises the question whether they are to be truly regarded as one or five, takes up a more reasonable position. Arguing from probabilities, I am of opinion that they are one; another, regarding the question from another point of view, will be of another mind. But, leaving this enquiry, let us proceed to distribute the elementary forms, which have now been created in idea, among the four elements.

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                    add Water on Mercury
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • From:

                      Originally posted by llynch View Post
                      Additional info to adjust some things in the above post. Browser had issues with editing.

                      -Meal timings if the four points of the day are taken into consideration along with duality.... the points that make more sense are noon and sunset. Water intake could possibly fall opposite at morning and midnight.
                      -After a bit more thinking the Pineal Gland may reach peaks matching the four points noted above... still refining the concept.
                      which is actually what is recommended (at least this is what i have been doing ) ... as a recent convert to more green less red ... i can attest that the body tends to be more in tune... as for the relation betwenn plants and animals....

                      you could envision it as plants are closer to prana than animals as they are directly linked to eartn through their roots, on the other hand , animals need an intermediary to replenish in 'Prana" and the farthest you are from it (ie carnivorous ) the more bound the construct is to his Red Chakra


                      for more details on Prana:

                      Prana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      Prana (प्राण, prāṇa) is the Sanskrit word for "vital life" (from the root prā "to fill", cognate to Latin: plenus "full"). It is one of the five organs of vitality or sensation, viz. prana "breath", vac "speech", chakshus "sight", shrotra "hearing", and manas "thought" (nose, mouth, eyes, ears and mind; ChUp. 2.7.1).

                      In Vedantic philosophy, prana is the notion of a vital, life-sustaining force of living beings and vital energy, comparable to the Chinese notion of Qi. Prana is a central concept in Ayurveda and Yoga, where it is believed to flow through a network of fine subtle channels called nadis. Its most subtle material form is the breath, but it is also to be found in the blood, and its most concentrated form is semen in men and vaginal fluid in women.[1] The Pranamaya-kosha is one of the five Koshas or "sheaths" of the Atman.

                      Prana was first expounded in the Upanishads, where it is part of the worldly, physical realm, sustaining the body and the mother of thought and thus also of the mind. Prana suffuses all living forms but is not itself the Atman or individual soul. In the Ayurveda, the Sun and sunshine are held to be a source of prana.

                      In the Hindu philosophy of Kashmir Shaivism, prana is regarded as an aspect of Shakti (cosmic energy).[
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        FYI: the Maya Calendar Mentions the date DECEMBER 21 2012:

                        or 12 / 21 / 12 also seen through Harmonic Math: 3 / 3 / 3 going a bit further into the HM:

                        3 / 3 / 3 = 3 + 3 + 3 = 9

                        add to it the following:

                        and add :

                        The Mayan calendar was very precise in this respect, but today the Mayan calendar is most famous for ending exactly on the December solstice: 21 December 2012, at 11:11 UTC. HM 4

                        HM 9 + HM 4 = 13 = HM 4

                        from: the emerald tablets:

                        Three are the natures of Mind,
                        carrier it of the Will of the Great One.
                        Arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
                        Thus is formed the threefold being,
                        directed from above by the power of four.

                        Four is it in qualities,
                        shining in each of the planes of existence,
                        but thirteen in one (HM 4 + Hm 1 = HM 5) ,
                        the mystical number.
                        Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                        each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                        each shall channels be of the Great One.

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 04:04 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • also :

                          1:10 = HM 1 + HM 1 = 1 1 = HM 2

                          4:7 = HM 4 + HM 7 = 1 1 = HM 2


                          linked to :

                          from: Fulcanelli - The Mystery Of The Cathedrals book


                          13 : 18 = HM 4 + HM 9 = 13 = HM 4

                          Four is it in qualities,
                          shining in each of the planes of existence,
                          but thirteen in one (HM 4 + Hm 1 = HM 5) ,
                          the mystical number.
                          Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                          each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                          each shall channels be of the Great One.

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 04:51 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a re-post but this time around with a different perspective:

                            the following when reading the following text replace Iron Rod with Society/ Countries / Time Cycle / KaliYuga

                            If you place an iron rod in a dark room and cause it to vibrate at first you'll only be able to tell it is vibrating by touching it.

                            Increasing the vibration to 32Hz will produce a loud and shrill sound and vibration can now be detected by both touch and hearing. Increase that vibration to 40Hz and you can no longer detect the vibration by touch or sound.

                            If you increase the vibration to 1.5MHz you cannot feel or hear the vibration but you can detect the vibration though the rise in temperature in the iron first warm and then the iron rod will glow red hot and can be detected by sight.

                            At 3MHz the rod is now producing violet light; increasing the vibration more will produce ultra-violet rays and other invisible radiations that can only be detected by special instruments.

                            There are so many "vibrations" flowing all around us that are invisible to our 5 senses who can tell how they affect us. Uranium emits and invisible radiation that will kill you. You cannot see it but it is there and kills. Who is to say how the other radiation affects the body and mind.

                            Isn't it possible that the mind radiates its own wireless transmissions that are received by other minds but we just are unaware of that as of yet. There is no scientific proof for or against this theory, yet so many people will just to the conclusion that it cannot exist. There are among the same people that would have disbelieved radio existed before it was proven that is does exist.

                            You MUST keep an open mind and use these methods as those successful have already used them to achieve success. Who are you willing to believe, those who have not succeeded or those who have?
                            Dr. Alexander Graham Bell

                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • talking about cycles

                              A Decade Of Fear

                              What would a timeline of the world’s greatest fears look like? Like this (remember Alexander Graham words ).
                              If you increase the vibration to 1.5MHz you cannot feel or hear the vibration but you can detect the vibration though the rise in temperature in the iron first warm and then the iron rod will glow red hot and can be detected by sight. Today

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Did you know Aluminum is a product of Modern Times and was used for the Pyramid of the Washington Monument

                                Modern Marvels S13E23 Aluminum - YouTube

                                Modern Marvels S13E30 Batteries - YouTube

                                radio anyone (hyperdimensional )

                                "Aluminum?" cried his three colleagues in chorus.

                                "Unquestionably, my friends. This valuable metal possesses the
                                whiteness of silver, the indestructibility of gold, the tenacity
                                of iron, the fusibility of copper, the lightness of glass. It is
                                easily wrought, is very widely distributed, forming the base of
                                most of the rocks, is three times lighter than iron, and seems to
                                have been created for the express purpose of furnishing us with
                                the material for our projectile."

                                Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 03-28-2012, 08:42 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

