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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • one more info:

    Borax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Borax, also known as sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, or disodium tetraborate, is an important boron compound, a mineral, and a salt of boric acid. It is usually a white powder consisting of soft colorless crystals that dissolve easily in water.

    Borax has a wide variety of uses. It is a component of many detergents, cosmetics, and enamel glazes. It is also used to make buffer solutions in biochemistry, as a fire retardant, as an anti-fungal compound for fiberglass, as a flux in metallurgy, neutron-capture shields for radioactive sources, a texturing agent in cooking, and as a precursor for other boron compounds.

    The term borax is used for a number of closely related minerals or chemical compounds that differ in their crystal water content, but usually refers to the decahydrate. Commercially sold borax is usually partially dehydrated.

    The word borax:بورق is Arabic – the Arabic is said to be from the Persian burah, a word that may have meant potassium nitrate or another fluxing agent. Another name for borax is tincal, from Sanskrit.[2]

    Borax was first discovered in dry lake beds in Tibet and was imported via the Silk Road to Arabia.[2] Borax first came into common use in the late 19th century when Francis Marion Smith's Pacific Coast Borax Company began to market and popularize a large variety of applications under the famous 20 Mule Team Borax trademark, named for the method by which borax was originally hauled out of the California and Nevada deserts in large enough quantities to make it cheap and commonly available.[

    Let's not forget Tourmaline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Tourmaline is a crystal boron silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. Tourmaline is classified as a semi-precious stone and the gem comes in a wide variety of colors. The name comes from the Sinhalese word "Thuramali" (තුරමලි) or "Thoramalli" (තෝරමල්ලි), which applied to different gemstones found in Sri Lanka.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-05-2012, 12:34 PM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • A re post made by Petar ... who has been contributing Greatly to our Discussion ... I thank you for that


      Originally posted by petar113507 View Post
      How would you control those "defects" with a frequency ...... you are experimenting with the coil ? what freq. would it be? Would it be in the growing phase of the crystalline structure? Or after th crystal was grown, to be bombarded with a certain "resonant" frequency which would spontaneously induce super conduction?

      I think that super-conduction has to do with a certain shape. So, for instance migrating atoms, or leaving an empty part

      That was the original point of looking at superconductivity -- was with the intent to be able to build it. So, I've been looking a little bit at silicon recently, as that is very easily obtainable for me near the beach.

      Why is silicone interesting? Because we are made of carbon. Carbon is one half octave away from silicone.

      Silicon is used in all of our modern day transistors and microprocessors. Silicon is also an element which is quite common around the world. Powerme left a vauge process for refining beach sand into high purity silicon, but I think I understand it. Hooking up HHO torch soon, so I will try this method of refining.

      Carbon, is also the element which crystalizes into diamond -- the crystaline structure also becomming superconductive after doping with 3% boron. Boron comes just before carbon on Russell's table.

      Superconducting diamond turns up in Russia -

      So why does silicone become superconductive when doped with boron?

      Similarly, silicone carbide and aluminum become can also be superconducting. (you'll have to google it, I cant find it but read it earlier)

      What does this tell me? Look at russell's charts. We are playing very similar atomic chords when we are cooling the silicone to superconductivity.

      You know how you can play the same note on a piano, and shift one octave up? It sounds higher up, but you are still playing the same "note". I imagine that supeconductivity is a "note" that may be acheived in a vaiety of ways.

      With that, I would also like to point out that silcon, having a similar cubic crystal to carbon. I am curently wondering if the shape of the crystal being formed has a link to superconductivity.

      This seems to be what this article suggests.
      Superconductors Go Fractal - Science News

      Can you elaborate a little more on M-state water and "quantum water"? I do not like to ask too many questions without sharing my understanding, to make sure we are on the same page.

      I am under the impression that water (the fractal antenna) briefly possesses a structure which induces very small windows of "superconductivity" near the center contracting axis of the vortex shape. I am under this impression that the magnets might "knock" the little superconductors out of position -- impregnating the water with a more electric property.

      This has at least been supported by my experience with using one of these simple devices.

      Seeing as how our nervous system would become more sensitized after consuming this type of water, I beleive that my body would give me a "good" response (the water tastes sweeter) when I drink it.

      It seems to make moss, and grass grow very vigorously (resilient to drought), and greener than the other, faucet-watered areas.

      MM, you post very rapidly. I would love to continue "thinking out loud" in an open group, but it takes a bit longer than I'd like to fully articulate my thoughts. I will reply when I can -- you have my full attention.

      Thank you for the brainfood
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-05-2012, 12:51 PM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • side note ... The consortium β€œLa Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild, Ascent Capital Partners and Akuo Investment Management” wins the fund management mandate in connection with SIE’s renewable energy fund | Akuo Investment Management

        Posted on October 4, 2011

        The consortium “La Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild, Ascent Capital Partners and Akuo Investment Management” wins the fund management mandate in connection with SIE’s renewable energy fund
        La Sociιtι d’Investissements Energιtiques (SIE) announced the winner of the international tender offer No. 02/AO2011/SIE for the selection of a management company for the Renewable Energy Fund (FER): The consortium comprised of La Compagnie Benjamin de Rothschild, Ascent Capital Partners and Akuo Investment Management.

        The SIE is launching the FER, a fund of a minimum size of 1 to 2 billion Dirhams dedicated to Renewable Energy and whose main role is to source and develop investments in the field of renewable energies, mainly involving wind farms. This initiative allows the SIE, through a partnership with private sector players with significant background in structuring and managing investment funds, to enhance and accelerate its investment program thereby contributing effectively to Morocco’s national energy plan.

        Forbidden Knowledge - History of the Khazar Empire [Lecture by Jack Otto] - YouTube

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-05-2012, 01:18 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • A name was mentioned in the lecture posted previously: (remember all truth is but half truth )

          Alumbrados - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The Alumbrados (Illuminated) was a term used to loosely describe practitioners of a mystical form of Christianity in Spain during the 15th-16th centuries. Some alumbrados were only mildly heterodox, but others held views that were clearly heretical. Consequently, they were firmly repressed and became some of the early victims of the Spanish Inquisition.
          like the Cathars

          see also:


          The alumbrados held that the human soul can reach such a degree of perfection that it can even in the present life contemplate the essence of God and comprehend the mystery of the Trinity sounds Alchemical . All external worship, they declared, is superfluous, the reception of the sacraments useless, and sin impossible in this state of complete union with God. Persons in this state of impeccability could indulge their sexual desires and commit other sinful acts freely without staining their souls (here they went a little funky and forgot about the 7 principles or the source of this info is half lying ) .[2]

          In 1525, the Inquisition issued an Edict on the alumbrados in which the Inquisitor General, Alonso Manrique de Lara, explained how the new heresy of alumbradismo was discovered and investigated. The text then gave a numbered list of forty-eight heretical propositions which had emerged from the trials of the alumbrados' first leaders, Isabella de la Cruz and Pedro Ruiz d Alcaraz. After each proposition were given the grounds on which it was judged heretical. Among the odder of these propositions are that it is a mortal sin to read a book to console one's soul (No. 31), which the Inquisition's theologians described as "crazy, erroneous, and even heretical"; and that one sinned mortally every time one loved a son, daughter, or other person, and did not love that person through God (No. 36), which the theologians said was "erroneous and false, and against the common teaching of the saints". One alumbrado, seeing a girl cross the street, said that "she had sinned, because in that action she had fulfilled her will" (No. 40). The theologians commented: "The foundation of this proposition is heretical, because it seems to state that all action that proceeds from our will is sin."[3]
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • An added note to the Hidden in Plain Sight Doc: BLOG | Secrets In Plain Sight

            6660 = 1 8 = HM 9

            555 = 1 5 = HM 6

            and as it is often mentioned in the doc :

            6 and 5 = 1 1

            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • I think you might like this this info ...remember Anisotropy

              Lenses can bend light and sound in almost any direction

              ( -- When an optical fiber is bent by 90° or more, the light begins to leak away, posing a problem for fiber optics communications. But by using special lenses that can bend light by not only 90°, but also 180° (i.e., a U-turn) or 360° (i.e., a full loop), scientists may limit light leakage in optical fibers and overcome this problem, not to mention provide a useful material for many other applications. Recently, a team of scientists has theoretically investigated materials for achieving this kind of advanced light control, which could work equally well for sound waves.

              The scientists, Sebastien Guenneau and coauthors from Institut Fresnel, CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille in Marseille, France, have published their study on the focusing and bending of light and sound waves in a recent issue of the New Journal of Physics.

              As Guenneau explained, both light and sound control techniques use gradient index (GRIN) lenses, which can effectively be used to curve space for light and sound trajectories. By creating a change, or gradient, in the refractive index of a lens, the scientists could create anisotropies – that is, make the lens' refractive index directionally dependent.
              doesn't remind you of: ( Principle of Correspondence )

              images taken from : Sacred Geometry


              Gravitational lens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              Spacetime around a massive object (such as a galaxy cluster or a black hole) is curved, and as a result light rays from a background source (such as a galaxy) propagating through spacetime are bent. The lensing effect can magnify and distort the image of the background source.
              Unlike an optical lens, maximum 'bending' occurs closest to, and minimum 'bending' furthest from, the center of a gravitational lens. Consequently, a gravitational lens has no single focal point, but a focal line instead. If the (light) source, the massive lensing object, and the observer lie in a straight line, the original light source will appear as a ring around the massive lensing object. If there is any misalignment the observer will see an arc segment instead

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-06-2012, 01:04 AM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • I have a very vague idea of what it says but it sounds interesting as a tree is Fractal and shows Anisotropy (will highlight the linking words )

                [1106.1491] Electromagnetism on Anisotropic Fractals

                Electromagnetism on Anisotropic Fractals
                Martin Ostoja-Starzewski
                (Submitted on 8 Jun 2011)
                We derive basic equations of electromagnetic fields in fractal media which are specified by three indepedent fractal dimensions {\alpha}_{i} in the respective directions x_{i} (i=1,2,3) of the Cartesian space in which the fractal is embedded. To grasp the generally anisotropic structure of a fractal, we employ the product measure, so that the global forms of governing equations may be cast in forms involving conventional (integer-order) integrals, while the local forms are expressed through partial differential equations with derivatives of integer order but containing coefficients involving the {\alpha}_{i}'s. First, a formulation based on product measures is shown to satisfy the four basic identities of vector calculus. This allows a generalization of the Green-Gauss and Stokes theorems as well as the charge conservation equation on anisotropic fractals. Then, pursuing the conceptual approach, we derive the Faraday and Amp\`ere laws for such fractal media, which, along with two auxiliary null-divergence conditions, effectively give the modified Maxwell equations. Proceeding on a separate track, we employ a variational principle for electromagnetic fields, appropriately adapted to fractal media, to independently derive the same forms of these two laws. It is next found that the parabolic (for a conducting medium) and the hyperbolic (for a dielectric medium) equations involve modified gradient operators, while the Poynting vector has the same form as in the non-fractal case. Finally, Maxwell's electromagnetic stress tensor is reformulated for fractal systems. In all the cases, the derived equations for fractal media depend explicitly on fractal dimensions and reduce to conventional forms for continuous media with Euclidean geometries upon setting the dimensions to integers.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • the following recent news (originally found on before it's news )

                  2012: 2012: Pyramids of Glass Submerged in the Bermuda Triangle (video)

                  BeforeItsNews | These strange underwater pyramid structures at a depth of two thousand meters were identified with the help of a sonar according to oceanographer Dr. Verlag Meyer. Studies of other structures like Yonaguni in modern day Japan have allowed scientists to determine that the two giant pyramids, apparently made of something like a thick glass, are really impressive – each of them is larger than the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

                  Recently American and French scientists as well as other countries that are conducting surveys in areas of the seabed of the Bermuda Triangle, claim to have found a pyramid standing upright on the seabed that have never been known. The length of the base of this pyramid reached 300 meters, 200 meters height, and distance from the tip of the pyramid is about 100 meters above sea level. Preliminary results show this structure to be made of glass or a glass-like (crystal?) material, as it is entirely smooth and partially translucent.
                  When talking about size, this newly re-discovered pyramid is larger in scale than the pyramids of ancient Egypt. On top of the pyramid there are two very large holes, sea water at high speed move through the second hole, and therefore the raging waves roll by forming a giant vortex that makes the waters around this cause a massive surge waves and mist on the sea surface. This new discovery makes scientists wonder if this is having an affect on passing boats and planes and could be the reason for all the mystery surrounding the area.

                  could be linked to this vid which was posted :

                  4-22 In Search Of... The Bimini Wall (Part 3 of 3) - YouTube

                  ps: in the vid you will recognize Dr Vogel

                  ----------------------- one more info:

                  Did you know that the following Antenna was Damaged

                  Washington Monument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  2011 Virginia earthquake damage

                  Crack in a stone at the top of the monument after the 2011 Virginia earthquake.

                  On August 23, 2011, the Washington Monument sustained damage during the 2011 Virginia earthquake.[42] A National Park Service spokesperson reported that inspectors discovered a crack near the top of the structure, and announced that the monument would be closed indefinitely.[43][44] A block in the pyramidion also was partially dislodged, and pieces of stone, stone chips, mortar, and paint chips came free of the monument and "littered" the interior stairs and observation deck.[45] The Park Service said it was bringing in two structural engineering firms (Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc. and Tipping Mar Associates) with extensive experience in historic buildings and earthquake-damaged structures to assess the monument.[46]

                  add to it the slight shift of the Earth Axis due to large Earthquakes and all the hidden protective Seals / Antenna placed by the Hidden Hands of the Occult .... as we all know highly sensitve Antenna if moved will be receiving and emitting different Waves

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-07-2012, 12:24 AM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • a little info about our "sister planet ":

                    Venus found to have aurora type magnetotails

                    ( -- Researchers studying the planet Venus have found that despite a lack of a magnetic field, the planet has magnetotails, which on Earth are part of the process known as the Northern and Southern Lights. This, as the team describes in their paper published in Science, is due to the solar wind interacting with the planet's ionosphere.

                    It's a twice in a lifetime moment: the transit of Venus across the Sun | Science | The Observer

                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • We have have discussed his prophecies but we have have not looked into his life and experiences .... you will find it quite interesting considering our discussion


                      note the period of these events

                      Benjamνn Solari Parravicini was born in Buenos Aires city, on August 8, 1898. He was an internationally known plastic artist, simple and humble man he was a naturally gifted with a great psychic and esthetic sensitiveness, becoming later the director of the Buenos Aires City Municipal Fine Arts Museum.
                      In the peace of his atelier, where he drew, he started to receive in an strange way, ideas which he sketched on paper and which he ascribed to the spontaneity of the artistic creation. But he met a great surprise when he confirmed that the sketched ideas were prophetic, since with the passing of time they came inexorably true...

                      Thus, under the surprise of his family and friends, he began to accumulate a series of draws containing prophecies about the world future, and particularly about Argentina.
                      Benjamin's family lived in a colonial large house that his mother had inherited in 1918.
                      now to the interesting parts :

                      The mansion was a seven hectares piece of land in the Olivos area (North of Grand Buenos Aires) on the riverside and separated from the adjacent lands by wide grove surrounded gaps.
                      When they were about to move house, they began to realize that rare things were taking place. The large house had, in the ground floor, twenty wide windows protected by colonial style grilles, and in the nights, noises were felt as if someone beat them with a stick. Immediately after that, one after the other, tens of stones hit the outer walls, some of tem blowing in through the windows. At the very beginning, the family frightened because of the situation, especially for not finding the origin of the blowing stones and because the numerous dogs of the house remained indifferent in the presence of the noises. They decided to report the fact to the police which could not do anything. As this went on night after night without the stones to hit no one in the house they ended up accustomed. In the following days it was joined to this the noise of what appeared to be a person trying to open the main door at about 02:00 am, and the snoring that were heard in one of the towers of the house. Although it seems strange, the family assumed these events as something funny that even caused friends meetings which that to be witnesses of the situation, which extended for 27 years, between 1918 and 1945.

                      Benjamνn, also known in the family circle as Pelσn, was the protagonist of strange situations, for instance, "to guess" the location of lost things or persons. But it was in the decade of the ’30 when he started to show his extraordinary capability. One night of 1938 Benjamνn waked up trembling, and perceiving a strong sea and seaweed scent inside his room, and at the same time he heard a delicate feminine voice. He started to write what the voice told to him: That she was separating from the life, that she saw beautiful images, and that "the seaweeds involved his hands like dead jewels". At last, the woman introduced herself and Pelσn wrote a name, a place and a date: "Alfonsina Storni, Mar del Plata, October 1938". In that precise moment the wonderful poetess suicide going deep into the sea at about 450 kilometers far from the place where Benjamνn was.

                      But his most incredible facet had already became apparent since 1932. His hands, without any apparent control from him, drew and wrote things that with the passing of the years would have an unknown sense for him: He had begun to receive his first psychographies.
                      see also:

                      But one of the most enigmatic aspects in the life of "Pelσn" is his contact with Extraterrestrial beings. According to trustworthy sources (even the well known Antonio Rivera, Spaniard researcher, referred to the subject in his books) had been abducted, carried inside a spacecraft, in heart of Buenos Aires city center, quite near the Buenos Aires Obelisk. The researcher, Robert Anderson, cites in his book "Mysterious appearances and disappearances", the interview given by the humanities professor in La Plata University and secretary of the Argentinean Parapsychology Institute Alejandro Erϊ to the newspaper "La Razσn". Although the full name of the protagonist was not revealed by Erϊ, his initials, BSP, correspond to our prophet.
                      "BSP assured to have been contacted by a blond hair guy - wrote Anderson - with a Nordic look, whose eyes were so light that appeared to be blind. The blond hair man talked to him with a guttural voice and in an incomprehensible language although his manners were friendly. The artist perceived only watching of the craft insides before to suffer a sort of faint.

                      When regained consciousness, BSP saw that he was flying with three blonds blond hair men just like the first one. One of them, politely, questioned him in a language also incomprehensible, but BSP thought to have understood to the man, or, unless caught his ideas, by telepathic communication. BSP was suggested not to be afraid, that he would be back in the earth, just in the same place where he had been took. BSP swore that during the all flight he was in a sort of faintness, but perceiving the lands of Japan, France, and afterwards Chile. When he recovered from his particular trance he was right in the same place where he had meet the blond hair man".

                      Perhaps because of this reason, many of Parravicini’s prophecies refer to the contact with extraterrestrial beings, which he names "astronavigator" (astronavego), "the Blue Beings" from the planet "KI--EN-KI", which have already been in the earth thousands of years ago and will be back "in their enormous fish shape red ships":

                      - The astronavigator from the planet KI--EN-KI which arrived in the earth in the hour of the creation, which contributed in the Egyptian construction, Greek and Roman, which helped in the wars of Europe and guided the lasts constructions, tries again to fortify the man in his mind and to avoid the atomic disaster. It is in mission! (year 1960)

                      the following testimony occured in Chile

                      the cycle of ages :

                      The earthly civilization has an astray civilization. It was higher than the following. The man of that time was "adaptable" to the intense earth heat as well as to the hard cold of his origin. He was electromagnetic, he knew how to follow the high mathematics and astral sciences. This man still dwells the iced Pluto, since as it was said "he is adaptable"

                      In the presence of the constant visits of the extraterrestrial navigators the, science will deny, after that it will doubt, and at last it will say... true it is!. And our wisdom has fallen behind. They have been looking at and looking after us for centuries!
                      "Maranhata. The virgin will arrive in Argentina in the chaos." (year 1939)
                      Last news announce the arrival of the invisibles in mass. (year 1939)
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a bit of info :

                        Vladimir Putin Confirms Russian Zombie Radiation Gun

                        Precise details have not been revealed but previous research has shown that low-frequency waves or beams can affect brain cells, alter psychological states and make it possible to transmit suggestions and commands directly into someone's thoughts.

                        Principle of Correspondence ... if we humans can do it ... so can the Celestial Intelligences

                        ------------------- one more link

                        Use Harmonic Math on the following table

                        images from : The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna - Page 10
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-07-2012, 12:35 AM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • here is a nice article about EBE ( Extraterrestrial Biological Entity ) ... from: What Mass Effect Tells us about Aliens and the Galaxy we Live in , page 1

                          Ok so I'm a gamer and currently engrossed in Mass Effect 3 , like any Sci Fi epic Aliens are a big part of the plot and there are many different species , but most if not all have a commonality with life here on Earth .
                          So is it possible that life in the Mass Effect Galaxy reflects the reality of life in our real Galaxy ?

                          According to Professor Simon Conway Morris the answer is yes , he believes as do I that evolution is to a certain extent constrained and life on other planets will reflect the evolutionary path taken by life here , with minor changes to reflect the conditions on that planet .

                          Aliens 'will be like us Principle of Correspondence '
                          the youtube link:

                          Professor Simon Conway Morris FRS ET - YouTube

                          one more thing: from a previous post:

                          Perhaps because of this reason, many of Parravicini’s prophecies refer to the contact with extraterrestrial beings, which he names "astronavigator" (astronavego), "the Blue Beings" from the planet "KI--EN-KI", which have already been in the earth thousands of years ago and will be back "in their enormous fish shape red ships":


                          let's take the Example of Blue Blood



                          The term "blue blood" originated in Spain. It was used to differentiate between people with pale skin (Europeans) from others. The veins appeared more blue due to the lighter skin. The term was carried over from Spanish to English in the early 1800's.

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-07-2012, 05:27 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Now a bit of Star Trek info for you:

                            Handheld plasma flashlight rids skin of notorious pathogens

                   -- A group of Chinese and Australian scientists have developed a handheld, battery-powered plasma-producing device that can rid skin of bacteria in an instant.

                            The device could be used in ambulance emergency calls, natural disaster sites, military combat operations and many other instances where treatment is required in remote locations.

                            The plasma flashlight, presented today, 5 April, in IOP Publishing's Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics is driven by a 12 V battery and doesn't require any external generator or wall power; it also doesn't require any external gas feed or handling system.

                            In the experiment, the plasma flashlight effectively inactivated a thick biofilm of one of the most antibiotic- and heat-resistant bacteria, Enterococcus faecalis – a bacterium which often infects the root canals during dental treatments.

                            The biofilms were created by incubating the bacteria for seven days. The biofilms were around 25 micrometres thick and consisted of 17 different layers of bacteria. Each one was treated for five minutes with the plasma flashlight and then analysed to see how much of the bacteria survived.

                            Results showed that the plasma not only inactivated the top layer of cells, but penetrated deep into the very bottom of the layers to kill the bacteria.

                            ps : Check out : ANCIENT ALIENS: The Da Vinci Conspiracy | S04E08 - YouTube we have talked about him

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-07-2012, 06:12 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Here is a Product we have discussed way back see:

                              found a demo showing the versatile application of Liquid Glass :

                              Nanopool Liquid Glass - YouTube

                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • as we have previously dicussed Tourmaline being A Boron Crystal:

                                here are a few applications using Tourmaline ..... note also the use of Aluminum (see periodic table )

                                Tourmaline, "The Electric Stone", is exploited in hundreds of patents. Here are several select patents and articles of especial interest in regard to the production of electricity by tourmaline, and agriculture.

                                See also : T.T. BROWN / Petrovoltaics ... Earth Batteries ... Marcus REID / Crystal Battery ... John HUTCHISON / Hutchison Effect &c...

                                MANUFACTURE OF SEMIPERMANENT BATTERY


                                Inventor(s): KITA MASAYUKI; KITAMURA KAZUO; ASATANI TAKUO
                                Applicant(s): OYO KOGAKU KENKYUSHO KK
                                Classification: - international: H01M6/06; H01M6/16; H01M10/02; H01M6/04; H01M6/16; H01M10/02; (IPC1-7): H01M6/06; H01M6/16; H01M10/02

                                Abstract -- PURPOSE:To provide a semipermanent battery by putting far infrared radiation ceramic powder or a far infrared radiation ceramic powder pack in an inside electrolyte solution of a primary battery or a secondary battery, and naturally charging to recover the original potential. CONSTITUTION:Pulverized tourmaline fine powder belongs to far infrared radiation ceramics, and is put in an electrolyte of a battery as powder or being packed. It was found that even if the battery is discharged, the potential does not change. When a lithium battery was tested in the condition of 500mA discharge for 10 minutes and rest for 4 hours, voltage did not vary over 7 month. It is thought that the recess of an ionic crystal of the powder is charged positively and the other end is charged negatively to produce potential, dynamic energy such as temperature is converted into electric energy, and in addition by electromagnetic radiation from the far infrared radiation stone, oxidized electrolyte is reduced.



                                Inventor(s): KUBO TETSUJIRO; KAWAGUCHI KOTARO
                                Classification: - international: D01F1/10; D01F2/06; D06M11/00; D06M11/49; D06M101/00; D06M101/02; D06M101/06; D01F1/10; D01F2/00; D06M11/00; (IPC1-7): D01F1/10; D01F2/06; D06M11/49
                                Also published as: JP2715034

                                Abstract -- PURPOSE:To provide a permanent electrode fiber composed of a regenerated or synthetic fiber containing a tourmaline powder finely pulverized by a tromill in combination with a highly orientated crystalline tourmaline as a permanent electrode substance distributed in the fiber surface layer and capable of giving a favorable electric stimulation to the human body so as to activate the human body and to provide its production method. CONSTITUTION:A permanent electrode fiber containing a permanent electrode substance highly orientated and distributed in the surface layer of the fiber is formed by mixing the permanent electrode substance having electrodes at both the ends of the crystal structure in a regenerated or synthetic fiber.; The permanent electrode fiber containing a permanent electrode substance highly orientated and distributed in the surface layer of the fiber can formed also by uniformyl mixing and dispersing 1 to 5wt.% natural or artificial permanent electrode substance powdered into <=1mum liquefied raw material such as a regenerated or synthetic fiber or blending a suspension of a titanium oxide- containing permanent electrode substance powder with liquefied raw material such as a regenerated or synthetic fiber and spinning it through a spinning nozzle while allowing it to pass through an external magnetic field.

                                Artificially-synthesized tourmaline crystalline substance and its preparation method


                                Inventor(s): CHEN YANDONG [CN]
                                Applicant(s): SHENZHEN FANGHAO INDUSTRY CO L [CN]
                                Classification: - international: C01B33/20; C01B33/00

                                Abstract -- The invention discloses an artificial synthetic tourmaline crystal and synthetic method, which consists 2-10 percent tourmaline and 90-98 percent mineral, wherein the tourmaline and mineral are grinded into grain size mixture less than 15 nm, which is grinded into grain size more than 15 nm after melted at more than 1600 deg.c. The invention can produce large amount of negative ion, which absorbs artificial synthetic tourmaline crystal with positive charge odor, bacteria, smog and harmful gas.

                                Dynamoelectric monomers, and self-discipline generating set of possessing the monomers


                                Inventor(s): QUJING BOMEI SHANG [CN]
                                Applicant(s): LIUJIA INT TRADE TIANJIN CO LT [CN]
                                Classification: - international: H01M10/36; H02J7/00; H01M10/36; H02J7/00

                                Abstract -- Pressing powder of tourmaline covered by lithium metal produces the disclosed power generation unit. The invention also discloses self-discipline generating set composed of multiple connected power generation units, as well as not contact charging circuit system including combinations between power generation unit and electromagnetism, or the unit and light, or the unit and solar energy. When accomplishing charging to self, the power generation unit can transport redundant electric energy to other power generation units at a time. The invention also includes micro intelligent operation system CPU in use for controlling and managing generating, charging electricity and transporting electricity to other units. In condition of without external electrical source, the disclosed power generation unit self can produce stable and long lasting electric energy.

                                Tourmaline nano metal oxide and preparation method thereof


                                Inventor(s): LI XUECHENG DING [CN]
                                Applicant(s): SHANGHAIHUZHENG NANO TECHNOLOG [CN]
                                Classification: - international: C01G1/02; C01G1/02

                                Abstract -- The invention relates to a nano tourmaline metal oxide, which especially can increase anion release efficiency. Said metal oxide comprises tourmaline metal oxide with grain size being 5-30nm and nano silver granular with grain size being 0.2-1 um; nano silver granular is attached to the surface of tourmaline metal oxide. The invention makes use of the tourmaline metal oxide coated with nano silver granular and the powder phase of tourmaline metal oxide to dramatically increase the release amount of anion and far infrared rays, which improves treating effect for human body. The invention aslo relates to the method for preparing said nano tourmaline metal oxide.

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                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

