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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Found it

    Believing is seeing :


    The new science of epigenetics, however, says that genes do not control our life; our perceptions, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes actually rewrite our genetic code. Through our perceptions, we can modify every gene in our body and create thirty thousand variations from every gene just by the way we respond to life. In short, we are leaving behind a reality of victimization (by our genes) and moving into the reality that our mind – our consciousness, the immaterial realm – influences our experience and potential.

    Believing comes with Knowledge...blind belief is less efficient

    Bruce Lipton - Where Mind and Matter Meet - YouTube

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Picking up from:

      you should make it a habit of checking out physorg once in a while as it provides us with more new materials to be discussed

      here is an interesting example as we have discussed the presence of Granite Monolith rocks dotting the Earth

      Swiss researchers present breakthrough in semiconductor structuring

      ( -- ETH Zurich physicists, in collaboration with colleagues at universities in Switzerland and abroad, have made a breakthrough in the manufacture of monolithic semiconductor structures on silicon. The new structures are nearly perfect, and likely to revolutionise not only X-ray techno
      Remember Principle of Correspondence (see make up of Granite )

      let us have a look at granite for a bit

      Granite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Chemical composition

      A worldwide average of the chemical composition of granite, by weight percent:[5]
      [B]SiO2 72.04% (silica
      Al2O3 — 14.42% (alumina)
      K2O — 4.12%
      Na2O — 3.69%
      CaO — 1.82%
      FeO — 1.68%
      Fe2O3 — 1.22%
      MgO — 0.71%
      TiO2 — 0.30%
      P2O5 — 0.12%
      MnO — 0.05%

      under the Lens of the following Table

      Alumina ................. 14.42 %

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • linking a vid to a previous topic we discussed : ( 10 min )

        alien files: 3. the ummo affair - YouTube

        From the french Doc , the Name UMMO is mentioned and linked with the Nordic Aliens (Elven )

        these aliens during the 50's sent several letters to various personnalities and sealed their letters with the following:

        which resembles closely (minus the middle bar ) the Berber Flag

        -------------------from: A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution


        Humans claiming to hail from the general area of Wolf 424, some 14-plus light years distant from the Earth-Sol system, and possibly having ancient ties with the ’Lyran’ colonies in that the Ummites (from the planet Ummo) are like the Lyrans-Pleiadeans said to be ’Scandinavian’ in appearance, and therefore may tie-in with the so-called ’Nordic’ or ’Blond’ societies. They reportedly work closely with the Vegan humanoids.

        The Ummites are extremely telepathic.

        They, very much, believe in the existence of the soul and in a Creator God. At the age of 13.7 Ummite children leave their families for teaching centers where they are prepared for adult life (sounds like Harry Potter fantasy. They make practical use of at least 10 dimensions of reality and are aware of far more. They say one of the reasons they are able to travel such far distances in such a short time in their space craft is that they use folds and warps in the space continuum.

        They have bases on Earth in eight other countries.

        ps : the first contact occured on Jan 14 1966 = 01 / 14 / 66 = 6 6 6 = HM 9

        A credible scientist who believes in aliens

        what do they look like?

        Physically the Ummos are a lot like us. Except for their vocal cords that are not adapted to our form of speech, they apparently look very much like any human you would meet on the street. This according to the messages is how they have been able to come and go on this planet for so long undetected. The Ummos describe themselves as a more evolved form of being. Their scientific knowledge is clearly more advanced than ours. As such they also talk about other living creatures from outer space that they know are also in the habit of visiting earth. Put in lame terms, Ummos are only one of the various species of extraterrestrials interested in our little planet. They seam to know about each other while we are still in doubt of their existence.
        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2012, 10:09 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Cool found a website on UMMO

          UMMITE PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS - A new website devoted to the Ummites - welcome page

          yeah ... new food for thought

          The purpose of this site is to disseminate Ummite ideas (visitors from the planet UMMO?) through the primordial letters we know of, thus allowing everybody to make up their own minds about the concepts elaborated within them.

          The site's authors have slightly modified the presentation, removed paragraphs that had nothing to do with the object of study, and classified the letters thematically in a logical order, so as to provide a better understanding of the ideas developed within the texts.

          This translation has been complited in 1998. Some documents are now corrected in the french translation. Not in this one.

          . Note to English-speaking readers:

          Strangely enough, the interest shown in ET phenomena manifests itself differently from country to country. In England, one hears about crop circles, whereas in the USA it is Area 51 and individual testimonials of implantations or abductions. In Europe, particularly in Spain (the origin of the Ummite letters) and France, the Ummo affair is more widely-known, due no doubt to the books written on the subject.

          The letters in question were originally dictated in Spanish, then translated into French. To our knowledge, this is the first time the "essential texts" have been translated into English. We trust the reader will forgive any possible ambiguities in this text since some were already present in the French translation.

          We have good reason to believe that several letters in English may have already been sent to Canadian, American or Australian contacts (there are also certainly letters in German and Japanese)...It is our hope that if you have a copy of one or several of these letters, you will contact the webmaster of this site so that we can mutually complete our information regarding this event and "Ummite thought", on a strictly documentary and philosphical basis... but we steadfastly refuse to enter into a "sectarian" mindset!
          The Ummites claim to have landed on Earth in March 1950, in the area of Digne. Three crafts brought a crew from the planet UMMO that set up a base (see the summary in the book by J-P PETIT), probably on the Peak of Blache, between Digne and La Javie, in the south of France.

          Moreover the Ummite themselves do not in any letter, at any time, suggest that their beliefs become the foundation of any "rite ". In any case, an important "sect" that has existed on Earth for nearly 2000 years preaches much the same ideas the Ummites speak of, at least in regards to morals and the survival of the soul. The difference is that the latter claim to base their beliefs on scientific knowledge and seem to have eliminated rituals.
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2012, 11:39 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • ps: the following field is mentioned in part 4: alien files: 4. a clever hoax - YouTube

            Magnetohydrodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) (magneto fluid dynamics or hydromagnetics) is an academic discipline which studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, and salt water or electrolytes. The word magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is derived from magneto- meaning magnetic field, and hydro- meaning liquid, and -dynamics meaning movement. The field of MHD was initiated by Hannes Alfvén,[1] for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1970.

            The fundamental concept behind MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which in turn creates forces on the fluid and also changes the magnetic field itself. The set of equations which describe MHD are a combination of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. These differential equations have to be solved simultaneously, either analytically or numerically.

            Michael Faraday

            The first recorded use of the word magnetohydrodynamics is by Hannes Alfvén in 1942:
            "At last some remarks are made about the transfer of momentum from the Sun to the planets, which is fundamental to the theory (§11). The importance of the magnetohydrodynamic waves in this respect are pointed out."[2]

            The ebbing salty water flowing past London's Waterloo Bridge interacts with the Earth's magnetic field to produce a potential difference between the two river-banks. Michael Faraday tried this experiment in 1832 but the current was too small to measure with the equipment at the time,[3] and the river bed contributed to short-circuit the signal. However, by the same process, Dr. William Hyde Wollaston was able to measure the voltage induced by the tide in the English Channel in 1851
            -------------------------- a repost

            a Thought occured to me a while back but i had to let it grow for a while before posting it :

            some of you maybe familiar with Tesla's Turbine

            Tesla turbine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            The Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine patented by Nikola Tesla in 1913. It is referred to as a bladeless turbine because it uses the boundary layer effect and not a fluid impinging upon the blades as in a conventional turbine. The Tesla turbine is also known as the boundary layer turbine, cohesion-type turbine, and Prandtl layer turbine (after Ludwig Prandtl). Bioengineering researchers have referred to it as a multiple disk centrifugal pump.[1][2] One of Tesla’s desires for implementation of this turbine was for geothermal power, which was described in "Our Future Motive Power".[3]

            Student-made Tesla Turbine - YouTube

            ...... we know that the dillution of salt in water generates UV

            and the first created battery was a stack of disks :

            This image is based off fractals and the yin-yang symbol, and also reminds me of an electromagnetic field and very much like this chakra field diagram (, )--(and somewhat like this version of chakra energy flow —see Wikipedia: chakra for general info). When I showed this image to a friend of mine, he said it reminded him of the Cantor set. I didn't know what this was at the time but, after a bit of researching on the Web, I emailed a math professor who told me this image is "a depiction of a 'Cantor-like' process". Another interesting thing about this image is that it can be drawn by simply making smaller and smaller figure-8s (infinity symbol), which only intersect in the center. I call this "circular infinity" (2D) or "spherical infinity" (3D). Vortices can also be seen by spiraling down along the circle lines. This version is a base-2 division but a base-3 (and higher) division version is possible and used in esoteric literature.1

            what do you think would happen if we merged these two Designs into one

            ps: Tesla knew his designs were fractal .....

            Nature may reach the same result in many ways. Like a wave in the physical world, in the infinite ocean of the medium which pervades all, so in the world of organisms, in life, an impulse started proceeds onward, at times, may be, with the speed of light, at times, again, so slowly that for ages and ages it seems to stay, passing through processes of a complexity inconceivable to men, but in all its forms, in all its stages, its energy ever and ever integrally present. A single ray of light from a distant star falling upon the eye of a tyrant in bygone times may have altered the course of his life, may have changed the destiny of nations, may have transformed the surface of the globe, so intricate, so inconceivably complex are the processes in Nature. In no way can we get such an overwhelming idea of the grandeur of Nature than when we consider, that in accordance with the law of the conservation of energy, throughout the Infinite, the forces are in a perfect balance, and hence the energy of a single thought may determine the motion of a universe. Nikola Tesla
            Our first endeavors are purely instinctive prompting of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. As we grow older reason asserts itself and we become more and more systematic and designing. But those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor
            . Nikola Tesla
            The scientific man does not aim at an immediate result. He does not expect that his advanced ideas will be readily taken up. His work is like that of the planter — for the future. His duty is to lay the foundation for those who are to come, and point the way. He lives and labors and hopes Nikola Tesla .

            or simply Quartz (piezo electric ) Disks + Salt Water ( UV emission ) :

            the Tesla Quartz / Barium Titanate Turbine Battery

            ps: nano quartz will also be produced through friction

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-19-2012, 10:47 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • and from:

              I am currently reading this article:

              Oleg GRITSKEVITCH

              Hydro-Magnetic Generator[

              I conducted the work on the theory and creation of the electrostatic generator-converter ‘hydro-magnetic dynamo’ about 20 years.....

              My hydro-magnetic dynamo is a large-scaled emission-free electrical generator, which does not require external fueling. The dynamo is capable to power larger transportation vehicles such as buses, trucks, ships, locomotives, and airplanes. Doubt remains about making dynamos compact enough to power automobiles.
              While three experimental prototypes have been built with Russian and Armenian expertise and equipment, a fourth demonstration prototype needs to be built with more modern Western engineering expertise and equipment to verify dynamo performance claims and to further explore the dynamo’s potential capabilities. Performance claims are as follows: Dynamos are scaleable fro 100 kilowatts to 1,000 megawatts. One 1000-megawatt dynamo is about the size of a two-car garage. For comparison, Hoover Dam’s 17 generators have a total capacity of 2,000 megawatts. A dynamo can run continuously for about 25 years or more with little or no maintenance, no external fuel source, and no pollution. If a dynamo’s output is 1 megawatt, its’ total input power is approximately 10 kilowatts; therefore the dynamo’s energy efficiency is about 10,000/
              Schematically, the dynamo is an electrostatic transformer, or in other words an electrostatic voltage multiplier.
              you know that an invention has potential if it is scalable (one of the principles of fractal )

              Oleg V. Gritskevich (Gritskevitch): Hydro-Magnetic Dynamo -- A patented, prototyped over-unity electrical generator

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • there is some really interesting nuggets for our discussion: and some new Harmonic Math Playground

                UMMO - UMMITE PHYSICS AND METAPHYSICS - A new website devoted to the Ummites - general introduction

                It took us time to assimilate (no doubt imperfectly) these concepts, so rich are they in a knowledge which we can admit while still remaining critical. Will this knowledge be one day recognised by scientists? We do not know. It is in any case something to think about.

                Must one believe in the absolute truth of everything here? In addition to the hoax-by-scientists theory, there is another: a study of public credibility conducted by the secret service, "channelling", an preconditioning attempt for the emergence of a sect, etc. Will we one day have indisputable proof of the existence of these beings? There are only two possibilities for this to happen: either "they "make themselves seen and known in an irrefutable way, or some knowledge of theirs (scientific or not), unknown at the time the letters were published (books by Ribera, J-P PETIT, publishing over the internet) proves to be true, for example:
                ¤ "red shift" variation (shift towards the red segment of the E.M. spectrum according to the speed and direction of the object in relation to the observer) is not constant but is a non-sinusoidal periodic function.
                ¤ Discovery of 86 pairs (= HM 5 ) of krypton atoms at the "end" of DNA strands in all living beings.
                ¤ Abrupt temperature variations in the center of toroidal nebulae (from -270°C to -273,14 ( Pi )°C) and that the plane of polarization of the spectrum line D emitted by sodium is polarized by an angle of 0.8 HM 8 radians (without another polarization for another wavelength).
                ¤ Frequency of the activation impulse of nerve centres located in the coroidal ventro-lateral plexus of 10368 Hz = 1 + 8 = HM 9
                ¤ Discovery on Mars of simple unicellular and pluricellular plant-cell based organisms.

                ¤ The water contained in the cytoplasm and the cell nucleus can "memorise" electromagnetic radiation corresponding to a wavelength of 21,106 cm. = 3 + 7 = HM 1 ( Approx. 1,421 MHz ) see also :
                Approx. 1,421 MHz = ( from : RADIO IMAGES OF THE QUIET SUN ) The heights at which radio waves originate in the solar atmosphere depend on their frequency: the higher the frequency, the lower the height. The low and medium corona corresponds roughly to the range from 1000 down to 100 MHz. Until now, the quiet Sun has been poorly imaged in this frequency range. The VLA only occasionally observes the Sun at 327 and 1421 MHz. The sole radio imaging instrument dedicated to the Sun in this frequency range is the Nançay Radioheliograph (NRH; 150-450 MHz).
                The model of the Universe proposed by the Ummites seems credible to us. The ontological consequences are also credible, and thus important. But we leave you judge for yourself. Let each one decide for themselves. ( fractal )

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • ¤ Frequency of the activation impulse of nerve centres located in the coroidal ventro-lateral plexus of 10368 Hz = 1 + 8 = HM 9

                  ------------------------also let's make these two resonate with each other

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 12:16 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Until now, we did not reveal this type of information to any Earth scientist since the theoretical explanations communicated to various mathematicians and physicists were directed towards other fields of Microphysics and Mathematical Theory of networks
                    and what uses these applications ..... INTERNET

                    do you think google got created like this .... they have a damn good algorithm

                    ps: watch part 4 .... many doctoral students had a look at those letters ... many famous ones

                    ------------------ here is an interesting excerpt :

                    We are surprised that after having studied Wave mechanics exhaustively and having observed that all phenomena relating to time can be reduced to a series of sinusoidal functions, i.e. cyclic, Earth Physicists did not have the intuition of an angular WAAM (universe). But a correction of these concepts at the present time would hardly be beneficial for you. It is much better than Earth physicists slowly discover the truth by leaving time for spiritual values to supercede aggressive instincts

                    ps: skipped all the math formulas .... way over my head
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 01:30 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just a side note : adding colors to posts adds new dimension to it
                      in our discussion
                      just like a fractal antenna

                      A fractal antenna is an antenna that uses a fractal, self-similar design to maximize the length, or increase the perimeter (on inside sections or the outer structure), of material that can receive or transmit electromagnetic radiation within a given total surface area or volume.
                      so it resonates better with you ( ie the receiving fractal antenna ) ...Fulcanelli

                      so no i did not go color / image crazy

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 01:52 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a book that has fascinated me and would recommend anyone to read it :

                        Hyperion Cantos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The Hyperion Cantos is a series of science fiction novels by Dan Simmons. The title was originally used for the collection of the first pair of books in the series, Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion,[1][2] and later came to refer to the overall storyline, including Endymion, The Rise of Endymion, and a number of short stories.[3][4] Within the fictional storyline, the Hyperion Cantos is an epic poem written by the character Martin Silenus.[5]

                        Of the four novels, Hyperion received the Hugo and Locus Awards in 1990;[6] The Fall of Hyperion won the Locus and British Science Fiction Association Awards in 1991;[7] and The Rise of Endymion received the Locus Award in 1998.[8] All four novels were also nominated for various science fiction awards.

                        A film adaptation of the series titled Hyperion is being developed by Warner Bros. and will encompass the Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion novels
                        The Hyperion Cantos take their titles from poems by the English Romantic, John Keats.

                        John Keats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
                        John Keats
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • as we discussed the UMMO contact .... here is some interesting news:

                          Before It's News

                          A NUMBER of witnesses have come forward to claim that a series of low-flying military jets that awoke the Costa del Sol, Spain may have been chasing a UFO on April 15th 2012, three days after the same event was reported in Somerset, England.
                          also the day before the solar flare

                          near the Pyrenees Mountains ..... and the military base incident ( Girona )

                          and on the same day ... I think you'll recognize this one

                          Crop circles 2012: Hill Barn near East Kennett, Wiltshire, UK 15 Avril « Area51

                          The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 03:47 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • from:

                            Originally posted by Dave45 View Post
                            I think sometimes we need to step back and reconsider what we are trying to do.
                            We are trying to draw in and capture the aether that permeates all space.

                            What is that aether drawn to............a magnetic field

                            So what would create a sink..........a raw magnetic field

                            Dave are you familiar with Coanda Effect Patents

                            here is a vid of the principle that creates a "sink" of sort :

                            Sir James Dyson explains his bladeless fan - YouTube

                            think of it as a cousin of the Rodin Coil (replace air wt magnetic wave ) :

                            The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole


                            also talks about Venus and the mayans

                            19.4.2012 - 3/4 - Astrology & Predictions - YouTube
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 09:54 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • After a nice SPAM attack on this forum .. a bit of news for you:

                              Neutrinos put cosmic ray theory on ice

                              ( -- A telescope buried beneath the South Pole has failed to find any neutrinos accompanying exploding fireballs in space, undermining a leading theory of how cosmic rays are born.

                              Research team uses nanoparticles to make paper waterproof and magnetic

                              ( -- Researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa, led by Roberto Cingolani, have devised a means for connecting cellulose fibers in ordinary paper with nanoparticles resulting in new desired properties, such as paper that is waterproof and magnetic, florescent or averse to bacteria. The team has published a paper describing their process in the Journal of Materials Chemistry.
                              paper machine can you imagine

                              --------------------------- if we did it ..... they did too

                              BBC News - Evolution seen in 'synthetic DNA'

                              Researchers have succeeded in mimicking the chemistry of life in synthetic versions of DNA and RNA molecules.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Similarities

                                In looking at Oleg Gritskevitch's hydro-magnetic generator I was blown away by the similarities between his drawing and one I made sometime back. I sometimes draw when I'm inspired, or just wondering-thinking about things, such as this case with a vortex tube. It has been several years since I uploaded any pics, but will attempt to do so here.

                                I had no idea if any parts of this vortex tube could function, but my mind was wondering and I just drew them. It seems that mine and Oleg's thinking were at least close.
                                Thanks, Gene

