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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
    In looking at Oleg Gritskevitch's hydro-magnetic generator I was blown away by the similarities between his drawing and one I made sometime back. I sometimes draw when I'm inspired, or just wondering-thinking about things, such as this case with a vortex tube. It has been several years since I uploaded any pics, but will attempt to do so here.!107

    I had no idea if any parts of this vortex tube could function, but my mind was wondering and I just drew them. It seems that mine and Oleg's thinking were at least close.
    Thanks, Gene

    Thank you Gene .... for the pics .... they are not showing .... but will be looking forward to seeing them

    ------------------------ a little surprise just found .... was inspired into looking for Pyramid Antennas on youtube:

    Pyramids_Cosmic Antennas (2011)_english subtitles_full video_press 'cc'

    Pyramids_Cosmic Antennas (2011)_english subtitles_full video_press 'cc' - YouTube

    Thank you Youtube .... it also works for amateur video spoken in another language ( such as those from russia or other showing ideas on various "UNITY" Circuits " )

    ps: 7 pyramids were built by Staline according to the doc by an Architect who taught or studied with Madam Blavatsky: .... he was also a student of George Gurdjieff - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia see also : p 33

    Helena Blavatsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Circuits
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 09:06 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • also the plans resemble the painting made by Walter Russell Temple of LIght ( same name as the Leon Cathedral )

      and :

      let me guess built using Granite

      in the doc the following mountain pic was mentioned:

      Lungser Kangri (6666 m) = HM 6 the highest peak of Rupshu in Ladakh

      where did we see 6 used in a construction :

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 10:33 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • one more info:

        The Mysterious Moroccan Megalithic Menhirs of Mzora - Lost Cities & Remote Places

        The Mysterious Moroccan Megalithic Menhirs of Mzora

        “They are mystical stones, and of medicinal virtue. The giants of old brought them from the farthest coasts of Africa, and placed them in Ireland, while they inhabited that country.”
        Geoffrey of Monmouth, The British History of, translated from the Latin by A. Thompson and J. A. Giles, James Bohn, London, 1842, p.158 (Bk 8, Ch. 11).

        -------------- from

        Accounts of Giants in Africa

        Moroccan Find

        At Agadir in Morocco, reports Peter Kolosimo, the French captain Lafanechere "discovered a complete arsenal of hunting weapons including five hundred double-edged axes weighing seventeen and a half pounds, i.e. twenty times as heavy as would be convenient for modern man. Apart from the question of weight, to handle the axe at all one would need to have hands of a size appropriate to a giant with a stature of at least 13 feet."2 (See Australian Giants; La Tene; South American Giants)

        and from: ( one of my favorite posts the intro is beautiful .... not mine )

        Historical Sketch.

        CHAPTER I.
        Early Days.

        Legends. Ancient legends tell of Antaeus, the mighty

        Giant son of Atlas, King of Mauretania
        . The
        monster killed all whom he could catch, to add
        their skulls to a mound which he was raising in
        honour of Neptune (which is none other than Poseidon God of Atlantis. Hercules destroyed him, and
        the rocks which guard the Straits of Gibraltar are
        known to this day as the " Pillars of Hercules."
        The Berbers claim for themselves descent from Goliath of Gath,
        the Amalekite giant
        who fell before the pebble of David, the shepherd
        boy of Israel.
        in honour of Neptune (which is none other than Poseidon God of Atlantis.

        presentation by

        Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek

        the trident in the image

        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-20-2012, 11:34 PM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • GENERIQUE... les mondes engloutis - Vidéo Dailymotion

          by the way, if you read the Norse Poems it does Mention Giants

          Jungle Book - King Louie - YouTube

          .... not much different than the rothschild .... King Louie that is
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • MM, If you click the link I provided, does my drawing appear? It does for me, if not I will try to adjust my skydrive account.
            Thanks for looking, Gene


            • Gene ... the link takes me to a page where it seems to load the image but then it asks for a login and pass to hotmail account ....

              if it does not seem to work .... try photobucket ...the is where i keep all the images taken in our discussion ... here is the link to all the pics:

              Pictures by MonsieurM - Photobucket

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • are you guys familiar with: ( i know you are with the shape : Vortex )

                The Richard Clem Motor and the Conical Pump: An Investigation of the Clem Motor

                Richard Clem: Hydraulic Engine

                In December of 1992 Jerry Decker posted an article on the KeelyNet BBS, about a self-running motor that developed excess useable power. The information, gathered from newspaper and individual sources, gave an anecdotal account of the motor invented in 1972 by Richard Clem of Flower Mound, Texas. New information has since been added and can be found on at CLEM1.HTM.

                Richard Clem worked with heavy machinery for the city of Dallas. He used asphalt-spraying equipment, which pumped liquid asphalt. He noticed the asphalt pump would continue to run for up to 30 minutes after the power was turned off. It was this discovery that led to the development of the motor. Modifications he made eventually resulted in a substantial 350 horsepower output from a 200-pound motor. Clem is said to have often driven a car, powered by this motor, up and down Central Expressway in Dallas. He claimed it didn't use any fuel, and only needed a change of oil every 150,000 miles.

                The motor had only one moving part, a cone shaped rotor mounted vertically on a hollow shaft. Spiral channels cut into the cone wound around its length and feed into peripheral nozzles at its large end. When fluid flowed through the spiral channels it was ejected out the nozzles and caused the cone to spin. At a certain velocity, the rotating cone became independent of the starter pump and began to operate by itself. At an operating speed of 1800 to 2300 RPM the fluid heated up to 300° F, requiring a heat exchanger. Vegetable oil was used because at 300° F water boils and conventional engine oil breaks down. A 12-volt battery was the only other power source.
                as i had a discussion with my friend Slider, he suggested a conical shape for the Tesla Turbine Battery .... it clicked with the above article ... so thought to share it with you

                hint : the pressure would be higher at the tip of the cone on the electrolyte

                Magnetohydrodynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) (magneto fluid dynamics or hydromagnetics) is an academic discipline which studies the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids. Examples of such fluids include plasmas, liquid metals, and salt water or electrolytes.

                The fundamental concept behind MHD is that magnetic fields can induce currents in a moving conductive fluid, which in turn creates forces on the fluid and also changes the magnetic field itself. The set of equations which describe MHD are a combination of the Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics and Maxwell's equations of electromagnetism. These differential equations have to be solved simultaneously, either analytically or numerically.

                -------------------------- a repost

                a Thought occured to me a while back but i had to let it grow for a while before posting it :

                some of you maybe familiar with Tesla's Turbine

                Tesla turbine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                The Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine patented by Nikola Tesla in 1913. It is referred to as a bladeless turbine because it uses the boundary layer effect and not a fluid impinging upon the blades as in a conventional turbine. The Tesla turbine is also known as the boundary layer turbine, cohesion-type turbine, and Prandtl layer turbine (after Ludwig Prandtl). Bioengineering researchers have referred to it as a multiple disk centrifugal pump.[1][2] One of Tesla’s desires for implementation of this turbine was for geothermal power, which was described in "Our Future Motive Power".[3]

                Student-made Tesla Turbine - YouTube

                ...... we know that the dillution of salt in water generates UV

                and the first created battery was a stack of disks :

                This image is based off fractals and the yin-yang symbol, and also reminds me of an electromagnetic field and very much like this chakra field diagram (, )--(and somewhat like this version of chakra energy flow —see Wikipedia: chakra for general info). When I showed this image to a friend of mine, he said it reminded him of the Cantor set. I didn't know what this was at the time but, after a bit of researching on the Web, I emailed a math professor who told me this image is "a depiction of a 'Cantor-like' process". Another interesting thing about this image is that it can be drawn by simply making smaller and smaller figure-8s (infinity symbol), which only intersect in the center. I call this "circular infinity" (2D) or "spherical infinity" (3D). Vortices can also be seen by spiraling down along the circle lines. This version is a base-2 division but a base-3 (and higher) division version is possible and used in esoteric literature.1

                what do you think would happen if we merged these two Designs into one

                or simply Quartz (piezo electric ) Disks + Salt Water ( UV emission ) :

                the Tesla Quartz / Barium Titanate Turbine Battery

                ps: nano quartz will also be produced through friction

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • a very well done doc on the pyramids and its technoloogy used : joins up with our discussion

                  The Pyramid Code - EP2 - High Level Technology - YouTube

                  Granite - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                  Chemical composition

                  A worldwide average of the chemical composition of granite, by weight percent:[5]
                  [B]SiO2 72.04% (silica
                  Al2O3 — 14.42% (alumina)
                  K2O — 4.12%
                  Na2O — 3.69%
                  CaO — 1.82%
                  FeO — 1.68%
                  Fe2O3 — 1.22%
                  MgO — 0.71%
                  TiO2 — 0.30%
                  P2O5 — 0.12%
                  MnO — 0.05%

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • to keep you up to date ... here is the reply my friend slider suggested about the cone shaped Tesla Turbine ..... your input is welcome as well guys

                    As I envisage your device....several disks are stacked up, rotated via a motor (or water pressure or air perhaps or even via its own output if designed correctly ), the disks not only generate the electricity within the electrolyte but also exhibit a cosmic push of energy from the Tesla turbine rotation. The thinking being along the way that Nile water is charged with sun energy at the Giza pyramids.
                    In such a system, it may be expected that electrical output would be increased from static baseline readings and that magnetic fields induced by the rotations of differing element metals will further increase output.

                    Whether magnets need feature i don't know, i would expect the frictions to impart a positive effect with using magnetic coherence of some method.
                    perhaps similar to the Rodin lifter setups with 2 same polarity magnets top and bottom.

                    IF, the device were conical (simulating pyramidal structuring of the disks within) and if any displaced water was fed back in, looking like a torus (wahay!) then we may have a helluva system !
                    Magnetic fields emanating from that torus fluid field could be interesting.
                    If the torus section was made of a clear plastic material, then the device placed in full summer sun, well, there's a thought.

                    All in all, I have little clue as to the actual results, but the system idea is intriguing.
                    Plates, turbine, pyramid structure, rotation, magnetic fields, generated power, sun energy, rotation speed experiments (multiples of 7.8Hz appeals), torus fluid feedback. Also, a vortex shape would emit from the very top of the battery section, created by the spinning of the decreasing sized conical battery plates.

                    All in a simple enough to envisage design !
                    It's doable. The main interior design would follow the 100 year old battery, as you posted. But, would be a pyramid structure. Input at the bottom for electrolyte, output at the top. Around it goes through a torus structure mounted on the outside, built of clear plastic.


                    Thank you Mark again
                    ... your input is always Enlightening .....much appreciated

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-21-2012, 04:44 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • and the beauty of it ...... it is scalable .... can be done with pennies ...... to larger disc

                      think if it was solar (panel or other ) driven

                      there maybe an advantage to recirculating the electolyte (salt walter for instance ) is that it is magnetized (mstate ) and carries with it nano particules that are also charged

                      there may also be some cavitation happening as well (depending on the pressure and speed )

                      all in all ... an interesting design

                      one more detail: the electrolyte can be vortexed before it enters the battery disks using :


                      Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator

                      Experiment with making your own "Structured Water" based on the
                      vortex and implosion research of Viktor Schauberger.
                      Water Vortex Magnetizer and ORMUS M-State Concentrator
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-21-2012, 05:02 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • you should probably watch this doc as well ( similar to the work of John Anthony West )

                        The Pyramid Code - EP4 - The Empowered Human - YouTube

                        and keep in mind the cycle of time (Kali yuga ) and this beautiful painting made by Walter ( Lea ) Russell



                        The name Heliopolis is of ancient Greek origin, Ἡλιούπολις, meaning city of the sun as it was the principal seat of sun worship :
                        Gods of Ancient Egypt: Khonsu

                        Khonsu (Khons, Chons, Khensu) was a god of the moon and time. His cult center was at Thebes
                        Mut (Maut, Mwt) was the mother goddess of Thebes (Waset, in the 4th Nome of Upper Egypt).

                        The Pyramid Code - EP5- A New Chronology. - YouTube
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-21-2012, 10:20 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • picking up again our discussion about Atlantis :

                          found the following excerpt from : Elder Gods of Antiquity: First Journal of the Ancient Ones - M. Don Schorn - Google Livres

                          adding it to a previous post :

                          The Mysterious Moroccan Megalithic Menhirs of Mzora - Lost Cities & Remote Places

                          The Mysterious Moroccan Megalithic Menhirs of Mzora

                          “They are mystical stones, and of medicinal virtue. The giants of old brought them from the farthest coasts of Africa, and placed them in Ireland, while they inhabited that country.”
                          Geoffrey of Monmouth, The British History of, translated from the Latin by A. Thompson and J. A. Giles, James Bohn, London, 1842, p.158 (Bk 8, Ch. 11).

                          -------------- from

                          Accounts of Giants in Africa

                          Moroccan Find

                          At Agadir in Morocco, reports Peter Kolosimo, the French captain Lafanechere "discovered a complete arsenal of hunting weapons including five hundred double-edged axes weighing seventeen and a half pounds, i.e. twenty times as heavy as would be convenient for modern man. Apart from the question of weight, to handle the axe at all one would need to have hands of a size appropriate to a giant with a stature of at least 13 feet."2 (See Australian Giants; La Tene; South American Giants)

                          and from: ( one of my favorite posts the intro is beautiful .... not mine )

                          Historical Sketch.

                          CHAPTER I.
                          Early Days.

                          Legends. Ancient legends tell of Antaeus, the mighty

                          Giant son of Atlas, King of Mauretania
                          . The
                          monster killed all whom he could catch, to add
                          their skulls to a mound which he was raising in
                          honour of Neptune (which is none other than Poseidon God of Atlantis. Hercules destroyed him, and
                          the rocks which guard the Straits of Gibraltar are
                          known to this day as the " Pillars of Hercules."
                          The Berbers claim for themselves descent from Goliath of Gath,
                          the Amalekite giant
                          who fell before the pebble of David, the shepherd
                          boy of Israel.
                          in honour of Neptune (which is none other than Poseidon God of Atlantis.

                          presentation by

                          Ann Eller, who worked with Dr. J. Allen Hynek

                          the trident in the image

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a repost from:

                            I have a little surprise for you guys:

                            from: Area Wide News: Blog: Edgar Cayce

                            Native American tribes contain four distinct DNA groupings, designated A, B, C and D. These groupings are found in Asia but not in Europe or Africa. While 96 percent of all indigenous natives in North and South America fall within A, B, C and D, there was a mysterious four percent, dubbed Group X, which could not be explained.

                            Type X subjects were not found in the vast majority of tribes, including none in South America. It was also determined Type X subjects arrived in North America 10,000 to 38,000 years ago, later than the other groups.

                            By far, the highest concentration of Type X in Europe was found in the Basques, a race of Caucasians who live in the Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France. And the highest frequency of Type X in the entire world was found in the Berbers, a race of Caucasians who live in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco in North Africa.
                            Notes About The Basque People

                            Edgar Cayce predicted that when the last throes of Atlantis finally sank into the sea, its people were spreading to colonies across the world, one group in the Yucatan, some to what we call Morocco, another to the Pyrenees, and more even to what we today call the Carolinas region of North America.

                            Now we know through DNA testing that the NON-indo-european Basques of the Pyrenees, the Berbers of Morrocco, and the Mayans of the Yucatan are almost a perfect match in DNA testing. .
                            here is the sweetener: List of Berber people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Ramses II (Berber: Ramsis Wiss 2) , according to L. Balout, C. Roubet and C. Desroches-Noblecourt, study titled 'La Momie de Ramsès II: Contribution Scientifique à l'Égyptologie (1985).' Balout and Roubet concluded that "the anthropological study and the microscopic analysis" of the pharaoh's hair showed that Ramses II was "a fair-skinned man related to the Prehistoric and Antiquity Mediterranean peoples, or briefly, of the Berbers of Africa."
                            Shoshenq I (Berber: Cicnaq), Egyptian Pharaoh of Libyan origin, founder of the Twenty-second dynasty of Egypt
                            [edit]Kings of Numidia
                            Masinissa (Berber: Masnsen), King of Numidia, North Africa, present day Algeria and Tunisia
                            Jugurtha (Berber: Yugerten), King of Numidia
                            Juba I
                            I (Berber: Yuba Wiss 2), King of Numidia
                            [edit]Roman Emperors and Generals
                            Macrinus, Roman emperor for 14 months in 217 and 218
                            Clodius Albinus, governor of Britannia
                            Lusius Quietus, governor of Judaea and one of the best Trajan's chief generals
                            Quintus Lollius Urbicus, governor of Britannia from 138 to 144
                            Septimius Severus, Roman emperor from 193 to 211
                            Terence (Berber: Tirines), (Publius Terentius Afer), Roman writer
                            Apuleius (Berber: Afulay), Roman writer ("half-Numidian, half-Gaetulian")
                            Priscian , Latin grammarian of the 5th Century, born in modern Algeria
                            Saint Augustine of Hippo, from Tagaste, was Amazigh
                            Saint Monica of Hippo, Saint Augustine's mother
                            Arius, who proposed the doctrine of Arianism
                            Donatus Magnus, leader of the Donatist schism
                            Tacfarinas (Berber: Takfarin, Takfarinas), who fought the Romans in the Aures Mountains
                            Firmus, who fought the Romans Between 372 and 375
                            Gildo (Berber: Gildu, Gellid), who fought the Romans in 398
                            [edit]In medieval times

                            Adrian of Canterbury, Abbot of St Augustine's Abbey in Canterbury
                            Dihya or al-Kahina
                            Aksil or Kusayla
                            Salih ibn Tarif of the Berghouata
                            Tariq ibn Ziyad, one of the leaders of the Moorish conquest of Iberia in 711.
                            Ibn Tumart, founder of the Almohad dynasty
                            Yusuf ibn Tashfin, founder of the Almoravid dynasty
                            Ibn Battuta (1304–1377), Moroccan traveller and explorer
                            al-Ajurrumi (famous grammarian of Arabic)
                            Fodhil al-Warthilani, traveler and religious scholar of the 18th century
                            Abu Yaqub Yusuf I, who had the Giralda in Seville built.
                            Abu Yaqub Yusuf II, who had the Torre del Oro in Seville built.
                            Ziri ibn Manad founder of the Zirid dynasty
                            Sidi Mahrez Tunisian saint
                            Ibn Al jهzzar famous doctor of Kairouan, 980.
                            Muhammad Awzal (ca. 1680–1749), prolific Sous Berber poet (see also Ocean of Tears)
                            Muhammad al-Jazuli, author of the Dala'il al-Khairat, Sufi
                            Imam Buseiri, poet and author of the famous poem Qasida Burda – lived in Alexandria
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • a bit of info .....and it was one of the habits of all the Great Alchemists (from ATS )

                              Talking to Yourself Makes You Smarter

                              Talking to Yourself Makes You Smarter

                              Talking to yourself is the preserve of mad men, right? Not according to a new study, which reveals that the seemingly irrational act of chatting to oneself actually improves cognitive function.

                              ------------------how one man can discover a material that all the labs of the world could not with their billions

                              Has the secret to Starlite been lost forever?, page 1

                              Has the secret to Starlite been lost forever?

                              Starlite was invented by a former hairdresser from Yorkshire, England who could only be described as a amateur scientist at best.

                              So what is Starlite? Its a a thermal shielding material (plastic) that has proved to be better than anything ever produced by the worlds top scientists at institutions like NASA. One small application of this material to something like an egg and you could hold a blow torch to it without cooking it in the slightest. All this and it was made by a guy in a back room who did science for a hobby from materials that he claimed where 80% organic.

                              When tested using a military laser it was discovered that Starlite could withstand the heat flash from a nuclear explosion. They tested it to over 10000 centigrade , there is no known material that can survive that sort of temperature. Ive been trying to find out what is the most heat resistant material currently in production and i cant find anything that can withstand even 5000 centigrade. Also most of the heat resistant materials currently in production produce toxic fumes when heated, Starlite did not produce harmful fumes.

                              Starlite has a Q-value [an energy absorption rating] of 2,470. The space shuttle tiles have a Q-value of 1.’ Not only that, but because Starlite is so lightweight – 1mm thick, compared to 75mm for the space tiles – it’s actually ’2,470 x 75 times better’.
                              Maurice Ward Starlite The Egg test.mp4 - YouTube!

                              unfortunately , he invented " a razor blade that never goes dull " .... not good for business .... would have been better given open source
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-22-2012, 01:59 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • a thought just occured to me :

                                the beauty of the truth we are discussing ... with all the unknown phenomena / patterns etc ( in other words all the Flunkch surrounding us ) .. discovered ... you end up having a feeling that you are reading a Science Fiction Book Written by God / The All / The Source

                                being a big fan of sci fi ... I can only get more excited about the world surrounding us

                                'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,' - that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.
                                John Keats

                                National Geographic Channel - IF. Live curious. - YouTube

                                made it my personal Mantra

                                Live Curious

                                If you are you breathe.
                                If you breathe you talk.
                                If you talk you ask.
                                If you ask you think.
                                If you think you search.
                                If you search you experience.
                                If you experience you learn.
                                If you learn you grow.
                                If you grow you wish.
                                If you wish you find.
                                And if you find you doubt.
                                If you doubt you question.
                                If you question you understand
                                and if you understand you know.
                                If you know you want to know more.
                                If you want to know more
                                ...then you are alive

                                National Geographic
                                Discovery Channel - I Love The Whole World (Full Version + Lyrics) - YouTube

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 04-22-2012, 03:01 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

