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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • If you look at the Overall Pattern / Table as a whole you'll see that :

    The North Pole's field will always be a little bigger/ expanded than the South Pole

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 08:01 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • the following infos you posted Llynch caught my attention

      Octave: a term indicating a repeating pattern of 'frequencies' at different 'scales'.
      There is a C note in each Ocatve
      The note C is always C regardless of what scale/octave you are at.
      Just as the note C is a C at each scale. The vowels A, O and E are the same when at the higher frequency scales of the light spectrum.
      and from one of the links provided Spread Sheet Calculators which is site on Rife technologies

      Light to Frequency Calculator

      Molecular Weight to Frequency Calculator - If one knows the molecular weight of a particular chemical, one can calculate the frequency of the chemical. This spread sheet allows one to both calculate the frequency and also sub harmonics of that frequency. The formula for the fundamental frequency can be found in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics

      Initial reports of the use of this calculator indicate the generated frequencies can have physiologic effects. These effects are not what might be expected. One cannot create a frequency for aspirin and expect it to relieve pain. The same holds true for substances like cocaine or heroin, no effects of intoxication will occur. The effects seem to be equivalent to homeopathic preparations of the chemical. There are significant differences between the physiologic effects and use of a Medical version of a chemical , and the homeopathic version of the chemical ! For example the Medical use of the metal Silver i.e. colloidal, and a Homeopathic preparation of Silver ( Argentum metallicum). If the frequencies have homeopathic actions then:

      1. The frequencies are to be delivered directly to the subject, not through some intermediary like a pill or solution.

      2. The relationship between a particular sub harmonic and homeopathic potency is unknown.

      3. One may be able to apply a specific frequency and expect that known physiologic effects may result from the use of that frequency.

      Review of some of the various homeopathic materia medicas should be done to understand how to utilize a frequency. It is simple to locate the molecular weight of just about any chemical in the Homeopathic repertoire by a web search. Just use the name of the chemical along with the words “ molecular weight”. So far, frequencies that seem to work best are in the ranges below 1000 Hz with utilization times of between 5 and 10 minutes. Many questions remain as to the effects of higher frequencies, extremely low frequencies, and extremely long exposure times. Feedback on your experiences with the calculator would be very helpful in understanding how best to utilize it.


      in light of a previous post :

      sure most of you know this book :

      The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla, with special reference to his work in polyphase currents and high potential lighting

      check out chapter 24 talking about Asymetry

      thought the following might interest you

      see also Francis E. WILKINSON

      High-Frequency Transformations

      Francis E. WILKINSON -- High Frequency Transformations

      see also :
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-28-2012, 08:20 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • one more thought for you :

        play guitar

        Vowel = Freq. Hz = Musical Note = Harmonic in the UV-A Light range. nm
        A "AH" = 95 Hz = F#1 +46.20 cents = 357nm through 360nm
        O "OO" = 99 Hz = G1 +17.60 cents = 343nm through 346nm
        E "EE" = 101 Hz = G#1 -47.77 cents = 336nm through 339nm

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • so which do you think it corresponds to

          Reported June 20th 2012

          As Above so Below
          The note C is always C regardless of what scale/octave you are at.

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • M.,

            Coherence is a beautiful expression. On all levels.

            The guitar taught me how to play it a long while ago. But like most things, the instruction is accepted openly. After understanding the knowledge that was intended to be taught, I turn to the next instructor.

            Today after reading the additional information you provided, the proper concept of light finally reached my mind. Absorbing that is going to be very enjoyable.

            Thought I would share a marble that is rolling around in the head... pardon the brevity as it is a just freshly delivered one...

            Any element of the periodic table has a fundamental frequency.
            This fundamental frequency resides in a zone that has been referenced as a 'Event Horizon' in relation to 'black holes'.
            The event horizon is generated on the boundary of where our physical reality meets 'non-converntionally understood' energy.

            Elements decay. Which is from my perspective a weakening the fundamental frequency.
            This allows 'gaps' to appear through this event horizon.
            The size of gap and it's duration determines if what is emitted through it is noticed as being radioactive and whether the emission is alpha, beta, gamma etc.

            By considering the Music of the Spheres, the energy(vibrations) contained within a sphere will increase in number of shorter wavelengths. The density and pressure should be enormous.

            Side note: A star is born. The environment it is born into immediately surrounds it and contains it. Creating a event horizon. Within this event horizon the increase in many differing vibrations reaches a point where they begin to increase in density at specific harmonic points away from the star. Once the density reaches a certian point clumping begins followed by orbit of a single mass. (thought trails in production of light from that point)

            The crop circle should be d4/n3. i do not remember if 3:4 or 4:3 is a common music timing reference.

            A bit about the screen capture of Inventions of Nikola Tesla:

            The alternating current appears to not be conventional AC related by comparison with the following quotes:

            The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science: XIV.—The Body
            The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science, by Thomas Troward, [1909]

            "One of the most convincing proofs I have seen is that afforded by the "biometre," a little instrument invented by an eminent French scientist, the late Dr. Hippolyte Baraduc, which shows the action of what he calls the "vital current." His theory is that this force, whatever its actual nature may be, is universally present, and operates as a current of physical vitality perpetually, flowing with more or less energy through every physical organism, and which can, at any rate to some extent, be controlled by the power of the human will."

            "The instrument consists of a bell glass, from the inside of which is suspended a copper needle by a fine silken thread."

            "I must confess that, although I had read Dr. Baraduc's book, "Les Vibrations Humaines," I approached the instrument in a very sceptical frame of mind; but I was soon convinced of my error. At first, holding a mental attitude of entire relaxation, I found that the left-hand needle was attracted through twenty degrees, while the right-hand needle, the one affected by the out-going current, was repelled through ten degrees."...
            Last edited by llynch; 06-29-2012, 02:30 AM.


            • Comment

              • M,

                In regards to your battery experiment, an alternative perspective.

                The coil should act as either a receiver or tranmitter.

                Using two connected coils, one coil (receiver) around new battery, one coil (transmitter) around dead battery. Neither electrically connected to the batteries. Difficulty is getting only the dead battery and coil in the freezer while connected to the new battery and coil. Remove from freezer and leave connected while thawing and charging.

                Born from the perspective that crystal structure in the new battery is clean and pure which should be represented in the signal emitted from the crystal structure of the new battery.

                While the dead battery crystal structure is severely muted.

                Freezing fractures and breaks up the crystal structure. Which if being surrounded by the signal from the new battery may preserve the preferred crystal structure somewhat.

                Thawing while exposed to the new battery signal would impress a preference for any natural crystal formation to be similar to that of the new battery.

                Charging purposeful crystal creation while under the influence of the signal from the new battery would act the same as Thawing.

                For a complete crystal restructuring(which may be what your aim is)... omit the new battery in the coil through each step. The impression on the dead battery would be the signals received from what the receiving coil prefers.


                • Originally posted by llynch View Post

                  Coherence is a beautiful expression. On all levels.

                  The guitar taught me how to play it a long while ago. But like most things, the instruction is accepted openly. After understanding the knowledge that was intended to be taught, I turn to the next instructor.

                  Today after reading the additional information you provided, the proper concept of light finally reached my mind. Absorbing that is going to be very enjoyable.

                  Thought I would share a marble that is rolling around in the head... pardon the brevity as it is a just freshly delivered one...

                  Any element of the periodic table has a fundamental frequency.
                  This fundamental frequency resides in a zone that has been referenced as a 'Event Horizon' in relation to 'black holes'.
                  The event horizon is generated on the boundary of where our physical reality meets 'non-converntionally understood' energy.

                  By considering the Music of the Spheres, the energy(vibrations) contained within a sphere will increase in number of shorter wavelengths. The density and pressure should be enormous.

                  Side note: A star is born. The environment it is born into immediately surrounds it and contains it. Creating a event horizon. Within this event horizon the increase in many differing vibrations reaches a point where they begin to increase in density at specific harmonic points away from the star. Once the density reaches a certian point clumping begins followed by orbit of a single mass. (thought trails in production of light from that point)
                  Does not this remind you of Sonoluminescence

                  on page 6 :

                  The crop circle should be d4/n3. i do not remember if 3:4 or 4:3 is a common music timing reference.
                  You are close but not there yet .... count the circles in the Crop Circle

                  continued .....
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Originally posted by llynch View Post

                    In regards to your battery experiment, an alternative perspective.

                    The coil should act as either a receiver or tranmitter.

                    Using two connected coils, one coil (receiver) around new battery, one coil (transmitter) around dead battery. Neither electrically connected to the batteries. Difficulty is getting only the dead battery and coil in the freezer while connected to the new battery and coil. Remove from freezer and leave connected while thawing and charging.

                    Born from the perspective that crystal structure in the new battery is clean and pure which should be represented in the signal emitted from the crystal structure of the new battery.

                    While the dead battery crystal structure is severely muted.

                    Freezing fractures and breaks up the crystal structure. Which if being surrounded by the signal from the new battery may preserve the preferred crystal structure somewhat.

                    Thawing while exposed to the new battery signal would impress a preference for any natural crystal formation to be similar to that of the new battery.

                    Charging purposeful crystal creation while under the influence of the signal from the new battery would act the same as Thawing.

                    For a complete crystal restructuring(which may be what your aim is)... omit the new battery in the coil through each step. The impression on the dead battery would be the signals received from what the receiving coil prefers.

                    Very good point ..... and thank you for i have not thought of it the way you presented it ... and further shows that having a discussion with a great mind such as yourself can only bring more anisotropy and confirmation of certain phenomena like the restructuring of a battery would seem similar as restructuring frozen water :

                    just an example :

                    this one is extra because it is quite beautiful (imho )

                    you can also check out Romo's Work with Ice ... he made some fantastic images ( will try to find them ... in this thread ) as well as Dave45 adn Indianaboys

                    see also : ( came before this thread )
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 11:52 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Born from the perspective that crystal structure in the new battery is clean and pure which should be represented in the signal emitted from the crystal structure of the new battery.
                      it is a new version of an "old" biological experiment .... very well thought of Llynch

                      now unto our Nobel Price Winner:

                      Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation

                      A Nobel Prize winning biologist has ignited controversy after publishing details of an experiment in which a fragment of DNA appeared to 'teleport' or imprint itself between test tubes.

                      According to a team headed by Luc Montagnier, previously known for his work on HIV and AIDS, two test tubes, one of which contained a tiny piece of bacterial DNA, the other pure water, were surrounded by a weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz.

                      Eighteen hours later, after DNA amplification using a polymerase chain reaction, as if by magic the DNA was detectable in the test tube containing pure water.
                      note: looks to me that a zone of activation was created then the dna transfer was accomplished

                      and also the weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz used is actually close to Schumann resonances:

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • from:

                        I have to admit that i Loved this book for the inspiration it brings and for the following :

                        we spent many pages talking about Quartz / Silicon

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        here is an interesting find :


                        SON OF THE SUN
                        by Orfeo Angelucci

                        DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers
                        516 WEST NINTH STREET Los
                        A NGELES 15, CALIFORNIA 1959


                        this book has more a feel of an Alchemical Book to it than a UFO encounter ( imho ) ..... been engrossed in this book since we discussed it .... would recommend it as a good read for it has many beautiful truth within it

                        “We find that all material is wealth, and all spirit is material
                        understanding. Man thinks that gold is the noble metal, but he
                        will learn that gold is worthless, and that silicon,
                        the most
                        abundant mineral, is also the most priceless, for it will give him
                        not only crystal functions, but plastic strengths. There we see
                        another aspect of Purpose—
                        --------------- Transistor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The first silicon transistor was produced by Texas Instruments in 1954.[13] This was the work of Gordon Teal, an expert in growing crystals of high purity, who had previously worked at Bell Labs.[14] The first MOS transistor actually built was by Kahng and Atalla at Bell Labs in 1960
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • My mind has learned a new trick with that pendulum map.
                          But this is what I came up with after spending time with it.

                          8 circles
                          Transitioning from d4/n3 toward d3/n4.
                          Towards increasing complexity as well as crossing the zero/O line.
                          (this is likely not correct, but feels like it is leading me to the perspective)
                          I appreciate the nudge.

                          A long time ago I experimented with some plants on the back deck. Learned the hard way that too much water was not good for them.
                          The new system that is in place makes sure that they don't get over watered, at least I hope so.
                          My one and only jaunt into biology, but plants are nice and learning is fun.
                          Last edited by llynch; 06-30-2012, 12:15 AM.


                          • Originally posted by llynch View Post
                            My mind has learned a new trick with that pendulum map.
                            But this is what I came up with after spending time with it.

                            8 circles
                            Transitioning from d4/n3 toward d3/n4.
                            Towards increasing complexity as well as crossing the zero/O line.
                            (this is likely not correct, but feels like it is leading me to the perspective)
                            I appreciate the nudge.
                            the beauty of this table is that it reveals many patterns of "evolution" .... for instance check out d4n6

                            you have also noticed that whenever d = n ( applicable only for 1 to 7 ) you end up with 0 but if you have anisotropy or d<n or d>n then the Patterns start to appear

                            ps : 6 + 4 = HM 1

                            A long time ago I experimented with some plants on the back deck. Learned the hard way that too much water was not good for them.
                            The new system that is in place makes sure that they don't get over watered, at least I hope so.
                            My one and only jaunt into biology, but plants are nice and learning is fun.
                            Plants are your best teacher ... if you pay close attention to them ... they will always be a way for them to signal to you that they had too much water or too little water .... electro culture is also a field worth exploring

                            I think the following article will show that you are on the right track of exploration

                            Scientists urge new approaches to plant research

                            In a paper published this week in the journal Science, a Michigan State University professor and a colleague discuss why if humans are to survive as a species, we must turn more to plants for any number of valuable lessons.

                            "Metabolism of plants provides humans with fiber, fuel, food and therapeutics," said Robert Last, an MSU professor of biochemistry and molecular biology. "As the human population grows and nonrenewable energy sources diminish, we need to rely increasingly on plants and to increase the sustainability of agriculture."

                            However, Last and co-author Ron Milo of the Weizmann Institute of Science point out that despite decades of plant genetic engineering, there are relatively few types of commercial products originating from this body of work.

                            "This is in part because we do not understand enough about the vastly complex set of metabolic reactions that plants employ," Last said. "It's like designing and building a bridge armed only with satellite images of existing bridges."

                            The authors say that perhaps the best approach is to bring together a variety of disciplines – not just plant scientists – to study how plants operate.

                            They also suggest looking hard at what brought plants to the place they are today – evolution.

                            "We think that understanding design principles of plant metabolism will be aided by considering how hundreds of millions of years of evolution has led to well-conserved examples of metabolic pathways," Last said.
                            "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

                            Last said.[/QUOTE]

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Initially I was only seeing each pattern of the 7 by 9 grid as the pattern created by the helical motion of vibration. Omission of attenuation/propagation and duality blinded me.

                              The crop circle shows the duality, in a three dimensional way.
                              The pendulum map does as well, but in a two dimensional way.

                              Proper translation of the duality from three dimension to two dimension shows the correct pendulum pattern (thanks )

                              My mental image of the galaxy being inverted didn't help the effort much either.

                              But when attenuation/propagation is accounted for, the direction is pretty clear in the pendulum map.

                              Speaking of Helical motion. This cropcircle speaks volumes on the expression of increasing and decreasing complexity of fractal branching.

                              The Spiral respresents many things, for instance the actual path of the sun as it rotates around the galaxy.

                              The white circle containing a dark one indicating duality of the upper half of sine wave (two dimensional rise and fall).

                              The white circle with no dark one, indicating transition of the zero line.

                              The dark circles same as the white ones but the lower half of the sine wave.

                              The big dark circle with its special friend along side... shows rotation and direction. It is kinda like the backbone of a fractal branch.

                              Same for planets around a star, moon around a planet. In the transition to the next scale, the medium changes through which the pattern is expressed.

                              Anisotropy would be a much easier word to use.

                              Thanks again M. for the nudge/perspective challenge, it helped me resolve an unknown perspective road block.

                              The inversion of the last quote is beautiful.

                              Growing up I spent a lot of time helping my dad in his greenhouses. There was a period of time where he showed me how plants do not need soil to grow(nutrient water/gel), nor is a plant seed needed(single cell in gel media).

                              Years later, finding out that plants can also grow in complete darkness using only the flow of energy via risers, plates and ground rods just blew me away.

                              Recently my dad expressed an angered concern over the public announcement of a very prominent water rights purchase. It is interesting his concern over water brought to mind him telling me as a fresh teenager that I should start a bottled water company. At the time it was a silly notion, bottled water puhlease, it is every where for free.

                              Then the recent announcement about a prominent water rights purchase occurred. This brought to mind my dads words. Controlling water is important it seems. But the impression is that the control will succumb to pressure. Then focus will be given removal of pollution instead of control. Regardless though, the plants will thrive... they have a knack for being able to use all kinds of waters. Bamboo is a perfect example of thriving and noting energy flow.
                              Last edited by llynch; 06-30-2012, 01:53 PM.


                              • Originally posted by llynch View Post
                                Regardless though, the plants will thrive... they have a knack for being able to use all kinds of waters. Bamboo is a perfect example of thriving and noting energy flow.

                                and Thus spoke the "old man of the Mountain"


                                Be like a Bamboo tree .... read on .... Presentation Zen: Be like the bamboo: 7 lessons from the Japanese forest
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

