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The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus applied to electromagnetism

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  • Linking Patterns

    from :

    The Queen's Chamber

    a re post resonating with the previous one :

    a bit of star gazing forecast

    Starwatch: The July night sky | Science | The Guardian

    The Summer Triangle formed by Deneb, Altair and Vega dominates the high SE sky at our star map times, with Vega blazing only a little S of the zenith. Of the other leading stars, Arcturus is sinking in the W and Capella twinkles low in the N in the region where noctilucent clouds are making their annual appearance. Hovering above the horizon between the NW and NE, these are composed of ice crystals at high altitudes where they catch the sunlight to shine like bluish cirrus long after low level clouds are in darkness.

    We need binoculars to glimpse Mercury in the bright WNW twilight during the first few evening of July, but it soon dims and sinks from sight.

    Mars and Saturn are still on show in the lower SW sky though both have set by our map times. Saturn, mag 0.7 to 0.8, is slow-moving 5° above Spica in Virgo, the pair standing some 20° high and 30° below Arcturus as the twilight fades. Mars lies 24° right of Saturn on the 1st and dims from mag 0.9 to 1.1 as it speeds eastwards to lie 8° to the W of both Saturn and Spica on the 31st. Catch the Moon below Mars on the 24th and close to Spica on the 25th.

    With Venus and Jupiter now together in our predawn sky, early risers are in for a treat. Ninety minutes before sunrise on the 1st, Jupiter is conspicuous at mag -2.0 but very low in the ENE where it stands 6° below the Pleiades. Over the coming minutes the brilliant mag -4.4 Venus climbs into view 5° below Jupiter. During the month, the two planets climb higher before dawn, while Venus slips farther away from Jupiter as both track eastwards against the stars of Taurus. The 15% illuminated waning Moon joins the show on the 15th, occulting Jupiter for watchers in SE England, as Venus stands 7° below and to their left and less than 3° to the left of Aldebaran.

    July diary

    1st 03h Mercury farthest E of Sun (26˚)

    3rd 20h Full moon

    11th 03h Last quarter

    15th 04h Moon 0.5˚ N of Jupiter; 16h Moon 4˚ N of Venus

    19th 05h New moon

    24th 23h Moon 4˚ S of Mars

    25th 18h Moon 1.2˚ S of Spica; 20h Moon 6˚ S of Saturn

    26th 10h First quarter

    28th 21h Mercury in inferior conjunction; 22h Moon 5˚N of Antares

    *Times are BST

    If you pay attention to the Name of the Stars in the Southern View ..... you maybe surprised to recall that we have just talked about similar names ( Language of the Birds )

    example : ORPHIUCUS as in orfeo angelucci

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • a beautiful video of nature and some nice music :

      2012 IS STRANGE Part 40 MAY JUNE * - YouTube

      Published on Jun 3, 2012 by 2011MESSAGE

      2012 IS STRANGE Part 40 : Footages from May and june 2012
      My serie include strange phenomena of all kind and awesome natural events or beautiful phenomena . Enjoy ! Always checking hard for sources
      music 1 : Akira Yamaoka - Maternal Heart (Moth Equals Remix)
      music 2 : Plaid - Eyen
      music 3 : Moth Equals - Ghosts
      ps: watch the purple Moon

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2012, 05:01 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • the following two Patterns are directly related ( originally found in the previously posted vid on strange phenomena )

        The Disappearing....Reappearing Moon ~ early morn May 17, 2012 - YouTube

        Thankfully, my husband and I had awoken early this morning and as he was sitting with the back door open smoking a cigarette he noticed the moon looked very strange. At first he wasn't even sure it was the moon because only a small piece was visible. When he told me to come look I grabbed my camera first and began shooting as soon as I saw it. We (mostly I) was amazed at what I was seeing. If clouds are causing this, those were the blackest clouds I've ever seen to cause no light to shine through. And would it cause the moon to turn purple?

        If anyone knows what this is caused by, please do tell. But I've never seen anything like this in my life!


        Last month's solar flare created a mysterious 'pulse' on Earth that seemed to 'answer' sun's blast | Mail Online

        Last month's solar flare created a mysterious pulse on Earth that seemed to 'answer' sun's blast
        Neutron monitors around world 'lit up' despite relatively small size of flare

        twilight Zone ...isn't ;D
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Language and Numbers

          MonsieurM - Thank you so very much. You are like an Oracle such fascinating stuff. Will take me a while to get my head around the details. I'm still trying to work out myself how language works to change your mind & or biology (being interested in sound therapy) re. your point about language activating alkaline in DNA. But it would mean that your DNA has to already be programmed with the language to understand the coding. Also I wonder how this works with different languages and also if you spoke two or more languages. I'd be interested on further thoughts of the alkaline changes, chemical changes? My thoughts are that we are affected by ancient languages such as Sanskrit as these effect things like the Chladni patterns Resonance Phenomena in 2D on a Plane - YouTube thus rearranging atomic structures within us and we are also changed by languages that cause the tongue to be positioned in certain parts of the mouth, e.g. "La" on the roof of the mouth touches a (reflex?) point connected to the pineal gland, so I understand. This could then be applied to all languages. Or are you referring more to NLP Neurolinguistic programming? Many Thanks.

          Llynch Thank you so much for this. It has helped steer me. I really needed this and immediately (although I have many saved sites on the chakras) found this one which is much better than any I had seen previously Chakra Meanings, Realigning, Unblocking, Balancing Chakras (for anyone not familiar with these) I know that I need to work on my solar plexus chakra and had been directed to citrine, intuitively taking golden rod and recently drawn to Marigold tea. So that gives me focus. Wonderful! Good advice, I keep a written record of names & links so that I can look into later and refer to. Thank you.
          Last edited by Stellar3; 07-02-2012, 06:03 PM.


          • Hidden within any language as you may have seen with the various " guitar playing " with the sacred books ..... 3 6 9 / Fibonacci series will always be hidden within ....your source

            you live in a Fractal Multiverse .... so it would stand Logic .... that the language be a reflection of this Multiverse .... ie All is analogy

            it helps to drink Alkaline Water .... as Cayce and this discussion mentions quite often ...... Alkaline Water / food to help activating alkaline in DNA ... of course in the right dosage

            Sodium bicarbonate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate is the chemical compound with the formula NaHCO3. Sodium bicarbonate is a white solid that is crystalline but often appears as a fine powder. It has a slightly salty, alkaline taste resembling that of washing soda (sodium carbonate). The natural mineral form is nahcolite. It is a component of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in many mineral springs.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2012, 06:30 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • a repost from:

              another re post to get the thought across

              from: Before It's News

              Change your body from 'Acidic' to 'Alkaline'; according to Cancer specialist Dr. Leonard Coldwell, this alone will stop cancer from growing.
              Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that every cancer can be cured within 16 weeks. Dr. Coldwell states how that's possible in this video.
              Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell - YouTube


              I just wanted to mention this for the curious mind and important ...For most of the research done on medical use of electromagnetic waves; one aspect has been overlooked and that is to obtain optimal results such as in the use of Violet rays....the Antenna / the patient has to have followed an Alkaline Diet...In this research I have found that Alkaline Water and Diet enhances the healing aspect of the body.

              ---------------------from a previous post

              According to Marcel:

              This structuring is best assayed with a UV spectro-photometer where one finds an increase in UV absorption due to an increase in the water bonding from the water forming chains on itself. The magnetic moment of this structured water is increased by 0.07 gauss and there is also an increase in the pH and dielectric conductivity.
              sorry for the repetition;

              key word quartz

              Edgar Cayce often recommended animated ash and ultra-violet light therapy for persons suffering from cancer. The readings stated that the animated ash would increase the oxygen in the body and assist the immune system in fighting the cancer.
              " Animated ash was a form of bamboo that was reduced to activated charcoal by means of a partial vacuum electrical carbon arc process. The resulting ash (alkaline ) was taken internally

              Cayce’s dietary recommendations for cancer tended to follow several key themes:

              • Eat a diet that tends to produce a balanced pH in the system with
              a tendency towards alkalinity.

              Imagine a medical tool where you take a UV laser pointer or violet ray and place a healthy cell , like stem cells, contained in a quartz lens and then shoot the UV laser through it, which would carry the healthy information in the beam, to heal sick people .
              so to increase the UV effect, an Alkaline diet would be recommended

              Cancer Healing & Spirituality (4): Edgar Cayce on Cancer Causes and Treatment (2)

              Fact: The miracle water of Lourdes, France had a pH of 9.5.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • ps : I am no Oracle ..... more like a Pattern Seeker .... in a fractal Multiverse ..... Imagine then how that makes one feel ...... grain of sand comes to mind

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • from :

                  Excellent vid cplouffe .... it becomes obvious when you hear him explain ..... got to finish watching it ..... Thank you again

                  watch the vid ... you'll understand 3 6 9 playing behind the scene

                  Hidden within any language as you may have seen with the various " guitar playing " with the sacred books ..... 3 6 9 / Fibonacci series will always be hidden within ....your source
                  Originally posted by cplouffe View Post
                  Some thoughts on mixing Walter Russell’s cosmology and Rodin’s Vortex Math. I watched this video by Jamie Buturff and decided to make one of the paper devices.

                  The Solfeggio are Family Number Groups

                  The Solfeggio are Family Number Groups - Not Frequencies 2/2 - YouTube You may need to watch to see what I'm talking about.

                  So after making one, I felt like I should try and match it to Walter Russell’s cubed wave field. So I opened up the device and put them together to form a cube. I needed 6 and they all fit together nicely. It is interesting to see the #s line up with 9 on ever spot that Walter mentions where a sphere should be. All the 3s and 6s(on the underside of the flaps of fortune teller) come together in the middle of the cube to all touch and create another 9 or another sphere. (48 9s to be exact = 432 )

                  Posting as links because of image size.

                  So then I took Rodin’s family # groups and fingerprint of god and matched them to Walter Russell’s 0-1-2-3-4 0 4-3-2-1-0 of creation. So where the 9 shows up for Rodin we would get the doubly charged sphere. Maybe the 0s on each end are the 3s and 6s because they alternate. Alternating + – per Rodin but could be generation/radiation for WR. Thoughts?

                  So the 124 – 875 would be the wound up parts of the locked potentials. With the 9 or 4-0-4 (same thing?) In the middle.


                  Just throwing out ideas to see what fits. So I wanted to be able to follow the doubling circuit (octave geometry) with the Rodin node points on top of the cube. After switching around the 1,8,4,5 I was able to get something. I could then follow the 124 emanation 875. It created spiral arms around the cube just like the Walter Russell 4 rivers of light.

                  Then I marked where 3 and 6 could be and long that line it seems to alternate just like in VM. So I have no idea what it means…. But it is food for thought.


                  I also took the sequence and added it to Walter’s wave and formula of locked potentials.


                  So I wanted to submit this to see if there are any correlations. Is it just cute?
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Essentia bottle water has a 9.5ph

                    Essentia Water: Enhanced water for healthy, active lifestyles.


                    • found a vid by the same author linking:

                      The A=432Hz Chakra Tones Explained - YouTube

                      A = 432 Hertz Cymatics - YouTube

                      from :

                      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                      although 440 Hz is not the natural Frequency 432 Hz is 4 + 3 + 2 = 9

                      440Hz to 432Hz

                      From: Anahata Nada

                      Chakras and the Natural Number series

                      Natural Number Series defined

                      Many years ago I was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus of flowering plant in a remote mountainous area, being pollinated by bees called by the plants by their emission of a distinct humming sound. After recording the television documentary, I checked the frequency of the fundamental frequency generated by the plants and found it to be 432 Hertz, or cycles per second. This prompted me to place small battery powered sound generators in the flower beds on my farm where I kept bee hives, and to discovering a whole new world of plant and bee intelligence.

                      All life used to live in synergy, and still strives to, despite the decimation of the environment by humankind. This interdependence establishes harmony on the physical and spiritual planes, each life form being dependent on the other. The eradication of a species creates an irreplaceable void which nature tries to balance as best it can, but usually, this leads often to further extinction of other species because a fundamental link in the material life form and spiritual chain has been destroyed.

                      The Natural Number series is formed by adding a succeeding number to the previous root number, and is as follows :

                      0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377 … and so on. In other words, 5+8=13, 8+13=21, 21+13=34 etc. If one divides one number by another, one gets a ratio, 89/144= 0.618, or, 144/89 = 1.618, and, 144/233=0.618.

                      This ratio, known variously as the golden section, golden mean or divine proportion, can be found everywhere in nature. It is represented by a rectangle in which the width compared to the length, is in the same proportion as the length compared to the sum of the width and length; i.e. "the smaller is to the larger, as the larger is to the whole". This sequence will be found in genetics and geometry, snail shells and in the growth formations of plants and other life forms, including the proportions of the human body.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-02-2012, 09:03 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Ban (law) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

                        B♭ (B-flat; also called si bémol) is the eleventh semitone of the Western chromatic scale (starting from C).

                        It lies a diatonic semitone above A and a chromatic semitone below B, thus being enharmonic to A♯ although in some musical tunings, B♭ will have a different sounding pitch than A♯.

                        When calculated in equal temperament with a reference of A above middle C as 440 Hz, the frequency of the B♭ above middle C is approximately 466.164 Hz. See pitch (music) for a discussion of historical variations in frequency.

                        While orchestras tune to an A provided by the oboist, wind ensembles usually tune to a B-flat provided by a tuba, horn, or clarinet.

                        In Germany, Russia, Poland and Scandinavia this pitch is designated B, with 'H' used to designate the B-natural. Since the 1990s, B flat is often denoted Bb or "Bess" instead of B in Swedish music textbooks. Natural B is called B by Swedish jazz and pop musicians, but still denoted H in classical music. See B (musical note) for an explanation.

                        let's find out what B flat is under an A432 HZ

                        440 Hz => 466.164 ( 9 666 = HM 9 )

                        442 Hz => x

                        so x = 466.164 * 442 / 440 = 468.282927 Hz = 48 = 12 = HM 3

                        Bflat using the A432Hz = 468.282927 Hz = HM 3

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Using the harmonic spreadsheet I calculated sub-harmonics for:
                          Classic Tuning = 432hz
                          "Standard Tuning = 440hz
                          La = 852hz
                          Sol = 741hz
                          Fa = 639hz
                          Mi = 528hz
                          Re = 417hz
                          Ut = 396hz

                          Of those the only ones that had all three sub-harmonics of 3hz, 6hz and 9hz are:
                          Classic Tuning = 432hz
                          Ut = 396hz

                          1hz becomes 2(432hz & 396hz) becomes 3(3hz,9hz & 6hz)
                          from the three become the thousands. (if the interaction of these three freq. were iteratively plotted out, it would probably look very much like what could be called the 'Prime Fractal')

                          It may be that Tesla just swapped the 6 and 9.
                          9 being the zero line (from a Rodin math perspective).
                          3 and 6 represent two sinewaves 90 degrees out of phase.

                          The pendulum patterns show width contraction on both the circles and vesica pisces as the pattern complexity increases.
                          The length of the circles increases as the width decreases.
                          The length of the vesica pisces shrinks as the width decreases.

                          It fits, just can't see it yet. Maybe someone else can.... may have just clicked!
                          The answer lies in the fact that the vesica pisces does not appear until a certain complexity is reached.
                          I believe the 3, 9, 6 applies to both circles and the vesica pisces... but oppositely of each other. wow.

                          Thought that was an interesting find to share.

                          more correctly stated 1 become two (1/3 & 2/3) which become 1/3, 2/3 and the remaining '1' designated as 9, 9 (1) being the connection to that from which 1 arose.
                          Last edited by llynch; 07-03-2012, 12:47 PM. Reason: Correction of statement:


                          • thank you Llynch .... a question

                            what about Fa = 639hz ..... is it based on A440 hz or A432hz

                            oops it seems i calculated for 442 hz instead of 432 hz

                            x = 466.164 * 432 / 440 = 457.688291 = 4 + 5 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 2 + 9 + 1 = 50

                            reposting the table ..... for ref .... you are talking about column 1 or n=1 going from n1 d1 to n1 d9

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-03-2012, 12:23 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • This is going to be fun: use the principle of correspondence ( use of gold in Ayurvedic medicine )

                              Researchers propose gold and DNA based dark matter detector

                     -- One of the precepts of scientific theory is that at some point, physical evidence should become available to prove it true. In physics this is an ongoing process in many areas of study, one of which is the detection and measurement of so called dark matter. Most astrophysicists agree it exists, yet no one has been able to definitively prove it though the presentation of physical evidence. While there are some ongoing projects attempting to do just that, the results have not been strong enough to offer proof. To overcome that problem a team of physicists and biologists have proposed a new type of detector based on a thin sheet of gold with many strands of DNA dangling below. The idea the team says in its paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, is to follow the path of a gold nucleus after being struck by a dark matter particle as it makes its way through strands of DNA, severing them as it goes.

                              ----------------- I love synchronicity

                              Scientists discover bees can 'turn back time,' reverse brain aging

                              ( -- Scientists at Arizona State University have discovered that older honey bees effectively reverse brain aging when they take on nest responsibilities typically handled by much younger bees. While current research on human age-related dementia focuses on potential new drug treatments, researchers say these findings suggest that social interventions may be used to slow or treat age-related dementia.

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • at the 852nd harmonic:

                                classic tuning 432hz = 0.507042254
                                Standard tuning 440hz = 0.516431925
                                La 852hz = 1
                                Sol 741hz = 0.86971831
                                Fa 639hz = 0.75
                                Mi 528hz = 0.61971831
                                Re 417hz = 0.48943662
                                Ut 396hz = 0.464788732

                                In reference to the pendulum pattern grid. left to right (in general) and above the O's the vesica pisces (in general) gets shorter and thinner, circles get longer and thinner.

                                One becomes 2 becomes 3
                                d1/n1 becomes d1/n2 or d2/n6 etc. become d2/n3 or d4/n6.

                                Dividing 1 by 1/3 and 2/3 leaves 1/1 which is the 9 (this is a really weird part that is hard to understand. but it defines the polarity(duality) while treating each piece as a whole)
                                Its like the flow is always broken into a specific number of flows three defining one side, six defining the other. Each individual flow being treated a whole number as it is a different whole flow.
                                1/1 = 1 (9 is likely used to notate that it occured after the division, or signifies a looping back to the original one)
                                1/3 = 3
                                2/3 = 6

                                the 3 and 6 are the duality, the inverted equal opposites.
                                Last edited by llynch; 07-03-2012, 01:05 PM.

